Thursday, August 5, 2021

My Comments on the Video: "MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

 Things are getting scary out there. This video warns about totalitarianism in general but you can see the applications to what is going on right now. The trauma programming on society as a whole is bearing horrific fruit. It's not easy to go on your own Facebook and watch friends write that people without the v should be rounded up, harmed, denied jobs, sent to camps or even beaten up. What can someone say to that? In real life, I am looking for allies who believe and question all this and those who don't, while I will be friendly to them, I have nothing in common with them. The Covid stuff is like a religious cult, "the heretics" are to be slated for destruction and burning at the stake. People simply aren't thinking rationally anymore. Why should we trust the people who let this virus be released [on purpose or accidentally] with the "solution" they have in store?

 I find myself distancing myself from people who trust the system on Covid.  Part of me thinks "Let it blow over and then you can go back to normal" but now will anything ever be normal again?  I try to be forgiving of people's errors and have empathy for people being afraid and working with whatever knowledge they have, but can you imagine being in a group, afraid to be who you are? Afraid to speak out? There's no authenticity there.

 I recently told someone, the fundamentalist world became a hell pit to me, but the liberal world is just as dogmatic just in a different way. I am one of those people probably slated for a hard life in following my own path and desiring to know what is true. Religion in general is often used as a control matrix for the powers that and sadly it can be every religion. 

 I see signs the ADE and weakened immune systems of the ones who did get the v are kicking in. I'm staying quiet. While I speak out for freedom where I can, safety concerns are real to me, and I regret telling 4  people who got the v, my present status, two had gotten side effects and I was trying to warn them. Two more were pushy and kept asking, and I gave in but then a non-answer would have been an answer too.

 One thing I am noticing is the news constantly contradicts, like they told people that the v would stop transmission and now are reporting it does not after millions signed up. Honestly what's the point if a vaccine won't stop transmission or infection? It's not a vaccine anyhow.  It's failing but no one is admitting the obvious.

They rewrote the definitions and even a few years earlier they would not have met basics standards. Think too about how when anything is new in the technology or medical world, it takes some years to work the kinks out, usually 5-10 years is the norm, and they expect everyone to line up sight unseen. The extreme bribery and pressure makes all of this suspect as hell. It's also proving itself to be ineffective. Add to that the confusion of "What are the real numbers?" when the PCR tests pick up every lousy cold and flu. I try to get to the real numbers, my local hospital only has 1 Covid person in ICU and there's 5 cases of hospitalized people. 

I believe the virus is real, but the social engineering, the propaganda, the low quality "vs", the contradictory "approved state news", confusion, fear, extreme financial pressures, break down of society and forced cutting of social connections has driven people to mental illness. I write about things here, but to survive, I have cut all mainstream news from my life-- the poison has been cast out of my life. I am compartmentalizing for survival, feeling driven to be someone who will speak out online but in real life, I am focusing on going to veggie stands, cooking, gardening, art projects and more. There's no groups I feel safe going to, from the v pressures, and my own worries about not wanting to wrongly be blamed if people get sick but there's part of the feeling I can't be me anyhow around them. I've lost friends simply from my hesitancy to rejoin society. I've stuck with Zoom groups for the few that still offer them or were to remain remote for the long term in the first place. 

 As society and supply chains collapse, vulnerable disabled people probably won't last very long, so let there be some enjoyable memories for whatever time is left. My social life is completely dead, though I've made efforts to meet local people who see through the nonsense, which has succeeded a little. People in general are disengaged, lonely, stressed out and depressed. It's weird to be a person who struggled with depression and anxiety though most of my life among mostly happy normal people to see everyone so much despair among the populace.

Things are setting up in a very scary way right now. Mass psychosis has taken over. In New York City now and Los Angeles they are banned un-v ed people from going into public spaces like restaurants and museums. In other countries like France, they are banning people from needed things like the grocery stores and hospitals. No one cares about medical exemptions, religious exemptions or any freedom anymore in America. I told my husband, if this happens to me locally maybe I could file a lawsuit under ADA because if I am not medically exempt then no one is but in the discussion, he said, "Would it even work?". Sadly the rule of law is breaking down, corruption has taken over. 

