Saturday, February 18, 2023

New Covid Links


The Nazis have taken over again. Klaus Schwab's father was one. It's crazy seeing the majority support all these evils but it's happened before in history hasn't it? People blindly follow and bad things happen. 

The Day I Understood the Good German

The Western World Is Receiving Injections from a Geopolitical Adversary

Naomi Wolf: 

"Fosun Pharmaceutical (China) partnered with BioNTech to make 1B doses.

"You're getting an injection in which the IP ... and also the manufacturing and distribution are in the hands of China."

Eric Clapton [Covid vaxx victim] can't sleep because of the pain.

The vaxxes have failed but none of the overpaid stuffed shirts are going to admit it. Academia is lost. I agree with the one commenter about the fourth turning. We are in "bad men" times. 

The eternal academic and his endless cowardice – Rintrah

Ekgs of pilots no longer normal  I also read all the WEF parasites wanted unvaccinated pilots fearing heart attacks mid-air.

Admitting the vaxxes are causing debilitating illnesses  Why is the garbage still on the market and still being pushed then?

Pomegranate Peel Extract as an Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Binding to Human ACE2 Receptor (in vitro): A Promising Source of Novel Antiviral Drugs

Global genocide? When I was into conspiracy by the 1990s, even way back then they were talking about the elite having a plan for depopulation because the planet was reaching "carrying capacity".

Posting this again so it's not lost, proof the vaxxes change your DNA. 

Oral adverse effects from Covid vaxxes

New Analysis of COVID Virus Suggests Fauci and Baric’s Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug

Long before EUA, FDA and vaccine makers were warned about induction of inappropriate IgE and IgG4 antibodies by COVID vaccines. They ignored it. Prediction comes true, with devastating consequences.

The War Against Us

  "The Covid-19 pandemic looks like a pretty large-scale racketeering operation gone awry with plenty to hide. You have the reckless, symbiotic relations between the US public health bureaucracy and the pharmaceutical companies, and tons of money at stake, plus the colossal ego of hapless Dr. Anthony Fauci wishing to pose as an historic world-saver, another Louis Pasteur or Alexander Fleming. And then you have the amazingly foolish act of imposing an untested, dangerous “vaccine” on the world, and years of lying and covering-up its repercussions of injury and death. And then the opaque and nefarious roles of other actors in the story ranging from the CCP to the WEF to the Bill Gates and George Soros empires of money in what looks like genocide."

This article warns about the long term effects of even "mild Covid". 

"Key takeaway: Covid eats your brain.

Don’t catch it."

Also see: "The Gig is Up and It Feels Weird"

"There’s overwhelming evidence now that Covid infects and hijacks your immune cells. Researchers are still learning the details, but the takeaway is clear. Even just a couple of bouts with Covid can hamper your immune system for a long time, maybe permanently. It leaves you vulnerable to all other kinds of viral and bacterial infections. It leaves you open to fungal infections too, and those are especially dangerous. So the experts who tried to warn everyone were right the whole time, and the message is leaking out.

It’s a big deal."

The theory among some scientists now is that mild cases of Covid does bad things to you long term. It's like a stealth virus. AIDs always began like a mild flu and then built up over time. 

Here the controversy is, are the vaxxes doing this, destroying the immune system, the virus as well or  BOTH?

It's obvious the vaxx doesn't protect against this either as well. 

Covid and the Immune System [set of files and studies where they claim Covid itself damages the immune system.

Vaccine Long Haulers.  The stories of utter misery, injury and worse continue and they still get Covid anyway over and over. 


