Monday, September 9, 2019

The Lipedema World is Too Caught up With Crazy Diets Instead of Finding a CURE.

I can't stand Lipedema boards anymore on Facebook, it's diet central, and not just your run of a mill Weight Watchers diets. Some of them have now jumped on the bandwagon of Keto gone extreme, there's now a diet, where people eat nothing but meat. It's called the Carnivore Diet.  

Some of the Keto fanatics have decided that carbs are so evil, that they should be done away with entirely. One woman announced to me that vegetables were bad for you. I am so mal-nutritioned, that doctors ordered nursing care for me three months ago, to get to the root, I had to show diet journals, on exactly what I was eating and more. They realized the cause wasn't what I was eating but medical.

I am having serious problems with anemia, that are scary. The anemia could be related to my connective tissue disorder. My red blood cells are often too small. It is coming and going. Sometimes it makes me break out in extreme sweats. I am re-adding some beef to the diet, trying to be cautious, due to the kidney stones. I am low on multiple vitamins. Yesterday's food included a hardboiled egg, some cooked turnips and carrots, pistachios, a peach, one chicken breast, an apple, a turkey sandwich, and some canned soup that had a little bit of spinach and carrots in it so I am attempting to have the diet be variable for nutrition and to hedge my bets on the nutritional and vitamin deficiencies. Today I had eggs and mushrooms and peppers for breakfast and will have cooked cauliflower with onions for a soup at lunch with a sandwich, and probably left over chicken with peppers, tomatoes, probably cooked in some type of burrito dish or casserole.

I think people who think they can be healthy eating all meat are insane. I would be doubled over with the bowels checking out and it would be kidney stone city. I wonder if they will like scurvy? Are they promoting "functional anorexia" in some Lipedema circles so some women in less severe stages won't get so large? It makes me wonder. Fasting, and extreme diets are the name of the game. I find myself thinking, "Oh great, I have a rare fat woman's disease, where everyone just sees fat, and they have no interest in focusing on a real medical cure, they'd rather focus on starving us all so we comply-body wise".

I have given up on diets. Maybe it's size acceptance, maybe I am just too damn physically hungry all the time. Maybe I got sick of it all realizing it didn't work. Maybe I have to eat a certain way to avoid headaches, digestive hell, and to just stay alive.  Maybe it's realizing severe dieting forced me on insulin or that the diabetes WORSENS when I have LESS food. I have noticed my blood sugars are far better when I eat what I want and when I want it--when hungry. Today's was 125. I know I will stay supersized for life. Diets brought me nothing but shame, blame, misery, and depression, and never worked on me anyway.

I don't want to eat some extreme nutso way, to have a normal body. One woman told me Carnevore is not a calorie restricted way of eating and that it was the opposite of starving and high in fat, and would keep hunger away. She told me carbohydrates cause hunger and to include offal to avoid nutritional deficiencies. I am allergic to liver and know that offal creates very high levels of uric acid so found this advice dubious as well. She told me, "We don't need any dietary carbohydrates." [what!!!?]

For my own sanity, I am going to avoid those boards. Too many women only care about how they look, and the judgment on a supersized person in those circles is too immense. They cry over being 210lbs so 500lbs would not be acceptable. Some do lose fat weight but their swollen legs and hips remain. Some are obsessed about weight to a degree that is psychologically harmful especially to someone like myself whose taken multiple decades of abuse over being overweight.  It makes me upset that the central focus is on the fat weight and not on why our lymph systems have failed. It troubles me that there will be no real cure or help for this disease and people will keep dying, and blamed and shamed for "not losing enough weight."

I still go to the gym by the way, was there twice last week and this Saturday, can do 20 minutes on the arm bicycler, am doing the rope pull which I like to build stamina. I like the gym, just wish my overall fatigue was not so bad, to keep up with.

I have given up on weight loss dreams and find it all absurd and depressing. I made it to my 50s which I guess is something since everyone said I would be dead by 35 for being so fat.  I hope I don't gain weight and need to maintain my mobility but there's no way I am going to sign on to any crazy diet that makes me feel like shit all day long.

