Friday, September 15, 2023

Another Poem by Me: The Truly Awake

The Truly Awake

Don't let anyone tell you to shrink yourself or decenter yourself
no matter what category you are.

Ideological tests are for 
the Dolores Umbridges of the world
and in the Struggle Session
Asch labs [electric shocks not withstanding]
there'll never be Redemption
but more hoops to jump for the Original sin of just being alive.

Tidy Prim people with clear skin and glasses with
a whoosh on the edge, [how quirky] will get out
their charts to tell you
if you are acceptable.
and if your dissenting speech
needs silenced.

Privilege tests do nothing for the poor
[we tried to do everything right]
knit those plastic mats and take the Bridge
the groceries still cost too much
the jobs still offer too little
and they are disappointments to their
post war parents who could pick 20 presents 
out of the Sears Catalogue for 
Christmas and buy new fashions
every season.

The homeless numbers skyrocket
as we are told the economy is doing great.
For who? 

Some win hands down in the Oppression Olympics
ACE scores off the charts 
focused on what's wrong so little is right
And the colonization goes on, this time
it's the human body and your DNA

The Dominators won't leave you in peace.
Always something new to be afraid of
Always something new to keep you home
and alone.

Modern paperbag tests of labels
What you are counts for more now
than who you are?
[everyone should be equal]
When was this forgotten?

We think of past lives, and
 those who have left their bodies
aren't so tethered
and the woke seemed like they never slept
and went to the lands beyond
this one.

The Plan for the New American Century
began the Age of Chaos.
When the towers crashed, the plans began then
and perpetual war with Oceania
and the war on drugs, and the war on terror
and now the war on inner security
and now the war on free conversation
and now the war on life.

We lost hope along the way
The very old don't understand the less old
weeping over shows from the 70s
[everyone seemed so happy then]
knowing the future we expected
compared to the one we got.

Fundamentalism can come in all flavors 
demanding every box be checked off 
to see if you are a heretic
There's always something you are doing
wrong, and something you must beg
atonement for.
[instructing you to examine endlessly
for wrongdoings]
And there's no end to it. 
Perfection will never be found

When the language is changed and words demanded
Watch out! It means trouble
It also means someone's conning you.

An old friend and I wrote these missives to one another
Deep Victorian like letters where we discussed 
nature, psychology and religion. 
10-15 pages long, hers even longer
written in wonderful script. 
We danced together in the sea of ideas.
Later she told me, because I failed
some test of belief
"words words words
I don't want to respond."

Sitting in a room, the passion inside swelling
while unheard.
Some would tell me, "We don't talk about that here"
and wrote new rules of censorship.
Every critical thinker a trouble maker
Every emotion an insubordination.

No one expects the American Inquisition
Reduced to an identity
The soul vaporizes into a soup
Don't expect those in the life of the mind
transcendental outside the walls
they looked outside of to be encased within
The wax already melted, they look for the tree
to climb and escape.

The school of hard knocks spits out
the Otherkins, submissive and weak.
Common sense means survival
Rhetoric meant fuzzy confusion
We are the women
who ran with wolves. 

Dalrymple warned of the liars
Hedges warned of the Imperialism
Rudolf warned of the loss of the soul

Make believe and fantasy books that make no sense
Don't reject the evidence of your eyes and ears
the most essential command of those 
who want to punish for thought. 
[We will think what we want anyway]
Don't let others tell you what to have in your head 
or to stifle you into their conformity
all for social control.


  1. Hi Peeps,
    So many good thoughts here to ponder! Looks like some of the conversations we have.
    And I agree. The United States is becoming the nation of conspiracy theories. Narcissists in leadership positions are trying to convince us all that we should live in hierarchies of superiorities and the disenfranchised again, and not in a compassionate world where we can all rise together, creating a human race of people that do not want to sublimate or get rid of one another, but rather create a world of peace.
    But first we have to stop worshipping narcissists, and especially those in the political arena who are stoking division.

    1. Hi Lise, thanks I appreciate it. LOL I am somewhat a conspiracy theorist myself remember but they do make a lot of them up too, to confuse people with them. Basically lying to us about reality and what is really going on. A lot isn't adding up to me. This Covid 2.0 stuff, I got the feeling they didn't want us to ever have lives again and I just go the thought, "I want my life back" and I think the public is checking out and fed up. Something did make people sick for a long time but this feeling they are dragging it all out now for profit, well that's there. Humanity has a narcissist problem, and unless humanity does something about psychopaths running the show, we will all go extinct, maybe a future human society can mandate psychopaths and narcissist tests [lol I am dreaming] Check out that Ollie video I posted today. It's looking look bad out there. I sometimes worry the USA is going to split up. What will happen if I am told pick a side. It's crazy. Yeah why can't we have nice things? Because a bunch of psychopathic jerks are in charge. Oh I am livid as hell about Bill Gates wanting to destroy trees, that psychopath is the worse of the worse.

      What happened to the left has horrified me. You know that's an endless concern. You may find this article interesting.

  2. I agree that the left has lost its way, that the philosophies of the left have gotten muddied enough that there aren't agreed-upon philosophies. Attacking the Republicans makes them look worse, and what's more it stokes a pissing contest.

    I read the last article in your comment first. I will read the other later.

