Monday, July 18, 2022

Is it Okay to Get Covid Over and Over Again?

Watching all these people live their lives feels like torture. When I used to have a life and activities that were local, I could deal with all these people around me going on their constant trips, having parties, visitors and more but now that I have no life outside of my marriage and visiting very few friends, my resentment seems to be growing. "Don't envy others", yes I know all spiritual paths insist on this. I just wish there was more people who related around me. I keep my mouth shut, I would just look like a bitch to snark on their fun lives and a few friends have taken well deserved trips and activities to see relatives they haven't seen in years, but sometimes I ask "Why me?".

Its good I get to see a few friends or I would lose my mind, even if I have been wearing masks around them. 

Why aren't Fauci, Baric and the rest of them in jail yet? If we had real rule of law in this nation, all these men would already be in jail.

It's occurred to me that I am talking to past community connections, acquaintances and activity friends, like a person that moved away two years ago. They are responding to me like a person who moved away from them and they have moved on.  That's sad to me.

Even with sending cards and Zoom contact, the relationships and connections have ebbed away.  One art friend, I need to go her art show, Covid or no Covid. I always fear hurting people's feelings over this stuff. After no contact, I had spent years establishing all these networks and they've been messed up. I've missed zine conferences, stamp auction and club, UU events from dinners to committees, the gym, art classes, art shows, art meetings, two book clubs, and more. 

Has this happened to anyone else?

It feels like all I see is the back end of people in this life. The powers that be have worked on seperating people a lot. Most know leaving my old rural town of 15 years ago, affected me badly, and the same thing seems to be happening not but this time I didn't move.

We did almost return to activities but then someone gets sick. Mr. Peep doesn't want to join any groups now in person. From his angle, he wants to protect me. If not for him, I would maybe take more chances. I worry about talking him into doing more or going to groups and then he catches it and gets sick.  All the ties have been loosened. 

What's Covid been for most of the people around here? They trust in the system, they think it's okay to get Covid over and over, some are on their third or fourth bout. They believe Covid's just a cold. As a disabled person who is "immuno-compromised" this feels like not so subtle ableism on steroids. There is the pressure that I am a hypochondriac now, I feel it in the air. One told me, "You can't go on like this forever". 

 Unless Covid is a hoax and they are just getting colds and false positive PCRS, I don't know how they won't be screwed. I read scary Pubmed stuff on Covid causing long term problems including neurological and autoimmune even if you had a mild case. It's not like getting a cold over and over. Maybe this is a place where I am too smart for my own good, I think it's a really really bad idea to get Covid multiple times a year. 

More than 50 Long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed (

This one haunts the hell out of me:

SARS-CoV-2 causes brain inflammation and induces Lewy body formation in macaques | bioRxiv

COVID-19 Reinfections and Serious Health Problems (

No one cares around here. No one wears masks. I feel like everyone is in on a secret....maybe it's a HOAX, but I haven't gotten the news. I feel like a crazy woman sometimes skulking around in my N95 while everyone else has moved on. I am TOO isolated to know how sick people are getting or not. I live in a more stiff upper lip section of the country, maybe some old and fellow disabled people share aches and pains but the culture here is to suck it up and deal with it yourself.  Maybe nothing's happening and I am a fool to have let my social life fall apart and to live like this. There's a lot of things that can kill me and I here I am hiding out over one. 

 Maybe it's a pot of piss and all these people getting "Covid" really just have colds. None of them died. One 85 year old man got "Covid" pneumonia but he's old enough that could have happened during normal times. Sometimes I think they released real SARS on us in the early stages so some did get really sick and even wonder if the pandemic has been over for a while so they can drag things out. They'll shout VARIANTS, but honestly I don't see much difference in between cases. Maybe the vaxxed with diminished immune systems are getting constant colds. I don't know. 

