Wednesday, May 15, 2024



"Fat Pat Fights the World" is now available. 



Coiled, paper zine, 11 x 8 inches, with cardstock cover and back cover.

The zine includes drawn comics and a written story. The comics are in black and white and also in color. 

This zine includes the very unique story of a fat girl who grows up to be a fat woman and all her trials and tribulations. She is an adult child of narcissists and faces many challenges from that as a result. It begins with her childhood and lasts through her adulthood. The story while exploring very difficult issues, also brings a lot of humor to bear.  Fat Pat is a character who doesn't give up and also questions society!

This zine is linked to a blog where the author's writings about her life as an adult child of narcissists, life with supersized obesity and Lipedema appear.

Five Hundred Pound Peep (

The zine is 236 pages 2 pages per page, 4 per sheet. 30 dollars

Please write me if you would like a copy. Email me at and I will forward the ebay link to you, to buy a copy.  Thanks so much. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

New Hobby: Russian Literature and Films

 I watched this film the other week, a friend suggested it to me. I loved it, it's a Russian film with English Subtitles. I never have read War and Peace, somehow I missed that one in school but I'm planning to find a certain translation and read it soon. I have read Dead Souls, Oblomov, and several other Russian books and authors. Tolstoy is one of my favorite. Next on my list is Crime and Punishment. Check out this film, some of the cinematography looks like paintings. There's a lot of war scenes. Wish some of our crazy leaders could see this film regarding the futility of war. 

Wrapped Around Their Finger


It took me years later to realize how the narcissists were manipulating the others. Like when the wife of Uncle Narcissist, cried to my cousins to make me look bad, feigning sadness. I even showed the cousin a copy of our text discussion but it didn't wake him up. There is a real focus to turn everyone against you too. I remember how my family gleefully talked about my brother's ex-wife, and bonded over put-downs, it was crazy to watch. That's how it worked. She was another scapegoat as I mentioned years ago. I had a weird dream the other night where I was visiting the family at my old grandmother's house, and I didn't want to go in. I was there with suitcases, in the dream I was homeless and a lot younger. Ive never been homeless but was in this dream. I said, "I don't want to go in there, you have to walk away". In the dream, I was trying to choose a new place to live. Guess I can see the obvious meaning of that dream. 

Don't Expect Them to Wake Up....


I'm planning to write an article soon on how scapegoats reject other scapegoats in a family system that will be coming later. When I used to talk to mine, I could hear the disassociation, and the shutting down. Emotions were to be denied, there was no reality allowed and everything was run according to status and who had it. They are fully invested in the toxic system. 

Dystopia is Here Now


Some of oldsters remember when society seemed to function a lot better.  I think the USA is declining and going into a full blown depression. We are in a dying empire. I know some don't like me saying this but it's true. Other countries look out for their own people while this one is led by politicians who are emptying the till as they dismantle the place. I watched a video the other day, with the economist Michael Hudson, so gives out some interesting facts about America, that 50 percent of Americans can't come up with 400 dollars in an emergency, and that home ownership here is falling. Our middle class is disappearing. He has different views about Russia, their middle class is growing while ours is in freefall. I've never been middle class as an adult, his definition of it fits too. When people have to constantly beg and borrow for necessities your society is not a functioning one. This place is a dystopia now. Just wait until they get the bio-tech garbage at full-throttle. I plan to post more on that too. 

The Best Men


Sometimes I wonder why good jobs are so hard to get and why some people were given places in society and others weren't. It's something I mull over. I'm worn out helping husband with the job-hunt. it all seems a dead-end. I get the feeling they see the gig employment/his age and just chuck the computer files of his resume into the computer trash-can or the algorithm does. I'm not sure what direction there is to go. I feel like there's something in the formula we missed. By the way it seems almost every job he has gotten we had to know someone, even for gig stuff. I'm not kidding.

He's working all the time, not resting on his laurels. He will even do survey stuff to get immediate money like if we need groceries. I asked around for jobs for him, everything seems entry level and all related to STEM, cell phones or computers. You can see the ruination of our society via job hunting for someone. They really did toss out so many areas. 

Everything is specialized to the extreme, almost like they made humans into robots, and there's a 19th century edge of court rules of mandated language, looks and more. They got all these jobs writing for AI, do these people realize they are writing themselves and others OUT of jobs? A lot of jobs seemed centered around evil, surveillance, AI, and digital biotech dystopian crap. My husband's background isn't related to any of that, but I see that stuff scrolling through Indeed. Remote work seems to be compressing that's what I'm focused on for husband. 

 Journalism is dead. I can go on one journalism jobs website for our state for husband and count 6 newspaper jobs for the entire state. They will want young energetic desperate people to pay a lousy 25,000 dollars a year to.

I was in shock to read about this young woman majoring in journalism and thought unless she's a trust fund kid, who has connections to get into a high tier newspaper or magazine or foundation via relatives or friends, welcome to poverty! He's in that realm of disability now, where it's not enough for the check, but too much problems to stand at a retail store, or be cashier. I found group home jobs for him but he discussed that and said, that would be too physically demanding. It really was for me. 

 Sometimes I see these people that don't seem especially talented or hard driving, who were okay in life, who got good jobs, stability and were okay, but we weren't. I can understand with me, disabled people don't get rich. I have ADHD off the charts, and multiple physical disabilities. Even today I can barely get through a day doing what needs done, it seems my life is overwhelmed with physical and other tasks I'm not that good at. I just spent two hours sorting pills, taking a shower, nebulizing my lungs, and I'm in my leg machine now.  I have to make some soup for lunch, and then wrap my leg and try to clean up a few things. I have to deal with some internet addiction but then body is so much in pain, I end up in bed too much which is where the computer and videos are. My body swelled up huge this week. Time is always vaporizing for me like a fart in the wind. Maybe I'm not responsible enough and want to do things like read War and Peace and paint or go online too much. I did get my printer to work at least recently. I also got a painting done for an art show, that is to be delivered soon. 

 My husband though deserved a lot better. There's reasons I don't believe in the system, isn't there? At least with him getting some stringer work writing articles for a local paper and continuing with transcription we have been able to survive, but it's right on the edge of the cliff.  That gets tiring. I read an article years ago that talked about how older men were just being cast aside. I think they are lying about the unemployment numbers. They are just blatant lies. If you know of a remote job related to transcription, journalism, writing, proof-reading and editing tell me about it here. If you hire for those jobs and read this blog, save Peep from descending into worse poverty and write her and tell her of a job for her husband. The scary thing is he is working all the time, but as expensive as everything is, we need something more stable. 

Update on this one:

I went out to make soup, it had cabbage and tomatoes in it, I'm out of onions, but had some garlic left, and heated up some bread I got from a food pantry with frozen lunch meat ham to go on the side. I usually don't eat ham that often but beggars can't be choosers. Dinner has to be homemade mac and cheese--I got cheese from a food pantry and some chicken patties, it's what I have. 

 Anyhow husband tells me he got downgraded twice by the algorithims on his transcription. You can be going swimmingly along for months and get dinged, and the punishment? Less work. He hasn't been cut down yet--thats a few points away, but they keep the screws on them. Imagine a job where there's no benefits, no vacation, and constant testing, and if you make one mistake, you're punished. The computer determines your fate. 

