Saturday, August 6, 2022

Love and Truth Waxing Cold in the Days of Covid


Hmm interesting cartoon.  Maybe the answer is to leave the internet and "regular world".  Some of us don't have the physique and means for that escape but it sounds like the best option. Consider it if you have the health and resources. Where's the best place to go during full societal collapse? I'm screwed anyhow since I depend on this complex lung medicine to stay alive and many others.

I worry the internet is forming our reality. When you only get to talk to a few people, how is one supposed to know what is going on? In the past talking to people and personal observation came first.

My husband depends on the internet for employment so won't be shutting it off. I grieve however over the loss of having a "real life". This cartoon does add to my feelings of wanting to sell everything off and running away to the most remote, down home, backwoods area I can find in the USA or my county. I need all these medical specialists/air conditioning/bus so moving is not in the cards. Oh I wanted to return to my old town years ago of course. At least more rural people seem to talk a little bit about what is really going on. Maybe some do in the inner city too. When we do go out, I feel better in more rural areas. Fortunately I live in a county with plenty of boonies. There's even a few little towns really in the middle of nowhere here.

Maybe it's time to just sit back and watch the show. There's nothing more we can do. Those who warn just appear "crazy" to the normals. So it's a waste of time trying to be the Covid Whisperer. I was wise to keep my mouth shut in real life after I tried to talk to a few people and got very bad results. You can't keep people from destroying themselves, a lesson I learned long ago. People are absolutely clueless about medical things. 

It's scary to me how repressed so many people are now. No one is admitting any emotions about what is going down. I do not relate to the normals at all. I smile on Zooms, they all have lives, I don't. How are their buckets of money so bottomless to take endless vacations? Did everyone as poor as me just sink below the waves? I don't see many people in real life so most of my social masks are for Zoom. I'm in shock the streets aren't full of the new homeless but maybe they moved in with relatives or are hiding out in the woods. 

I considered going out and protesting the madness, but no one wants a target on their back. The local Covid questioner group banned me for being in the UU church, and being a "known liberal".  They only focused on the school boards and getting pro-maskers out. Sometimes I wonder if they are funded by extreme right wing people too. They had a MAGA rally this week. It's probably good I didn't get with that group either.

Remember my predictions about the USA turning ultra right wing?

My voting ballot scared the hell out of me by the way. We had liberals who only talked about gay rights and supported all the Covid madness, but then when I looked at all the Republican candidates on the primary ballot, it was all fundamentalist preachers, Liberty University people [my state is not in the South BTW], and those who want to make abortion illegal.

I hate abortion but these types want abortion illegal even in cases of rape, incest and would be death of the mother. One guy was a New Ager of some sort but at least 4 of the candidates were full blown Dominionists. It was troubling to realize all these people were against the Covid vaxx mandates like me and some of the other craziness, so I liked that about them but they brought other horrendous baggage.

If you think Tucker Carlson, Trump and the rest are going to save the day....think again. Go research who Peter Thiel is and what the company Palantir is about. Google Palantir, go see the page that wants to manage "vaccine compliance" for employers. I dare say they aren't going to give up trying to shove mRNA down everyone's throats. It doesn't work and they don't care. When I was into conspiracy I learned long ago, they use both sides against the middle. The right supports the technocratic prison cell they are building too. They very easily could scrap the failed vaxxes and push a new one full of mRNA they claim will "work".

We under a huge psychological operation, most people are asleep and don't see it. Even having endless people get sick and fall down dead and vaxxed people getting Covid isn't waking people up. I may as well show you all my Covid vaxx harm list. Why not? I wrote it all out.

My list of people I personally know harmed by the Covid vaxxes.

50s, male clot in leg, survived has had Covid in his household at least 3 times. Leg clot was right after being vaxxed.

50s. male, right after vaxx, got multiple blood clots in lungs almost died.

40 something, 2 females, both complained of extreme fatigue and never feeling the same again. Refused all boosters.

50s male, constant bouts of tachycardia after vaxx, hospitalized multiple times. Later got Covid when at hospital.

