Sunday, November 21, 2021

Totalitarians Don't Care About Your Health. Will They Force it on Us in America?

                                           Yeah sadly even Sesame Street pushed the vaxxes on little kids.  I am worried for the kids.

This morning I went on CSPAN, I was taking pills and was eating my egg sandwich. There was another pundit full of more propaganda sure to guarantee more fighting over Thanksgiving plans, pushing the clot shots, ignoring the multiple reports of adverse effects, and more. CSPAN isn't the same. Sometimes I can tell they are screening out any truly independent phone calls. I don't watch much news any more, but even CSPAN is going to be shut off for good. 

When is this nightmare going to end? The crap shots aren't ending it. Merck made a pill for Covid, but why are they still focusing on vaxxes and things that don't work? Are we going to have three years of life now destroyed?

I had the strange thought the other day, if the clot shots were safe, then they would have no problem convincing people. We would all get it and it would be no big deal. They wouldn't have to threaten and bully people.  If they worked, I could even as an unvaccinated person go visit with the vaccinated and they would be protected. I was not terrorized over getting a TB or polio shot. It was just natural business. I knew they worked and weren't full of experimental funny business. I didn't write screeds about impending death and destruction like I am about this mRNA garbage. There were no teens or athletes dropping dead of inflamed hearts. We could trust these products. 

There would not be a huge segment of the population horrified and scared. Since they are taking people's jobs away and trying to destroy their lives, I notice a HOLE here. Some may ask "What do you mean?"  That HOLE is, that they never even attempted to prove any safety or tried to convince anyone outside of repeating over and over, they are safe and effective. Everyone's concerns just got swept under the rug. Everyone has forgotten this much time in, that the Covid vaxxes are STILL CLASSIFIED AS EXPERIMENTAL. And they are forcing them anyway!  Even those Respectful Insolence "scientists" pushing the shots, just decided to call me "asshole" and to shut me down instead of providing any real arguments.  

If half your population is scared you are trying to kill them or sterilize them, and you have no responses of any substances to this....well then there's a problem.
Maybe it's really happening. Confront someone and they can't come up with the goods? Well then you are being lied to.

I can't help but keep thinking about this. The fact that people are giving this garbage to kids who don't need it is making me want to throw up daily. I feel weak and like I am not doing enough, all I have been able to do is speak out online. I've kept peace with people but it's hard. With many I have now made my positions known, but it's kind of like those friendships and relationships, we are avoiding the topic to keep good will. 

I started crying the other day reading about Austria forcing the clot shot on it's people.  This is a clot shot that IS gene therapy, they deny this but it's true.  It needs multiple boosters and is still requiring those who take it to mask up and socially distance.

 It's not working but the leaders keep pushing it. Why?

 Why haven't people woken up? I believe my chances of the clot shot of outright killing me is 50 percent on shot day [anaphylaxis, I wheeze even just from autumn leaves rotting] and 75 to 100 within the week, from cellulitis or one of the several autoimmune diseases  worsening. Also add in family history of pericarditis, my own vasculitis bouts--I talked to my rheum about this--my death most likely would be a hideous one. Sorry, I've had enough medical trauma and don't want any more. 

One can read webwide the warnings from scientists. I have multitudes from scientists on my Twitter, warning of endless horrific deaths and life changing disabilities, and still the powers that be and their sold out pundits still push these clot shots. Nenad left but I still want to ask how her 4th or 5th booster is doing? What number are they on now? 4? I've lost track.

 It's obvious the crap doesn't even work, is doing real harm and isn't ending the pandemic [Covid is now endemic] and still they PUSH IT. They don't care about what it is doing to people. They don't care that many of us are now petrified of having it forced on us and being killed by it. I said to my husband, "How do you think it makes me feel, that these people basically want to KILL me?" I've already had a hard life. Now I want to be LEFT ALONE. I've worn the masks, I've stayed away from people except for 1-2 people I've visited in large rooms or outside wearing KN95, and I don't want your poison.