I believe the virus is real, but is a virus worth destroying our lives, our economy, and bringing things to the edge of collapse? And what of the long term problems with the vs? No one is thinking this out. I woke up watching blatant censorship online, of anyone who had adverse effects. Now I see people who I know in daily life, believing those with my viewpoints should be silenced, vilified and even destroyed. This is the pattern in history you see, it's happened before as the Mass Psychosis video illustrates. 

Things are going to get serious really quick. Read up on the numbers of who are on the edge of eviction. The labor shortage for low paid jobs, I think rests in the fact unemployment is still going but it's slated to end in a month. People are bowing out not wanting to risk being told they have to get the v, for their crappy low paid job without health insurance, or to be surrounded by the risks from the latest variants, or to get a job only to lose it, as yet another business fails. If you read up on the supply chains, those are essentially failing. 

Human rights for medical totalitarianism are being obliterated. Democracy is done in America. I warned for years on this blog even about the NDAA when they focused on "foreign terrorists" now the drive will be to focus on "domestic terrorists". I believe the day will come when they will criminalize speaking out against the Covid narrative at all. Even doing posts like this bring some risk. My life is such, that it occurs to me how it is unsafe to speak out. Other people who believe like me locally, we discuss our views only in privacy and we discuss how we have to be "careful" around people, when has this ever been true in America before? Many in those circles admit the virus is real too, though its hard to know the real numbers with the problems with PCR tests, and that some precautions are understandable. However this insanity is something else.  The mainstream "left" in America has abandoned every ideal they claimed to uphold. No one cares if you wear masks, or believe the virus is real, too, just like any cult, you must subscribe to everything.

Rulers and celebrities in America have been given a god-like status. The Dr. Fauci worship makes me want to puke, since when did a 80 something sociopath deserve such adulation? People post memes like the one I posted about the other day, bowing down before experts who have screwed up all our lives. 

One important sentence in this main video, is "The social transformation that unfolds in totalitarianism is built upon and sustained by delusions." I've written several times about the social engineering here, where "normal" is so far away as they dismantle the very foundations that sustain our lives on multiple levels as if every other illness has disappeared. Watching people hand their lives over and now even their children to the politicians and powers that be with nary a questions fills me with disgust but it's happened plenty of other times in history. We are on the edge of "mass suffering and social ruin" as the regressed and beaten down population hands their lives over to the billionaire class who profits and grows in power from all this.

One thing I have noted is how the "repressed population", won't talk about anything off the ranch, one is to remain positive at all times in the Covid cult, and not even dare to complain about what has been done to our lives. This is one main issue that may even separate me from my fellow UUs and others, there's no true discussions when they are controlled by totalitarian thought. Have there been times I've considered laying it all out? One wants to succeed when they "fight back" and one has to think of safety. What will work and what will make you just a target?

I've read enough books about WWII, about those who escaped and how they did so. I believe social ruin is coming, all the pieces are there. The economy is teetering on the edge. When I was in conspiracy I studied the warnings about planned depopulation and more, and to watch things unfold that I used to warn about in those circles, has brought me indescribable feelings, I have a hard time articulating.

One doesn't grow up with would be malignant narcissists and sociopaths without learning on the micro-cosm level how totalitarianism works, where everyone obeys and never questions. The ending of the exchange of free ideas, opinions, thoughts, concerns and the rest applied at home and now is the norm in America. It's interesting to me how gaslighting and double binds--[where contradictory information is shared for confusion] has been used for this whole mess. They want you confused, and scared. It is better to stand as a witness to the side analyzing it rather then getting caught up in the whirlwind. Fear is the eternal tool of the toxic as well as direct LYING. The people who believe the mainstream media think there's no way they ever could be lied to, and that's sad, such people are clueless about how the world works.