30s female, seizures, moments of aphasia, doctors haven't diagnosed her yet, used to be healthy. Doesn't connect seizures to vaxx but came up right after being vaxxed.

50s female, seizures right after vaxx, I think they have or had cancer now too. Never had seizures before.

female 70s in bed for weeks after first vaxx, considered it "worth it" but was made ill enough to go to hospital at this time.

female 70s, had to go to hospital right after vaxx, various symptoms, was healthy except for a few problems, third stage kidney failure a short time after the vaxx.

female 50s, stage 4 cancer--from Covid lock downs, now deceased. She was given 2-4 years to live, took vaxx, they pushed it on her, [close friend of mine so this was horrible] she died within a few months.

Multiple people who said they were in bed with flu like symptoms [sounded as bad as Covid itself would be] for 1-2 weeks after various vaxxes. Online friend is now sick from fourth booster. Of course they all say "it's worth it." A few of these people DID go to the hospital for the bad symptoms.

I know at least 15 fully vaxxed people who all got Covid. The vaxxes have failed. At least 6 had hospital level Covid with pneumonia. The garbage doesn't work.

See anyone waking up? Maybe some are muttering finally. If you know please write about it here. Add your own list in the comments, lets compare. 

The rate of Covid cases are rising.  I don't know if this is fake PCR or Covid or what or them all getting false positives from colds and their destroyed immune systems, has risen fast. This is to the point that in four groups I am associated with at least 6-15 have gotten Covid in the last two months. I know of a business where everyone got it, husbands, entire families etc. It's the beginning of August not exactly cold and flu season right?

It's the elephant in the room no one can talk about. I went silent. Have some tell you that you are "crazy" for saying the emperor has no clothes and you realize for safety's sake you need to shut up. It would be the same if it was 1935 and everyone was saluting the guy with the funny mustache and you knew he was an asshole, but didn't want to end up in a camp. The less that know my "status", the better off I am. However I am at the place where I look at this in amazement and think what is wrong with these people? 

 The fact the clot shots are obviously ineffectual and have done untold harm to people is being ignored. Here's a website where they compiled all the research studies of bad effects from the Covid vaxxes. These health problems are all severe and life changing but still the lemmings go flying over the cliff. What can I say to people where the damage is already done? What can I say to the ones still lining up for their fourth booster? 

Others speak the truth about how the system is collapsing and rotten to the core, but most just follow and don't care. For some reason it all doesn't seem to touch them. 

I may not talk about Covid anymore online.  I will here but in most places the censors and astroturfers are out in full force. They do come after you.  It's not worth the battles. Twitter is good for gathering information but if you step outside your bubble, then the hammer falls. Any posts outside the "norm" they crack down on so you just end up preaching the choir. The majority are not interested in the truth. I have to save my energy for myself now. My health is in a decline and I'm tired a lot. 

It's not good that my reality is mostly online now. I get a few snippets of conversation here and there, with a few awake local friends--the extreme exception and oddly a few country people who I can talk a little with. One told me the other day, "It's these people who have taken the boosters, who keep getting sick over and over".

Since I wrote Is it Okay to Get Covid Over and Over?, more people got it.  They announce Covid cases in one group I'm in and it's constant. That's the world now, where the expectation now is just to go live your life and get a bout of Covid about once every 4-6 weeks. The people I know are getting sick constantly over and over.  This one family I know is on at least their third bout if not the fourth and its spread through the whole household. They are all vaxxed up, but getting some kind of constant intermittant illness with serious symptoms. Maybe all these people just see it as a cold, and not a "big deal" but at this point I don't know what to think.

Some scientists have warned mild Covid can do long term damage. The vaxxes don't stop any of this process by the way. This post of mine on a message board brought out the astroturfers in full froth:

"Some are theorizing that Covid causes long term damage to the human brain. That even a mild case will do it. Until I know for certain what is going on, I have decided to err on the side of caution for now and still wear N95. I probably don't have many years left in my case, am sick, but I've lived many years longer than predicted and going for as many as I can. Lipedema changes trajectory because it's not same as regular obesity. One thing I am noticing in some circles, they are predicting devestating neurological disorders from even MILD Covid. These are dissenting scientists who HATE the vaxxes by the way. I have wondered about this, the elite want a weakened population both mentally and genetically, and they want many of us dead.