 They provided no answers to anyone's fears. They silenced people who had bad things happen. They don't pay your medical bills if you get sick from the clot shot, so as those people get smacked with bills from their kids or themselves getting myocarditis, they will be facing bankruptcy and economic devastation.  These people make me sick. 

I find myself asking some serious questions about those who support all this.

Why haven't they noticed that the pandemic is not easing up? That they still are pushing lock-downs. In my state a huge percentage have taken the vaxx. Why aren't any of these people asking why isn't it doing any good? What's wrong with these people?

How many boosters will be enough? 4? 5? 29? 30?

Why don't people ever look into anything? It's not that hard to find dissenting voices asking questions online. It's like some of these people don't even understand that information is out there. They've been brainwashed into thinking everything Fauci says is gospel. 

The news that they are now trying to force the clot shot on people in Europe should concern all of us. The Fourth Reich is marching and they want the clot shot that doesn't work no matter what in you. What if they do this in America? Some I talk to remain unconcerned say "Oh it never could happen here!" Our courts have stood against Biden's mandates for now, but it's not a far step away from taking people's jobs away over not taking it, to sending the military out to force vaccinate people.  The United States has some built in checks against tyranny, we have Republican politicians even in my local area standing against this stuff, but will they work? The Fifth Court of appeals have given us a "stay". I am glad they stepped up. There's still some people of integrity out there. 

 If you think the United States is messed up now, imagine the reaction if that were to happen. Some of the people who call themselves liberals are full blown Nazis when they say they support such things. 

Sometimes I worry to break America who has the second amendment unlike Europe, they are going to do worse to us like release a worse pandemic. Maybe small pox. When that monster Bill Gates went on about small pox, that got a lot of people worried. Why wouldn't it? Our lives have been destroyed by monsters who have too much power and they still have a lot of tools in the toolbox to torture us with.

I retweeted this. It basically sums up my life now. 

Some of us are fearing for our lives. Why wouldn't we? This is a bad mixture with my history of PTSD, knowing basically the system does not care and even wants to destroy me. Knowing that in all these places they don't care about medical exemptions. It's not just anxious me though, people ARE petrified. This isn't ending. Remember some of us believe both the virus is real AND the dangers of the jab.  Some have survived mentally closing down their minds and emotions but if anyone does any serious thinking and this applies to people who have already taken some of Covid vaxxes, they know something is wrong with this picture. I have told people we need the vaxxed to join us in standing up. Many regret taking it. Some did wake up finding out two vaxxes was "not enough". Some got "breakthrough" cases.

I have nightmares now about having to go on the run or living in the woods and freezing to death. We are low on money now making me even more nervous. The bills are paid but all costs have skyrocketed. What if mandatory day comes when I am low on cash to get out of Dodge? I just want to stay alive. I saved a little but it's vaporized. I need a solar panel I don't have money for yet. I was not able to prep like I wanted. Maybe the government stimuluses were to help lull us to sleep, as now, all economic helps has been removed since August.  I've only seen one visible eviction in my apartment building but maybe there's more hidden ones.  My husband thinks this would never happen in America but I am not so relaxed about it as he is. People in Europe are standing up and protesting at least. They don't show these protests in regular news.

I'm reading books on the Cultural Revolution and gulags now. May as well use them as a primer for the future. The left has lost it and has gone full "struggle session" with slogans and blind obedience taught. They can put a picture up of a clot shot instead of Mao all over buildings. Oops they already have. I'm reading about a guy now who hid a sawblade in his shoe, trying to saw his way out of a train on the way to a prison in Siberia. Too many people are ignorant as hell about how bad things got in many areas of the world. Tens of millions died under Stalin, in WWII and the Cultural Revolution under Mao. Why do they think they are immune today under the crushing juggernaut of history? 

 We are being lied to in so many ways. They care more about obtaining money and power, rather then anyone's health. My friend just died of cancer from Covid lock downs. My own medical care is at risk. You expect me to believe they care about my health? I didn't have the kind of life where I can be a fool and see all these leaders as paternalistic and think that they "care". 