 I still don't know anyone who has died of Covid yet. Some friends of mine do believe it is all a hoax, which gives me a weird feeling what if my social and community life has been destroyed on a complete lie? If I blow three years like this how will I feel if I ever find this out. My husband believes it is real and is sure about it, even though I told him my theory about early SARs. 

 I am so twisted in knots, trying to figure things out and have been unable to. It's driving me crazy.  I told one friend, I think it's real and a bioengineered weapon but then I thought why would the elite put themselves at risk? Normal people don't seem afraid at all, and here, I feel invalidated with more emotions I feel I have to shut down and suppress to be "normal". It is so tiring. There's no one to talk to. All it does is confuse me. Maybe this is autism, we think about "the details" too much.

One thing disturbing me, is it doesn't seem to be ending at all. Like there will never be an end to this. I wonder if something is different about me and most people, they just chose to go with whatever serves them without a care in the world. It's probably easier to live that way, maybe I wish I was like that. People don't seem to have feelings anymore at least where I live about any of this. They shrugged their shoulders and ignore Covid. Some may think I am obsessed and just need to throw the masks away and live my life and "stop being paranoid". As far as I know, knock on wood, I haven't caught it yet. Just about everyone I know has had it, if the tests are to believed. Oh I'm glad I never took the shots, I can tell inklings of their bad effects is now trickling out to the mainstream. 

Most working class and poor people probably had to say screw it, we can't afford to hide in our apartments anyway. Did Ralph Baric destroy the world? Maybe. Will this be the rest of our lives. By the way conspiracy people say it's "scheduled" to end in 2025.  I've seen this chart on multiple conspiracy websites. Three more years? We won't have any minds left. 

At this point if we are going to have apocalypse, just let it all crash, then I won't have to worry about these bills anymore and can just accept the inevitable. The slow grind is worse. Even when I do go out, the virus is there hovering over my head, "What if I get it?" What if this trip to the thrift store or library was a "mistake"? There's a feeling of living on "borrowed time" anyhow. I've seen other disabled people talking about these feelings elsewhere, these are some of the folks who relate to how I feel.

There's times lately I've felt weepy watching old shows, it's happened several times, watching Barney Miller, and Laverne and Shirley, what's bringing those feelings out?  There felt like there was some hope and connection in those times. Life had some joy to it. You could have a meal out or go to a party or be at peace without endless worries. I made a joke, that even doing WWII if the place wasn't being bombed, you could go out to the dance hall. 

.I said to husband, "Either it's a complete fake, or we are talking extinction". Ponder for yourself something that just keeps spinning off variants and never ends. This is why I get confused. Are the partying elite with no masks worried about extinction? There's so much that doesn't add up

Why are there so many cases? Are all the tests false positives? Maybe they sprinkled some real SARs but most of the tests are bogus. If someone can prove to me the tests they give for Covid are legitimate, I'll read.  I did find out they isolated it in Brazil but it's hard to know what to believe anymore.

I even had thought okay there's diseases like MRSA out there, and other bad ones, I just lived life of in spite of them, but every time I turned around and wanted to pull the plug on all the isolation, someone would claim they had Covid. A few months ago, I thought no one's getting it anymore and then that changed and I almost went back into the world.....then 7 people I knew 'got it'. I'm on enough Zooms to find out when people get Covid, some talk about those in household with it, or themselves.

 I seriously don't know what is going on. Out in the world, everyone has decided there's no Covid around here and no one wears masks anymore. It's over as far as they are concerned. A great majority have accepted just catching it over and over. It's so muddled up.

Maybe I'm an idiot for still hiding in my apt. Maybe they are deceived in thinking there's nothing wrong with having had Covid multiple times and Covid will all rot their brains soon. The vaxxes seemed to have taken emotions and fear out of them even though they keep catching it. 

