Monday, November 30, 2015

Are you an ACON Artist?

It was great to see Ollie address ACON artists.  Art saved my life. It kept me going from my teens to my twenties to today. Even when I am outside, I imagine art projects all the time. Photography as you all know is a new interest. I definitely need more tech training in it and am limited to a digital camera that was a gift, but I do what I can. The comic project continues too.

A Fat Artist

My DIY Art Shows


  1. I noticed I like quilts and jigsaw puzzles. Anything that is small and then goes together. Its funny those are my favorite projects and they are sort of the same. Kinda create something from nothing. I think that is very ACON. I like mosaics and collages ( I don't do those, but might consider it later). Its kinda weird I like stuff like that.

    Its sort of artsy. But I can't draw or paint freely. I do have a paint by number, lol, I'm planning on working on. I haven't watched the video yet, it sounds interesting. I guess you could say that I love putting things together.

    And Omgosh, someone gave me a whole bag of lace. I am almost ecstatic about it.

    1. I am glad you like quilts and jigsaw puzzles. I can't do jigsaw puzzles, Im very bad at it. It's funny how people get such different talents. I always liked quilts too but doing them are beyond me. Cool about the lace. :) Mosaics are fun and I've done collages before too.

  2. It reminds me of a cartoon from the National Lampoon from back in the 70's. It shows a presumably struggling artist about to blow his brains out and on to a blank canvas. I guess you would have to see it and it doesn't hurt to have a macabre sense of humor.

    1. I think I saw that one, yeah art can be a crazy world. Starving artist is not a myth. I know that all too well, myself.
