Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tom MacDonald: "The System"

 Youtube won't let me share some videos on here, or maybe it's Google. Here's the original video. I couldn't embed it.  The video is the same song with the lyrics from it. Tom MacDonald is a controversial rapper. I wish he avoided the tattoos, giant eyeballs in the sky and weird contacts, but I like his raps. He is a rarity in questioning the NWO, Covid, and other issues I talk about on this board. People who question the system are rare. Some may say he's a shill too, but for now I'm going with the music and the lyrics. This song really hit home, because I think about life on this planet and how we are all set up for a system that doesn't work for us. Many of us ask those questions why is humanity so controlled by an evil few and why are people suppressed into lives of despair? The prison planet people ask a few of these questions and of course these are things that have been examined in different religions and modes of spirituality. The system is becoming more oppressive. People have lost communities, identity and purpose. We are being set up to be even more cogs in the wheel. Be aware, some "woke" liberal friends will really really hate this guy. He's right they are using race, and everything else they can to divide people. "Divide and conquer" and tons of indoctrination to serve the "system". Human misery is growing. They have used materalism to destract and control. Well go ahead and watch the video, and tell me what you think of his message. Mr. Peep does not like Tom MacDonald and says he is "too alt-right". Most of his fan base is on the right, maybe us politically homeless too, but I think he has a lot of important stuff to say. 

Update: I'm a little weary of connections Tom MacDonald has like recently with Ben Shapiro. Kind of worried Mr. Peep was right about him a little bit. :(


  1. Hi Peeps,
    I was knocked out by this! Thanks for sharing it. I'm curious what Mr. Peeps thinks he gets wrong here? Or elsewhere? I went on to listen to many of his other raps, which I found to be equally right on. So I guess I would say I find him to be "alt-right-on!" Although I'm not sure about the "alt-right" part. I agree that things are very confusing and upside-down politically, Peeps, as is most everything else.
    I got a kick out of him wearing a giant tinfoil hat in another video, and had a shopping basket with a tag written, "tinfoil $500."
    Also enjoyed the line, "the problem with your "natural immunity" is that it's for free!"
    Also, "this is a race war, you need to hate more, get what you came for, get some xanex, so you can escape more ..."
    Seems like this guy is a modern day Troubadour, at least as far as what is going on currently, inside American Culture, and its "Solar System." He seems to indeed have his fingers placed firmly on the pulse of it.
    I have been "studying up" on the WHO thing and the powers that be surrounding it, and it's had me down. I was going to comment on a few items here, but am trying to get some other things square in my head. I have to say, I too am tired after Covid. I feel like I've been studying for three years already, and deserve a rest now. But I guess there's more BS ahead to wade through.

    1. Hi Chelle,

      Glad you liked it. I saw some of his older videos yesterday there's some great ones. He even raps.against the ones who "sell their souls" to the system. Always wondered about that. If he is truly independent all the best to him. Mr. Peep needs to hear more of his songs. There's a few I plan to share LOL

      I find him "alt-right on too". He questions the right some too, I'm out of the political arena as you know. Both right and left are screwing us over though I find it interesting Rand Paul [libertarian?] had his office burn down after working on official prosecution of that monster Fauci. Yes things are very confusing now, the system is crashing IMO, the corruption and evil with Covid and in the world has reached new heights. He has good lines, they want to increase hate and division. Oh check out "Be a Man", wish every Millennial dude would hear that song. Which one had the tinfoil in it, don't think I have seen that one, but would like to. I know I am a "conspiracy [reality] theorist. Good line with immunity, well they are ruining that in the vaxxed. Can't believe I know people still lining up. He definitely is a Traboudour warning about what is going on. Did you hear about that country song, "Try that in a small town", all the liberals going nuts, well maybe people don't want their small town overrun with crime. What's wrong with standing up against crime? Some places you wish people had the balls to run the crooks out of town. I live in small towns to avoid crime, saw too much of the other type of life. Some are safer than others of course. Yeah I am tired after Covid too. Some friend in my old small town says she got it, but hard to tell. Hope people are just getting colds and flus and PCR is telling them lies, she never went to hospital. I think some illness definitely real you had something that was not a cold or flu but not sure what is happening now. I still have been hiding out/masked. Think I was too scared to get it, with bad health problems. Yeah the WHO thing is upsetting, one world govt stuff, all stuff I used to warn about on old bible conspiracy blog is happening. Don't comply/civil disobedience. We didn't vote for them. Our country was supposed to never be a slave to globalist organizations. Hope things stay more sane where you are at too.

      Seems like this guy is a modern day Troubadour, at least as far as what is going on currently, inside American Culture, and its "Solar System." He seems to indeed have his fingers placed firmly on the pulse of it.
      I have been "studying up" on the WHO thing and the powers that be surrounding it, and it's had me down. I was going to comment on a few items here, but am trying to get some other things square in my head. I have to say, I too am tired after Covid. I feel like I've been studying for three years already, and deserve a rest now. But I guess there's more BS ahead to wade through.

    2. Hey check this one out...

    3. Hi Peeps,
      I've been looking for the video with the tingoil hat, haven't found it yet. I looked at many that day. On the above youtube, I get the message, "page not found, try adjusting your filters" . Could you give me a clue what it is so I could find it another way?

    4. I'll look around maybe it's the New World Order video, thats where I think I saw it myself. Thanks Chelle.

  2. Hi again Peeps,
    About that country song, "Try that in a small town," I didn't see anything wrong with it. Buddy Brown did a commentary on it, said "I don't call 911 out here if we have a problem, I am 911!" Talked about his neighbor in his cowboy boots armed to the teeth would come to his rescue, and he his. And I think therin lies the problem. This constant guilt-shaming and clutching of pearls over supposed racism from certain factions of the left are as clear as a pane-glass window. They don't want anyone getting on their high horse and talking about "handling things" on their own. They want this forboden to even think or speak of. Whatever happened to the spirit of "Let's Roll!"

    1. Maybe some of the inner city areas, should start taking their neighborhoods back, but then places like Chicago, outlaw gun ownership for law abiding people so you can see how that goes. The gangs and crime rule. Yeah a lot of my friends on Twitter are all "outraged" by that song, but you know I'd rather have some neighbors able to come to my rescue rather then leave me at the mercy of the criminals. Ever hear the saying about police being just minutes away? Most crime is over by the time they arrive. Also out in the country, because things are so far away people have to learn to make do for themselves more. 911 could be half an hour a way. So they are 911 themselves. Id rather have neighbors and a real family looking out for me. This is probably one reason rural areas are "more conservative", and urban areas "more liberal". Why is everything about racism to them? There's white people who commit crimes against whites, etc. Guess they don't want anyone helping out. Oh we are supposed to let all our neighborhoods go to hell. Well I don't even feel I have a "neighborhood" people so disconnected.