None of our public health people have a plan except doubling down on failure. "Vaxx me Harder Daddy" so there can be more blood clots and autoimmune disorders. I just don't see how any of this is going to end. I never in a million years thought they would come up with a virus where human beings can't form any immunity against it. I never thought there would be a "forever" pandemic. I have a few friends who have feelings and emotions about this all but watching the majority of the people around me, they scare me because THEY DON'T! Maybe some simply gave up. They figure I got a life to live it's time to live it. Am I being smart or cowardly? Am I deceived? 

If Covid is real, I think the people getting it over and over are taking a big chance. The vaxxes don't protect one from long term effects. Spike proteins from all sources are poison. If Covid is fake, then maybe I'm a fool but then I worried from the start when Trump said Covfefe, he worked to have it spread as far possible. The apocalypse is too slow. It's grinding us down.


  1. For the sake of your sanity, go back to your normal life. Nothing is going to change with Covid. The only “secret” everyone is “in” on is that they accept this. And most ppl feel protected by the vax or else they didn’t get it and they don’t care. There’s no big conspiracy, only same ol politicking and institutional incompetence that accompanies any disaster. I do think some ppl should be held accountable for mismanagement but they prob won’t be because those ppl seldom are. It is/was a real illness, but Covid 2022 isn’t the same as Covid 2020.

    1. The problem with going back to regular life, and I did get close to returning to groups, is everytime I turned around someone would get it, around three weeks ago, I knew 6-8 people who all told me they had Covid. If it was rare like catching a case of mrsa, which some probably even catch off of a public toilet seat once in a while it would be different. Now these people could all have fake PCRs. It's hard to know what to do. I did try to figure out if it was all a hoax, but had people describing weird symptoms to me, personally asked what it was like. Some could be vaxxed stuff but who knows. I would rather go back to regular life, feel like everything's been ruined and I hate all the bastards who did this to us and have kept it going. Monkey pox they keep pushing that crap now too.

    2. Oh and I still can't believe some of these people believe in these POS vaxxes that have utterly failed and done so many bad things to so many people. I'm glad I never took it. So many "died suddenly" deaths now. Normal non-brainwashed people would already be standing up and saying "no more".

  2. "Vax me harder Daddy," indeed! Good one Peeps, thanks for that, I'm still laughing, days later!
    I read all you wrote here and all the links. Those all paint a very grim picture, but besides the folding protiens, none I haven't read about before. But taken in one dose, it's a lot.
    I think my husband and I got covid last month. Guessing the 4 or 5 subvarient? Since Omicron came out with less severity, I fell back on staying "In the Know," minute to minute. That may be why I wasn't aware the symptoms had changed so much. We had our complete kit ready (with all the unmentionables, plus vitimins, minerals, gargle, losenges, aspirin and oximeters) and I had sworn that at the first soreness of throat, sneezing or runny nose, that we would be on it like white on rice! (Oh, are we still allowed to say such things? Learned lots about CRT on my covid junket too.)
    Unfotunately, those were not the first symptoms. Instead I awoke on a Thursday morning with a really bad headache, nasea and vomiting. I went until about noon until I had someone bring me some alka seltzer, pepto and gingerale. The headache was persistant, but the nasea and vomiting subsided pretty quickly. Then on the second day I got a dry cough at the throat level. But then I remembered I might be allergic to ginger, so I suspended the ale, and the cough retreated. I was feeling on the mend Friday afternoon. Then that night (5:30 a.m.) something horrible happened!
    We had had a rat or mouse running around at night in our cieling for three nights straight, and off and on before that. I had been working on this problem with the help of a worker for a couple weeks. I was pretty sick of the whole thing and decided to just sleep through it this night. But I awoke at about 3:30 a.m. saw my husband was not dealing with it the same. He was siiting up propped on his arm, would then lay down a couple seconds, and up again, then down. This rat was doing circles up there, and he with him. Since he has suffered a couple mini strokes, I told him he needed to supercede it in his mind, that he could not afford to get "caught up" in it. We did some breathing exercizes, and he went to sleep. This was at 3:30 a.m.. At 5:30 a.m. he got up to use the bathroom as he did every morning. But he got dizzy and passed out on his feet. I was allerted with "Hey hurry, come, I'm going to lose it." and I sprang to my feet, on the other side of a king size bed, and ran as fast as I could around it, but not before I heard the crash of him falling, with obvious dead weight, to the floor, arms outstreatched, on his back, and flat onto his head, or at least I presumed given his position.
    His eyes were closed when I got over him and I smacked him not so gently across both cheeks and yelled for him to wake up. Within a few seconds, he did. His head was laying on the the thick rug I had placed under the ladder for the cieling work I had been doing, otherwise it was all very hard and slippery tile. He must have urinated when he hit the floor because I slid into the ladder with my right foot as I came around the bed, and then crashed down on my left knee after slapping him, and had to get myself up. Suddenly, I fely very faint too, and like vertigo, fell onto the bed. I said, "I think we may have been poisened." (Thinking back on a time we had fish poisening with similar symptoms).
    We live high on a hill, with more than a hundred steps, so I had to call for help. The help called an ambulance, but we are remote and having grown tired of waiting, the boys placed him on a bathroom door that was to be installed. One of them holding up the rear, could not see his feet or the steps beneath him, so I called out 'another one' each time he needed to step down. There were some wabbles in there, and I feared him (husband) sliding off the door. This seemed to deplete my energy in a sudden way, and after about 50 steps, I suddenly had to lay down, right there on the cement steps themselves.
    Chelle, continuing ...