Now the mistakes are dubious, I've looked what the machine considers a mistake and most often they are NOT. People think gig stuff is easy but its not. Even ebay slowed down this week, but I have to help get more stuff up. I'm kind of depressed from digging through my stamp collection, selling parts of it off. We were digging up autographs to sell, they are real ones, but probably everyone is too broke to care. 

Decades of Decline


Maybe next it will be cardboard boxes on the sidewalk for Generation Alpha. Things definitely been in a decline for a long time.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Booming Economy? Not for all of us


A lot of rich liberal usually Biden supporters on my Facebook are telling me the economy is doing great! Are they high? Some probably live in a bubble while others are so rewarded by the corrupt system, they certainly are going to sing it's praises.

 I think for people who do own stocks, and have wealth maybe things look a lot brighter, the divide between the haves and have-nots has grown harsh. I have well-off friends who admit the economy is bad for some of us, so it's not everyone, but how do I describe my reality to other people? I can't be hard on those better off than me, some have helped us survive. Who buys my art and our ebay too? People with money. I have a lot of richer friends I care about. I don't want them to face what I have suffered.  However, there's something really wrong with people who decide to ignore half the population and consider us all liars about our economic situations. 

Here's a meme one of the wealthy liberals I know posted on Facebook. I wish I lived in their world. They are boomer age, and completely not impacted by the dying economy. This kind of made me angry, how can people be so clueless? 

At least some of my more well-off friends admit the economy is crap. A friend of mine from college that makes 100,000 a year at a high level education job, told me her rent was near what we live on for an entire month. It was 2800 dollars. Her bills seemed as crushing as my own. When you get more money too, all the health deductibles go up.

Biden's going to lose by the way, he's doing the same thing Hillary did complaining about poor people and calling them "Deplorables". Biden just ignores their existence. I had that issue in circles here especially among the woke, where there was no such thing as poor white people. A lot of America is rural, and poor, working class, lower and middle. You think the people struggling for groceries are going to vote for Biden now? Most of us are pissed off. I am. Even if some can make an argument that a sitting president doesn't control every economy lever, we all have watched this guy send off billions to other countries while Americans suffer. Many people on both the right and left suspect that our politicians just don't care about us anymore. 

I think of the things I could have done with more money. I always have ideas for projects. My Fat Pat book has been delayed, I know. My tank printer is giving me fits. I was bound and determined to get 10 copies done, that is 2,300 pages by the way, but the printer was fuzzing up the print by the 200th page. I wanted to sell it electronically but ebay doesn't allow that. I still plan to get it out, though I know it is taking me forever.

I sat down one day and thought of all the crap I need from a new couch even used to replace a breaking down one, to compression supplies, to new supplements, better food, underwear, replacing a cracked windshield on our van,  a seat for my wheelchair, a scooter--yeah I'm dreaming, new shoes, and it was THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. Will I ever see it?, probably not. I was told by my new ear doctor, my other one retired, I'm too deaf now for the $2,000 hearing aids I never could afford to be of any use. 

Politics seems like a dead end to me. I don't have any hope in them anymore. "Get out the vote!" Who cares, voting barely matters anymore. I still vote but everyone I vote for always loses even for city council. Most politicians are snakes, and puppets for the psychopaths in the shadows. My husband is still a Democrat but I hate both parties as everyone here knows. I lean towards Kennedy but can tell he's being closed out when he's only gotten on 6 state ballots so far. They don't let outsiders in. Maybe he's just supposed to suck up numbers like Jill Stein. Remember when she had dinner with Putin and Trump's campaign manager?

We have something like 6 dollars in the bank right now. I have a 20 on me. That's in the entire world. I sold off silver that was in the house, coin, some earrings for 26 dollars a few weeks ago to the silver and gold shop. This guy gives me weird looks as I bring in old thrift store jewelry hoping something is real.  I'm scared all the time. He made some money this week transcribing but we have to pay car/renter's insurance and for my transcribe phone that I use to communicate with. I think there's going to be zero left. 

We got decrepit Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee as our choice in presidents or what South Park called "giant douche and shit sandwich" years ago. Maybe all of us should just invest in our local communities, but that's hard when I'm being forced to leave one I live in now due to money. Maybe if someone is more established go that way if you can. I hope where I move next I will do better. I had some stuff even going in this town when I participated in various churches, and other activities. The USA is a dying empire, plan accordingly. We will all be citizens of our respective states. 

Trump will screw me over for my being disabled, needing Medicare, promoting war with Iran most likely, more tax cuts for the very rich, kowtow to Dominionists and possibly deport all "birthright" citizens-my husband is one. He's upset but I tried to tell him it's just for undocumented immigrants and his parents were documented. I agree with Trump/Republicans on the second amendment, stopping illegal immigration, stopping Covid mandates, and DEI. 

Biden will screw me over pushing Covid mandates [or other future pandemic nonsense], globalism, economically, DEI, extreme "woke" nonsense, pushing more war, and possibly WW3. I agree with liberals on unions, protecting Social Security/Medicare, and supporting welfare. 

It's lose/lose with both. 

I was helping my husband sell ebay, I have more of that to do. We are selling jewelry--I find it at thrift when I can, stamps from my stamp collection, comics and books. He sold some old rock music items too. I'm also doing some paintings for an art show. There's another smaller art show I'm holding next spring, with around 6 works, to do too. My art supplies are running low, so have to figure out getting some more. I buy used art supplies from ebay to make my art happen.

 Sometimes the universe or God gives me stuff, I'm one of those people who sometimes does get help from unexpected places. Like yesterday we were out of money for groceries and someone nice offered me dinner. They don't know my fridge is completely empty and I was contemplating, what foods at the Dollar Tree I could scoop up. I had some old frozen bread, some left over eggs for breakfast with strawberries from a food truck.  We got some Chinese food, the first time I had any in more than a year. Another friend had bought us that dinner. 

I thought later, I should have had them buy me a salad, but wasn't thinking, I think the salad place was closed. Even then I didn't want to take advantage. The salad place can cost 40-50 dollars for the 2 of us. One large salad is 20 dollars with toppings on it. The Chinese food tasted good though. It was a treat. I don't have much I want to eat now. I had Dollar tree eggs and english muffin with a little bit of ham and cheese added this morning.  I'm glad I got the good Chinese food. The cheap turkey hotdogs look blech to me now.  I have some cheap Aldis veggie patties, I could eat for lunch but they have the consistency of lima beans. 

The functional doctor gave me dietary changes to do, but most of the food I need, I can't afford. At least when the veggie stands are back up, my diet will hopefully improve more. My eyebrows grew back from L-lysine and mythelated vit B, C, zinc and drinking cider vinegar.  I noticed looking at a Zoom I was on, that my face looked different, it occurred to me I had real eyebrows for the first time in 25 years. He has more he wants me on but money is an issue. I did replace the B vitamins last week at least. 