There's a certain point where people's advice sucks. I wonder what is going on in the Lipedema world that these crazy diets are being advanced and I am disappointed as hell about it all. It often is not a supportive or good psychological place for a supersized woman to be. If I am feeling this way, how many other stage 4 people  are feeling like I do or even worse because they may be immobile or bigger seeing their health communities betray them this way?  I consider it a betrayal, having crazy diets shoved down my throat. Some seem to be true believers too, like their diet will bring the promised land. Well I know how often people push their false promises. If men, had Lipedema except a few rare ones, the answers wouldn't be more diets, more would be done.


  1. Great delivery. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the great spirit.


    1. 4 days of starving and you lost 28lbs. What use is that if you just regain when you eat anything.

      Kidney stones in 2013 would make me throw up everything even water for three days. I would drink a teeny bit of juice but most of that would be thrown up. This usually lasted for a 48 hour-56 hour period. What is that 2-3 days. I have to do all my medical duties and had to get up even when puking and in extreme pain, I lost nothing nowhere near you. I don't see results like that. Anyhow I think it is insane to starve yourself and only does harm. I have low nutrients now, I would only screw myself over, and like being able to see and move. It sickens me that fat phobia has grown so extreme we got people doing death fasts and whose the nut pushing water fasting, three days without water you die, say hello to kidney stones at the very least.

      Religion as weight loss has reached new psychotic heights. You are entering eating disorder land. Starve and then perhaps a binge, from all the starvation as the body desires food.

    2. during the 2013 pukeathons, I had probably 2-3 bouts per month. So that was multiple days with no food. I was halving and reducing insulin massively since no food was coming in at doctor's directions. I did not magically become thinner.



    I do not support the above link.

  4. What the hell?

    " nellie20ann
    2 weeks ago
    How do you survive for 5 days without water???? are such an inspiration. It's hard for me to even waterfast.
    500LB Fasting Lady
    500LB Fasting Lady
    2 weeks ago
    Because im over 450 pounds lol ... I have so much water stored on my body...
    Onyx Storm Arising
    Onyx Storm Arising
    2 weeks ago
    Very soon you’ll be saying I’m less than 450 pounds and by the time you get to Canada, you’ll leave the rest of us in the dust! 👍🏿

  5. I DO NOT support this link, posting to examine this INSANITY:

  6. go ahead. I hope this issue can be discussed, thanks.

  7. I've read that over 95% of people fail their diets. So I think you hit the nail on the head with this post. All you can really use is medical and professional intervention, not the extreme diets that will always fail. Or if the people in those groups are losing weight, they're probably lying. A lot of people use their extreme diet as an excuse to not have to eat around people (because all their meals have to be specially prepped), and they use diet pills to suppress their appetite in secret. It's a really unhealthy way to try and lose weight. Doctors and dietitians know best. I'm glad you didn't fall for the diet trap.

    1. Yes 95 percent fail. I have never seen a super sized person in my life become a thinner person, especially women with Lipedema. Some get chunks of weight off like I did with the earlier weight loss from some medical intervention. The extreme diets always fail. Who can eat only meat for the rest of their life or give up water. Who can live their entire life ignoring hunger?

      I think some are lying or some of the die hards do strip off some weight and have an immediate regain. I got sick of having people whose bodies operated totally different the me lecturing me too. I swell up everything I do. Even today I want to do something but know if I don't lay down before hand, I won't be able to walk. So the diet mongers say exercise, exercise. I bear levels of pain most couldn't even guess to have "somewhat" of a life, between the housebound times.

      Yeah these extreme diets mean no socializing, no even eating an apple from a food buffet and create isolation. Let's not even get started on the cost. I wonder if some are smoking or taking drugs too, to kill appetites. How can people go all day without eating without pain, headaches, lost vision, I noticed in the Lipedema community when I talked about severe migraine headaches, losing my vision--my vision does some weird crap if I don't eat enough and extreme feelings of unwellness---all this was pooh-poohed--it's all in your head and I'd hear nonsense about released toxins and having one's supposed addiction to "carbs" [now the most evil substance on earth] broken. No one listened to my experiences.

      I've had years of the false promises and bullshit so yeah I'm done with the diet traps. I believe severe dieting would be dangerous to me now, I am very anemic, it's grown scary and so low on multiple vitamins that need replaced at prescription level, even purposefully buying vegetables and cooking constantly, for me it would be playing a massive health roulette.