    Anyway, I totally get what Toby Rogers said here:

    "Property owners were barred from collecting rent.

    Unelected bureaucrats divided the workforce into 'essential' and 'nonessential'.

    Government took over the economy and flooded it with newly printed money triggering a massive increase in inflation.'"

    I liked what I found in the comments section by by Yvonne Gerdina Derbyshire too:
    "The buy-consume-discard mentality of the western nations has resulted not in enlightened liberalism, but merely stupid over-consumption and the expectation that we all should be able to live like millionaires, while the costs are borne by economic slaves in the developing world. I have always felt uncomfortable with this phenomenon because as a society we stood by while millions in other countries were being bombed, starved, worked like beasts of burden and oppressed by medieval religious strictures. "

    And then commentator Doug had this to add:

    "My theory: You can't have freedom without virtue since our vice always enslaves both ourselves and others. This is why libertarianism is doomed to fail and decadent societies with thirsts for unrestrained gratification will disappear, be conquered, or otherwise end up with a boot on their neck: good times create weak men, weak men cause hard times. I think the mantra of freedom without understanding it properly is paradoxically leading us to our loss of quality of life in the West and ultimately will lead to our downfall if not corrected."

    1. Hi Lise, I'm glad you agree the left has lost it's way. Some could say we don't really have a left anymore, just one fascist "uni-party". It scared me, you know even at the UU I left some were defending free speech being ended. "Speech is dangerous", it scared me there was 1 or 2 fifth principle types who said no way.

      With Republican attacks, I have my regrets with that Trump protesting and ended friendships because of it--well most walked from me. I even wrote one friend to apologize, trying to regain the friendship, she stopped talking to me after a dinner where we said we didn't want Medicare cut. I probably agree now with more Republicans about Covid and other things, though economically I am in a different place still.
      more it stokes a pissing contest.

      I'm glad you get what Toby Rogers is driving at. They really did bring division and economic ruin to many middle class and poor people too. Something scary is happening locally. Sometimes I worry people ARE DYING off behind the scenes, [certainly enough were getting sick at that UU I left] because small businesses here are still closing even ones in rural areas where poor people wouldn't have been driven out yet from high rent. It could be all vaxxed derived, but these restaurant people are all saying they can't get workers or any staff. [My husband is too disabled for this kind of work as you know he needs more work--working in the other room now] So the destruction of small businesses is still going on. This business was a small town pizza place that's been there 40 years.

      Yeah the inflation is from the money-give-aways. It's insane, and getting worse. I tell husband I and him better prepare for hunger days, [will weight loss finally come when the food gets low enough- I fear gains like I had from the food deprivation I had in the 1990s] We haven't missed meals yet but they are more meagre-[limited ingredients, less side dishes, salads]

      I may do a post asking if people are seeing increased poverty and homelessness where they live.

      I agree with that last commenter about these being decadent societies. Family, community, networks, got destroyed by the buy, consume, discard ethos. Even those of us who tried to disengage from the system and find old ways of life, like me escaping to that small town, got economically pummeled by the greedy. They sure want to make us pay bills like millionaires. Sometimes I wonder if third world life is "better" they at least have community and can grow forage food but I got the feeling the billionaires and life destroyers, did turn them all into slaves, destroying former societies, agriculture and communities. I am probably thinking of the world 50 years ago. I want to puke when I read about Bill Gates latest dirty work in third world nations. I've seen those kids in the Congo pictures of them having to extract rare metals for EV car batteries. They are right about the oppressive religions--religions run by elite to oppress, obscuring spiritual truths, endless wars, I would protest war thinking of the hundreds of thousands of innocents getting blown up in the Middle East but no one seemed to care about them. I'm sure some Ukrainians are being screwed too now, though we may differ on beliefs about solutions there. Why does the USA have to INTERFERE everywhere? One racist thing I've always noticed, real racism, is there seemed to be an attitude that some people due to their ethnicity should work until they drop after 16-18 hours a day. You probably can think of some groups I am talking about.


  3. Doug is right about America going into Vice. There's a new book out the questions the sexual revolution. I think while religious purity and oppression of women is wrong too, the sexual revolution has gone overboard.

    I want to read this. Certain Covid is enslavement via vice, mad scientists, and others profiting off things. The sex changes being pushed on kids too, is about profit, with surgeries that bring 10s of thousands in the door. Religion has it's dark side but when there is a spiritual vacuum it makes itself known in the rapid decay of societies. This one doesn't care about truth anymore buried in postmodernist absurdities, or morality or respect of life--[notice none of them care how many have died and have normalized so much illness and death. I always respected libertarians for the civil liberties thing but economics and rest, it doesn't work. Also if you are dealing with those without virtues, they are going to cross endless boundaries. We are in the times of "weak men". I'm reading that Fourth Turning book, they say we are headed for crisis. I think they are optomistic than me, but this is a society I believe is collapsing. Guess I'm with Kunstler and "The Long Emergency" outlook. We are losing freedom in America because of narcissism, addiction to pleasure and decadence and the loss of morality.

  4. Oh one more thing with the pizza place, the owners, wrote they are "too sick" to work as much and needed help to keep it going.
    Also one group I left, there's FIVE people having dementia problems. Things are getting scary out there. I noticed the restaurant thing because there have been multiple postings like this in my area.