My medical care is disappearing. I haven't seen my main doctor now in 5 months who I used to see monthly. I think he is still renewing my medication, but that's wrong to just disappear like this. I will have to contact them and ask "Where have you been?" I am even considering switching services but now there is such severe doctor shortages I will hold on to what I got, to keep the medications I am on flowing.  That means no Vit B shots for anemia, no blood tests, and more. I'm still seeing some specialists, but even with them, the appointments sometimes are hard to get. I have to do a kidney urine test this week, and hoping Thanksgiving doesn't mess it up. I delayed it because I had to get another tooth out, had a severe flare and was sick. The medical establishment is being destroyed by them firing everyone who doesn't want the clot shot. What is happening to people is criminal.

Let's look at some recent articles and links:

Home - No More Silence - Telling Our Stories

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning | Circulation (

“We conclude that the mRNA vac dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, & other vascular events following vac.”

Telegram: Contact @genueprospect

A Set of Arguments Against COVID Vaccine Mandates (

All but two here were "fully vaccinated":

8 Dead, Dozens Infected With COVID-19 Due to Nursing Home Outbreak – NBC Connecticut

Already making excuses and providing cover for when the kids and babies get heart problems from the shots:
Jonathan Engler on Twitter: "Emergency narrative shift:" / Twitter



Babies born to Covid vaxxed mothers:

Investigation into spike in newborn baby deaths in Scotland - BBC News

The vestibular forums are nightmares when it comes to the clot shot. I have vestibular problems via Meniere's and still can have Meniere's flares where I am dizzy, dealing with vertigo and eyesight is affected. One reason I would never take the clotshot is it could take the rest of my hearing away--no more music, and destroy my life via increasing these problems. For those who support these mandates, you ignore real harm being done to individuals both mentally and physically:

Covid-19 Vaccine side effects – Patient: Dizziness – VeDA Forum (

press secretary for israeli pm vaccinated people now dying and going to hospital (

The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 "Vaccine" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Everyone I know who had cancer and got the shot, had the cancer worsen. 

Don't listen to the liars who claim myocarditis is "mild". 50 percent die in the first 5 years...

Viral Myocarditis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (

"Conspiracy" post, but it's a good question. Remember the studies I posted about graphene the other day?

Boom: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book Blows The Lid Off Of Anthony Fauci's Dark Past And Hidden Agenda (

French health authority advises against Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for under 30s | Reuters

The damage these vaxxes do to so many bodily systems is crazy.

Thyroid as a target of adjuvant autoimmunity/inflammatory syndrome due to mRNA-based SARS-CoV2 vaccination: from Graves’ disease to silent thyroiditis | SpringerLink

The vaxxes are failing:

US COVID-19 deaths in 2021 surpass last year's toll (

And the most important link on this list as people have this stuff given to their kids:

