Wednesday, May 15, 2024



"Fat Pat Fights the World" is now available. 



Coiled, paper zine, 11 x 8 inches, with cardstock cover and back cover.

The zine includes drawn comics and a written story. The comics are in black and white and also in color. 

This zine includes the very unique story of a fat girl who grows up to be a fat woman and all her trials and tribulations. She is an adult child of narcissists and faces many challenges from that as a result. It begins with her childhood and lasts through her adulthood. The story while exploring very difficult issues, also brings a lot of humor to bear.  Fat Pat is a character who doesn't give up and also questions society!

This zine is linked to a blog where the author's writings about her life as an adult child of narcissists, life with supersized obesity and Lipedema appear.

Five Hundred Pound Peep (

The zine is 236 pages 2 pages per page, 4 per sheet. 30 dollars

Please write me if you would like a copy. Email me at and I will forward the ebay link to you, to buy a copy.  Thanks so much. 


  1. I used wegovy (ozempic) last summer and lost 40 pounds. Since I'm addicted to sugar there were a few times I binged on candy and it totally messed up my GI system. It works by slowing down digestion by ~5 hours and eliminates hunger hormonally.
    My M.D. gave authority and care to a Pharma D (pharmacist) during this time which I've never seen before. I objected and refused all the PharmaD's appointments saying she was biased in favor of pharmaceutical corporations. It caused some hoopla but they had a very nice nurse take over.
    When I hit my target weight and told the nurse I was done, she was surprised thought I was going to keep injecting it for the rest of my life.
    Fast forward to 6 months later I gained most of the weight back and don't want to deal with the side effects.
    All things considered I will probably try one of the newer designs of these types of weight loss drugs that affect more than just GLP-1. The podcasting doctor Peter Attia is my source of information on the subject, he seems alright.
    After years of trying to lose weight the normal ways I just ended up with injuries from over-training. I figure unnatural chemicals got me in this mess, so I'll need then to get out of the mess. Fight fire with fire or something..
    Anyways just sharing my experience thanks for letting me blog on your blog.

    1. Oh sorry to hear you regained weight after using a GLP-1, I may post today about how doctors want to push me on Ozempic, and I don't want it. One even told me I would have to be on it the rest of my life. Be careful, I'm old enough to remember Phen-Fen and the rest of it. Yeah over-training and exercise can cause injuries. I suppose in my case, I am so burned out on dieting, I just gave it up. [try to keep weight stable and eat as healthy as I can] However my weight is so high and other medical problems so bad, the doctors are putting pressure on me. I fear the unnatural chemicals and side effects. They really have messed us up medically. They don't want to deal with what is making everyone fat with the toxins in society, bad food and more. I'm follow some doctors on Twitter but have the financial limits on how far I can take things with better food, keto, etc. [don't do well in my case with too low of carbs etc] Hope things get better for you. Thanks for sharing your experience!
