Thursday, September 26, 2024

"Modern Diets Are Killing Us"--Article

 "Modern Diets Are Killing Us"

Yesterday I went to the farm stand to get some decent vegetables, and got butternut squash, these special small butternuts that are sweeter, pumpkin, 2 jars of pickled carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, garlic, a variety of peppers, Brussel sprouts and more. It's harder to get healthier food I can afford. To buy decent food we have to go on an over 12 mile trip to this farm stand and Aldi's. Health food ingredients are vaporizing off the shelves around here. Food also is very expensive. This place is definitely a "food desert", especially with two grocery stores close by that are overpriced. They are full of chips, sweets and sodas, but try finding cilantro, bean sprouts, and health food products, you won't. They got rid of them all. They run out of the few good products constantly too. Restaurants here are closing, it's bad, I would say it's at least 50 percent of them within 3 years. This is a good article that goes into the details of why our food is worsening, and its destructive to our health. Unless the MAHA movement plans to change some of the economic realities, their messages will be useless to Americans who end up buying things they can afford instead of really what they want or need.


  1. Living in a tourist area in the rural UK trying to get any worth eating food at a reasonoble price is virtually impossible all the farm shops are geared to Vegan tourists and the Coop supposedly member owned is double the price of any town supermarket

    1. Hi Kate, I know what you mean. We have a closer weekly "farmers market" but its so expensive, I can't afford anything there, thusly it's the 12 mile [24 mile round trip] to the farm/veggie stand. They sell to the wealthy at the farmers markets. I wish poor people had places to get food besides crappy fast food and most of us can't eat or afford that anymore. They need to bring back cafeterias like there were in the 1970s.
