Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Oligarchy's Successful Brainwashing

I've tried explaining this one to COUNTLESS people deceived by the right. In the churches I left too, this was the prevailing belief, that people who were poor were "lazy bums" who did not want to work. They even looked down at my husband like he was a "bum" at the last one, and my husband "works" and even last night was online doing work all night and doing two newspaper articles over the weekend.  The Tea Party nonsense makes me sick.

With immigration, poor desperate people are used as pawns, to keep the wages diminished and who they can use for near slave labor. I do not blame the people who merely want to eat and survive. They are trying their best for their families. Don't think for a minute that the oligarchs of different nations aren't teamed up in the slave-making processes.

When you hear that word "entitlement" too especially for younger generations who can't get jobs to even pay basic living bills, it's part of this brainwashing process. "You mean you want to eat and actually pay the rent after 40 hours a week?" You are selfish and entitled!"


  1. It's the handouts to corporations that gets me. Too much like fighting my ex-wife in court and her using my own money to gut me. There is a comment in the movie "Apocalypse Now" about the twisted mind set of "adults" in the sixties and how they had no compunction about sending their own kids to be cannon fodder half way around the world in Viet Nam, rather than challenge the belief system the government had told them to believe.

    1. It gets me too. Most of them don't even pay taxes anymore because they hired lobbyists for endless loopholes, it is like what happened with your ex-wife, justice is so limited in this world. Well look at the grown-up hippies now, with their perpetual wars in the Middle East, all that war protesting and it grew up to be the most war-loving generation ever [yes I know this is a generalization and this is not every baby-boomer]

  2. Dear Peeps and Friends, i can't blame the kids for being (supposedly) work-shy. Young people have seen their parents do all the right things in the work world, only to get put out like yesterday's newspapers. Yeah, and those tea-party people are the types that think a kid ought to be grateful for a measley $20 after shoveling heavy snow all afternoon. "Well in my day..." sometimes old people are nauseating!

    1. The kids are work-shy, also they know its a weed out system, so why not enjoy life as long as possible until getting their self esteem pummeled. No one prepares young people for how jobs today are abusive and the most menial the job that more they treat you like a worm. Yeah those Tea Party people are the types to think 20 bucks is enough for that kid to have his own apartment and be a responsible citizen and all that. Reminds me of my NM, having my three impoverished cousins who have failed to launch at all [they don't even have the money or crummy jobs to afford the boarding houses and rented rooms] to come clean her house for free or a few pennies and move some tree branches. I said to one relative, that woman has connections up the whazoo, why doesn't she help them get an entry level job somewhere? The one that has done the "best" has a cashier job for minimum wage, I think the other two are unemployed or bounce around temporary factory jobs. The oldest is turning 30 and never has left home except for his time away during college semesters. The work world is such a joke now even 40 and 50 somethings are scrouging.