  1. Hi Peeps,
    I really enjoyed reading (maybe enjoyed is the wrong word, but you get my drift) this very well written article entitled "Understanding the Good German". So many eerie paralells to be drawn with which to understand what we have just been put through. I've read it once, will read it again, as I think there are some very important things there to commit to memory.
    And speaking of memory, given the extreme gaslighting that has taken place with all this, I would suggest making a hard copy of anything one feels is important to their health or otherwise, to show what has taken place here. I say that because I recently heard from both Kim Iverson and Dr. Robert Malone, that info on the "way back" machine is currently being erased. Reminds me of that movie "The forgotten," with Julienne Moore, where corrupted "loved ones," and even her obstetrician, try to convince her she never had a son she knows she had. Her husband emptied the furniture in his bedroom and replaced it with other furniture. It was some sort of "experiment" to see if "they" could interefere in the bond between a mother and her child. Google it if you like for more info., but given that the pandemic is coming to a close "that's all folks," in a couple months, and given what we know regarding Twitter, rega easy to imagine someoneemight be busy deleting stuff. Such material might be important to us later, because of the IGA (inter governmental agreement) that Biden is supposedly signing on the 27th with the WHO, giving them the power to be in charge of the next pandemic policies for the U.S.
    BTW, did you hear about that poor woman laying in a hospital bed right now with heart failure, who will not receive a heart because she's not vaccinated? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it! People waiting for livers don't receive them if they engage in high risk behaviour, like drinking or smoking. The idea of course being, that these life saving organs are precious and should be preserved. Yeah, so in that same line of thinking, let's give her an injection that is known to cause peri- and myocarditis! Yeah, let's do THAT!
    Also burried in this Good German article, is the hugely informative interview of Dr. Jean-marc Sabatier on "immunity, vaccines, side effects and treatments". Boy this guy really knows his stuff. This is part one here, and I looked up part two and three too. These encompassed just about all I have managed to glean (and more of course) over the past couple of years, searching here and there and everywhere. Truly great and concise info.! And you are right Peeps, it does totally suck that we have been left to put the puzzle pieces together for ourselves.
    More later. Chelle

    1. Yeah all the "good germans" are freaking me out. What happened to the left. I sometimes think they did Jan 6 and used it to make total obedience to the government as the "in thing", so many things working together for mind slavery. A lot of Americans should all get retroactive Fs in govenment class and how the Constitution works.

      Yeah take screen shots, I have screen shots of some things like the liver DNA Pfizer article and about Modernas 2017 failures on STAT news, they are pigeonholing and disappearing tons of crap circa 1984.

      if any society is left maybe some future researchers will read old blogs and journals. I have Peep comics on Covid where Peep screams, "What is real?" I want out of the prison soon, even just want to eat a meal in a restaurant or see a friend without a mask. Wow didn't know they were going after the wayback machine. Well I was using google a lot to do dated searches cancelling out 2019 plus to get OLD stuff and definitions they were all busy changing.
      Wow should check that movie out. Well you know I am familiar with gaslighters from my narc abuse. They will say that's not true and it never happened right to your face to even try and discount your own memories and it does screw with people's minds. The WHO can go to hell, I hope Americans refuse, we didn't vote for any of them. Biden is breaking the Constitution for that one. That's an impeachable offense IMO. I have cried out of guilt for voting for that evil evil man. I think there is a time for civil disobedience and well WHO edicts definitely would be chief among them.

      Yeah with the woman with heart transplants that's sick since the clot shots could give her myocarditis, more likely in someone with severe problems. Idiots. If any medicos try to push that crap on me, [none have, I may benefit from living in a red conservative part of my state] I would tell them to their face I don't want that clot shot trash. That tells you all of this is not about saving lives but ending them. Hope she is suing or someone is suing on her behalf due to her illness. Better step up my naturopath studies if nothing medical is available.
      That's the worse thing about this, these fascist provaxxers have no logic, and well the ableism and evil towards the ill is off the charts.
      I will look up Jean-marc Sabatier on "immunity, vaccines, side effects and treatments". I never have heard of him. Will do so. My god they are going against everything that protects lives and immune systems. Yeah we really are on our own. The news can't be trusted. We aren't being told what is going on. They are doing 5th generation "silent wars" BS. There's no authorities that are going to guide the way. It is kind of like guess the best you can and survive the best way you can territory. The only thing I am sure of is they are doing a genocide and want as many people dead or sterilized/both as possible. The actions make no sense otherwise.

  2. Good morning Peeps,
    This is in reference to the article you have here, written by "Jessica Wildfire," entitled "The gig is up, and it feels weird.".

    I really put off dealing with this "hot potato" for as long as I could. Now I just want to clear it from my mind. I got really bad vibes from it from the start. I felt like I was being manipulated and led astray, as if by a witch practicing sorcery, or hokus pokus, conjuring up a dizzying spell by usurping all my (our) words and phrases we had used to describe what it was like to be us in this pandemic. It was as if, all of this sudden, this person claiming to be "Jane Citizen" had come out from left field, mid field, and started wielding all these words, phrases and emotions, suddenly claiming them as her own. She says at one point, "Those of us who did the right things ... we've spent the last few years enduring intense levels of ridicule, shaming and gaslighting." She goes on to say later, after taking some sort of verbal victory lap, "It's not fun having to constantly question and second guess your own sanity because everyone in your life treats you like you're wearing a tin foil hat."
    "Hey, give me back that hat," I'm thinking, "that's mine!".
    She continues spinning her yarn ... "We're feeling split emotions now. On the one hand, we have an increasing sense of confidence and validation that we're doing the right thing by taking strong precautions. We always were. We also feel a sense of dread as the conse-
    quences of "let it rip" wash over the world." She goes on, but I'll leave it there.
    So the problem is covid, not the vaxes, you say! I call bullshit! And the evidence for this is burried right there in her "pile". It's the next to the last "report" in the barrage of "super sciency" reports she gave us to read, containing "super scary shit". I knew something smelled "off" with her pile, when I was several reports in, and I noticed not a word was being mentioned about "vaccination". Not until the next to last one that is, a place where someone with perhaps less time on their hands, might not have looked, and therefore might have believed her claims.
    After describing the domino effect
    Chelle continuing ...

