Sunday, April 24, 2016

Beware Trojan Horses

Did My Mother Send a Spy?


  1. Good question and one I would answer with a "do you think she sent a spy?" I never had a suspicion about my mother that didn't come true. For a while I was afraid my mother would hire a guy to have me killed. She had enough money and I have written volumes about her callous disregard for life. And with me sending her friends letters informing them of her character I would have thought she would have done anything to stop me. It sounds crazy looking back now but there were several months I scanned the horizon whenever I went out the door mindful of cars around that didn't belong outside and just in general keeping my wits about me. I guess her cheapness was bigger than her want to see me dead because I am obviously still here. Wait......there's someone at the door. Arrrgh he got me! Good bye cruel world she had a sleeper assassin take me out cuz they can't put a dead woman in prison. The lights are getting dim and I ...and I ack!

    1. Hey the book The Gift of Fear tells a person to listen to their suspicions, with the catfish, I actually got "discernment" early on but ignored it, telling myself, "Oh you can't think everyone is a fake Peep". I get burned when I ignore my intuition.

      I can understand you being afraid of your mother, I mean after all she had murdered and gotten a way with it. I'm glad you outed her that's rare for an ACON to do. Most of us are too scared or have been so maligned no one will listen. I told a few relatives how lies separated me and the one aunt and no one cared. I have situational awareness from my days in the inner city working with violent youth, that has felt kicked in a bit, and yesterday I was on a message board where an ACON wrote about a N parents breaking into their apartment, that felt triggering. I do think of safety issues myself too, let's just say I always make sure the door is locked before I go to bed.

      To be honest Q if they didn't know where I lived, I would feel safer, no more unexpected ambushes like last June. Hopefully a move will soon be in my future. When it happens I will be going poof. One odd message the catfish gave me was "don't move, they will find you anyhow" LOL

      She could never actually attempt to talk things out or call, can't have that, just have to appear at the door. I hate that feeling the creeps could just show up. And neighbors are no help, that time they left the locked outside door open or let them in to get to my door.

      If she sunk low enough to send a spy that does up the creep factor too. I'm glad your mother decided to go shopping or whatever instead of hiring a hit on you, LOL I hope mine have given up. Hopefully they will just forget I exist, I'm leaving them alone and they can leave me alone. I told close friends if anything happens to me, that is suspicious know where to look first. People with normal families would read this and think we are insane. Sociopaths for mothers is no laughing business. Mine has never "lost" and I keep that in mind for safety reasons.

  2. I wish I had listened to that video before I made an ass out of myself. Good one from Smacintosh. There are many bloggers out there that fall into that category. Not naming any names .......

    1. Some really want to be your friend right away and get you to open up. So yeah definite bloggers in that category. This is a good warning video. I agree. I'm being far more cautious nowadays.

  3. I'm glad smakintosh knows about catfishers and Trojan Horses. I heard rumors several years ago that some Trojan horse viruses were created by those who wanted to hack your computer or harass you. It was scary. I'm glad you got rid of your catfisher months ago. I had mine 9-10 years ago.

    1. I am glad he knows about them too. I think people are turning more wicked. The other day I talked to someone who was nice and open and not secretive and weird like too many people around here. I told my husband, talking to that person reminded me of the old days when people were far nicer in our old town. He said, "Yeah it makes sense she's not from here." [she commuted in from elsewhere for work] She seemed like a genuine and REAL person. I feel relief and happiness when I meet those types. Another person there is real too. They are out there even around here but the culture of this area is weird. I've never seen anything like it. Even when meeting real people I need to stay cautious.

      Yeah Trojan Horse people operate just like the Trojan Horse viruses sneaking in to get information. I am glad you got rid of your catfisher too. I wish she didn't waste my time.

  4. It's the love bombers that turn my stomach.....It's like..... I don't know you and will probably never meet you in person but I can already see that you are the best person in the whole world and I would trust you with my life. But don't turn your back on me cuz I' won't hesitate to shank you.

    1. The love bombers make me sick too. Especially with the last. They always promise the utmost of loyalty and honesty and that gets to be one big joke. They are experts at stabbing people in the back.

  5. Great video and very educational. They don't teach this stuff in school, and I think that's just wrong.

    Sometimes I am afraid of being too paranoid although I believe that we can't be. Still I feel a little of that. And I know it looks like paranoia to anyone else who don't see these things. Then I wander back to feeling like I'm more worried about what people think of me, than I am about the real truth. I would like to remove those blockages, for they come at me as a type of resistance to the real truth.

    So I stick with truth, but its hard though. But I know what we know, and we know it for a reason, and we paid the price for it in ways that money can't measure. We paid the price, and we got here and we wonder what is going on, but we know what is going on. I don't know, I think I need a daily lesson in this stuff.

    1. Yeah they need to warn people and I wish they talked about narcissism and abuse in school and how to deal with it. Maybe the kids get some lessons on how to deal with the bullies now, in some school districts. I worry about being too paranoid too. With all the gas lighting us ACONS question ourselves. Some even have said I wondered if they were really that bad but then they get burned when they put their hand back on the flame. I saw bad stuff in the inner city, kind of don't have any illusions about how life can get so someone like me is seen as a bit intense. Yeah worrying about what people think can actually remove self protection so we have to be cautious of that. With these liars, putting the puzzle pieces together isn't always easy. We figure out what truths we can and make decisions accordingly.