    1. Thanks Chelle,

      Glad I could make you laugh.

      Some scientists are theorizing the clot shots have destroyed immune systems and that's why polio, monkey pox, hepatitis--in young and more is roaring back. I worry about my own immune system too, being away from people. I think people should start filing lawsuits, wish I had the energy to do so for their endless fuck-ups. Some of the vaxxed injured if they can't sue the Pharms, sue the ones who mandated it.....
      Sorry to hear you and your husband got Covid. I still have avoided it but have a very limited life, it sucks, like being in prison all these years because a bunch of assholes run this world.
      Glad you had supplies ready, I still need to get an ox meter. I've heard of some weird symptoms. This could be vaxx but one woman described extreme brain fog where she could not function, that's scary.
      Do you have mice where you live? That one Harvard2bighouse guy believes Covid has gone into the mice. [which has scary implications] so yeah dealing with mice is not easy either.

      Some people do believe Covid is a poisoning, that's a theory I've run across, 5g effects is one source. Seen some online talk about how they had it and how unnatural it felt. Of course I know people who believe it is a hoax, some think it's all manufactured but others believe people are being poisoned somehow. Ugh with getting to ambulance, sorry to hear that. It sounds like you both went through hell. Hope you are doing better.

  3. Chelle continuing ...
    I regained after a minute, and we continued down, just as the ambulance arrived (rode past). We were taken to the nearest major government clinic with x-ray capabilities, 45 minutes away. We spent a couple hours there, then another ambulance picked us up and took us to another 15 minutes away, to a major hospital with cat scan capabilities.
    Now, understand that I put sandles on because of my 4 toe injury, because I could not get it into a shoe. My knee was bad off too, but had yet to reveal itself. Every xray, (there were several at the first place and then the second,) you (I) had to go to three different windows for paperwork and pay, and they were not in a row. They were scattered around, so there was tons of limping around on the foot. First clinic took an xray of it, but no time to see it before we left. At the hospital, xray showed the pinky toe was fractured, but all injured toes in place.
    Long story short (too late for that) he had the Cat Scan about 11 hours after the fall, and they (doctor in the ward) said it was okay. But he wanted to observe him.
    The sun was going down and we hadn't a thing to eat or drink since the night before. I did send for some bottled water at the first clinic. The only thing safe and nearby was a Macdonalds. We don't eat Macdonalds, but I made an exception. I got us burgers, fries and a diet coke. This is an open ward, with patients in hospital beds and doctors, nurses and assistants making rounds. When I got back with the Macdonalds, the nurse only saw the soda and said "you can't give him that, only healthy things," so I didn't, but we were eating the cheeseburgers after. The doctor gave me a scolding when he came on duty, and said, can't you see how he's fussing about, it's from that garbage food you gave him. I apologized and said we had only been told about the soda, which I didn't give him, but that when he had a cheeseburger years ago after siguatera (fish poisening) it was it that that brought him back to life (it was Wendy's btw) and that it was like he was popeye and it was his spinach. This got a chuckle, and seemed to relax things between us alot.
