Sunday, February 27, 2022

Oversharing in this Crazy Covid World is a Danger!


From "Suffering is my Hobby" on Facebook.

 I can't be around people I have to walk on eggshells around all the time. Every time I open my mouth even for the most mild things, it's smack down time. Outside of my husband, I'm in a life where I am not free to me.

I was on Facebook earlier, and I put up some post about Bill Gates, it was about how he is backing a scientific experiment to block the sun with dust [reported in Forbes magazine by the way]

Can imagine what that will do to my asthma....Didn't Mr. Burns on The Simpsons get this idea first?

One person who believes narrative got upset at me for criticizing Bill Gates, I wrote her and told her read RFK's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" to learn more about Bill Gates. She told me RFK is a "conspiracy theorist, and told me "Be careful at what you are getting yourself pulled into".

I can't talk to these people even about basics, and the most mild thing seems to be a problem. On Zooms at these groups, I've smiled a plastic grin on my face as they blame people like me for every problem on earth, and help the powers that be dismantle all Western freedoms we took for granted. I can't do it anymore.  I took the post down. 

Light ostracization already has begun in one group. I faced facts I feared being around them, should my status ever be found out. What if I showed up finally in person and they caught Covid and then blamed me? Many people around here are not the live and let live types, they hound you about your private medical choices. I'm cool with being on a "no need to know basis", just letting people be. However around here, full conformity is expected, mask wearing won't help you either, you have to be ALL IN.

No one understood or had empathy for my immense medical pressures. I have gone more deaf during the time of Covid. This has been a difficult backdrop, this loss, and well in dystopian world, there's no one to care about your more "minor" problems. 

I'm realizing yet again, I am around the "wrong" people. I wasted 5 years trying to "connect" only to fail and be turned into "the enemy" from things beyond my control. I liked these people a lot for years, and enjoyed my time around them. Covid is ruining my relationships with them, not just from the social distancing but from other things that are happening.

In an instant I was divided and made the "other".  It is ironic some liberals pride themselves on being so tolerant, so accepting and warn about discriminating against others, but it's empty words. This is bullying. Where you are deemed "unacceptable". They scare me too, seeming all gung-ho for WWIII to break out too. I guess now we will have pestilence and war. In too many privileged worlds, Covid didn't stop the long distant vacations, concerts and life. In mine it did. 

Inside I feel "afraid" of them. The book The Gift of Fear warns you if you have emotions like this, to pay attention to them. Am I paranoid to think they could even be a danger to me? These were former acquaintances in liberal groups I liked and got on with. Inside I feel afraid. Does anyone understand what I am talking about? 

I am far far far far less outspoken in real life than online so when I say, the retribution for mild statements is what is happening I mean it. Can you imagine if I told them what I thought the vaxxes they already took are going to do? By the way it has been proven now the vaxxes are integrating into the human genome. Those of us who warned this was an invasion of the human genome were CORRECT.
See below:




I am not talking about this stuff in real life. I have to lock it down more. I have to stay safe.  My husband told me I need to be more careful of what I say to people but then also was apologetic saying he didn't want to repress me. Are some of you walking on eggshells like this? We are living in times where it's dangerous now to TALK to people. Does anyone feel it? It's like you have to fit on one side or the other. 

It is scary to be in a life where you can't talk to anyone openly. It reminds me of life with my family. I would rather be alone than deal with people like this. I have to put more energy into making decisions about my life. It scares me in trying to do positive things with my life and get out in the community that things have become this broken and messed up. Did I just waste 5 years? At least some activity based groups I visit on Zoom are still okay. 

 One friend told me too, these wealthier liberals and academics got to the higher echelons by following all the rules, they don't like independent thinkers when it gets right down to it. Some people online told me, they felt forced to move from areas like I am living in to get happier lives. I'm not sure what I am going to do. Something is really wrong. I don't feel the same about a lot anymore. Is leaving my liberal circles for conservative ones the solution? Should I pack up and move to a "red state"? I was IN  conservative circles as a fundamentalist Christian already. You all know how that worked out. Why is everyone turning so authoritarian now on both sides? I guess I am screwed because I piss everyone off. 

There are too many "wrong people" I overshared with.
I've gotten to the point where I'm scared to open my mouth in real life. Caution needs exercised on Facebook. I'll post art work from time to time and that will be it and talk to friends on messages and private groups there. I hope for anyone that they have people they can talk to who don't treat them this way. 