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ


  1. Hi Peeps,
    Don't blame you for reading about the gulags, 'tis the season, right? Just like many enjoy listening to Christmas Carols at xmas time! I had mentioned sometime back that I was in the mood to watch that movie starring Melanie Griffith and Michael Douglas. I have seen some good quotes from commenters taken from The Gulag Achipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitysn. I wish I had written them down, but amount to regret of not having taken steps to defend oneself with whatever lay near instead of being consumed by fear at the sounds of the heavy footsteps banging on the cellar steps. I remember my first fearful moment about all this back in June (as I was barely a month into looking into the vaccines) and the Premier of NSW in Australia, Gladys Berejinklian, was talking about deploying the military to give the vaccines. This was at the very same moment that a lady in the States made a youtube from her cellphone about people coming to her door and asking about vaccine status and if any 12 year old's were at home. And the Health Minister in NSW talking about the NWO! And the camps they built. And now this Premier and his Stasi styled bill giving him absolute power over the people to do with them as he pleases. Yes, thank God they are fighting back, but it is scary as hell to think he was only shy of one vote for getting it through. He needed a "crossbencher" or one from the other side. I agree that it is concerning that we didn't see more from Americans. At least some are taking it to court. Glad to hear about the stay too, but hope it doesn't get pushed further.
    That last article you put up here was the "punchline" or item #5 on the Dr. Campbell thing I wrote. Glad you found it on your own. What this woman says is crazy scary, and the BMJ has yet to retract it, so must feel its validity. As for people getting hurt, I have followed the testifying of some of those, with the help of Senator Ron Johnson, who gave them a platform. The stories are heartwrenching, and especially that of little 12 year old Mattie, who participated in one of the clinical trials and became injured after her first dose. She's in a wheelchair and has to be fed by a feeding tube. Her injuries are not reported as to the trial outcome because you have to take both doses to be included. Also you are given a form with preset post vaccine symptoms to check off like, pain at the site, feaver, etc. No place for free flow comments on any other symptom not listed. Also, one of the saddest of the vaccine injured is Kyle, from Idaho. If you look at Dr. Campbell's youtubes, you will see his name on a couple of them. He's also listed among the injured athletes link you put up here. Kyle did 8 hour marathons on his bycycle previousely, but after he developed myocarditis post vaccine, he was told in the emergency room that he was suffering from anxiety and no ammount of him stating otherwise was enough. They sent him home. He has lots of things wrong with him now, something called POTS which has him crawling around on his hands and knees most mornings. He was all excited about the trip to Capitol Hill he and the other vaccine injured were making, hoping that they would finally be heard and recognized. Those hopes were quickly dashed as the seats that were to be occupied by the NIH, CDC, FDA and Faucci himself were all empty! His sad tribulations can still be heard, last I checked on Dr. Campbell's youtubes. The kid's health is ruined, and he's still sitting there saying, "I'm not telling anyone not to get vaccinated.." And, "this isn't woe is me, but ..." So so sad.
    Continuing ...

    1. Yeah I am still reading Vorkuta. May as well prepare. My health is so bad, if things go to that level don't see me lasting too long though famine in this body may be interesting.
      I should read that book by Aleksandr Solzhenitysn. I have told husband I am worried about being rounded up one day, and the getting low on money thing is scaring me. It's one thing to be poor, when there's intact services and most of society is still running, and another when everyone is doing bad and things are collapsing. Leave it up to the jerks to all demand copious amounts of cash on the eve of the apocalypse. LOL
      I can see how you were afraid hearing about the military being deployed to force vaccines. I get scared because they are pushing this garbage so adamantly and it's failing at what they promised it should do, so what is the reason. It's suspicious all around.
      We did get a phone call once with recorded message about vaxx sites, but that's it so far. I know I worry about creeps showing up at my door too. Screen out what calls and rest you can. In the conspiracy world they warned us about FEMA camps and said Walmarts would be used as food distribution. I've watched videos of the camps being built in Australia.

      I don't know why Americans aren't protesting more. The local group shunned me from their Facebook page, but see emails, they only seem to deal with kids and masks at schools, don't know why the bigger issue of vaxx mandates is not being dealt with.
      Yeah I believe people's immune systems are being destroyed, it is scary. I follow some of the adverse reactions websites. People are getting illnesses that are absolutely life destroying and torture. The kind that keep you completely housebound and unable to do anything. Mattie was a warning to the world but still they put their kids at risk for no good reason, since kids don't get Covid. It's sacrificing the young for the old by these sick bastards. I don't think much of Mattie's mother. I think Mattie when she hits 18 should sue her parents, disability and illness means a life of poverty. Wonder how pissed she will be but maybe she's been brainwashed by Mommy's virtue signaling. I don't blame her, can you imagine the pressure put on the girl. It makes me ill. I wish Kyle would just come out and say the vaxxes suck, and that has disturbed me from the begging how the injured all seem to have Stockholm Syndrome or something and still excuse the vaxxes and the system. Screw that. POTS is bad news. A lot of women with Lipedema get that one. I always had funny things with wanting to puke, temperature sensitivity, etc , but the people who have full POTS life is hell. You end up in bed, can't depend on body to function. I know a lot of people with it. It's not some brush it off thing you take a pill for. My living room spun yesterday, I've had a light Meniere's attack this week, and staggered while sitting on the couch, yeah hard to describe but my crap is candy lane stuff compared to a POTs person. Seriously. I was able to come out of dizziness/vertigo really fall to the side crap-eyes on horizon, I trained self to be able to do it, but POTs they got the racing heart, etc etc. He won't be riding any bicycles any time soon. The no liability thing for me was enough. That's sad he showed up to the vaccine injury meeting and all those notables refused to come but did not surprise me. Sadly too many are going to learn the hard way how this world really works and they took excellent health for granted.