      They all think starvation will bring them thin bodies like everyone else. Some think stage 1 and 2 will return for Lipedema. There stage 4 people have their concerns really ignored.

    2. I think emotional eating could be a big problem for people. I'm sure for conditions like Lipedema, the weight gain is way, way more complex than that. But people tend to go on extreme diets (like me), because that's a way to control their eating habits...

      It took me years and years to deal with my own emotional eating issues and I needed serious therapy. I wasted so much time with all the yoyo dieting trends and trying to make myself starve. All the blogs and forums about diets only made me suffer more. I needed to have professional help and advice.

      And I got therapy, so I've finally been losing the weight with zero dieting (and I don't even eat healthy food, I'm just losing weight from not eating food 24/7). But I just wish's like people always want to point the finger. They always want to say that you don't have enough willpower. But when your self esteem has been severely damaged your entire life, that can cause endless issues. I feel like people would rather focus on extreme diets instead of admitting that there could be other issues. In my case, I suffered from depression for years without knowing. People saw me as a failure for being fat, but I was just using food to cope.

      I actually used to be mostly unaware when I would binge. I'd have no real memory of eating so much. My therapist helped me to see that. I don't think I ever would've realized my real eating habits without professional help.

      I hope things work out for you somehow. It's so sad that it's hard for you to find support groups. Starving isn't going to work for anyone, not in the longterm. You have to address the real medical issues...I hope the doctors can help you more, or at least give you some more pain relief.

    3. yes some people do get emotional eating problems. I do think these severe diets would mess them up more. I think probably making an eating plan for three squares a day with a rare snack allowed would be the best for emotional eating people.
      I know dieting created greater hunger in me and obsession with food. I thought of nothing else as my stomach growled and growled here normally, if I am busy, I can go three-four hours not considering food at all.

      I figure at this age, diet failed for me. Lipedema and endless complex endocrine and other problems made dieting impossible for me. I just don't want to and I can't maintain it anyhow. I follow a certain meal plan and food rules and actually eat around the same amount everyday, if there is more food at one meal there will be less at another, even naturally. I have to follow food rules not to gain or have the diabetes destroy me. There's no ice cream in my life. The last dessert I had was a piece of pie two months ago. etc. etc.

      Yeah they say everyone has no will power. I've been told I am lazy have no will power, don't want to lose weight and been accused of lying about hunger levels or my physical inability to forgo carbohydrates with bad changes to vision, dizziness and always blamed.

      People with emotional and trauma and binge problems too get ignored and are told well if you just tried hard enough.

      I have given up diets, I just don't care anymore. I have noticed a day where I can afford everything I want to eat, or where I am not too busy to cook, I get sugars in the 110s, it is almost like clock work. Deprive myself, get tired and the sugars go up by 20,30 points. Diets made my sugars worse. you think anyhow believes that, no they do not. I think some of my problem is the food absorption issues, and malnutrition playing a major angle.

      I am glad you are doing better with your food addiction.

      Diets trigger extreme depression in me if it is severe enough. I get fatigued and I turn cold.
      Yeah my issues are complicated. At this point I figure I made it to my 50s, no damn diets ever worked. I do have a cut off weight where I would insist I am put in the hospital for weight loss help, but I did not hit that when I was last weighed. With food, I see myself eating less as I age but all the cooking is making me tired. It is weird how if I cook like a damn chef, it keeps the diabetes far more under control. That can make a difference between a cruddy week and a good one. I figure a person can only do what they can. It weirds me out how I have told people I would be psychotic and rolling on the ground from severe pain. Oh if I get too hungry, [even fat me gets too busy to eat on rare occasions or late on a meal] I have this thing where IBS, where it doesn't like a stomach left empty too long--think 8 hours or so here, and I get the dry heaves.


  9. I hope you find peace with food. And with yourself. I’ve been on carnivore for about six months because I want to lose weight and I had severe skin issues. I didn’t even know I had lipidema until I heard it mentioned in a podcast. Finally my painful legs that I’ve had since ten years old had an explanation and if I had learned about lipidema before trying carnivore, I think I would have felt helpless too. I have to tell you that I don’t starve. I eat two plus pounds of meat a day and lose weight without adding exercise besides what life throws at me with kids. My legs are softening - the hard painful saddle bags are half the size they were and they are continuing to shrink with the rest of me for the first time in my 33 years. The pain I’ve felt for decades is reduced by half and there are times is goes away completely. I expect it to continue until it’s gone.
    There really is no nutritional necessity for carbohydrates as your body is capable of producing the glucose it needs from fatty acids. I’ve not experienced scurvy nor has my fiancé. I have normal periods for the first time in my life. Burning pain that was near a diagnosis of fibromyalgia is gone.
    I hope you can learn to manage your food addiction.