I told my husband I am going to help you more with your job search. He has a writing resume and a transcription resume, and has done both. You can see the price of the demise of newspapers on his career. He worked for a total of 5 newspapers during his life. Even his latest job lay-offs was related to a newspaper. He did go get some more stringer work, but it's only a little bit a month. Not earth-shaking money though it can pay a couple bills. His transcription resume is lengthy too, I'm not sure why work is hard to get. Fill me in on the mysterious secrets.

 He said he has been approved to do some legal transcription on one of his main gig websites. He's aging and well that causes problems. I see too many people who if they hit their 50s or even late 40s and are not established, things can get really bad. Before I was just getting listings for him but now I have a copy of his resume and sample cover letters to be able to help him more. Indeed does seem like a dead end. 

I'm at the point where I'm asking people can you get him a job? He can't stand more than 10 minutes so being a cashier around here doesn't even work, most places make them stand, and the factories all want people who can lift 50lbs.  Health after decades of financial and other stress is not the same. His wardrobe is bad, we live in the county of skinny men, and he's big, I can't even find thrift store clothing for him.  Sometimes I can go nuts just thinking of how one turn of the screw could have changed things. If you are someone reading this, and are of means or are in a company or have a tie to some job that can be done remote. [We can't afford to move out of state] maybe offer someone a break. He works hard and does his work. He was working last night. 

I wrote this on reddit:

 I had husband apply for govt jobs often in other states, etc. There was one time we got close to the middle class, if he had gotten this state job, my life would have gone very different. [this was in the era when he was an assistant newspaper editor] Things are very competitive out there. I sometimes ask WTF happened he had so many good things going at one time. Many have tried for the good jobs. Just want to put that out there. We moved 17 years ago for him to be a copy ad writer, they laid him off, and I think it was due to me going on the insurance. He had a good review even before hand. The work was run by committee though and the place had major problems. So those are gambles that don't always pay off. Sometimes know economic security was in close reach like this is more depressing. I gave up a loved small town to move into the town that job was in. It threw everything off All because we were reaching for the middle class.

I went to school and did everything I was "supposed to". I even moved to Chicago to get a job, as a residential counselor, hoping to move into another field. It was better than being homeless. I didn't know a soul there, and the place scared me it was so huge, but I did it not to be homeless.

We moved our whole life to avoid worse poverty. Even have to make a move soon for security/money reasons, senior disabled housing.

It gets harder the older you get.

Husband did get more work, so now it's not as desperate poverty but we are still poor. [stringer work, more transcription online]

Everyday have to wake up and think how do we pay this bill, how do we survive?

I do think schools are letting down young people. Do Vo-ed and get best skills you can and most practical.

The bills are so damn crushing. I've decided to stream line some of my medical care to cut down on medical bills. Just necessary at this point.

You can see AI taking over jobs by the way as you do job searches. One company wants to pay people 25 dollars an hour to write AI. Obviously some people like me have ethical concerns about AI. If anyone has job ideas for my husband tell me. Trying to find work for someone who has visible health problems and can't stand for more than 10 minutes due to vein problems is NOT easy. I am going to concentrate on remote. I have to help him and look up companies by name, maybe Indeed applications aren't getting through.

. I never got credit cards again after a long ago bankruptcy and never want one again. So whatever we got, we are stuck with. Hopefully life can be made more frugal after we get into the senior and disabled apt. That will provide more of a safety net. 

Our personal circumstances suck, but the evidence is out there that the USA is in big trouble. 

Watch this channel too, to see decaying cities, rural extreme poverty, homelessness and more. The politicians won't admit what America is really like now. 

Joe and Nic's Road Trip.

I noticed Nick Johnson went to another town where the divide in wealth was extreme. He went to visit this town, Traverse City in Michigan, there were mansions all over the place and fancy bars for yuppies and then he showed this giant homeless enclosure. All the people were gone, some commenters wrote they are all at work, and they can't afford the rent anywhere in that town, so have to live there. 

I live in a place that is richer, more immediately but it's just a few miles for me to see shacks, ruins, a dead mall, and places that have seen better days. One thing I am noticing in my town, is one can't find simple items at stores. It took several stores even to find tracing paper for an art project and I only found some buried away at an old 5 and dime store. The pad itself was probably from 20 years ago, but still functional and not browned yet. This place drives me crazy because I never can find what I need. The stores are always out of stuff. Everything is always the most dumbed down, most narrowed version of products. 

Some of us just have to look around to see that America is dying. I hang out in this one rural county about 20 miles away and you can see shacks, burnt out houses, dead businesses and a real heavy air of poverty in the air. I like it there, and love the people, at least they are folks who relate to me and very friendly, but the place is poor.

I can go a few miles from my apartment and see houses falling in and a ghetto that looks worse and worse. When I was thinking of moving into a cheaper apt, I had flash backs to Chicago, there was such lousy housing stock, they still had clawfoot tubs and crap like that. Some looked like they hadn't been updated since the 1930s! In my state, most homeless enclaves are hidden away in the woods, but the homeless are there too. There's a portion of my town where the beggars go, they are outlawed in the fancier area, and hold up their cardboard signs.

On my Facebook, I joined two boards, one was for poor seniors to look for room rentals and another was living on low income and social security. I noticed there extreme divides with the room rentals, some better off folks were renting rooms to people, a bedroom in their house basically, for 700 dollars plus a month. I don't know why some didn't try for a senior apartment instead, but it's scary to watch this stuff. Get old and poor in America, you can't even find a boarding house anymore, you have to go live in someone's house and hope they aren't abusive, or a neat-freak. Live with someone else's Mom in your old age. Someone on that board asked of having roommates, what if they get sick and or have cancer? It was an interesting question. This more than anything shows the desperation out there and the burgeoning poverty. It's probably Gen X scrapping along though there's some poor Boomers now too. 

You know something happened to the left where they abandoned the poor, working class and disabled. Covid only made this worse as the movers and shakers went to go bootlick Big Pharma. I wonder about all these people who deny our reality on the left and tell us how great the economy is. I guess this is the full take over of the Bobos in Paradise or one could say "elite left"/neoliberals etc. Remember when I wrote this article about the left betraying us all?  Now they are doing it with the economy. 

That said, are the Republicans going to help us with the economy? Well one named Rick Scott wants to "sunset" Social Security. They want to remove all the social safety nets! Is there anyone out there for us? Poor people know the Republican party doesn't care either. Remember Trump was president already, he brought us Covid, he had chances to give tax breaks to ordinary folks but they went to the ultra rich instead!

Some in their pride don't even care, that this definitely will lead to a Trump presidency. I can't stand Trump either but I do think some of liberals have TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. There are other bad politicians now destroying our lives too. Just because one snake says "nicer" things while screwing you over means nothing. I'm tired of the worse like Biden getting elevated just because they are all busy pointing fingers at Trump. Trump points to Biden on the other side as the cause of all our problems. Forgotten is all the tyranny they team up on. BOTH brought us Covid. Both support the Covid vaxxes. Trump praised the Covid vaccine just the other day to the disappointment of many of his followers!

Few realize both parties are stutter-stepping us to hell, playing the Hegelian Dialectic game. Notice the outcomes for the elite are always the same? Less money for you, and more for them? I don't even trust these right wingers claiming to be against mRNA, especially as you know companies for it are being built all over. 