So they tell me on the right wing, there's no virus, go live life, don't worry, I am sick of all these people who tell me not to be afraid because I am unsure what is going on. Yeah great for healthy young you, but hey you may be gambling and losing too. As people here know I used to be deep into conspiracy and believe they lie to all sides. Tucker Carlson and others are owned assets IMO, so when they tell you there's no virus, time to examine things.

The vaxxed up left Covid disciples are basically killing themselves with each shot of clot shot juice.

But you think they will leave those on the right who question all this unscathed?

I doubt it.

This doctor got banned from Twitter posting this, there's several dissenting scientists I saw banned for warning about brain injury from mild Covid

Some have theorized that China knows which is why their lock downs have been so severe, that even mild cases of Covid will cause long term brain injury.

There's other things here where they say it destroys the immune system long term inducing AIDS.

I believe spike protein is poison in both virus and vaxx.

So maybe I'm wrong and Covid is a complete hoax, but I don't think the elite are that merciful.

China seems to know something we don't.

This I believe is why they have told the vaxxed to keep getting Covid over and over and why the right wing owned types say it's all a hoax, nothing to worry about. {Everyone is full of spike proteins as much as possible}

In conspiracy they always lied to both sides against the middle. That always happened almost on every issue.

Some people don't want to face how bad everything is and to what depth they have destroyed our world.

This is all theories, but they banned all the scientists warning of this stuff like crazy, like full and total shut downs on every social media and other outlets. {I was reading their posts on Twitter and elsewhere}

Let me boil this down to one sentence, if Covid is so bad, and they locked down our world in 2020 for this, why are they having Vaxxed people get it over and over and why are these people unconcerned?

Now the hoax people believe the vaxxed people are all just getting colds and the PCR is BS. However even with this theory I asked a few of the vaxxed about their symptoms. Their diminished immune systems causing all this may be a given but when someone I know complains of brain fog from a "illness" that makes it hard for them to think or write, that's something beyond a "cold" isn't it? Some could theorize the vaxx did this to them, but they had otherwise normal weeks leading up to the "new illness". 

 Maybe the vaxxed are all getting sick with something else given their affected immune system but how can we know for sure? Some of the symptoms seem intermittent, coming and going. No one seems to realize how psychotic all this is. I'm on the spectrum. I'm not Spock but I expect a little logic out there and now there's none.

There's all these scientific studies too, about how mild Covid can mess a person up. I don't know if these scientists are all liars, but it seems people would have a few worries about this but I guess not.

We both personally have felt the pressure to 're-enter' society and to stop hiding out. Yes there has been some damaged relationships from this. As I wrote in the last article, I'm like a person who moved away. Some close friends do believe Covid is a hoax and I respect that, they know I am actively examining things, we agree on most but not that one issue. I can deal with that. They haven't pressured me. 

However there's many people now who see hiding out people like me to be "hypochondriacs".  Some have gotten angry, hurt and upset about our fears of catching Covid. With one friend, I can't tell him I fear the shedding, how would they not take that as personal insult?

Some of the vaxxed if they knew I wasn't vaxxed would consider me a "dirty plague rat". I can tell the few who know think I'm nuts for refusing the clot juice. I'm seen as a wicked person who "distrusts science". Some of these people don't know my unusual reading habits.

 Some seem in shock I haven't caught Covid yet and am still alive. 

Outside of reasonable decent friends, some of the Maga crowd who think it's all a hoax, have called me "neurotic", "a coward" and "an idiot". The local anti-Covid mandates crowd would have ran me out of the room for wearing a mask. What I find interesting is as they insult me, no one pays attention to the assholes who allowed all this to happen to us. Baric, Fauci, and the rest all get ignored in the clown show for the role of hell that has now been unleasehd. 