    We spent the night in the ward, my husband in a bed, and I on a cafeteria style chair. Not everyone had one right next to the bed, so no complaints. I met other family members looking out for their sick relatives, and we helped one another here and there. The smell of Macdonads permeated the air, but I knew I could not offer any of that. At some point, around 4:00 a.m., I put my chair next to bed my husband was in, put my small hard purse up, and layed my forehead on it, and got a half hours' sleep.
    Fast forward to us leaving (before he was released) and we were picked up and taken to a hotel in the town where we live. These accomodations were to be presumably for a couple days and "on the house." He needed to lean on me to be able to walk out of the hospital.
    More on this and the covid syptoms later (dr. at first clinic said he was going to test us, but never did).

    1. Wow that sounds awful, hope your foot is better, and it's terrible your husband got so weak. I know medical facilities there must be limited. They probably don't know what to do with some of the Covid. I knew people here in America sent home with mild low oxygen told to come back if it got worse, aka literally dying but you can come back if the oxygen falls, this was during Delta, don't know if the symptoms are getting that bad yet. I guess you are telling me too something is "real" out there given these symptoms, you both didn't take the funny juice as far as I know. No one responded this way to colds. How are you feeling now. I can't stand McDonalds can't do hamburgers but sometimes feels like it's impossible to get decent food and even here they feel like only game in town, if you don't have much money especially. Even to get basic burritos from a decent restaurant with some soup, we are paying in the 30s around here for 2 of us. I'm sure all of this was very scary.

    2. Hi Peeps,
      I forgot to mention too, that the worker that was helping me on the ladder with the mouse problem got sick on Saturday too. He said he had a fever that night, headache, was tired the next day and then it went away. But a week or so later, he relapsed, this time with a dry cough and it took him several days to get over it.
      The brain fog I mentioned was something I recall feeling about 15 or so years back, when I must have had a flu with similar headache and spaced out "diconnected" feeling. I feel totally back to normal now, and my husband is also making good progress. Only he has no motivation and is sleeping a lot in the day and not so well at night.

  4. …why was McDonalds the only “safe” food nearby? Didn’t the hospital have food?

  5. Be You.
    The *SighOp is causing all kinds of emotional distress. I am a homebody. I love being home. My internal distress comes from knowing I shouldn't use it as an excuse, yet, I do. I am willing to be wrong on my assessment but so far I have seen a lot of government / NGO / media deception to make us think it is a pandemic. I am even questioning the same push about the jab. I do believe *it* is something. I also believe that the PCR test is junk. We need to trust in God and stay out of the way. I try to eat well, take vitamins, keep my emotions in check and work towards a balance.
    I really like your writing. You are very good at putting into words the stream of consciousness that a lot of people are thinking but may not be verbalizing. Very inspirational. Thank you.