Middle America is sick of the stupidity related to Covid, many have lost loved ones or are disabled from vaccine injury, and know no justice is coming and they are pissed. I'll never forgive what was done and I remained relatively unscathed not catching it myself and remaining unvaxxed. Middle America knows their kids aren't going to achieve the same level of income as them. They see their towns literally decaying in front of their faces. Us older people remember the leisure, fun and hobbies of earlier decades when we spent money on meals out, concerts, boomboxes and shopped for fashion. They are noticing real life problems are ignored for extreme identity politics for the rich, like extreme sex changes. Even my more well-off town is filling with empty buildings, and closing restaurants. You can only gaslight people so much.  Are you noticing neither main party is talking about what is happening to America economically? Are you noticing most of these politicians don't care? Are you noticing the lies about the economy are just as bad as the lies about Covid were?

Monday, March 11, 2024

RIP Garrison Brown


Trigger warning on this one...........

Sister Wives is a show I've watched for years. I watched it when it began and have continued to watch it. I always saw polygamy as an ill-fated path in life to take. The family was going to break apart the day they left the AUB community and entered the regular modern world. The worse has now happened.  Garrison [Robert] Brown, only 25 years old has committed suicide. 

Reality TV isn't good to those in it. Some have felt feelings of guilt even watching this show and I understood. When you see someone young and full of life come to an end like this, how much did the reality TV show damage their life?  For years on message boards dealing with the show, many people got concerned about how abusive Kody Brown was both to his ex-wives and adult children. When the show was new, Kody Brown seemed to be a lot happier fellow. The darkness built up over the years, he got angrier and meaner especially with the introduction of his 4th very manipulative wife Robyn. Many people theorized that Kody Brown was a malignant narcissist or had some other personality disorder problems. I agreed with those theories. He showed extreme selfishness, coldness and other very negative traits. 

Some of the poison obviously is inherited issues from a misogynist cult with a history of treating young men like "lost boys". Kody probably passed on some treatment he received at the hands of his own father but this does not excuse it. He treated his adult kids especially the sons very poorly. Oddly when they were young, Kody seemed to be a loving father who was there for them, perhaps making this even more painful.

 There was one show where Garrison's brother Garbriel cries because of Kody forgetting his birthday. Kody used arguments about Covid protocols to start banning his sons from his life and cutting them off. What kind of man calls his sons jerks on national TV? Surely this impacted Garrison and his siblings. The "divorces" and breakup of three plural marriages was followed on the show for years too.

Now Garrison had other problems, that have been described with drinking and relationship issues but its easy to ask how malignant narcissism or abuse from his father impacted his life leading to this fateful decision. It is alarming to see how these things have come out. He was a very kind young man who built his autistic half-sister a garden. His mother Janelle, Christine and siblings loved him and you could tell he loved them. The damage that abusers can do is insurmountable.

 Some people wrote they hope this would wake Kody up, and he would reconcile with his other kids on message boards. I think the reaction will tell us how far on the personality disordered spectrum Kody is.

Watching this show and remembering how he was talked about and treated was very sad. I fear for his siblings too, especially Gabriel and others who bore the brunt of abuse, the extreme pressures of fame, and stresses from the reality show world. Garrison supposedly wrote some TLC employees prompting family members to do a wellness check, so his final words even concerned the show. 

Strong Souls


Remember years ago when I said "Self sovereignty" was important when it came to recovery from ACON abuse? This meme had me think of that. I think about concepts with religion and psychology all the time, how much is used to tear people down instead of building them up. I even though about how the only way any religious faith will survive in me, is a God of kindness not one ready to tear me to pieces. There are endless philosophies, and false religious rhetoric, that is just meant to tear you down and for others to control and dominate and police you. Think about that. We are in the times where a strong soul is needed more than ever. 

Running From the Toxic Positive!



Poster based in Canada  ·   · 

Toxic positivity is a culture in which you are not allowed to have anything but a positive mindset and attitude, no matter how dire or difficult your life is.

I consider it a dysfunctional way to manage emotions and live your life because it dismisses and even condemns legitimate emotions such as anger and sadness.

Maybe I am a Debbie Downer. I don't care anymore. If I am, I was made this way. if I try to fake it, it doesn't work. That's more likely to send me into crying jags than facing hard cold reality. 

This friend got me into Russian literature. She said of the books I had recently read Dead Souls and Oblomov, that the Russians are more grim. I laughed and said, "They are more realistic". America is going to collapse with the toxic positivity. They can't deal with or admit or accept reality. Covid is a major case in point. Another friend years ago told me Hungarians were more morose people. She had been there. I said, "Maybe that's where I was meant to be". I am half Hungarian after all.

Some of the "love and light" crowd are scaring me. They are too busy demanding that they themselves wear a mask, and that others do too. They call it growth to keep that smile on one's face and always be "progressing". I have realized while I can be a fine acquaintance with such people any closer friendship will be impossible. Analytical autistics are their automatic enemy. They find us annoying.

 I have told myself for the sake of my mental health to avoid them now. Don't argue. Keep things superficial. Don't be a dummy and tell the "authenticity" class naturopath, you wanted to befriend, that the world doesn't want authenticity from autistics. That kind of stuff is for affluent charismatic types who see putting on a purple crystal necklace at their yoga class as the height of quirkiness. 

They will slap a negative label on you anyway. They are like fundamentalists in their world view and if you cross it, you are in trouble and the "evil" one. 

I don't want to single out the ones unloading toxic positivity, their numbers are legion in the town I live in now. They are mostly friends and acquaintances on Facebook but I have noticed the message is, no matter how bad things are you are to stay positive. This includes everything from going blind, to past abuse, to money problems. No matter how bad it is gets, keep sweet! These people stress me out. They make any depression greater. One is always supposed to step outside of yourself and think of your "brand", "appearance" and "impact". Going deaf sucks. I'm not going to go on about its wonders. I can't even have a conversation with my husband in the kitchen anymore.

Its like America is one big cult, "keep sweet or you're evil!" Manifest your reality and all that sort of crap. It is spiritual bypassing. As society grows more insane, stupid and banal, the powers that be just want you to shut up about it. The evangelical churches were horrible about this stuff, always policing your emotions.  New Agers and the "Love and Light" crowd are just as bad as your hard core fundamentalists.  The fundamentalists will tell you, that you are going to hell for not trusting God, the New Agers will say you are manifesting "negativity". It's tiring. In life, you want to be around people you are not on constant eggshells around. These folks worry me. There's too much tone policing. Just getting analytical to them seems an insult, like I'm not talking sharing tears but just breaking something down. 

One ironic thing about my personality is I show more happiness and laughter around people I feel comfortable around, so it's viewed maybe less? It happens. I think a lot of ACONs learn to guard that, because we know if we are caught smiling or liking something, the narcissist is going to swoop in like a bird of prey and nip that in the bud. I love stamp collecting. I even have dreams about being a stamp dealer and owning huge books of postage stamps. Anyhow, my mother once even mocked that and told me once "Collecting stamps is stupid!" Well at least some stamps appreciate in value instead of armies of ceramic snowmen that end up in the trash can or in the thrift bin after they go out of "style".