  2. Continuing ...
    I was asked by one of the little English students if I had been vaccinated the other day. There's an 8, 10 and 11 year old. I naturally felt an obligation to inform the parents of my current status, which I had. It was the 10 year old girl who asked. We were just finishing up our flash cards, which I immediately set aside. I understood the tricky position I was in. I knew their attention spans, so I started at the beginning with me looking into the vaccines for my husband because of his low platelets being contra indicated to the Astra Zeneca. Half way in to my long-winded speach, the one who asked me piped up and said, "my mommy said no way am I getting that vaccine ..." And I said, in that case I agree with your mommy, because she knows what is best for you. We then went over the fact that if they as young kids got covid, that it would likely be just like any other cold, to which the 8 year old piped up and said, "so what's the point then ... " gestculating. And with that, we concluded our class for the day. Out of the mouths of Babes ...

    1. Yeah that 8 year old is smarter than Fauci, WHO and NIH...

      What's the point then?

      I ask that everyday about their injectable garbage.

      I wonder how many smart children will know they are being conned by their parents and will want to run from the needle and their selfish parents.

  3. Hi again,
    Yes, Dr. Malone explained the "vaccines" and how they work in a presentation he gave at a covid conference in Ocala Florida a couple weeks back, organized by a group of doctors including Dr. McCollough and Dr. Kory, who are pro treatment of covid, anti mandates, and anti giving it to kids. Dr. Malone explained that the moderna and j&j were not the same as the Mrna, and were effectively gene therapy. Dr. Been did a video the other day, which I need to watch again to get it clearer in my mind, but how the full spike protein may interfere with DNA repair. There was an in vitro (not yet in vivo) study done in Sweden, injecting the spike protein into cells to study what they do. It wasn't good, but this would mean infection would also do the same thing, because of the full spike protein. They found it did not occur with pieces of spike. They did the study because they noted problems with the immune system of some people either post vaccine or post covid. Dr. Bruce Patterson has a remedy for getting this back on track for people with long covid, whom he said mostly date back to March 2020 and a couple months later, when the only advice was tylenol, effectively being no treatment at all. Antivirals, which ivm is said to be one, stop the proliferation of the virus, thus not allowing it to do the damage. A shame this was not on the menu of things that could be done.
    Yes, Merck, who use to hold the patent on ivm has come out with a pill. Will be interesting to see what it's all about. Also Pfizer has come up with one to be taken in combination with "another" anti viral. Haven't looked into any of this yet. I've already made my own choice, and like you, I'm getting pretty tired of this tack. So much to keep up with, medically, politically, legally and psychologically following the apparent massive psychosis and megalomania taking place. I do think there will need to come a time to put this all to bed, but will they let us? I think about you and your health too, suffering from not being able to go to the gym and do some of the activities you put in place previousely. Now that they have put a stay on the mandates, could you go to the gym if you wanted to? If so, could you pick the safest time for it to be possible? I was calculating similarly for my husband going to the dentist. We took the first appointment of the day, after the "droplets" had a chance to settle. I need to exercize too. Am still dealing with our little dog, have gone to see the vet about what to expect. Are just coming to it as best we can and according to how he seems to be. Am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I read that piece she did about the narcissists getting their needs met and "lady" who stayed with her. She really sounded like a nice and intelligent lady. A thousand miles would have been very very hard on you from all you have said about other much shorter trips. Don't feel too bad or have too many regrets, just cherish what you were able to have, if that's possible.
    Maybe more later

    1. One thing to remember about the vaxxes, is they are all trash. The "bullet" in the gun is the same in all...the produced bioweapon of the spike protein. Some just deliver it. Some said I should take Novavax if it is approved, but I said if it has your body produce spike proteins, HELL NO. Yeah they are messing with genes and this is going to be one of the biggest cluster you know whats to come. I can see massive birth defects [well babies are being born with heart problems] and worse coming down the pike.