    1. I find myself wondering if people are starting to crack up yet. I've seen signs of formerly healthy fit and happy people having the seams bulge a bit. Maybe we would do better if everyone gave up the "keep calm and carry on" BS and started screaming in the streets/online/phone for the clot shots to be rescinded and real treatments found and promoted and for them to stop unleashing plagues. Call out the media too for all their enabling of this crap. Call for justice too, for all proponents. I don't see it happening in this system, the corruption is too deep. At this point all we can do is [you are right] watch the show and try to stay out of the way. IRL, I wear more of a mask now, I post about art and gardening on my Facebook, some closer friends hear real opinions of course, but I figure with those that buy into this, it's like Nazi time, it's dangerous to say how much Hitler sucks, and all I would be doing is painting a target on my back. I'll never take mRNA and other trash, guess the day could come where I get dragged off to a "camp" or denied money to live too, but I still won't do it. Yeah I am a homebody too, existence has become these 4 walls except some time out by garden or outside. Understand that mode. I want to go see friend's art opening but then think of all the risks, and it's just nothing but stress and misery for me. Probably will go see during the day instead. Yeah it's "something" but PCR is garbage. Monkey pox I believe is a vaxx result, but could be wrong and wonder if it's infectable. I had small pox innoculation when young, all the old articles say it's supposed to work against it, but then there seems to be gaslighting all over.

      I miss seeing and talking to people in person. Their destruction of community with this crap was purposeful too. I agree trust in God and hide out and try to protect yourself best you can. Society has lost it's mind. People aren't living in reality or facing facts anymore. Thanks regarding my writing :) Hope you avoid any of this too.

  6. Chelle continuing ... So sorry about the long delay. It started with no phonecards being sold for the company I am with (they are leaving) and then my charger went bad, and then just had a slew of things to do. I'll try and keep this brief.
    So my syptoms were: really bad headache with nasea and vomiting the first day. A dry cough on the second. Bouts of draining fatigue on the third, but only two episodes. Change in apetite on the fourth, nothing was appetizing, didn't want any protien of heavy caloric food. (Husband had this one too at the same time). Stuffed sinuses (but had been suddenly thrust into air -conditioned invironments at the hospital and hotel, which we were not accustomed to) I woke up every morning with brain fog from days 4-8, and I just felt like crap, but had to push through it and keep going. 14 days in, appetite began to normalize, back to normal after 21 days. My husband's appetite onlly normalized a week ago, so 45 days later. He use to love icecream, only had his first dish a week ago. I was making macaroni and cheese casserole a couple weeks ago with broccoli and carrots, asked him if he was in or out, he said in, but not to put cheese on his! He finally had some cheese a week ago, and on last nights' potato as well. So I think we are back to normal in that respect.
    Since early on in the pandemic, I have been giving my husband vitimin D and zinc in addition to the one-a-day and Omega 3 he was already taking, given his age and comorbidities. I wasn't taking anything. He had less syptoms than me (fatigue, fainting and funky appetite) but if his fainting was covid related, it was a terrible side affect that could have easily killed him. Nearly did. But the vitimins may have accounted for his lesser other syptoms, don't know.
    I thought we would be at the hotel for a couple of days until he was able to make it up our steps. Such was not to be the case. We ended up staying 6 nights. The hotel room was dark and cave-like. He had become incontinent since they placed a catheter (quickly in and out) in him at the hospital for a urine test, despite my request otherwise. I don't think this was his problem in the end. But our routine was, he needed my assistance to sit upright in the bed and then to get the bathroom. But this was really for not, as he depended on the "depends". ( Also, I had grabbed a shower curtain at home on my first trip up, for his side of the bed, but not fast enough, I had to replace the mattress on our way out). So, I would wash and clean everything in the morning, bathe him and give him breakfast and then lunch, and then I drove to our house, and walked up the hundred and twenty steps to open up the house, feed the cat, dog and bird. Do any laundry. Sleep maybe. Then back by 5:30 to see about his dinner etc., then spend the night on my sliver of the "full-sized" mattress. The trip up to the house was especially difficult, given the knee injury and huge bone bruise on the left and the black and blue four toes bruise on the right. And, if that wasn't enough, because of the strangeness of appetite thing and the fact they had a microwave at the hotel, I popped a bag of popcorn in it, and crunched down on a kernal. Six days later, I was in terrible pain begging for some antibiotics at the dentist. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling my best or even the chance to be ill and recover, much less assess my symptoms as being likely covid and take the planned medications.
    Chelle continuing ...