    1. Hey I don't mind that you wrote this. I wonder if there are co-ops, influencers, etc on that side of things you know. I'm even questioning those who claim the virus is going to get worse and worse and kill off humanity like that Harvard2bighouse guy. He kept writing everyone was going to die. He was writing this stuff last year. I listened and some of what he said about Baric and rest made sense, but I noticed when I asked him, 'Why would the elite poison their own nest for children and grandchildren?" He always ignored me. Antidotes even for a quasiswarm would only go so far. Even another guy I followed and then unfollowed on Twitter because he wrote that he hoped humanity would die off and all this weird eugenics shit against disabled and old, seemed to be a "fake" too, it's one reason I'm on Twitter break. This guy seems to play like he is a super intellectual Aspie, and he has some good ideas, but there's a darkness there that bugs me when you are pushing and cheering for eugenics, he didn't ignore me like the Harvard2bighouse guy. Both exposed some interesting things about the vaxxes and says they are bad news, so what a shame about the rest of the baggage. Some say even Baric and rest may be a put upon, there's no virus, I don't know. That Harvard guy had a lot of really bad doom and gloom, I thought more would be dead by now if he was right even from the virus. Even last year he was writing the bodies would be piling up to the ceiling. Seems like far more are getting sick from vaxxes then virus, but I don't know about the virus.. People get Covid here, or say they did, and just look like they had a cold

      I don't trust anyone who claims to have worked at certain places anyway....[conspiracy people will know what I mean] There is the VAXX is BAD but the virus is REAL and going to kill all of us contingent too on Facebook, including this one guy from the UK who says it's lowering people's immunity. I don't know if these folks mean well and are confused or fakes, or what is going on, which is one reason I'm on the Twitter break. I just felt like I was getting more confused. My husband is sure the virus is real. Two friends are sure it is fake. One friend think it is real but # of cases are exaggerated. My COPD is acting up from weather changes today so can't breathe even without Covid. LOL

      I can't even figure out what the hell is going on. At this point just want to live my life and not worry about it. My brain has been tested to the breaking point even on the virology crap and I'm someone who has read medical things "for fun" for years, who knows about every rare diseases out there, probably could pass medical boards for nursing school--not practical medical tests of course but one faces their own limitations of knowledge. However of course they can abuse that and tell us all to depend on the "experts" who are obviously lying and gaslighting the hell out of all of us. Most people gave up, said screw it and returned to normal living, but me due to medical trauma and PTSD [yeah that's an aspect of my PTSD too] has still been isolated. Not sure why my life was made like this. Too much weird shit happening in one life.

    2. Oops meant Twitter not Facebook. I did go out IRL to ask people if it's real, to reality test, got just as confused.

      Husband: it's real
      Naturopath acquaintance: It's real and did weird heart stuff and tingling limbs stuff to people.
      Friends: its fake you probably can go back to normal living. [wondering if I should even if it's real because who can live like this forever]
      Friend: It was real SARS for a time but it's been over for a year.
      so forth and so on. LOL head spinning.

      I have thought what if I throw masks in trash can, start going back to church, art class, gym and then get screwed. LOL I even have sat around and in a very autistic way have thought how do I figure out the truth of the matter, like was even thinking who could I call and ask who would be privy to real information who would not lie to me. I thought of the naturopath I know personally in that regard. People at my UU avoid discussions of Covid with me wanting to keep peace. I can tell. I tried to ask but most avoided subject and didn't want to push them. Most trusted the system but maybe some are worried now. I think husband is sure Covid exists because he interviewed someone who had relative die and themsleves almost die in Delta days but even I admitted they could have released SARS in early days. He thinks its still a danger to us.