    2. Correction to above..."some just deliver it differently"

      I think mRNA is going to be the biggest clusterfuck in history because it views the body as a machine, and the linear thinkers are going to fail, because, we are talking failure of the whole body and 10 step outcomes they can't even forsee. The other gene therapies aren't much better bringing in chimpanzee DNA and rest. I don't want mRNA for anything. And I know they are trying to push it for other medical problems.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just ran across a youtube by vaccine injured "Kyle". It's entitled "Real not rare- bring back humanity." (C Talk). It is so sad, I knew he was going to break at some point, as he was trying to be too strong and too fair and too politically correct and not pissed off enough. He's sitting in his car on his way to another dr's. appointment, pulled over to the side because of this emotional breakdown. Said he's being attacked from all sides. Said, "you can't say anything anymore, I've been suicidal for a couple of weeks." Says he doesn't know how the toxcicity of the people has gotten worse than the disease we are trying to fight. Said he had a hard time finding a therapist, because as soon as you say "vaccine injury" they say you are crazy. This is absolutely criminal. These people should be heard and recognized as part of this pandemic and what is going on.

    1. Yeah I saw that video. That's the thing if you get sick from the clot shot, no one is going to help you and you will have thousands in medical bills. We are already buried in medical bills and yes it is part of our thinking. Also since all my autoimmune stuff took forever to be diagnosed, imagine the people who get autoimmune diseases from these shots, they will be gaslighted and told they are imagining things. I feel bad for him. It's the worse of the worse. The whole system is involved in the coverup.

    2. Remember one reason I woke up about all this is seeing how those who did get adverse effects were censored and so horribly too.

  5. I laughed so hard when you wrote" They can put pictures of the clot shot all over buildings instead of Mao. OOps , they already have!" I needed a laugh.
    My anxiety has totally worsened since the clot shot situation started. I totally feel it would ruin my life mentally as well as possibly physically. I told my husband the other day that I didn't work my ass off to get my health to a place where I could at least live with it; to have someone come in and destroy it. I will not let anyone destroy it again. I can not live like that again. I don't have perfect health but I have a situation I can live with.
    The Bill Gates thing creeped me out. These people are really evil psychopaths.
    I saw a video of Kennedy discussing his book about Fauci. It's incredible. What is wrong with people. This information about Fauci is verified and out there. People are in willful ignorance if they don't look. You can just get a gut feeling things are way off with him. People are so far away from themselves. Too much TV.
    And the left used to talk about this stuff. The first article I read about Fauci was in the village voice years ago. The left has gone over to the dark side.
    Thanks for the post - Sue

    1. I told husband today I am scared both of any real virus getting us, and also scared of the vaxx. We know too many who had bad effects from the vaxx and I know a few who got Covid. [glass lung not just the cooked PCR] Sometimes I don't know if I can take all this too. I have had severe medical trauma, and this well doesn't help. If you have something medically you can live with, I can see you doing everything to make sure that doesn't change. I am at the level of health now where one little tipping point could make me nursing home bound or unable to function. Some friends have understood my choices based on medical issues alone but as you know, the totalitarians don't care about people with extreme medical problems or ones that are controlled that could be turned into something else. So many things in life destroyed by a bunch of greedy psychopathic bastards. I live in fear all the time of something happening to husband and he has medical issues too {DVT etc}
      Sometimes feel like I am going to crack up from worry and know these people having parties [40-50 in number] and going on trips still, and I think to myself Who are the crazy people. These are people who support all this and my head spins. What am I to make of all this?

      Bill Gates creeps me out too, when I read that almost had a panic attack. Fauci screwed over people with AIDs in the 1980s, I guess they really do let malfeasance rise to the top. I agree the left [well it's not really leftist] has gone to the dark side. The evil grows. None of this is being stopped. There's no sane adult in the room to say "Look this shit isn't working". I think more and more they do mean us all harm, there's no other explanation to describe it. Sure stupidity can float the boat, but this has been "designed" and I am creeped the hell out. Yeah in the old days leftists and others used to complain about Fauci...

      old article on him, this one is a bit ominious

      hmmmm this should serve as a warning to us--you mean like the character Death carries....