I still question things on the "right wing" though even if I agree with some freedom principles, I'm not going to go vote for Trump in other words. I sometimes get worried how the virus is seen as "harmless"  among parts of the right wing, why can't they accept both vaxx and virus can be harmful since both deliver spike proteins? I don't trust Joe Rogan and pals to bring all the solutions either. Even if I agree with them on mandates, what's going to happen to a USA that goes ultra-right wing?

I'm having difficulty with my PTSD lately, every time I go to a grocery store, or feel an allergic tinge in my ear or snot in my nose, I get scared I have caught it. It's caused tears and more. My panic attacks are out of control. Sometimes lately feel like I can barely think. One side tells me, I am foolish to worry, one side thinks it's my fault for not making their same medical choices. I feared getting it and dying and being made an example of. My family if they learned of my would be death would say, "She got what she deserved, she was crazy anyway." Even in apocalypse, I'm supposed to be positive and focused on achievements. I wear KN95 masks still and make people wear them in my apt including 2 friends who visit on occasion. Most right wingers would call me a nut who got suckered into the plandemic. So to say I can leave one side for the other isn't going to work either.

Lise wrote a good article exploring all the sides here. 

The Narcissistic Nation: What side are you on in the Covid War over Masks and Vaccines? Black and White Thinking and Confirmation Bias About Rights During the Pandemic.

She wrote this and I agree. I think both the vaxx and virus are dangerous in my case.

"The one thing I notice too, is that the against-the-vaccination "side" is studying and reading about mRNA, and how safe and dangerous the vaccinations are (and not reading much about the disease of Covid) and the for-the-vaccinations side is studying a lot more about the disease of Covid and not much about what is in the vaccinations. One side is blind to what the disease is doing to their fellow human beings (or they down-play it as some sort of a survivable flu and that their countrymen are babies for making a big deal out of it), and the other side is blind to the "novelty" and the possible long term damages of the vaccine (or they down-play it as like every other vaccine that has been introduced and that their countrymen are like babies for not getting jabbed). "

As I have said, I believe both virus and vaxx are dangerous. This whole problem has been so politicized we got a giant mess on our hands. I remain ultra-concerned how they have censored and downplayed serious serious side effects from the Covid vaxxes. That said, why is the "right" side so intent on claiming the pandemic is OVER and that Covid is harmless? I've been posting some scientists on Twitter who have warned that more variants are coming and that Covid itself is bringing real harm. Some of these scientists reject the vaxxes too. 

When people are afraid to talk to each other, and I am in a life where I can't safely talk to others, we got a bad problem on our hands. Reality is going to fall through the middle here you see. 


  1. You and I are largely in the same boat when it comes to this - not being on one side or the other of this issue, in terms of the societal lines that have been drawn. We both have "research" oriented minds, so we are not quick to join "sides".

    It really is disheartening that so many people think we must.

    Thanks for including a link to my blog.

    1. Yes we are. I agree about us having "research" oriented minds. It's true I don't fit on either side, and the pressure to "pick a team" is wearying. I think that's messed up a lot of things. you are welcome regarding the link enjoyed reading it too.

  2. This might help bring some relief: 'Shut The Hell Up!' Ted Cruz, CPAC address, YouTube.

    1. Well the "woke" moms are mad at me too. The world is weird when I agree with Ted Cruz on vaxx mandates and not a lot of other things. I am outside the whole right and left box. With leftists, I do hope more are waking up. I know there's some in my group now though we are a bit more quiet. The "woke" Moms they got them in fear mode and when people are afraid, rational thought is shut down.

  3. Hi Peeps,
    Sounds like you might benefit (lol) from JP's latest, "How To Get Along With Narrative Believers-Narrative Scripts".
    Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with people right now, but just know that you are not alone. I find it helpful to go on my favorite podcasts and read the comments made, which is always a welcome reality check.
    Do you remember Bobby Gentry's 'Ode to Billy Joe? I'm guessing you probably do. Either way, you can look up the lyrics to refresh your memory, like I did. So I guess we should taylor our conversations similarly now, right?
    You are not being paranoid or over imagining anything. Just look what's happening in Canada. Are we still allowed to talk about Canada?

    1. LOL I went to go watch that, pretty good. One thing to remember and I am picking up on it, is some people question things but are hiding it, so there's those peple too. Yeah it is hard. I am going to be more careful not to talk politics or Covid, want some peace and happiness in life.

      Yeah I remember Ode to Billie Joe, good song, yeah may have to talk in code now or hidden meanings. I have found myself doing so a bit to get by in society.

      Thanks for saying I am not being paranoid or over-imagining things. Canada is basically a dictatorship now. LOL Doubt Canadians are allowed to talk about it without getting bank accounts shut off. I think we still are, barely...