    3. I know several people who don't mask, go where they want and never caught it. So that confuses too, and only two people I know who almost died of "Covid", were both adamant vapers.

    4. With doctors, many won't discuss. They leave me alone about vaxxes. Some friends say it is because I am so messed up I got a reprieve. [well some know about the family history of pericarditis] One did tell me. "Covid is just a cold now", but then he got sick from vaxxes and had "Covid" twice and is not my doctor anymore. They seem unsure about giving advice with daily life, they don't want sued, so I get it.

    5. Hi Peeps,
      Reading here to shore up any last minute comments. I think the key to you getting back to normal is you having your hand on the cure. I know you have said this yourself elsewhere here. If your local doctors can't give you any satisfactory answers, then maybe it's time to consult elsewhere.
      Also, new data came out from Dr. Campbell on his youtube channel yesturday, that an official report from health authority in Israel says after many studies performed and data collected, that "there is no increase risk to peri or myocarditis from covid infection". So, good news there on that!

    6. Yeah they lied about myocarditis from Covid, ugh, so sick of their lies. My trust for doctors was already low. Yeah one needs a hand on the cure. Someone warned me functional doctors can cost a lot of money, I plan to talk the newer regular one about this issue. I am discussing returning to normal living, the other day I was around normal people in a small town, no one wearing masks, and they seemed happy and living life, and I even felt some happiness among them. They weren't like zombies either but still had spirits. I thought man I want this back. I felt bad someone invited me to have soft drink at a table and my germphobia was still going on. I told Husband we can't do this forever but we are frozen, due to past traumas playing in with health. I've been doing medically bad too and there's the worry too there's not much that would push me over into total non-functionality but then I think how much time do I have left to live, and do I want to spend it like this? I am seeing people all living normal, most quit getting boosters long ago and know in small town America many didn't line up, and if they can live and be happy why not me? It's SO hard to even know what is going on. I did see acouple friends while wearing a mask. The deafness is worsening too, that's another ongoing issue. I plan to press ear doctor on unaffordability and have him write letter for me to get hearing aids or something. I'm never going to have an extra 2,000 bucks, and even if I had it, car repairs or medical bills [of husband] would take it.

  3. Chelle continuing ...
    After describing the "domino effect" taking place between the immune system and the spike protein, the authors say, "The exposure to spike proteins can occur either due to the vaccine or infection. Important note: the above sequence can only be initiated by an injected vaccine, not by infection. In other words, the IgE step can only be caused by injection. But once the IgE step is initiated, an infection or vaccine can cause the subsequent steps to occur. Many parasites enter through the skin. So a vaccine injected through the skin creates IgE, an inapropriate anti-parasite antibody directed against the viral protein included or encoded in the vaccine."
    Also very important, would be to read on in the article that follows, at least the first "whopper paragraph" regarding IgG4! It's another puzzle piece that "slams the last nail in immunity debt's coffin," to use Jessica's words.
    This "next to last" articule i have been referring to, can fortunately be found here seperately, on your list entitled, "Long before the EUA, FDA and vaccine makers were warned about induction of inapropriate IgE and IgG4 antibodies by covid vaccines. They ignored it. Prediction comes true with devastating consequences."
    I say "fortunately" because after reading the entire pile one night (as given in headlines and precursory data) it disappeared by morning, and I was barred from accessing it further. I even flipped off here and tried to access it in other ways, but was given the same blank pages with a file in the center and message saying I would need to go through "clyde" or someone such, who then wanted "cookies" from me. Well, I passed all those out at xmas time, so I was fresh out!
    I have some further thoughts and data to share regarding long covid, which I believe is "good news" for those not suffering from it currently. Of course, as you know, I am not a doctor, so I am limited to whatever I have been able to glean from those who are. As always, I am happy to share, in case it might be of some benefit, as we all navegate our way through this pandemic, that was almost certainly foisted upon us.
    I hope this helps somehow

    1. I took the avoid spike proteins at all costs approach via both virus and vaxx. Now that's not so tenable anymore given the passage of time with the virus. I never imagined they'd make this shit "forever". thats enough to make me scream. Some of course think people got sick from hypoxia via 5g and have other theories beyond the "its all fake" people. I do feel they were trying to frighten with other plagues from monkey pox, ebola etc. Oh the IG4 thing is messed up. If you know how allergies works, this means they are going to have less and less immunity to other diseases. Remember when I wrote they want to destroy immune systems and sell you one? I had thoughts about that. I have to admit more and more scientists just seem evil now or sold out too much, they don't make or invent things to improve our lives, just want to hurt people or control them. It's sick. It's good I never took the crap. I have severe allergies, [I met this one woman with MAST syndrome and learned even more about allergies] This is bad news too.

