Monday, May 8, 2017

Zine Fest!

                               Poster display at the zine fest
The other day, a friend drove us to a big city zine fest. It was a nice day trip. I am still recovering physically but it was worth it. I bought some zines, and there were hundreds of booths, I was like a kid in the candy store. My favorite zines are ones with comics and ones that write about personal lives.

We had a couple work shops and a zine reading room. We made buttons at one and another workshop showed printing techniques. It was fun to see the variety of zines, art work,comics and more. I got a cookbook zine,personal life zines, and ones with comics. I took my 140 page zine comic I finally had got shrunk down and photocopied and showed it to one cartoonist whose work I recognized, and he had good things to say about it. I have decided to "old school" this comic, the technicalities of computer art techniques are difficult for me, but since it is 140 pages long, I have to figure out how to divide in into volumes and plan to include some writing with the art. My husband took a few copies of a zine he has made that has some of my art work in it, and passed a few out.

 It was nice to see a variety of ages at the zine fest, and it was a crowd I felt comfortable and happy with. The freedom of zines and self publishing, and time away from screens is growing popular out there!

Here's a couple of zines I got....


  1. No need to worry about not connecting at church, this is your true tribe! You are an artist and a creator at heart and even if your spiritual life doesn't land you among like-minded folks, your creative desires does. Zines are very cool. I like how they are always very independent publishing minded.

    1. Thanks, I agree, I did feel happier around them if that makes sense and talked to a few I could. You can write about anything in zines. I hope to do some mini comic zines, I am cutting down the 140 pages into VOLUMES :p I got to get the writing part compiled from here with some added in.

  2. It's nice to get out now and again. I know it's time to venture out when my tan lines are in the shape of Venetian Blinds.

    1. LOLOL

      I swear I was inside so long once I couldn't see long distance anymore, that was pretty bad. :p guess walls were closing in then.

  3. I hereby officially comment after q!

  4. And I have officially read it.

  5. Dang it Q! Now I have to comment again! :)