Menticide is an interesting word I never knew before, it sums this up too, a "killing of one's mind". For years, some academics warned about the use of propaganda in America, algorithims and more to control people's minds. Manipulation comes from both sides, the good cop/bad cop games, the Hegelian Dialectic games with the truth falling through the middle. The person on the right wing who believes it is all a hoax [there is some real virus out there causing problems] is manipulated as much as people on the left wing who think Fauci is their savior. They definitely worked on people especially since 9-11 and the war on terror.

Here is second sentence in the Mass Psychosis video that is very important: "Confusion, in other words, heightens the susceptibility of a descent into the delusions of totalitarianism, or as Meerloo explains: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot—it confuses those who think straight."

They are right that the propaganda where some news is "fake" and other problems did mess people's minds up. To approach all this logically, you do have to examine all things and be open to "new information", and know and admit that lies are a given. They are selling things to the masses but they are also using unease and confusion to keep it all humming. This is a way they can shut down any dissenters. They call the information given out by warning decent doctors and scientists misinformation. I was  told as I tried to warn people, that everything I said was fake. There was no breaking through to some of these people. The bible warned of great delusion in the last days, they will be handed over to delusion, I keep thinking about that verse. 

None of this would be possible without social media, I'm old enough to remember when there was more time to rest and reflect and when there was real conversation and more connection. Even stating this is a problem gets a strange reaction from people, they are totally enveloped into the internet world, the "matrix" being built for us, and no longer see reality, their very thoughts are influenced and manipulated. I obviously use technology but maintain a thought life outside of it, without that, maybe I would have been more easily sucked in. With this level of technology, even Goebbels could never have dreamed of this amount of control. 

The video goes on to talk about how normal social interactions are disrupted and people are made socially isolated. I've spent two years only seeing my husband for any real in person conversation outside of drop-offs by people wearing masks. That's taken a toll. With no word on the street to tell us reality beyond the controlled media, it's hard to even know what's going on. This serves our overlords to the max.

Prisoners and cult members were always put under silence and separated from each other so they could not converse. Remember freedom of assembly as a notable American freedom? Well Covid cancelled that one, for a long time in many heavy lock down states there were limits on the numbers of people who could even meet.  People are separated from each other. 

I wanted to warn others, and felt silenced in doing so, meeting on Zoom there was not one on one private conversation to bring up things to get people to think, they got swept away, the powerful and higher status people went with the status quo, and that's who people listened to.  If anything the people who see through this have been silenced and isolated in a way never seen before. Isolation allows for more conditioning. 

People then demand order and want those who don't conform punished and then line up to give more power to the ruling elite. The powers that be pile up the cash and demand even your own body and children's bodies be handed to an experiment now showing evidence of being ineffective and dangerous, and people follow. They want things to be returned to normal not realizing the carrot on the stick will now be swiped away and they will be asked for a 3rd, 4th and 5th boosters. Some shrug their shoulders saying it's no big deal that concerts and conferences are barred from their attendance, not realizing we have entered Revelation 13 territory where even the very obtainment of food will be in danger. Jobs are taken away all over for non-compliance. 

I agree with the video we have to free our own minds, and live in a way separate from all this as possible. I am asking myself how do I still find a life among the barrage that can have some joy, pleasure and truth in it. Spreading information that tells the truth and tries to break through some of the lies is important as well. I like the message about using ridicule and humor too. The mention of parallel societies and structures is also of interest to me. We may now be in the days where anything formal is compromised, and need our own social and other outreaches. I often have said we are far overdue for a new counter culture that will provide other ways of life and being as an option aside from a controlling and toxic society. We need to speak out against tyranny.


  1. I agree with everything you said! I kind of always thought that the T.V. and the internet were the beast. I mean everyone kind of worships their tech devices, and they speak!
    I also always think about that line "God will send a strong delusion so they will believe a lie", or something like that.
    I did always like academy of ideas videos. Thanks for the link.
    I want to find local like minded people. I have no idea how to do that. Kind of afraid to tell strangers what I think.
    Great post! There is always so much to say with your posts but they are so chock full of good stuff I can't remember it all by the time I'm done reading!
    Take care - Sue

    1. I saw this one preacher who had the theory that the internet/TV was the "image of the beast", I think both can be used for good don't get me wrong. It was interesting to say the least. Yeah the line about God will send a strong delusion so they will believe a lie, really means a lot to me, all what is happening is so full of lies, gaslighting, and the rest, I can't believe people are walking lock step with it all, and it's WORLD WIDE aka not one safe place on the planet which makes it all more suspect when it comes to bible prophecy. Remember I was schooled in all that stuff deep. I like the Academy of Ideas too. I figure in totalitarian times it's better to figure out who your allies are quick and whose "safe" and "not safe". Thank you Sue for your kind words.