I told husband, I've had the kind of life where I am going to do for myself first and make my own decisions. I think following the crowd now on anything may be a deadly enterprise. Haven't we learned that already about the vaxxes? The pressure to get them was unrelenting. They held out carrots on the stick! "It will keep you from getting infected", they told us and then they changed that to "It will keep you out of the hospital" and that's not happening either.  Some keep claiming the tsnumani of how harmful the vaxxes are is going to break but I'm not sure I believe it. It seems people would have woke up by now. I'm upset they haven't but what can I do about it?

 I told some, I don't want affected by the spike proteins, and I'm not noticing with some worrying interest, that my Meniere's seems to be getting worse whenever I go out in public the day before, when I am in stores around normal mostly vaxxed people. I'm noticing a pattern. The tinnitus was extreme yesterday and today. I was in a few stores on Thursday. 

What if Covid causes real long term damage?

I earnestly really wanted to find out if Covid is really a hoax. I've watched the videos and messages. BTW my husband believes it is real. He has no doubts. 

I made a list which I admit is all ancedotal on one message board, going to add and change a few things here, answering the question "Is Covid a Hoax?" This too like my Covid vaxx victim list is ancedotal too. 

One thing us autistics do notice patterns. I always saw it as one of my talents but maybe now it is a curse, as the world has gone shithouse crazy. I notice patterns and details. The easy peasy answer of "There's no virus" doesn't work, I am trying to figure things out and want to. Maybe I am limited in my ability but do you think I want to live trapped in my apartment the rest of my life? For us disabled this sucks beyond belief. One thing that angers me is the "You have nothing to fear people" don't understand that some of us have seen insane stuff on both ends.

Ok here's the list:

I fear getting it and being messed up. I have enough health problems. Its hard to know who to trust now. I've done explorations, asking people questions about who got it and what the symptoms were, I seem to find evidence for it being real and evidence for it not. Hmm may as well offer you my list, like I listed all the people being messed up from the vaxx. I know online maybe about only 40 percent of people I talk to are real.

Evidence for Covid being a Hoax:

I know people who never have gotten it who believe it is a hoax. or they are immune or they have had mild cases. Yeah I have asked, How come these people who don't wear masks have never gotten Covid?. I know multiple people who fit this category. Now some people who did consider it a hoax did get it and change their minds, but they lived through it and said "It's just a cold". One admitted to me she did have shortness of breath.

I knew very old people who got it and lived, someone in their 90s.

Even in the earliest days, when Delta was around, it seemed around 1 out of 10 people got really sick but rest recovered. It doesn't seem like the vaxxes changed any of that. 

PCR tests seem very dubious. Some people online have told me they have been improved. I have studied about the founder Mullins claiming his test shouldn't be used that way. PCR tests and rapid test antigens if you study up about them have multiple flaws. How many people are being told they have Covid when they don't?

It was strange when some people told me, "I had Covid, [based on a PCR] but their symptoms were minimal almost like they had nothing wrong with them. One complained of fatigue. That could be a normal day. How many of these people are testing constantly and getting false positives? 

How come when three friends I know all went to the hospital with unrelated to Covid problems, they all got diagnosed with Covid? One had COPD, that would be easy to contribute a COPD flare to having Covid. If I have to go to the hospital I plan to refuse, I don't want to be given remsidivir or other treatments. 

Why would elite poison their own world unless they have an antidote? They have kids and grandchildren they want to keep alive. Would they turn the planet into a spike protein mess? Now some here would say incompetence and stupidity led to the biggest screw up in history. 

You never hear about people not having oxygen in their blood short of breathe anymore. [like maybe there was some real SARS at start they released but now its gone] 

Never heard of a virus making a million variants. Other viruses have changed and mutuated like the flu but not this quickly. The constant Greek alphabet names reminded me of when they named hurricanes.

There's ample evidence online of Event 201, and things where they seemed to "plan" out a pandemic.

Never heard of a virus that can do everything and anything to everyone like the super magical genius virus that kisses ass of elite on every score. Seriously Captain Tripps would have been better because at least it'd be over by now

Never heard of a virus humans don't develop some immunity too and get over and over again. Some dissenting scientists point to that as an "achievement" in "gain of function" labs. 