    1. Have fun, because your kidneys WILL GO eventually. Also I don't know how you go poop with no fiber. Two pounds of meat a day for me, would be kidney stone city and doubled over.

      I suppose to anyone I am a food addict for eating anything even decent meals with vegetables and fruit, like eating a peach or some chicken curry for dinner with vegetables, or some eggs and mushrooms.

      Hmm why do I get sick on low carb diets? But then I guess I am just a "loser" to your stoic hardasses who always have something to prove. I don't believe you about being able to eat two pounds of meat and not suffer any physical consequences. Well maybe you are young, and your body just hasn't imploded from it yet. Why did people in the old days get scurvy from no vit C or vegetables? Did they all make it up.

      I'll have more peace staying away from crazy people who expect someone to eat two pounds of meat a day, and nothing else in their diet.

      I know some will do anything to be thin since fat people are hated so much. Bulimia sounds like it holds less risk, and those risks are immense, then your so called DIET.

  10. Hello.. have you ever had an IgG test? Often inflammation can be linked to eating foods you are reacting to. The problem is you may not realize you are reacting to a particular food. It might be worth a try. I had one done back in the summer and I found out I was reacting to milk, eggs and flax. Those were sky high. And I'd been eating lots of yogurt and eggs! In many people eating foods you are sensitive to can cause inflammation and then your body won't work right. This is actually why lots of people go onto diets like keto or carnivore - not because they are trying to lose weight but because they already have lots of food problems. Sure, I'm sure some do go onto it to lose weight but there are many others who are forced into it because their immune system reacts to too many foods. People who have celiac often have to avoid much more than just wheat, rye and barley as the celiac gave them leaky gut...and that gave them problems with milk, eggs, corn and a bunch of other foods too! And if they want to heal they have to avoid it all. People who have corn allergy have it really bad as corn is hidden in almost everything! If you are interested in seeing where corn hides check out the website by Corn Allergy Girl. It's eye opening.

    You might want to look at stuff by Dr Jason Fung on YouTube. He has reversed diabetes in people.

    And if you want to start learning about nutrition and how the body works then look to Dr Osborne. He's an expert in the celiac field but he believes in healing stuff through nutrition. He strongly believes in eating grain free as so many conditions are linked to gluten. He goes live every Monday night at 6 pm central time. On YouTube and Facebook. You can ask him questions during the live episodes. I've learned a lot from him.

    Another great doctor who explains how the different parts of the body works is Dr Berg. He has short episodes on the different parts. You might never know - you might watch one and something might click. Like I was watching one the other day on the gallbladder and I suddenly realized that it sounded a lot like my problem! I think I have low stomach acid (from my celiac).

    Unfortunately if you want the IgG test you have to go to a more natural type doctor. I don't think regular ones do them. My IgG test was $100 and the doctor fee was $125 I think. But I think it was well worth it as I do react to all the stuff on the test and I found it very helpful. The thing is you may not realize you are reacting to it. Oh and on the celiac forum they say that most people are able to reintroduce reactive foods after 2 years or so, so the food reactions on IgG may just be temporary - like a few years. It's a wait & see kind of thing.

    I hope this might help you.

    Oh...have you ever had a celiac test? Many undiagnosed people with celiac end up with numerous vitamin deficiency as their guts are damaged and they cannot absorb the nutrition from the foods they are eating. Just because you eat a food doesn't mean you can absorb the nutrition from it. It depends on the state of the gut. Many end up with anemia, low on zinc and copper, various B vitamins. And yes, some celiac DO end up obese or overweight. Not all Celiac's are thin sticks. Please get tested if you haven't been. It's just a blood test but you have to be eating grain (wheat) for the test to be accurate. And as I said earlier, if you are sensitive to it, it leads to inflammation and then the body can't work right. Please go watch Dr Osborne. He has lots of videos on YouTube. Start learning about the body and how it works. He does advocate eating a full range of things (except for grain for Celiac's - if you don't have a problem with it I believe he says you can eat it, the problem comes in that sometimes celiac is totally silent and has no real symptoms). You don't need digestive problems to have celiac. It can be silent.

