art by me....
Separation From the World
some of us never were meant to be here
a detour in the dimensions
our bodies rebelled against the earth itself
barely working
eating garlic bulbs to fight
some came for their soul mates
others on a mission
very few understand.
We grabbed for life anyway
even without belonging
Time was a circle not a line
The inner fire creates too much heat
the cool never get tired doing the dishes
with muscles obeying their brains
the office made sense
they had money and a place
and knew how to get things done.
the beatniks wore black and then
so did the goths
The social events of the year
another obedient child
with no fire inside
who does what they are told
No other rebel was born though
you begged for one.
just more generations of the plodding
The Ohio flatlands
formed sulfur ridden water
that made the coffee smell
The different born knowing
Ardath had her flowered teacups
pouring out to others
and embraced
the lost souls
We turned off our televisions
as the faces of perdition blurred
and kept their minds intact
come out from among them
and be ye separate
seeking the cool of the stream
those rocks and birds from childhood
the slow barely moving box turtle
dreams of another life in the convent
a mind running with God
Too many religions always wanting
to know what was true.
This is brilliant work!