    1. Sorry for delays too in answers. Know I will always answer but sometimes lately been in ADHD mode to the max, where short quips on Twitter are possible but not extended responses. Feel like my own brain has been affected by this isolation. Sometimes look around at very messy apt, and think what the hell? I need to go to a doctor soon this week and deal with my garden, and buy food, we have been going to this grocery store that is further out in suburbs that is smaller and less crowded. It's less stress for me. Of course today it is hotter then hell, and housebound. This has been a miserable summer as far as weather goes. I live up north and we used to have a few cooler days. One day may be just tolerable but everyday is suffocating humidity.
      Thanks for telling me your symptoms, I asked around to figure out if Covid was a hoax. I needed more unvaxxed to tell me what their symptoms are but knew a few pre-vaxx days who described weird stuff. I heard about crazy fatigue, loss of smell, and breathing problems.
      I follow some strange protoccols people may find odd to avoid it, vit C and zinc everytime there's more then 3 people in a room with me, wish I could get husband to take those too.

      What was the brain fog like, was it scary enough to be confused? I have been sick enough where brain has checked out before, blood sugar has done fun stuff of slowing down thoughts. [my vision usually goes wonky if I am low at all and heart beat races] but sometimes that stuff can be panic inducing where you feel like you are losing your own brain. One woman I know described not being able to follow a list, saw someone online saying she was burning stuff on stove like early Alzheimers. Yeah the appetite thing can be hard. I lose mine when I get sick, it even reduced for a time from UCTD bouts but per usual never lose weight though A1C came down somewhat.
      Glad you took vit D and other things. Fainting is a scary as hell symptom where he was basically going unconscience. Did either of you feel short of breathe? He had weird breathing stuff right? Yeah incontinence would be hard to deal with. I think of elderly and people already with fragile health dealing with this Covid BS.
      I wish you didn't have to do all those steps. I know I think of how many stairs there are and how people can get injured or too weak to deal with stairs very easily.
      Ugh a tooth injury too at the same time. When it rains it pours.

  7. We stayed at the hotel six nights, and then I arranged for the local Red Cross to come get him and take him up the steps (4 people) on the rescue board. I was sure once he was at home, in the open-aired and bright- light invironment and beautiful trees he was use to, he would get better rapidly. Two weeks later, still bathing him and changing him 5-6 times a day, I had a serious talk with him. Told him he was going to have to reach inside himself and get in touch with the person in there who could help him get out of this. He got to his feet within a couple orapidl after, and the incontinence was no longer an issue. I would say he's about 70% to where he was, but still has nuerological issues. These are most likely caused by the fall and hit to his head, but with covid in the mix, I also can't rule it out.
    I need to go over and read what you wrote again here, because it was a week or so ago, but I recall you posed the question, is it okay that people are getting covid over and over again?
    No, it's not, and it is very scary. I thought that would be the one major benefit of getting covid at a time when Omicron and its subvarients are less virulent, thereby getting natural immunity, but if this is not the case, then it is also concerning, given that both the spike proteins in the vaccine as well as in the virus, seem to be reacted upon with more severity by the immune system the second time around, then I would have to assume if we get it again, it may be worse. Great! Way to go on the design, people!
    That said, while I think I have more to learn about this virus than I already know (unfortunately), I refuse to be hugely inconvenienced by it any further, any more than I normally am at preventing the common cold. I will take those precautions I always have, washing my hands before eating, or after touching doornobs at clinics, pharmacies, public utilities bdgs. etc., but I'm no longer willing to act as if I live in Chernobyl and that every person, friend or other, I come in contact with is somehow "radio active" or extremely harmful to me.
    Enough is enough!