      I would have been dead of cellulitis within the week.

      I know more and more I am tuning out from the experts. They are so pompous won't even admit they failed. I can't believe there are this many sold out, stupid, unquestioning mid level people to do all this dirty work to people.

  4. Hi Peeps,
    Just a quick correction here. It says high risk behaviors for the liver such as drinking and (smoking). Smoking effects the lungs not the liver. I had drinking and doing drugs. Maybe google is trying to "help" me out.

  5. Hi Peeps,
    Well, "cooler heads prevail,"as the saying goes. I was going through here further, and found that pile of reports Jessica Wildfire had referenced, which you have listed seperately as, "Covid and the immune system (set of files ...)" and I see that the very first one says in the middle of the point being made, "Faced with various selection pressures that may be generated (by treatments) or immune response ...". So I feel the need to retract what I said vaccine not being mentioned, as that is most certainly is implied by "treatments" here. There may be more examples, as I said, I was blocked access from viewing them again the following day, when I would normally re-read things, and confirm my thoughts. So I wish to apologize to Jessica for this mis step on my part, I got it wrong. And based on this, I also wish to take back the attitude that went along with my ill perception of things. I hope Jessica can forgive me.
    Having said that, did I somehow miss the rest too? Were the vaxed and masked isolated and alienated and labelled "fearmongers"? I thought that was us, the unvaxed or vaccine hesitant.
    Were they treated like they were wearing a tin foil hat? I thought that was for us "conspiracy theorists," who dared to suggest things like a possible lab leak.
    And when did the "let it rip" policy come into play? I must have missed that too, as my last recollection of Fauci was him suggesting everyone get boosted, on his way out the door to retirement.
    But I may have missed these things, as I did the rest. Maybe covid is eating my brain.
    Let me know, Peeps. I know you're still wearing your mask, do you feel ridiChell for doing so somehow?

    1. Glad you saw that, some are afraid to write words v ...... even here I write vaxxed to avoid the algorithms from taking this blog down, though I think comments are LESS risky I hope, so they write treatments etc. I'm going to go see this functional doctor to help me with Covid, and decisions. Some friends do think it is a fully a hoax, while others showed me Midwestern Doctor articles where he believes some Covid is real but many PCR tests are false positives for mere colds and flus.

      I sometimes do feel silly wearing them still, most don't anymore and even now am worried about my immune system dying but am going to go discuss things with the doctor before final decisions. Because of my lung disorders I have to be "sure". Also I have very scary autoimmune stuff, I'm more scared about then even lungs and obesity. I've lost so much hearing it's almost all gone, can't hear husband, joints, CFS, if I go another step I could end up in nursing home quite easily. New leg machine has taken more fluids off, doing it twice a day, legs got a lot smaller. If I get some new bandages soon could take this even further, so that's a positive. I do have the OCD/germ phobia history but if I can find a local doctor to help me if I "catch anything" that would mean a lot. I may talk to main doctor I already have too, but she is newer and don't know her feelings about this stuff yet. I do want to return to living my life, it's time. My husband believes it's real completely even if I convinced him about the you know whats [well having multiple friends have problems from them helped] so that's another hurdle.

    2. Hey Peeps,
      I was just re-reading some of what you wrote here, and I had a thought. You say, "Also I have very scary autoimmune stuff ... I've lost so much hearing, it's almost all gone ... skin, joints, CFS ... " that sounds so much like lyme disease. I just wonder if you could take advantage of this active research being done by Dr. Bruce Patterson and Doctor Yogendra at the IncellDx laboratory, where they check your immune markers (from a centrifuged blood sample your doctor mails them) I believe. Besides long covid, they are also diagnosing and treating Lyme, Fibromialgia and Guillen Barre Syndrome. They are finding similar parallels with these. I know finances will certainly be an issue, but I heard a commenter say she had signed up to some program with them. NOT suggesting you submit to anything risky, but the fact that you are unvaxed, and felt you may have had something back when you got that bad fever and thought you might die that day, could get you in to at least have your immune system assessed. Dr. Yogendra so much as said so. Let me look up where I saw them give the 2-3 youtube interviews on this, and I will send them in a minute. The fact that many of the infected were later vaxed, is definately hanging them up some.