Most of the videos and websites that point to Covid as being a hoax, believe it is via false diagnosis vs multitudes of false positives on PCR tests. They also believe masks don't work and are a lie and that the size of the virus would easily slide through the higher quality masks.

The pandemic was planned endless evidence for that.

Some dissenting opinions point to 5G, other poisoning or bioweapons being responsible for the illness from Covid.

Evidence for Covid being real:

I quizzed people, some told me people really died.

I quizzed people I know who had Covid diagnosis, and symptoms [not one of the asymptomatics] and asked "How was your Covid different from a regular cold or flu?" Some pointed to losing the sense of smell, shortness of breath, funny heart beats and afib, extreme joint pain and other unusual symptoms. One person told me it made their limbs tingle. Another did say to me "It was like I was poisoned" and "it felt artificial". Another person, see below, talked about extreme brain fog. 

My husband did talk to a lady of a couple where the husband died quickly and she almost died of Covid in the early days.

We heard stories of people meeting and at one meeting 15 people all "got Covid", I know about a whole business getting Covid--they reported 6-8 people there at a local business etc. What's spreading?

 This one woman I know online and am sure is a real person said her EMT brother saw people dying gasping for air

I knew people who had relatives die--church members etc. Some were old but some weren't.

I knew this guy who almost died in hospital, online relationship but know he's real for sure, needed 12 units of oxygen [again some of these early folks could be some released SARS at the start of this] His lungs were messed up. He is only in late 40s, early 50s.

I know this one guy who got Covid, he told me it messed up his heart beats--this was prevaxx time. He's been sick a lot, may have long Covid.

Some recent cases they have told me of extreme brain fogs and other weird symptoms, "its not a cold", "I couldn't function", "I was in bed for days" Of course some of this could be pinned on the vaxxes.

What about that Ralph Baric and other "gain of function" jerks, weren't they doing something in those labs?

Why wouldn't elite kill via virus AND vaxx, maybe they do have antidotes, be it boxes of IVM they are denying everyone else, zinc, etc or mixture? I never believed in crisis actors. Have you followed the Alex Jones case recently?

How could all these doctors and others be fooled? I did ask a few doctors, remember I see a LOT of doctors, what is going on. A doctor told me he had seen some people die of Covid, younger people not oldsters. [pre-vaxx] time. I plan to ask one soon when I see him and ask if anyone is dying or not. 

I haven't had a cold or flu during 2.5 years of wearing a mask. That is the longest span of time in my life where I haven't had a cold. I do worry my immune system is being ruined from wearing masks so long. Yes it worries me a lot. This points to masks doing "something". 

Some think it could be a poisoning, 5g or something else is killing people. Very possible. I don't buy terrain theories, have gotten sick from seeing sick people and know who gave me something in the past.

Commenters here have described getting Covid including recently and that the symptoms were far worse then an ordinary cold or flu. 

I know 15 people in last two months who all claim they have Covid. Could be vaxx illness but it's intermittent whatever they are getting. It is obvious to many of us that vaxxed people are getting sick with Covid or whatever far more often. Summer is a dubious time for everyone to be getting a million colds though some could say the vaxxes destroyed their immune systems and that's all it is

Ok all of this is ancedotal. I also think they have muddied the waters on purpose. What else would work to split society in two and drive everyone into madness. Just like narcissists use gaslighting and double-blinds to keep the truth from being known, it's happening here. One question we could say, is "Why not both?" There's a real bioweapon or virus making people sick but the tests are crap, and more are testing positive that should. We know the messaging in general is illogical in general. 

One doctors predictions seem to becoming true. Maybe keep track of how many people you know are getting sick with weird infectious illnesses. Few realize this about monkeypox but there was an outbreak in 2003 out west and it remained control. Dr. Bhakdi is a doctor who warned the mRNA shots would shred human immune systems and bring a cascade of diseases. Very few are talking about this either. When you read about NYC now having polio showing up in the water system and about monkey pox spread, I remember the warnings of Dr. Bhakdi.

