Saturday, December 17, 2016

Step Right Up

Here's a great song shared by Q on his blog. 

In a consumerist society everything's about making "the sale". Same with the positive thinking--get your corns dissolved for only a dollar. Change your life and get rich with a "changed" positive attitude! Hey ACONs know when we are being conned!

As I said on the other post, "Want to fix me? Find another sucker!"


  1. Peep.
    How do you do it?
    How do you do it?
    How do you do it.

  2. Hi Peep. Thanks for the feedback, input and all around good chat over at q's. And for all you do here at your blog. Merry Christmas! And best wishes in the new year for good things to happen, great art to be painted, good writing to continue and for keeping the beasts at bay. -Razed