Get me some complainers. At least around them I could be real.  One of my friend said some cultures are more "complainer" cultures in European countries, I said, "That sounds better to me!" Now even I don't want people who never take action, but all this censorship and bypassing is getting on my last nerve. 

I've posted on this topic before so check out those posts. It is ironic to me as the world implodes to dystopia we are all supposed to smile even more. Guess it should not surprise me. They don't want anyone rebelling and asking why do we have to live in the street now among all these empty houses?

Anyhow I'm tired of celebrities telling me I'm not grateful enough and others who expect constant mask-wearing. I don't want the religious telling me what to think and feel and I don't want the gurus, and "love and light" ones telling me either. I'm done with people telling me what to say and feel. At this age, I'm not going to be who they want anyway. Forget it. Goodbye to all gurus, pastors, priests, and spiritual types telling me who to be and policing my thoughts and the thoughts of others. 

Conversation I had with Husband about Religion


I told my husband, "You know those people who get married 6 or 7 times, and always divorce, that's me and religion. I laughed and said, "I should have just picked one and stuck with it". He didn't disagree. I've joked before about visiting the religious shopping mall and choosing different religions. I don't want to return to the evangelical world. There's too much baggage. There were too many oily pastors that reminded me of crooked used car salesmen.  They were out for your money. It's probably not an accident the only sincere pastor I had, [in my first IFB church] left the pastorship to become a truck driver. He's still a Christian but I can understand why he is done with the whole mess. He was tired of the corruption of organized religion and wrote about that on a blog.

My discussion with two close friends of mine was interesting, I said, "I messed religion up, I've been so many of them." My special autistic interest was religion, and added some facts about Mormonism to Gnosticism. They were surprised how deep into religions I went. 

I sometimes joke too, "Church costs money", if you don't have any don't bother showing up. I always wish there was a church for poor people where one could share resources with each other. Some churches do share with their members, my long ago church with the sincere pastor, we had a food pantry we were welcome to all take food out of when we needed it. The UUs helped my husband who is still a member there. They were far more fair about dues then evangelicals who wanted 10 percent!

I still like Jesus's teachings, but I don't even know what church I would fit in now. I still post on some fifth principle UU boards on Facebook. Many in liberal churches question the direction the modern left has taken and post articles about how young people are being harmed by the trans movement. 

Add the evangelical preachers in their 3 piece suits to this picture too. 

It seems impossible to find a church that hasn't gone globalist bowing before Klaus Schwab, or extreme "woke" or one that isn't Dominionist. Being against both of those things there's nowhere to go to church. Sometimes I think socially I need to just suck it up, and choose something, because I am so used to meeting people at church. I've tried to remind myself other people manage without church, you have your art club and when you move you can find other groups and hobbies to meet people.

With religious issues, I hit a wall, no longer wanting any hoops to be told to jump through. My beliefs from one of the most complicated religious histories of any human on earth, are probably a mish-mash, that would confuse most people. Most people don't know what Christian Universalism is. I can't go to a lot of churches as they fly the Israeli flag and preach war. I think blowing up tens of thousands of kids is evil.

Most organized religion is run by the elites and used for social control and pushing the status quo. Most of the churches all jumped on the Covid vaxx train. This included plenty of Christian churches.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Things Just Never were the Same Again


 I did start opening up more to some people and telling them, how I believed. The term I use is medical freedom.  

Two years ago, many people who refused the clot juice were traumatized, having their jobs put at risk and more for refusing and many were fired. I had conversations with my husband about "going into hiding" if they ever were going to force it on us and I still have the rare nightmare even now.

Some say it's time to move on, but intuition tells me it's not over. It's hard to explain. They keep mentioning Disease X, and I think all of this was a practice run for further tyranny. They are still building mRNA factories, even though much of the populace by now, if they are being honest with themselves admits the garbage does not work and is harmful. Sometimes I think we are in the lull before the storm.

 I've been living normal now since Oct. No more masks, no more isolation, I have had a few friends over.  I haven't caught anything. I take a lot of supplements still.  

 Everyone I know is sick from the vaxxes. My husband and I are still wary of some vaxxed groups because they keep getting sick over and over. No one wants to catch even "regular" problems. Some of Dr. Bhakdi's warnings about other illnesses bursting out from the immune system destroying vaxxes are true. A friend of a friend got Whooping Cough on Facebook. Young healthier people then me, keep getting sick every 4-6 weeks with RSV, pneumonia, and colds that won't quit. I think a lot of people are depressed now, knowing that taking that stuff was a really bad idea and some online under anonymous names express their regret. Some friends are regretters so they are out there.

Socially things are being affected now by the lack of money, and life priorities switching to survival, all those food banks, and helping husband job hunt, take up time. I still feel lighter when I go to smaller towns to hang out. I went to an art activity recently that was fun. The atmosphere in the town I live in just never recovered. I wrote about all the closing places in my second to last article. 

Sometimes I look forward quite a bit to a "new beginning" and am planning out a move. I've done this before in life where a place and circumstances weren't working for me and did what I could to change it. Even with poverty we dug ourselves out in this marriage at least 2-3 times. Some people never escape it so that's something. Society has become more evil. Instead of changing things for the better, the corrupt we have in charge, interfered with all our lives. Years I couldn't spare, were affected. I made some errors, believing too much of the hype and isolating myself too extremely. Other disabled people were in that quandry too.  Ralph Baric never saw a prison cell, but maybe that was all lies too, who knows. 

I believe there's going to be ramifications for what they did for years. Cancer is increasing and autoimmune diseases. The next generation for those who can have children will be affected. The children who had that experiment forced on them, will not have normal health.

I hope people don't forget how far they took things, and what Biden did and could do again. Both parties are betraying us. Project 25 scares me, I still don't like Trump, and the Democrat love of tyranny scares me too:

Thank goodness this was stopped. Its unforgiveable too. Many are afraid for all their friends who took that stuff.  I feared it even being forced on the disabled to get our Social Security. This is the reason I can never vote for Biden. 

 I don't think I will ever understand why and how people accepted all this and embraced it. I understand to a point the fear, fearing dying, resiliency was denied and fear promoted. I don't think the economic pressures are an accident now, as anyone can notice the older we get, the more this place sacrifices all ideas of freedom and improving lives and everything is done for a small 1% to gain absolute power.

Hopefully more are waking up. Sadly, too many still haven't.


The Point You Arrive At:


This is a pretty good meme. Well it says it all, "They are just not enough for you". I realized my intense disappointment a few years ago, that's something that may take some time. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Poverty Saga Worsens



I'm doing ebay today. It's pin money but better to have the 5 bucks for gas to get across the street.   Fat Pat is done, but until I get 60 dollars to coil the first 10 copies, there is still a bit of a delay. One often has to spend money to make money. Hopefully it will be done soon. One part of being broke, is it takes money to get things done. 

My light bill is overdue. It was cold last month so it was higher. I'm working out a payment plan. In the winter it can go up to 250 dollars month or more. Well I can still be okay if I get my disability apartment. Once I am set up there, I can have life become more stable.  After I post this I am going to go clean my apartment, it's harder to keep things nice with no money. I am going to have him do laundry and I am going to box more crap up. We have carted at least 30 boxes out to thrift in the last few months.