    1. I am glad you got him to fight more, sometimes when sick, that's all a person can do. I do worry about the neurological effects, I've read articles that say Covid can do long term damage with neurological. Some seem to call that Long Covid, hopefully in your husband those will be short term. He could have a concussion from hitting his head too, I'd get him more tests as soon as you are all able. To me the fact there is not automatic immunity to Covid, and now we have a variant where there is none and the constant spinning off variants tells me the shit is man-made or it's a form of poisoning. It is a bioengineered genocidal "weapon" whatever it is. Those "gain of function" monsters screwing around with all those humanized mice, has opened a Pandora's box.

      I'm tired of the Chernoybl life too, I still wear the masks but have to live some of life, and still go to library, saw two friends wearing masks, last week, and other stores. I miss a lot of my former life. With my risks, I don't do groups yet, but do understand people making the choice to live life irregardless. I think they've destroyed life as we know it [hard to say this but just being a realist] and better to make what positive memories you can. This world is controlled by sociopathic 'luciferian' monsters. This whole debacle where they want spike proteins in everyone via virus and vaxx has proven this to me. The fact they have managed to pull this off in every country in the world is even more sickening. Yeah I would say live life best you can Chelle, it's terrible what you and your husband have suffered. I know I am paying some real mental and physical price for the isolation too in my case especially with my history but don't have your burden of having suffered through this illness yet. The cracks are forming in society. I have doctors cancelling, the food shelves look weird here and people haven't been acting normal in some time. Hope your husband heals back to 100 percent and your own health goes okay too.

  8. P.S. I should also say that I WILL carry an N-95 in my purse at all times, and if I do get into a grocery store that is super crowded, maybe on a payday weekend for example, that I would use the mask under those circumstances. Or if someone had just sneezed. But at home or when speaking with asymptomatic friends, not.
    I reserve the right to change my mind on that though, as more data becomes available. I think I'm just sick of it, as everyone is. But this is of course a personal decision to be made by each person based on their comfort level and own risk/benefit anaylisis.
    I don't agree with the tidy end suggested by the commenter above, that the abysmal handling of the pandemic boils down to an innocent case of "mismanagement". For that to be true, they would have had to have erred on more than just the one side of the equation all the time. And a little humility would have been sprinkled in with the public too. But all we got was contempt. And they've never once admitted they were wrong about any of it. Instead they gaslit us and doubled down.
    As for why Macdonad's was the only "safe" option around, was because the sun was setting in an unfamiliar neighborhood, and also I didn't want to risk any potential food-poisening issues given all that was going on with us. I had no references with which to choose another option, so I went with what I thought the safest all around. Plus it was very nearby .

    1. I should also say that you sound neurotic.
      SARS2 is less deadly than measles, polio, mumps, rubella, etc. were pre-vaccines.
      Even pre-gene therapy jabs for SARS2 which I think are the source of most of these people's issues SARS2 was WEEEEEAAAAAAK-SAAAAAUUUUUCE!
      Still is actually!

    2. Oh so I am the neurotic one, funny how some of you assholes never call out the people who did this to us, but instead call the person names who wants to know what is going on.

    3. Chelle you are right, this was planned and done with contempt. I'm old enough to remember when disasters came and the leaders at least attempted a semblance of comfort and holding up against it instead of this sneering contempt as they try to destroy us. Just go watch a few Bill Gates videos you can see the Duper's Delight in full action. Even now the psychopaths and loved waxed cold types are part of the problem working to stamp down any normal emotions. I understand why you went to McDonalds, even in America if you are far from home or most things are closed, unless you have buckets of cash, sometimes there's nothing else to eat. And you have safety things to have thought of.

  9. Anonymous,
    Could you be more specific on what exactly you view me as paranoid about?

  10. Hi Peeps,
    I was thinking the commenter might have been talking to me with the nuerotic comment because she parroted the first part of my sentence back.