      History of your SurnameGet access to Fauci family records.Start a free trial
      Fauci Family History
      Fauci Name Meaning
      Southern Italian: metonymic occupational name for a sickle maker or someone who used a sickle, from Sicilian fauci ‘sickle’.

      Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

    2. Oh I am glad I was able to give you laugh too. :) Hey totalitarian governments are all the same in certain ways.

  6. I am not yet eligible for a booster. I got my 2nd dose (of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine) in August, and at least 6 months must pass before a 3rd dose. Thank you for asking. ;-)

    All this time since my 1st and 2nd doses I am perfectly fine and have had no ill effects.

    Speaking of boosters, multi-dose vaccination regimens are not uncommon. Here are charts showing the schedules for vaccines other than covid, of which many have 2, 3, some even more doses, or are repeated after a period of time.

    You seem to think of vaccines in all-or-nothing terms. The reality is, they _reduce the likelihood_ of bad outcomes in case of exposure to pathogens: becoming infected oneself, becoming sick, passing it on to others. And the likelihood of being exposed to pathogens is reduced by vaccinating as many people as possible, so that pathogens have ever fewer chances to spread.

  7. Oh, that Italian name meaning is so creepy. And fitting! I have one grandparent with a French name and one with an Italian/Armenian name and they both mean freedom. They married each other.
    I have that same thing where I am terrified my husband will either get covid or get injured from the vax. He is older than me and I am in my sixties. He is healthier than me, but I am dependent on him for so much. It scares me soo much. I have worried a lot since they rolled out the vax, and I know a few people younger than us who got covid pretty bad. They weren't hospitalized but it was really hard for them. I thought, if their in their fifties and struggling with it , what is it going to be like for us. I worry a lot too.

  8. As for the potential long-term side effects of these "vaccines" I think it's a wait and see. There is plenty of potential for the adverse, given the spike proteins, lipids accumulating in the ovaries and double strand breakage of DNA with possible inhibition to repair it, if the study turns out to be accurate upon more study and peer review. I admit though that "peer review" is starting to sound like a dirty word. Whatever the eventuality, if there are to be long term effects, I don't think we will see them for another 2-4 years, based on normal cancer growth rates. Don't know how long the potential auto immune aspect would take to manifest. What you said about the unvaxed potentially losing their sanity as they watch the vaxxed die in the tens of thousands to millions is a very scary thought indeed!
    I wonder about Nenad too. Or as we affectionately refer to him here as Nenat. I wonder what he would say about the current adverse events or real people with real vaccine injuries? Probably something along the lines of "you can have an adverse event from eating a tomato. It doesn't prove anything in of itself." Or something along those lines. He never once acknowledeged ANY of your arguments as being valid. They ONLY positive thing he said was that if you didn't feel comfortable taking the vaccine for yourself given your many health concerns not to, but to not say anything that might discourage others. If he continues to take the boosters and gets "unlucky" I wonder if he will be content to stay silent too?

  9. As for the potential long-term side effects of these "vaccines" I think it's a wait and see. There is plenty of potential for the adverse, given the spike proteins, lipids accumulating in the ovaries and double strand breakage of DNA with possible inhibition to repair it, if the study turns out to be accurate upon more study and peer review. I admit though that "peer review" is starting to sound like a dirty word. Whatever the eventuality, if there are to be long term effects, I don't think we will see them for another 2-4 years, based on normal cancer growth rates. Don't know how long the potential auto immune aspect would take to manifest. What you said about the unvaxed potentially losing their sanity as they watch the vaxxed die in the tens of thousands to millions is a very scary thought indeed!
    I wonder about Nenad too. Or as we affectionately refer to him here as Nenat. I wonder what he would say about the current adverse events or real people with real vaccine injuries? Probably something along the lines of "you can have an adverse event from eating a tomato. It doesn't prove anything in of itself." Or something along those lines. He never once acknowledeged ANY of your arguments as being valid. They ONLY positive thing he said was that if you didn't feel comfortable taking the vaccine for yourself given your many health concerns not to, but to not say anything that might discourage others. If he continues to take the boosters and gets "unlucky" I wonder if he will be content to stay silent too?