 I am on a housing list, and it's a good place. We called to find out where I am on the list, there may still be a bit of a wait. We have to decide whether to stay here in the next several weeks or go into some type of temporary housing. Moving twice anyhow seems insane, especially since we will need friends help to move. We did pass the "cleaning" inspection from the other month. I estimate the wait to be 3-9 months, I do know the number of people ahead of me. It could be longer. 

I am dying of embarrassment too because my shoes are old and some Birkenstocks I saved from Trump money times, don't fit. I've lost a little weight since last year but my feet seem to be growing. My walker is covered in duct tape. I haven't bought a piece of new clothing since 2020. Everything is frayed. I still am stuck with a broken down couch. One charity place claimed to have some furniture but when my husband picked something, they said, "oh that is exempted", there was nothing else available. I never could afford the hearing aids, but my new ear doctor since my old one retired told me, they probably wouldn't help much anyway. Both are good doctors so I trust what they are saying. 

There's always that worry that I will end up homeless and my family will find out. They will see me on the sidewalk and laugh. My mother is probably enjoying her meals out, new clothes and second vacation home right now, yeah that's right, she owns two houses. Every time I saw that woman she had a new outfit on when I was in contact. Maybe the deliverance minister was right, my mother did curse me with poverty.  It always comes back to knock on our door. It makes you feel weird about life. 

She swims in money while I suffer. The social workers don't help people like normal people think they do. This life has taught me, no Calvary is coming. It is easy to fall off the cliff. Those who never have wailed in the street with everything being lost, never want to see that day. I did in Chicago.

 I am thankful for good friends who have helped. We are very fortunate in that regard.

I don't expect the "system" to do anything for me. Sadly a person will struggle emotionally inside more and more for always being the one in need. Social workers always have said "no" to me my entire life except for getting some food and a few thrift items like old silverware and pots. There's never clothes in either of our sizes to find in thrift stores. I guess fat people hold on to their clothes until they are rags.

 I joked about group homes and us going into one for my husband but we heard horror stories about those places from people in our mental health peer group that is now defunct. We would need the place for physical and other problems but several people we knew spent time in group homes. Someone on reddit suggested to me, "you are not managing your life, maybe it would be a good idea". I know I may need one if I am ever in this world alone.  Today I will work on this blog, help put more ebay up, nebulize lungs, do my leg machine, wrap my legs, clean out this one box, cook some lunch, cook some dinner, check on appointments for the week, and read this Russian novel "Dead Souls". I'm not living a lifestyle that should bring destitution and despair. 

Why can't my husband get a decent job instead of gig work, and piece meal stuff? I have begged for work for him all over. Today I was asking a friend for ideas about a job, and they mentioned a phone company that hires customer service, he then goes on the website and it's nothing but extreme specialized technical work. It's like that all over. I read the job ads and don't even understand half of them. The algorithims toss everyone out. I did write back to clarify where does one find the link to do regular customer service. 

People can see evidence of his work online, [the endless newspaper work].  He got more freelance work, but it's barely going to cover the bills. He told me yesterday to be patient that this newspaper is giving him work, but why wouldn't I worry?  He desperately needs new clothes. He works all the time, that's the sad thing but it's for so little. I've helped him with job hunting. The job ads on Indeed are a joke. I think there's a lot of jobs that are advertised for that really don't exist. He applied for some and never heard anything back. 

We have to move into disabled housing even for his protection. I don't want him to end up homeless if something happens to me. He can go on Social Security in a few years too.  I know his problems affected the career, this includes physical health problems and Autistic traits. There seemed to be a dynamic going where he ended up with abusive bosses way too easily, he had a couple decent ones--one at a newspaper that sadly had economic problems, the boss there was nice. He ended up scraping for crumbs after that ad agency fired him in 2007. 

I know this other autistic man in town, this guy has moved into local disabled HUD housing and had to go on welfare. We are friends on Facebook. His career track record was full of even more hardship and lay-offs. "you're not a good fit", is what they tell autistic people all the time or you end up working for exploitive jerks who pay as little as possible. This guy loved to work, and always showed up on time but you could tell he was being ousted out because he was different. My husband's recent freelance boss, had a homeless employee, who lived in the back room of some retail store. I said there's a theme there, when someone is hiring the desperate. 

One recent mind-screw lately are all these more well-off folks online claiming the economy is doing just fine. I don't think so. It may be great for the investor class but not anyone else. The haves maybe are rising even more as the greater number of have-nots are being crushed. I've even heard some defend the billions being sent overseas for "perpetual war".

The working class as a whole has been abandoned by the elitist left, they don't care. They only care about their virtue signaling identity politics and luxury beliefs. Many Democrats don't get that Biden is going to lose because the economy is so bad. The worse thing though Republicans have a track record of removing the social safety nets.  No one cares about the discrimination that happens when you don't have enough of the "green". I'm tired of those liberals who go on about "white supremacy" ignoring the existence of poor white people. People of all colors are hitting the wall financially now. Oddly to many rich liberals, there's no such thing as poor white people. And people wonder why so much of the working class runs to Trump? [which I think is a bad idea too, but at least they are told they exist]

He actually said it, Sheesh.

They do all this crap anyway because if people of all colors united, they'd start questioning the 1 percent and how they are hoarding all the wealthy and oppressing everyone. Bernie was such a let down.
 I have to leave town to find a decent senior disabled apartment. We are going to have to start over soon. I'm fine with it, but having to move so much is not easy on one's life. I know enough people here to run into people I know all the time. I will miss that.

Thank goodness I got us on the disabled/senior housing list. It was hard to find one that allowed more moderate income but I did. If we moved into HUD, my husband wouldn't be allowed to make more than 11,000 a year, he could "make too much" even being on full Social Security. Why do they make it so hard on married people? The system has so many crazy rules like that. There's some hope in going into there. Even if things got bad enough where we were only living on my income, we could survive there. He plans to keep working and doing his gig work there too of course. 

Do people in America starve to death or freeze to death? Sure they do. No one realizes this. I have known homeless people I met online and talked to, and some were disabled. This one lady in a wheelchair, who had EDS, they told her she had to go a mile to eat at one homeless shelter. No one cares if you can barely breath, 10 degrees or not, you're outside. There's a lot of people living really horribly now and it's getting worse. If you are in the disabled community, you will hear nightmare stories. Many people on SSI, live in the streets or very cheap rental rooms because SSI is so little money. I know from my past how bad things can get, and everyone who is a long time reader knows why Peep is so upset about money or poverty problems. Money or lack there of grinds my gears. My crazy family taught me all the worse about money. They were willing to sacrifice everything for money and did.  They won't tell you this on the news but homeless is exploding. I already know people living in hotel rooms on Facebook. One lady did get a job, so hopefully she can claw her way out. 