    3. I don't think it's Lyme, never been outside very much to encounter ticks, but I think Lyme HAS messed up people in the way I am. I know someone who has Lyme bad, and the doctors weren't very forthcoming, seems like they get treated badly like autoimmune patients in general. That's one thing with the Long Covids, many of them will bear the brunt of the obtuseness of doctors and probably struggle for years for diagnosis and any help. I will look up the immune markers. I took father's medical records even into this last doctor. I hate when they ignore me and I said, to her, I read these records from 15 years ago, and realized he had high uric acid, and lost his hearing too, and well those same things are happening to me, but I get the usual weight loss surgery/weight loss drugs run around. She's doing a few hormonal tests but oddly refused to test my testosterone and I'm growing a lot of facial hair and looking more mannish in photos. I will have to insist on it on the next go around and tell her, the gynecologist when I asked to have my testosterone levels tested said it was your job. First appointment I can't be too aggressive. I'll look at labs myself on ACTH etc. She wasn't any help on genetic counselor too. Some of them seemed dumbed down to me, like they aren't keeping up, that's kind of worrying. Everything always stripped down to the lowest common denominator too which pisses me off in STEM brains that act like computers but trip over the obvious. I will look up Dr. Yogendra. You do know I found an article on those with dermamyotosis and extreme vaxx damage caused to them. I have to find the link again. I was right that the vaxx was going to do bad things to my already very troubled immmune system. I wouldn't mind this assessment. My father had rare complement problems, and when I read of more overlapping symptoms trying to deal with these doctors is difficult. I even got the feeling she thought I was saying Lymphedema instead of Lipedema which drives me to insanity but felt I would insult her SPELLING IT. Hoped she wouldn't throw papers in trash can but would READ them.

  6. Hi Peeps,
    I feel like I'm hogging all the space here! But before commenting on long covid, I decided to look into it in the age of Omicron, to make sure what I was previousely given to understand is still true.

    s still actually true.

  7. Good Morning Peeps,
    I just wanted to let you know I found what I was looking for on the long covid score. I haven't been able to comment yet, because I have a kid here all week, helping me with seasonal painting jobs we do as weather permits. Will get Sunday off and comment then.
    I'm glad to hear you are going to consult with a doctor in order to make an informed decision on your part. That's really smart. Also glad that you have managed to avoid catching it this long, and will be getting someone in line with some treatment, if you do. From what I've gathered, that is KEY.

    1. Thanks Chelle, you know I brought it up with regular doctors but they wouldn't respond. One just said, "oh it's mutated to be just a cold now" but another told me, "well try and avoid getting it". There was no response when I told them I was having more difficulty being isolated. I know with some their hands are tied. Thanks for telling me finding a doctor who will help on this issue is smart. Hope your visit goes well with your kid and the seasonal painting jobs too.

  8. Hey Peeps
    Whew! Had quite a long week, and not completely without some minor drama. Maybe more on that later. I would like to get this long covid thought to you. Hope you had an okay/great week. Whatever our highest expectations can be under the presant circumstances!
    Basically I recalled hearing Dr. Pierre Kory, commenting on long covid a couple years back say, "Everyone begins their long covid story the same way ... I got Covid in March of 2020 ..." And in a followup question to that, he said, "Well, we would have to look back and see what we were doing back then ..." hinting at the "go home 'till you turn blue," policy.
    Dr. Bruce Patterson, who at that same time, was one of the main ones attempting to discover what long covid was and to treat it ( confirmed on a recent (4 months ago) youtube with Dr. Been, that 80% of his current pacients are from February 2020 to June 2020, with a few rare exceptions, going into November and up to January 2021. His system is to check people's immune markers, and is finding elevated CCR 5, Veg F, CD8, IL 6 IL4 (from memory Peeps, please forgive any mistakes) along with others. He says they started looking at 150 markers and have whittled it down to 14. Anyway, these are new to me of course, you can google them for more info., but to put a fine point on it, he is basically treating people (recommending treatment to their physicians) which largely consists of a drug named Miraviroc along with a statin. Since covid is a vascular disease, or at least with vascular implications, the statins help to clear the debris (spike?) lining the blood vessel walls, in the same way it works on plaque. The miraviroc was/is?used in AIDS pacients, although his partner, Dr "Yo," says not so much for autoimmune as for the protection it provides to the endothilium. (Not sure what I think about that argument, but hey, he's the doctor and the one making the claim).
    Both said long covid also arises from the vax, which they said "can thankfully be treated." They intimated that they are looking to work with the FDA on this, to get their protocol hopefully officially approved. It was right about here in the talks that Dr. "Yo" brought up that their whole team and their families are mostly vaxed. Also added that vax long covid was a "little less severe/easier to treat. I really didn't want to go down the rabbit hole on all this, what I was really trying to convey, is that apparently, those who were unlucky enough to be hit with the strain fresh out of Wuhan and down to the Delta are the ones largely experiencing long covid.
    The CDC also has a chart of covid symptoms (around 100?) and they also have a table indicating the incidence of long covid being mostly in the Wild to Delta strain. For Omicron, they place it at 4.5% Others were at 57%? (From memory again, so take it loosely) The big question, or elephant in the room, is why?
    Chelle continuing ...

