Saturday, June 15, 2024

Time Traveling Liberal Has His Mind Blown

 I don't agree with all of JPs politics. He's a Republican, pretty hard on self reliance, which is good if you are rich or at least comfortable but not disabled. However he is right about how today's liberals have changed. I don't recognize liberalism anymore. What do they stand for anymore? WWIII? Endless slavery to Big Pharm and getting blood clots from mRNA vaccines? He's got it right comparing what liberals USED TO BELIEVE compared to today. Well that Overton Window pushed everyone to where the controllers wanted them to be. In my opinion, we have a Uniparty. 

This commenter summed things up well...

"The myth is that either party is anti-corporate, supports free speech, etc. Both parties are just chipping away at different rights while we sit here bickering; soon we will have none."

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