 Imagine if I get thrown into the streets, well SSDI should at least afford a rental room as long as the government is standing, but lets say I do. They don't rescue the disabled either. I've known disabled people rolled out in their wheelchair from the homeless shelter being told they have to be out all day, in 10 degrees. The other day I was in a food pantry car line, and there was this veteran in front of me, he had "Disabled Veteran" on his license plate and a Vietnam Veteran sticker. That tells you how messed up this country is, go risk your life and then end up in poverty. Well everyone deserves a home and a life. They say recruitment for the military is down, maybe the young don't want to die for the new world order or for wars that just bankrupt their hometowns anymore. If you are going to end up living in a tent or messed up from PTSD, what's the use?

Yesterday I was going to sign up myself for lunch at the local Senior Center. They told me their food program is managed by Meals on Wheels and you have to be 60. So I am not allowed to eat lunch with my husband who is older. How does that make any sense? He won't eat lunch without me anyway. I had older friends warn me on Facebook, "Meals on Wheels food sucks! It's bland." One said, "I wouldn't feed it to my dog!". Some people told me on the other hand, their Meals on Wheels food isn't that bad. I'm tired of these constant barriers. 

It's scary how the charities have turned into monopolies, why does this one organization control all the food for the elderly in the whole nation? They are stingy. We have been low on groceries, so this is even more annoying. The Senior Center seemed weird, the place was quiet as a tomb. I probably will still try some activities there but there was a strange vibe. I went to this Senior Center several times in another small town, that was friendly, they offered me cookies [turned those down because of thrush] and drinks.   

In this body I need stability, decent food, some social contact, medicine, supplements, peaceful place to sleep to stay alive, all of that is at risk. Liberals don't care about the poor. The elitist Democratic party goes on about the pronouns and other bull-crap. Biden claims the economy is doing well as the prices have skyrocketed. Hillary Clinton even crowed about how wonderful the economy is doing. Are these people high? No, they are just psychopathic liars. Sometimes I think the elite have already chosen to put Trump back in, otherwise why would they be lying to a country of pissed off people about the economy that is now crushing them? Are presidents selected not elected?

The "strong Biden economy"---what an utter joke!

My husband is still a Democrat, which may surprise some here. He wants me to vote for Biden stating that Trump is going to deport him [he is a birthright citizen] and my disability is going to be cut away. He talked me into voting for Biden last time when I didn't really want to. I'm still responsible for that, but I have been very disappointed.

 Sadly Republicans are jerks about social safety nets so can't argue with that but I can't vote for the guy who wanted to force clot shots on me. He told me RFK is being financed by a billionaire MAGA supporter named Mellon. That did bug me because I looked it up. RFK is the only one calling out the Covid lies and corruption.  I don't know who I am going to vote for, it won't be Biden or Trump but I find politics disenchanting beyond belief now.

The Republican party wants to erase all social safety nets. They don't give a damn either. No one represents the poor and working class. I may not even vote except local races, it's a given they will let us down now. Kennedy, is one I would have maybe voted for, even though I worry he is another Bernie/Jill Stein sheep dog, to get whatever globalist creep they want in. [Maybe Newsome OR Trump]

 Even with the ebay, I was helping, photographing and puting stuff up. The shipping costs have squashed me, why did it cost 5.50 to mail costume jewelry earrings that weigh less than three ounces? We have to mail out some stamps today we sold for 5 bucks. Yesterday I was helping husband with ebay, photographing comics. I have to sell off my own material possessions to survive, and there's not that many of them.

Sometimes I think stoicism is the only pathway out in dealing with poverty. I already been down the almost have a nervous break down highway.  I joke if the worse happens, at least I won't have to pay all these bills. I've been working to clean things out, I don't know how long I will be living here, but the plans are to move, and we are basically "starting over" again. I know some things are still up in the air, but I have wanted to make some changes. Things were working before Covid and now, a lot has changed.

A friend and I were talking about religion, I told her I left fundamentalism and churches, but still believe in God and Jesus. I don't plan a return to the evangelical world. Class differences were there for me too. When I talk to fellow poor people most of us cleared out of the churches, we couldn't afford them and most of us got judgment. The UUs were far nicer at least when it came to that stuff.  I run into those stories all the time, where people were told if they prayed and worked hard, their lives of poverty would change. Sure some who are able to conquer substance abuse or get away from toxic people are able to change the socio-economic equation, but many don't who didn't face those problems.

 Some of my religious views are very different. I think the church system abandoned Christ's teachings long ago and still question hell. [universalism] Why should we trust the Council of Nicaea when Constantine ran it? She said she went to church too but quit and that she hates churches. I said churches are for the rich. She agreed. We then discussed prayer, she mentioned how she would pay to God all the time about her money problems and they never changed. I said, "This is true of me!". I said, "Maybe prayer is not for this life but the next. I know that's a strange theory I have."  Jesus Christ had no money. The evangelical churches when they tell people the money will be there if they just pray for it, have got it wrong. I think all churches in America, have a slight bit of the prosperity gospel going. Some of the spiritual in USA society says getting the money means selling your soul a lot of the time. Some people become rich being good people but it seems certain personalities do rise up here. 

I wish there were churches for poor people out there, we could meet in a simple setting, read the bible, have some lectures, have some discussions about life, some meals and recreation--no pastors, and help each other. Maybe the Hutterites got it the most right. I wish I had found out about them when I was a lot younger. Their life seems a lot nicer to me.

Its ironic some years ago, I dragged us off to a counselor because I felt we both were failing in life and not functioning. She concluded that we were "trying our best". That's kind of funny to think about now. 

Someone wrote on Reddit, "Being poor is being told the world doesn't want you". 

We have been trying to sell everything but the kitchen sink, to stay afloat, but it's very small amounts of money. Everyday I wake up thinking, "What can we sell?" I even sold a starving artist painting I had to get 40 bucks for groceries. It's a bit insane. I've started selling off bits of my stamp collection. It's not a big money collection, some of those stamp collectors could sell their collections and live off the proceeds for years. It's a few dollars here and there.

There are times I consider going begging, I've already asked friends for too much, and writing out the cardboard sign, even if I see people I know, I don't care.  My husband doesn't like it when I say stuff like this. Begging is illegal in my richer side of town, most do it by the shopping plazas on the poor side of town. We started seeing more people out there. They look pretty desperate. There's always people down there who will come up and beg you for rides too. I don't think they have money to take the bus that goes down there. I won't do it but I can understand why the begging place is filling with people.

I don't expect wealth being disabled, this body has cost me so much. It will be interesting to see if the poverty diet, takes off weight instead of putting it on this time. I haven't gone to the one meal a day plan fearing weight gain like what happened to me during the Chicago era. I've kept to three meals a day. The hunger pain is never ending. However do you think poor people food is that good? It doesn't always taste good. It is rare when I have food, that tastes decent to me. Eggs still do. I miss salads, they cost so much.  Some cabbage soup I cooked yesterday was okay. Trying to get enough vegetarian meals in has been very hard. Food is so expensive now it's scary. 

The food pantries still hand out too many carbohydrates and sugar. The meats are all fatty. Some poor people food is gross and tastes bad. I made myself some eggs and cut up green pepper, with some little pieces cut off this frozen ham lunch meat, a food pantry gave us some weeks ago. That didn't taste too bad at least. I made rice with ground turkey and vegetables, garbanzo bean patties, quesedillas with refried beans, cabbage soup at various meals. It's probably good I know how to cook from scratch. 