" Dr Bhakti is warning of progressive long term collapsing of the injection victims’ immune systems. The injection victims immune systems are tricked into self destruction! With the immune system destroyed as a result of the injections, all sorts of dormant infections like shingles, tuberculosis, Epstein Barre Virus, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and other infections, will thrive and destroy lives."

750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections – Doctors for COVID Ethics (

I don't have all the answers. I'm just a person trying to figure things out. As I said I may not post much about Covid elsewhere, it's talking to a brick wall. I do think disaster is coming. I'm detecting some scary patterns.

Maybe I am too autistic, but I do not understand people's choices lately. Oh I understand people wanting to live their lives, but now that people are getting Covid multiple times it seems even that is not having them hang back a bit. 

What is happening to us, I believe is worse then WWII in many ways and may even cost more lives. We are in a real battle between good and evil here, and evil so far is winning. 

 Add whatever information you can to this post. I want to see and hear what you have in your neck of the woods going on. What are you seeing? What is happening to people? Are they catching Covid a lot? What do you think of the new monkey pox? Are you noticing they aren't even attempting contact tracing on that. Ever ask yourself why? People need to start asking questions and not accepting the illogic of this whole mess. 


  1. Hi Peeps - I haven't finished reading the whole post but it's great so far. Just wanted to tell you , 2 people I know who got the shots ,plus boosters now say they will never get another jab as long as they live. They ended up getting a punch of cysts and had to have some removed after they were boosted. Both of them. They are married. they attribute it to the jab. So that's 2 people who have seen the light. Of course I don't think they were that sold on it as some other people were. They did it so they could travel and for work. But they did it willing. They got boosted.
    So there are people who come around.
    Are all these people you know? Have any of them attributed it to the vax?
    But, people are still crazy around here. I saw 2 people wearing mask and gloves today. Both looked healthy. I know you can't always tell if someone is healthy, but it's like some people are getting more paranoid.
    I have to say the only people I know who have died of covid are all vaxed. Really. Of course I also know many vaxed people who have just had covid but not been hospitalized. But still. And most vaxxed people I know have had covid many times. I don't know what to make of all this. But I am with you on the vax side effects scary stuff.

    1. Hey Anon, I'm glad those 2 people you know have said no more. Thats too bad they got cysts, and wow both got them at same time, but with the two with neuropathy they had that at the same time--those two recovered and kept getting shots. SMH. There's a link somewhere that talks about how some "batches" of the poison juice" are worse than others. The more people who wake up, the better, just hope they survive long term. Some contributed their problems to the vaxx but some seem in serious denial. Maybe those masked and gloved people are fearing monkey pox. If we think people have lost it over Covid, I fear things getting worse with that. Since this one passes from surfaces and even food, people are going to lose it. In my case I've had a small pox vaccination, I'm old enough to have had one and hoping that would suppress any monkey pox. It's all the vaxxed people constantly getting Covid around here, from what I can tell though I will admit my pool of unvaxxed around here is very small. Looks like you are seeing the same thing. Yeah, it's crazy, with the vax side effects, there's no way a vaxx with this many bad life changing and disabling outcomes would have been acceptable even a few years ago. Thanks for your post too.

  2. There is definitely something out there going around, because I have listened to people I trust tell me they have gotten sick and it seemed unnatural to them. Like it was made in a lab. But there are many of us that have not gotten anything. I don't know why some of us aren't getting it. Makes it seem like it is genetically targeting certain people. I have been to the dentist, and had surgery, and to many doctors( I have cancer) , been with groups of people many times, I don't wear a mask, and I like you have not had a cold in a couple of years. But I have had the stomach and intestinal flu many times over the last few years. I am very prone to that.
    I wish you would put up some links to studies or articles on shedding. That scares me, but I'm unsure if it is true. I know regular vaxs can have shedding so I think maybe this is possible. But can these people still shed if they are not boosted. I can't get away from being around medical people right now, maybe for the next 6 months to a year.
    I think the worldly powers right now are evil, so because what they are doing is evil, they could be capable of shitting in their own nest, so to speak. Think of how narcissists can really cause destruction, even self destruction because of their own folly. So, yeah, they probably put this thing out there thinking they could control it( being the megalomaniacs they are), and like all narcs they cause chaos and destruction. Just my 2 cents worth.
    I am a real person. You can tell by my lousy grammar,lol!
    Thanks for the post - Sue

