Thursday, August 3, 2017

So Wonder Your Kid Comes Home From School Starving

Without a doubt cheaper food has less nutrients in it.  I agree with the scientists who say obesity is a malnutrition problem. When I have more money I go on a salad and vegetable quest.  When I think of eating out on the rare occasions I can, I think of lettuce and cut vegetables and meat, not sugar. Cheap food sucks. Processed food is gross. The bags of potato chips and Chip Ahoy cookies did me no favors as a child. Please give your kids REAL FOOD.


  1. My mother sent me to school for years nothing but with burnt weenie sandwiches.

    1. Lol she tried to cook them instead of giving them to you cold?

    2. Frank Zappa fan, perhaps?

  2. And I am not being a smart ass!

  3. I don't know how she got that kick. I never ate them coz the kids made fun of me. I would let them pile up in my locker and throw them away every couple of weeks. She did that until I was in High School. Then I got nothing. But after 10th grade I was receiving death benefits from SSI coz my father's died.

    1. LOL did she stick them on a fork and char them up over a gas stove? So did you just buy a decent lunch with SSI money. Man your mother takes the cake. Just crazy.