  2. I'm actually questioning if people have not been thinking logically
    for a really long time. Like, since nine eleven. I don't really think I was thinking very logically until the past few years. I think I had been heading in that direction, but I think it took seeing how crazy a lot of people in my life were to wake me up and head down a more truthful and logical path.

    1. 9-11 is when the trauma programming began in earnest, remember how they used to replay it over and over and over again. Oh this other preacher said 9-11 was the two lampstands warned of in bible, not sure about that but never heard that theory. Seeing all this craziness has me questioning a lot trying to get to the core of things, using logic. I hate that they have hijacked the word Science to mean anything but.

  3. I also think there is something spiritual going on , and it says a lot about the condition of your soul whether you fall for all of this evil crap. I know some people I think are good people and I want to be generous about their deep motivations; but I have to admit most of the people I know who are really into the cult seem gone a bit spiritually.
    Maybe I'm being too judgmental, but it's something I have noticed.

    1. I think it is spiritual, I see and feel certain changes in people I can't get into detail on here. I wonder about the conditions of people's soul too. Some people seemed to be very good and nice people, and I too try to give people a break knowing how overwhelming the programming is, the emotion of fear, etc etc, but am surprised at many of the decisions and what they support. I am not sure what to make of it. I worry about being too judgmental too. Those who believe in the system, have had a chasm a mile wide open with me, and well that's not easy to contend with. I find myself quiet a lot.

  4. I've gotten really into meditating lately, because it's so hard to listen to the soul in this noisy battle. I need quiet time. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get out in my garden lately because of a shoulder problem. It is such a saving grace, gardening .

    1. Nature and gardening are both good for meditation and quiet moments like that. I hope your shoulder feels better soon!

  5. > "the news constantly contradicts, like they told people that the v would stop transmission and now are reporting it does not"

    Peep, the two articles you are linking to regarding virus transmission among the vaccinated are from before and after the Delta variant of the virus becoming widespread. This is a mutation that is much more contagious than the original virus, hence the difference. It's not contradiction, it's evolution. Still, those vaccinated that do get sick have mostly mild symptoms. The vaccines still protect most people from serious illness and death, which is the most important thing.

    It's also a warning that if large numbers of people remain unvaccinated, there is a greater chance that new variants of the virus emerge, which may prove even more dangerous.

    1. Thank you! A voice of reason!

    2. Thanks, Claudia, I'm glad it's appreciated.


  7. Hi Peep - I was thinking about an article or question you had once on your blog, about whether this earth was hell. I found this article the other day and I thought you might like it.
    If the link doesn't work then google, meeting the masters are we in hell now. I thought it was an interesting take on the subject. I don't know about the rest of the blog, but thought you might like that one thing.
    Hope you are well - Sue

    1. Hi Sue,

      I like that blog a lot, have a lot of reading to do. I do wonder if this earth is hell, I've read some very esoteric things, that talk about prison planet, Saturn/black cube. Probably some stuff too weird to discuss even here. LOL Religiously I do think of connection with "good God", "Grandfather" to one Native American tribe, I know mainstream religion of a vengeful, cruel punishing God who sends most to hell is not going to work with me. Looks like this blogger is kind of on the same track. I think of the "Creator god" of trillions of universes [remember as a UU, I can take things out of the typical religious scope]

      I think he is right about them wanting to enact hell on the physical plane. It's worsening too. I have met Christians who see this world as hell or have gotten into this "spiritual" arena as well. I see Jesus's teachings differently too. He is right about his kingdom not being of this world.

      This one was good too.

  8. Yes, thanks, That was good too!
