Friday, September 27, 2024

Was I right about Cushings?

 Well now, they have discovered I have an adrenal adenoma.

I got a CT scan done for the kidney infection, that's how they found it.

My house call doctors did put Cushings on my list of diagnoses after I showed them paperwork dating back to the early 2000s with my high cortisols, during times I wasn't on any steroids.

I'm supposed to get a scan in some months to make sure it's not growing. It could be asymptomatic, but I'm supposed to go to the endocrinologist too now. 

My adrenals tested with seven times the hormones in 2003. This was with me being on blood pressure medicine, that shocked my doctor at the time, but they never arrived at any conclusions about it.

I wrote several times on this board about my suspicions I had Cushings. It's been so many years. I'm old now, it's kind of late in the day.

I do wonder if my bladder and kidney system is dying, I'm on my third UTI/Kidney infection in 2-3 months. My bladder always feels like it's going to burst and like it hurts. Incontinence sucks too. I don't pee myself during the day, it's always at night, because then some fluid starts coming off my body. There's going to be a lot of forthcoming visits to the Urologist. Something "down there is" is wrong. 

Doctors have gotten more mercy for me, in realizing there's a LOT of problems. 

My weight last week was 482. 

My articles about Cushings and/or having Cushings:


  1. may seem a weird thing to say but you actually have something they can put a name to !!!

    1. thanks, I appreciate it. I knew I had something very wrong then. I have told them I think the kidney stones and rest have a root cause over the years.