    1. My husband believes its real, he has talked to more people then me and had some extreme things described, I tried to stick to my own experiences but he heard about a guy who died at our grocery store, I forgot to add it to the list, this guy died 3 or 4 months ago, I don't know if was vaxxed but he was pretty young. Maybe he had one of the last cases of Delta. I wonder too if some of us are immune, and if they are targeting certain people. It makes me wonder. I do go some places, like grocery store, medical, thrift, library and library. I joke sometimes maybe my body is so unusual it made me immune, small red blood cells, small mouth, I do have markers of something genetic. I still want genetic testing, someone I knew thought I had fragile X going or something to have so many medical problems.
      Thanks for telling me people felt it was unnatural. Yeah I've heard that too where they said to me, "I have never had anything like this" or "it was totally different" or "The fatigue was so bad I couldn't get out of bed" [heard that about the vaxx too. I hope you recover from cancer, and do well. Yes I am always in doctor and dentist offices, I even had to sit last week in a room with 8 people to get a blood test. I probably go to an average of 3-4 appointments a month of some sort. Some months it's more. I worry about my husband catching it as he has to do laundry and run errands when I'm housebound. I'm glad you have had no colds, that's too bad about the stomach stuff. I get stomach IBS/upsets from other medical problems. I wish I could get my husband to do this but have as a rule if I am in a room with more than a few people especially where the people are unmasked to take vit C/zinc and use Listerine, to rinse and gargle. I want to get some nose spray too, but it's hard to come by. I need to study the shedding too. I may keep a log of when the most severe Meniere problems come, to see if that is a real pattern of me being out in public and the tinnnitus growing more severe.Yeah we both have to be around medical people and a lot of them are vaxxed. My doctors so far wear masks around me even the dentist.
      You are right about the worldly powers being so evil, one thing I worry about is how OLD all the people who are doing this to us are, they are in their 80s and most people in their 80s don't have long to go, so maybe they don't care about destroying the world on their way out, according to their "beliefs" maybe they think Satan will reward them in the afterlife. So yeah they may foul the nest and tear it down and certainly I've written enough about how malignant narcissists don't care about children. I think you are real :) Thanks for posting Sue.

  3. Well, yeah, there's been a lot to sort out since all of this started -- so I don't blame you if you're confused. The sands keep on shifting, and so do we, along with them, it seems. Regarding the grocery store guy, he worked the night shift -- that's when I typically saw him -- mainly as a stocker, though they'd call him upfront to help with bagging, if the line got too long. I don't think he was ever vaxxed, because he never got masked. I took him for a Trump guy, or simply another far right guy, judging by the comments that he'd let slip out from time to time about politics. The sad thing was, the one bagger who told me about his death -- remember that occasion? -- ended up being the only visitor he had. That's what his coworker said -- he never saw anybody else there, and he surely must have had some family members or other. But his coworker never saw anybody else. Maybe they were scared of getting it, or maybe they were estranged, but either way, it's sad to think of someone like that dying in that situation, more or less all alone (except for the one guy who cared).

    I share your concerns, but all I can say is, I'm following my own rigid protocols closely -- I generally go to the same places, and usually, when fewer people are there, to reduce the odds of fatally compromising myself. That's why I'm still kind of bitter about all the peer pressure I got recently (show up here, show up there), as if this was just another massive flu outbreak or other that's had its day. Of course, I doubt any of these people who put the squeeze on me recently would pay any of my bills in case things went south, which only has hardened my resolve not to give in.

    It's funny, though, when I think of what people have been saying, how the pandemic merely exposed the rottenness underpinning so much of the system. Which makes me think, "Hmm, does this mean people were always horrible, and I either overlooked it, or chose not to see it?" Lest we forget, cluelessness has always been baked into these pandemic-type things -- so I guess I shouldn't feel surprised. --Mr. Peep