    1. es

      Five Hundred Pound PeepMarch 17, 2023 at 7:43 AM
      One reason I've hidden out this long, is I have read scary stuff on Covid even mild cases. Remember I'm an autistic weird person who read pubmed all the time and has house full of medical books, not saying I know more than doctors though I had scary instance where seemed another doctor did not understand Lipedema at all, and probably on second appointment will have to take a Lipedema article with me, did have paper to "prove" it. I probably will do some hormonal tests this doctor did, but will do more one appointment. The hearing problems are really limiting my communication, phone is not perfect and most annoyed by it. I mention CART and none of them know what that is. I hope Long Covid is less of a concern now, Delta definitely seemed to wallop people, if it went to the worse. I'm glad these doctors have found new drugs to help long Covid patients, though the vaxx support is odd to me since the vaxxes have the body produce the same spike proteins, that harmed the people to begin with but hopefully they will have some success with the Long Covid patients. I have noted some changes in people who say they are getting Covid over and over, but it's hard to tell what exactly is going on. I guess living in a weird community where people don't talk much about what is going on, has harmed me on some unforeseen levels. I have noted the vaxx definitely is bringing same symptoms as Long Covid, there is overlap between what the Long Covid people post on reddit and the Vaxx Damage, see VaccineLongHaulers on reddit.

      This definitely goes with my belief that spike protein in whatever form virus or vaxx is messing people up.

      Their disabilities are horrific, where pain and rest are never ending.

  9. Chelle continuing ...
    So the question surrounding long covid being why? Is it active virus hiding out somewhere in the body? Is it viral debris? Or is it the lack of care and treatment to begin with? These are the very good questions, they agreed, but more fine finessing of the facts seem to relegate any clear cut answers into the shadows of vaguery.
    So again, my point was really to say that the long covid is apparently not as big an issue that it once was, but it still sounds like early treatment with anti-virals or whatever your trusted/learned physician says to take.
    You might recall Fauci took two rounds of paxlovid (supposedly against the adivice of his physician) who only recommended one. But when he rebounded, they say he took a second course.
    More to say, but I'm pooped today. Kid is coming for one more day, might be tomorrow, he will let me know this afternoon. I'll get back on this accordingly. Just wanted to get the main idea on that to you since we were on the topic.

  10. Hi again Peeps,
    Looked those up and got to listening again, I know your hearing is a big issue, so if there's anything I can help with, would be glad to.
    Dr. Been youtube entitled "Long Covid Discussion with Dr. Bruce Patterson". (1 yr ago, with Dr. "Yo".)
    Gez Messinger youtube, "Why viral debris may be causing Long Covid". (1 yr ago. Time stamped, very comprehensive!)
    Dr. Been "Covid Long Haulers-discussion with Dr. Bruce Patterson."
    (2 yrs. ago)
    Anyway, this is just a thought Peeps. In the end, you are the one who knows best for you. I do feel so sad about all the health issues you face, and you are right, most (even thin) would not be able to deal. The thought that you spend three hours a day just wrapping your legs, is beyong me, to understand how you would then have time for additional projects like painting or zines, on top of cooking and helping to find jobs., etc. You're a real trooper, Peeps! Since I have had to help my husband so much since he fell down, I know what it is to have three hours soaked up out of every day, before you even get started. But for you, it does not end there. That is why I offer this info for whatever value it may have to you. It does seem like you have seen a lot of doctors, so just the thought that this is something dynamic, happening now, instead of some old "stale bread" alternatives, I thought may have some merit.