  11. Here's the list of foods I can't eat now...

    Wine [severe asthma, sulfites] Rum, beer, alcohol does weird crap to me seems to produce ASTHMA, have not drank in 25 years

    Potatoes [severe asthma, swell up, definitely ER visit, anaphylatic stuff]
    Goat cheese/sheep cheese milk [swell up, anaphylatic shock, tried goat cheese for first time took mega dosage of Bendaryl to save my life, and I had eaten a CRUMB of it.

    Fish severe asthma, all kinds from tuna to snapper.
    Shellfish, probably ER visit would be needed, shrimp, lobster, crab.
    Sweet potatoes [see potatoes]
    Rye bread, digestive problems, unusual, I stop going #2 for DAYS if I eat rye bread.
    Mild allergies possible with eggplant, I gave it up but reintroduced a little amount but I don't want to push it.
    Can drink only Lactase milk, need some to digest cheese but if I drink a little Lactase milk with cheese they will digest okay.
    Beef, lamb, rich pork [ham is okay but if I go to town on ribs, I am asking for it] It is kidney stone land not allergic.
    Asparagus, kidney stone land, like death stones from those things I haven't touched Asparagus in 10 years.
    Chicken livers--severe severe asthma, probably ER visit in the mix. [avoid organ meats]

    High sugar foods, sometimes will use teeny bit of sugar for recipes, but overall avoid it. I have not had pancakes or maple syrup in my apt in 10 years, or more. Husband does eat cookie and cakes but I do not.

    Fast food makes me sick. Soda makes me sick, had to give up almost all of it, very very rare.

    I'm probably forgetting somethings foods like oysters, sea based foods, would all be no goes. LOL I am a cook's nightmare now. I hate a lot of foods too. Oh add GMOs to the list if it's heavily processed I will get sick.

    I believe I have leaky gut from Lipedema. Foods don't digest right. I am diagnosed several times with malnutrition and eat a lot of vegetables. They've even hired nurses on me to try and figure out why I am malnutritioned. I am malnutritioned like a skinny person not getting enough vitamins going anemic all the time.

    I do eat a lot of eggs but went off eggs for 15 years used to have digestive problems from them but reintroduced them, and eat them about everyday now. Gave up dairy for years too until the miracle of Latase milk.

    Yeah my food allergies are CRAZY as you can see from the list above. I wonder too if there is stuff I am reacting too. I think leaky gut is the main problem, something is off with digestion years ago. I am not processing food properly. I have to cook like a chef to stay alive, like exotic foods, tons of vegetables. If you fed me normal american diet, I'd be on the floor.


  12. Glad you are figuring out your bad foods. I did worse when off dairy so I don't think it will be a culprit, eggs too for me. I think my nutritional quotients got better but I worry about foods.

    I know carnivorce would do me in. I get sick if there's no carbs, like vision and other problems. I tried to explain this on Lipedema keto boards but they didn't seem to believe me.

    Oh corn I have to be careful if it's fresh and not GMO I will be okay but gmo corn can shut the digestive system down.
    Yeah they put corn in everything. and soy too....

    Fung I have heard of. Intermittant fasting right? Of course most diabetics unless they want to die have to be done with eating after dinner, and earlier it is, the better but that can't be pushed too much hunger wise.

    I do better on rice and rice noodles, I do incorporate that. Notice sugars are lower if I eat them for carbs which is weird.

    I will check Berg out.

    I did have a CELIAC test done a few years ago but came out negative. I really wanted to know too.

    I want a genetic test, I wonder if this many problems are related to some unfounded genetic problem. With my aspergers I hae thought of everything from fragile X to other weight syndromes. I jhave never met anyone with this many food allergies and problems in my life. I do wonder how weight relates as food is not being processed correctly. One irony of stimulus, is I could afford some better food, far better than food pantry food. I am also going more vegetarian, can't do it complete due to anemia, but have about half the meals being vegetarian. [lots of tofu, reducing amount of meat in general]
