Saturday, May 16, 2015


Joan S. at Afraid of My Shadow blog wrote this good post:

One sentence jumped out at me:

"There is no way to explain evil anyway.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fraud. "

So many of us face their brainwashing. That my narcissistic mother was all good, knowing, popular, rich and more and I was everything that was wrong and it seemed the world backed this up giving her rewards after rewards while I was left empty handed. Back then I simply didn't know how evil worked. Evil was telling a little child to submit their conscience to a woman who didn't have one. There was always excuses and explanations for evil from these folks too. 


  1. That's why going NC and moving many miles away from our narcs is the best bet and we should not marry a sociopath narc, just in case sociopath narc and our narc parents use our children as a tool in order to keep us from going NC. Now, we need to figure out on how to stop narcs' elaborate smear campaign against us. I like Joan S.'s articles too.

    1. Yes there is no other choice but to remove ourselves. Evil is banal and chattering and always having a fakestory and excuse. Yes avoid marrying sociopathic narcs too and protect children because they work on stealing them and turning them against you.Agree regarding Joan S.'s articles
