Remember when I posted this article?
The Social Engineering of Covid19
Why does it seem some of the worse things I imagined are coming true?
Some people are noticing that a technocratic cage is being built for us all.
I remain very worried about those who took the vaccines, and this has grown worse since I started my list of Covid links. Another friend said a family member had seizures which they never had before after getting a vaccine. Check out those links, there's a lot of worrisome trends, women's periods being changed, miscarriages, people losing hearing, blood clots--the J and J vaccine was paused recently, diabetic nightmares and other severe medical problems and deaths. Why are they wanting to force these "vaccines" on young healthy people and children who have little to no risk from Covid? I am not anti-vaccine, I'm anti-stuff that doesn't work, doesn't bring immunity and seems to be creating more problems than it's solving! They are claiming some people are so immune-compromised the Covid vaccines won't work. They also are reporting vaccinated people are getting Covid and serious cases too.
Another frightening thing is watching the people on line make excuses for the worse Covid vaccine outcomes, "oh your hearts beating 200 beats a minute, oh that's just for the first week"..."oh you can't feel your face or your legs, it's just your immune system working with the vaccine." I mentioned the several people who talked about how sick they got who I personally know, including one lady who was bedridden for two weeks. It was scary for me to watch formerly healthy people get so sick.
So my worry about the vaccines continues. I don't want to upset people with these anxieties but they remain. I have cried over these worries. These are people I worry about. Many accepted that I have serious problems complicating the issue. They had the right to make their own medical decisions. I know things are a gamble all over. I care about a lot of people, who I want to stay healthy.
With the encroaching totalitarianism, I made my own mistakes, I trusted the left too much, I got caught up in the Trump resisting, ignoring too many of the problems on the other side and "othering" of conservatives. I believe some conservatives are right about things going on and agree now with their questioning of some developments. While I still remain upset that endless failures here on the right led the virus to be spread to the most remote corners of the country, this doesn't mean ignoring everything they have to say. My disaffection from the left has grown. This does not mean I want to become a Republican.
Even with my reluctance I voted for Biden. I feel bad about using terms like Covidiot, because people on the other side, were right about the destruction of small business and economic disasters. They had a point about our disappearing freedoms and how full control has been taken over our lives.
Ignoring people's concerns even about the masks is not fair. I called some of them selfish but I still suffer myself from the masks, and get short of breath all the time in them and it makes trying to do anything depressing and aggravating. Even when I wear one for an hour-2 hours in a medical establishment, I have to slow down my walking and have had a few panicked moments. Being forced to move slow all the time when wearing them just to get enough air, I believe is harming my own health, and I know if I had to wear one for hours a day instead of just 1-2 for medical appointments or for short times to go into stores, it would cause me real problems. My chest hurts from the masks more often then not. The hotter it is outside, the worse it is. People who blow this all off, aren't being fair either.
I forgot about how in world history, "Divide and Conquer" works very well. Propaganda has been so perfected now beyond Goebbels and friends, they got a trap set for every demographic. Seeing all the censorship including of the vaccine side effects board I mentioned before, has been a giant red flag to me. Also when there is a topic you have been made "scared" to talk about, that means something. Your inner fears of worry are there.
It's scary as hell where most liberals have gone. The system supporters and bootlickers are running the show. Because of the craziness of Trump and extreme things like Qanon and the would be insurrection, most liberals are on a quest to prove how "rational" and "scientific" they are, while forgetting that corruption can come through the back door. It's a game of "Look over there, at those nuts!" while bringing in the inexcusable. I am old enough to remember the days of Ralph Nader and more, we didn't blindly trust pharmaceutical companies or the experts. Pharmaceutical companies have done some good, I take some of their medicines everyday, but blind trust there does not keep them accountable. Remember all those lawsuits about baby powder? Do those ring a bell? True science allows questioning. This "science" is something else
I will say this the propaganda has worked. It worries me now that any of us who question corruption in the system now are all labeled crazy. Why have liberals ignored the great money-clean outs here, the destruction of the middle class, untold millions of small businesses and far more? What about people's mental health? What about people who have gone without medical care for other conditions because of Covid? Everyone's lives got shut down, now into the second year, with no signs of it being let up, and this is deemed acceptable? Why? While a few outliners, I linked to, on my Covid links list question the descent into totalitarianism, most of the left has signed up.
Life for someone who is upper middle class, who has a vast family, huge home, plenty of work out and hobby space, good job that provides benefits, decent income, yard with private space, thousands of dollars of expendable income for advanced technology, ability to visit various state parks/vacations, close local social relationships with friendly relatives and local friends, are not going to be living this pandemic the same way as everyone else. True suffering and isolation will be there for the single person who lives in a city where they know very few people, or someone like myself who is high risk and lives in a small apartment with no private outdoor space.
However I have a husband, what about the elderly and other people who live alone and have seen all human contact shut off from them? It seems no one cares about them. Everything's about Covid. People have forgotten other diseases and problems like cancer and other medical and mental health problems exist.
1. What happened to regular flus and colds and why don't people get them anymore?
2. How accurate are PCR tests? The inventor of the tests questioned their use for viruses.
3. Why are they ignoring and censoring the side effects from the vaccines? Why are entire boards being taken down--I have seen this with my own eyes? Why are endless individuals being silenced even in just talking to others who have had bad side effects? Why are everyday people talking about the extreme effects of these vaccines being silenced? I can provide more links here than the ones I have provided already. Remember I hang out on health boards.
4. Why aren't people demanding vaccines that work, and bring total immunity and are traditional in nature? What good is a vaccine if you still have to isolate and remain masked up? Why did they go with experimental mRNA that needs boosters, does not make anyone immune and subverts the human immune system? Why did they focus on vaccines that mean one becomes dependent? Who decided that experimenting on millions of people was "worth it" for a virus that had a survival rate in the 90s for most people? Yes Covid can be serious and has killed people, but what if something goes wrong with the experiments on millions?
7. Why do we seem to be on a time line that is going to make Children of Men and Handmaid's Tale a reality?
8. Why does it seem like they are going to make us live like this forever? Where our lives will be digital prisons hooked to the internet like the Matrix where we will no longer be able to see people in person?
After all if the "vaccines" fail to quell the spread and don't provide immunity, are we going to be imprisoned like this forever?
8. Are you noticing yet this pandemic doesn't seem to be ending? It's been a year and a half.
9. Why was a real short term lock down never attempted? It's something I've thought about. Other nations managed it.
10. Have you ever heard of a virus that is so versatile that brings every symptom you have ever heard of in one's body? From blood clots, to brain fogs with a different variant every other minute?
11. Have you ever heard of a virus that supposedly spreads through the asymptomatic? How come they never figured out whose permanently asymptomatic and why? That's kind of strange to me.
12. Have you heard of the Great Reset? Before you start up about "the crazy conspiracy theorists", well they called the people conspiracy theorists who said there would be things like vaccine passports years ago.
13. Have you noticed how radically all our lives have been changed in a year and half's time?
14. Why should Fauci and other's be trusted? Do you know of any of Fauci's record?
15. Isn't there a point we should return to living our lives despite the dangers? I say this even as a person who is very high risk and knows what it is like to almost suffocate from lungs gone rogue. Do you want to live in a world that is masked up and closed down forever? Covid very well could be endemic now.