Friday, September 20, 2019

An Even Crazier Diet Forbids Water


 I got myself into another internet argument. I am probably wasting my time, people can do what they want with their lives. Go starve yourself if that will make you happy. The no water diet is going to a new level of insanity and some are playing with death though. Some of us watching this are very afraid for the people including the lady above signing up.

This is what I wrote to 500lb Fasting Lady who is attempting these diets:

"Fat people can starve in that mal-nutrition is a problem for many overweight people especially those with severe Lipedema. In fact scientists have proven mal-nutrition is common in obese people. I believe people take in more calories then they need because the body is hungering for real nutrition that is lacking in our adulterated food. 

If you read my blog I questioned some of size acceptance for years, but this stuff you are signing up for is just more of the usual crash diets that destroy health. Fat phobia and hate is why you literally believe you don't even deserve water. Man that diet, blew my mind. Even prisoners used to get bread AND water for heaven's sake. You are putting your kidneys at risk with that. If you want to suffer go for it. I am not masochist I guess enough for this sick society.

Women with severe Lipedema take enough fat phobia and abuse for a life time. You are young and have internalized your own fat oppression. Sure starve yourself but your body will suffer for it.

Really you look thin on top, your face could be on a 200lb woman, find out if YOU have Lipedema though your legs look kind of thinner. Look into sleep apnea, thyroid and other conditions that put on weight. If you did have an eating disorder seek to solve it, and eat three regular meals a day.

Oh they told me I would die at 28, I turned 51, so be careful of having the doom and gloomers screw with your mind. Maybe my life span won't be as long being fat but I know I'd be dead a hell of a lot sooner on crazy ass diets. Go to a gym too, Planet Fitness is cheap. I still go to mine. I found out I had severe autoimmune problems and severe Lipedema after a life time of being beaten up for being fat.

I have had my fill of false promises in the diet world as well religion. Funny how they overlap. So is the gist now that fat people are so hideous, they must literally starve themselves and go without water. Screw that! I was laughing at the guy who called his diet the Snake Diet, like SNAKE OIL!

I was going to write about the state of size acceptance soon. Some of my mind has changed about it. I still have some misgivings that as Americans especially are fattened up by a toxic society, that these thing are ignored. Increased CO2 levels have been linked to increased obesity by scientists, With size acceptance, I still have some of my health worries regarding size acceptance.

Society seems to be slipping into something psychotic regarding fat, the crash diets and other extreme measures seem to be worsening and becoming more extreme. Some of these people claim they all have science behind them.

I told 500lb Fasting Lady, I have gone without eating, from illness. In 2013, when I believed I was dying but it was dozens of kidney stones going through my system at once, I would go upwards of three days with NO FOOD at all. If I tried to drink juice it would be puked up. It was DRY HEAVING because food disappeared pretty fast. I didn't have weight loss miracles or 28lbs lost from no food for a few days. I find those claims odd. Later illnesses have also suppressed eating. I know what it is like to be too sick to eat for days. It did not bring me improved health.

There's a lot of people who want fat people to suffer even risk DEATH not to be fat anymore. Why should us fat people buy into all the claims? I never have seen a supersized person become a thin person before in my entire life, and I've known a lot of fat people. Some who get to extreme weights and get medical care, can get a 200lb chunk off like I did, that happens. The yo-yo diet brigade kept it up for years around me. All believe in the special diet that will rescue them. It's like a religion and like the promises of religion says heaven will come if you suffer enough or follow the directions of the priest/trainer or diet salesman. Maybe next fat people will walk down the street on 100 mile walks, oops that's already happened like the fat guy claiming he would lose weight bicycling across America.

Fat people need to be done with proving themselves to others. The mea culpa suffering has reached new heights. Maybe to these people I am a hedonistic bitch who won't give up food, but I don't want their life of suffering and pain either. I was young and tried starvation too. Starvation just messed me up. I was so poor I went without food all the time, and it just made me fatter. I'm struggling with mal-nutrition from my health problems, keeping enough vitamins coming in is not easy. The anemia is scary. I can't eat beef without getting sick. Even small amounts of sugar are dangerous to me like in a glass of orange juice because of thrush. .

People can judge me. No one questions why are these fat people having to starve themselves to lose weight in the first place? Does this mean something is wrong with their bodies and they aren't processing food correctly? Do thin people go days and days without eating? I see thin women at my book clubs always go for a couple cookies I can't dare to touch.

For many fat people, the metabolism drops like a rock during starvation experiments. So these people tell them, you can starve your way into thinness, I'm done with being unhappy. Diets suck. Crazy crash diets suck even more and a diet forbidding you water is JUST INSANE.

Fat Hatred Brings Profit and Attention? The Snake Diet Guy Goes on an extreme Fat Hatred Spiel. Warning full of cuss words and hate. Is this someone anyone should take medical advice from? Just another sickening bigot. He sounds like one of those "red pill' people. Nauseating. Literally.

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