Supplements from the functional doctor have taken off some weight, and people are remarking I am "looking better" even though I don't feel like it. Having some major nutritional problems dealt with have helped my life. I have to figure out where to find 25 dollars for some mythelated B vitamins. If I could afford the dietary changes he wants, some more positive changes would happen.  A good friend bought me some supplements, I was happy for that. We have had other good friends help us with other things too. 

My husband says he's going to a job fair next week. Labor shortage? What a joke. I think that's a lie too. We have so many businesses closing here, this town is turning into a ghost town. It's really scary. the regular locals are noticing. Sometimes I catch others who hate the gentrification and catering to second home millionaires too. Another restaurant closed on the corner. I've counted at least 12 restaurants closing. We drive by endless empty buildings.  I think all the poor and working class have been priced out of this town so the restaurant people can't get workers and only the rich can afford to eat out. Some of the cheaper take-out places are okay.  I wonder if I should move out of state at times, but with no money to travel, moving somewhere sight unseen is a bit more frightening. I've done extensive research on states that have cheap rent. There's one I found where some small towns have apartments that are 400-500 a month in rent. I'm holding out for the disability apartment. I wanted to know towns where my disability check could keep me off the street.

There's weird rules too with housing, you can break a lease to go into disabled subsidized housing but you must live there at least 13 months, so even as I consider a "gap" apartment or rented room to bridge the time until my subsidized apartment comes up, this rule seems to mean gutting it out here is the best choice, however I don't know how high they are going to raise the rent.

Rent and all the prices keep shooting up. Biden is the worse president ever. The worse thing to me is all the gaslighting, as we suffer at the grocery store, these liberals all claim the economy is great and deny our reality. Democratic party at least had Roosevelt, can't imagine a guy like that coming along now who actually plans to stop American suffering. This creep would rather war monger and send billions overseas while gaslighting us about how great the economy is.

I know some friends and others may vote for Biden to keep Trump out. Politics is so complicated now. I have friends who support Trump too. I won't give you a hard time. It all confuses me more and more.

America has become a scary country. I think this place had some good ideas with Constitution, Bill of Rights, freedom and more, but corruption has ruined this place. Love of money has made us poorer and the culture is in free-fall. You can see new trends the elite are pushing like "shared housing" and other things that will bring them more profit.  Other countries and governments while corrupt they at least seem to care about their people a bit, unlike this one that seems out to destroy us. I often wish I had been born into a country where I got to have a heritage or traditions or something to hold on to. I don't think life is that great in America anymore, even if some places are poorer, they have better food and far more community. Some are noticing like this guy, but I don't think Communism is going to fix it either. The elite want their money whatever political system they choose to impose. When life is nothing but a competition factory, social ties die. 
The streets are filling with the homeless. We ARE in a Depression. Sure the news isn't talking about it. Even in this rich town, when I go to food pantries where the cars are lined up, it is 4 times the amount of people than from 6-7 years ago, the last time I was using food pantries. Don't delude yourself, or believe CNN's crap or MSMs lies, the economy sucks. They know it works to isolate the poor and bullshit us, otherwise some would probably be out in the streets protesting the rising prices. 

I feel like the train is heading down the tracks, my eyes are glazed, wondering if it will run me over soon. I am so tired.  I have to prevent homelessness no matter what. If I become homeless I will die, I can't even get off the ground like a normal person.  My husband is under the gun with a medically fragile wife, who can't just hit the streets and hike from one shelter to the next. He is a good husband who will try and do what he can or find help. They are putting the screws to us both though, people in a vise, they want to squish all the juice [money] out of. My earlier trauma related to poverty has been written about on this blog. I am tried of my husband being overworked, and tired too, always chained to that computer. No vacation in 25 years. It's insane. We didn't ask for much in this world, just a simple apartment, decent food, some community etc.

I did talk about us downgrading everything to my husband. Live like Hetty Green, erase the worries but once you escape the roaches, and risk of violent crimes, you don't want to go back. Remote rural places didn't have specialists I needed though I preferred them. Boarding houses always have the rooms upstairs. Sometimes you are too ill to deal with roommates or staying clean enough for people you'd rent a room from, it's a lot of stress. 

I did our budget, just a few years ago we could survive on 1900-2000 a month and did. I had written out budgets, I knew the figures. That's not true anymore. The costs are so vast, we have lost even before we got started. I spoke of moving into rental rooms or very cheap areas, but just hit a barrier after another. We ended up staying here for my access to specialists and his own medical care. Maybe that was a bad decision.  Sadly my old small town because there is a college there, the rent stayed high, it's around 100-200 below rent here, but not enough for real savings.         

 Some talk about hard work but then they always seem to have a place to do that.  Some did work hard, but then others worked and there was no reward. I think of the newspaper jobs my husband had when I was in my 30s and our future looked a lot brighter. He was an assistant editor at a small-town newspaper and even got the copy ad writer job here that he lost, and then everything came apart. I still never got over that time. The door to any stability was shut for good.

You think about the lost opportunities and even thinking what I could have done for others. You get tired of always being the one in need. My art show was only possible because my husband had a better contract job by chance during that time. It wasn't huge money but allowed for a little bit of money to have that art show.  The lives of others seem like wonderland, I know many show off on Facebook, but they get to make memories, see people and "get things done". I just want to live in peace now, I don't care about being rich or even middle class but this constant feeling of 'being under threat" it needs to be gone. I'm tired of having punishment threatened on endless fronts because there's not enough money. [No electricity for you, you get to go die!] [No compression supplies for you, now your legs will get worse] and now it's [No home, for you because we raised the rent, you get to go die!] There's people worse off threatened with even worse. 

 Getting old with no money is scary as hell.  How many opportunities have been lost. Even now I think of the health gains I could obtain, via things money could bring. A kind friend got some of my needed supplements. 

Ok I am disabled, I won't be raking it in, but why does it have to be this bad? And it's worse for far more others.  I wanted to move to Appalachia and live on nothing and be around other poor people, living in a world you don't fit in is hard. The techno middle class and above world doesn't want us. We don't look the right way, we don't have the right clothes or personalities. My husband works hard, I'm always working on some project.

I could be happy being poor but they never seem to leave you alone. Like you are never allowed to just be and be genteel poor, going to the library, doing medical duties, and appointments and resting and maybe a little volunteer work if health allows, but now they just seem like they want to crush us all. It seems never ending. The middle class is noticing all their money is disappearing too. People even making 100,000 a year have told me directly how their rent and medical costs are insane, and every dollar is being plucked out of their pockets. Hey they have more money but I know when you get money in this society, they raise the hoops for you to jump over. 

Those who grow up poor probably are better off than those who grew up around money. They learn more survival skills I lacked too early.  I remember the waste of money in front of me as a child which drives me nuts thinking about it. Do people in America realize how the "great reset" is destroying the quality of our lives, how they are tightening the screws to take everything away from us including community, hobbies, and hope? It's all gone very wrong. Some of us old people remember how things used to be, young people are being denied so many joys of life from this "new" economic system that only rewards the 1 percent.  I know loving parents don't want their children to live in poverty when they grow up. What happened to the quality and meaning of life? Human beings were meant to be more than commodities.