Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Refusing Ozempic


Years ago, I did a cartoon where "Budgie" or now "Fat Pat" drew a picture of the future, and everyone was thin including me, and were wearing "Fat Be Gone" modulators.  I envisioned the metabolism being speeded up via this little box. How strange. It's a nice dream but sadly not the way this world works. What do we get instead. Ozempic--Another shot, but here's the catch, when you go off it, all the weight comes back. There's side effects like gastroparesis, look it up, and nausea and other bad stuff. How come they never invent anything that actually works well. Remember the Phen-Fen debacle? My parents pushed me to go on it, but I couldn't afford it anyway. Good thing I didn't as some died of pulmonary hypertension and heart valve problems. Oh, thyroid cancer is a danger from GLP-1 drugs too. There's also risks to the eyes that are very scary.  I'm deaf, I'm still refusing Planequil for its effects on the eyes.

I am in the 490s presently, very glad to see the first number at "4". The last time I was weighed it was 491. 

Some doctors wanted me to go on Ozempic and GLP-1 Drugs. Some may not blame them. I am hugely fat. Maybe it was my mistake complaining too much and they wanted to come up with more solutions. Some of my swelling has gotten bad. I think its a mixture of my Lipedema and heart failure. I didn't have shortness of breath but every time I try to do anything, the body worsens. I was busy two days in a row including planting my garden, buying food and visiting people, and was limping. My regularity with my Lasix wasn't good enough. "Take as needed" was nebulous and I hopefully fixed the problem taking Lasix on a more regular basis. 

They are promoting Ozempic and two doctors have asked if I wanted to go on it. I said, No. They all think I am nuts because I am saying no being this fat. They know my weight situation is complex with Lipedema and more but of course want a person to lose. They tell me to exercise and all the weight loss givens, that so far have failed. Ozempic is expensive. I may be insured for it but it costs $1500 a month.

 Get this, if you go off it, you regain all the weight. Anyhow I said to doctor, "Why bother, when I go off it, then weight will come back and more..." The doctor then said, "You will have to be on it the rest of your life!" I then countered, "What if I am forced off for side effects. I gained 400lbs plus in 28 months, I'm not going to monkey around with stuff, even keeping the weight stable is hard. Anyhow lately I am losing weight." I added "It desensitizes you to leptin!" 

I noticed B vitamins and other supplements have positively affected my weight. I hope I keep losing more. One doctor did admit with all my problems, Ozempic may not work for me the same way it works for other people. 

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