  10. Hi Peeps,
    Are you going to publish my very long comment right previous to this one about the adverse events or vaccine injuries to people being in my opinion the result of inadvertant intravenous administration from not pulling back on the plunger prior to administration?
    Also, a couple days ago, I answered your questions about how long it takes/took me to learn Spanish.
    Also there was the "punchline" Dr. Campbell thing, you never clarified if you actually received it or not.

  11. Hi Peeps,
    Are you going to publish my very long comment right previous to this one about the adverse events or vaccine injuries to people being in my opinion the result of inadvertant intravenous administration from not pulling back on the plunger prior to administration?
    Also, a couple days ago, I answered your questions about how long it takes/took me to learn Spanish.
    Also there was the "punchline" Dr. Campbell thing, you never clarified if you actually received it or not.

    1. I didn't see those comments but will go check and see if they went into spam, maybe that's how I missed them Chelle, would like to see them both and put them up.

    2. I checked for them but couldn't find them. Could you repost them or sum what they said. Hope there is not a glitch. Thanks Chelle.

  12. Hi Peep,

    Thanks for this post. It's a much needed bit of sanity in today's world. Though I do not always have time to check, I have been reading you on and off since early 2014, when I first encountered David Sedaris's disgusting, narc-y essay excoriating his recently dead-by-suicide sister, Tiffany, and felt visceral disgust by the end. Searched the internetz to see if anyone else had a similar reaction, found your writing, and loved it! As I have only been in recovery from lifelong C-PTSD for a year now, and only been no contact from my narc Mom for a few now, I find there is much to learn from others who've "been down that road," so to speak.

    The links you've shared should be seen by as many people as possible. Sure would change many minds—so of course, TPTB can't allow that to happen. Your link about the effect the clotshots have on cancer patients is especially scary. My elderly father has been in remission from the big C since 2017 but sadly, will do whatever the gov't says, and believe every lie the mass media prints/broadcasts, when it comes to this scamdemic. He's already on his third clotshot, looking to get a fourth, and seems unable to respect my boundaries on the matter. (I've been very polite, and have refrained from attacking or arguing or urging him not to get his, and he hasn't stopped.) As he is the last family member I am in contact with, I may very soon find myself in the position of speaking with no one. Bet that's just the way the pieces of you-know-what who planned it all want it, too!

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that your posts have really been resonating with me all these years. Hope you're well and that the coming weeks are brighter in your corner of the world.


    A quiet but not-so-new reader

    1. Hi NYUNix...

      I am glad you still read there and thanks for your kind words, I hope things go well for you too. I do remember you from the Sedaris posts. I hoped Sedaris was waking up a bit but he snaps back to the narc narrative no matter what. Reminds me of my siblings. Tiffany definitely was the scapegoat.
      I still feel disgusted. So glad you loved that article.
      I am glad you have been no contact and you are right we can learn from others who have gone down these same CPTSD roads.
      I am scared for cancer patients and others. I believe a lot of health problems are going to worsen. We are hearing SCARY stuff about them seeing rare diseases at our local hospital, it's over-run there, nurses quit, etc, and these are from trusted locals. There's a lot not getting out to the news now.
      That's horrible with your father I feel for you. I have people too I tried to talk out of it. A few did come back to me and say I was right, and they regret the first one and/or two, but many are still lining up.
      I hope your father leaves you alone about the vaxx. I worry for his health and future too, and it has to be painful since this is the last relative you have contact with.

      I am not talking to many people, just a few online friends, and acouple locally. Otherwise it's superficial, some people have been told how I feel and I am posting a few things on my FB to get people to ask questions but it's not working, they are entrenched in this even though the vaxxes are obviously failing and things keep getting worse.

      Thanks for your kind words and I appreciate your post a lot.