    1. Thanks for saying I am a trooper Chelle appreciate it. I've been really sick this week, joint pain, extreme fatigue, I feel like these doctors well, I haven't gotten many answers out of any of them. I have asked what I should do with Covid and never got any concrete responses and I have said my mental and physical well-being are in complete turmoil. I hope to get art show done and Fat Pat, guess I will focus on that. Of course my household always seems to be teetering on the financial abyss. I am around people IRL who don't relate to any of my troubles. I think moving to this area ruined my life, have so many regrets. I don't know what I will do, but need a life "reset" of sorts and to find new types of people to be around. Glad I have the two friends who are awake and aware instead of the usual zombies, and "Everything is just fine" as they line up for boosters that don't even work. Yeah this many health issues, you know, that one more straw on the horses back will break it so that's part of the outlook. The doctors are disappointing. Some have helped like the kidney doctor, and I think the one who got too sick to work anymore cared to a certain extent, he was old school country type, the main one is new now, but am noticing they have cut down numbers of appointments to bare bones, so that's not on her. Some of the others the elitism, obtuseness and vaxx damage is too much. The vaxx seems to have taken emotions away, they almost seem like machines. I hope your husband recovers from his fall and is doing better. Some scientists I read believe that Covid remains in the body and hides out in various organs. Of course some are saying of the vaxx, that the body keeps producing the spike proteins and DOES NOT STOP, and think here where do they all go?

  11. Hi Peeps,
    On the "gig is up" article here, you will see she promotes the warning from the German Health Minister about the long term effects of repeated infection. I had some choice thoughts on this, which in the end, I decided against sharing.
    But last night, I ran across a youtube from another doctor I follow, on this very article. It's entitled, "Warning from German Health Minister," It shows his picture on the same article she linked to.
    Dr. Phillip McMillan, of vejon health, gives some criptic (oh sorry, I meant critical) thoughts on this. It's only ten minutes, but I know that may be more than you can give it at a moments notice, so I would suggest for a visual take on his insights, you go to 6:52 in.

    1. You're like me reading and studying stuff. Main problem with our society people don't read, I know a lot have no time. I have several I follow on twitter who say the repeated reinfection of Covid, [it's not the same as getting colds over and over] and some say this of Omnicron too, is going to destroy people. One said there was some experiment done last night on Twitter, remember I got some of this stuff retweeted but I am dealing with scads of information, that these mice all died off 100 percent by the 10th reinfection. I know a few up to number 5. Many believe he got the number way too high here, I agree with that.

      Of course the censorship, Pfizer asskissing machine, rolls over this guy, they've silenced anyone who has talked about the obvious.

      Can't get the truth out during a genocide.

      Americans remain drooling as other countries have cancelled the Covid vaxxes for anyone under 50, have banned them outright or stopped them for the majority and here, they want to gtive them to babies.

  12. Hey Peeps,
    Still haven't gotten round to some final thoughts on Long Covid, but did want to say on the other things I mentioned, which were personal in nature, I would not be offended if you chose not to publish them. Same goes for most really, especially those that might accidentally pose some existential threat to your blog in these strange times we are living.

    1. It's okay I posted them. I was behind on putting things up. I'm in a bad flare been sick, will be posting about more obtuse doctors, it's scary. I know the censorship fiends are still at it, disgusting. They even took down another board I was on where 10s of thousands, [the first had 300,000] discussing what the vaxxes were doing to people, I think they banned the guy heading it, because the back up board remained dead too. Too bad he made it all closed down so no one else can revive the back up board either. Libs that support this censorship are Nazis in my book.

  13. Hi Peeps,
    Sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon. Yeah, I wasn't thinking you took time to post, I was really more concerned with the contents of mine. I just wanted you to know I'm fine either way.
    Yeah I agree on the nazis, I have said that word out loud over and over this past three years. Even early on, my senses seemed to know where all this was going, and in my frustration, that same word kept popping out.
    On the long covid thing, it was on Dr. Drew that Dr. Patterson spoke 3 months ago. That was the most productive of the three.
    (On the Vejon Health channel with Dr. McMillan, I was trying to provide you with some comedic relief.) 6:52 seconds in, he shows a picture of an "elephant in the room," and then he starts talking about how we need to be able to talk about the elephants ... I was LMAO, as he kept putting the picture up throughout his discussion after that, saying things like, "even if we can't get the elephant out of the room, we might learn how we could best place the furniture in order to live with it ..." He also ended saying that it was sad that three years in we have to talk in code, but we do ...")
    None of the reality is funny of course, it's tragic! But to not go nuts we do need a laugh now and then, and his point was well made, and well taken.
    The part just before the elephant was a flat geographical map, showing current covid cases lit up. Africa is completely dark.
    I'm going to hop over to one of your newer articles to comment there.
