Friday, August 29, 2014


I like the discussion of cultural displays of fat people in Fattitude but we see the usual media controllers on fat like Marilyn Wann including in this film. I agree with people avoiding body shame and low self esteem, but you know there is that other side, where I have said, someone needs to stand up about what is being done to our health in our toxic society. I am glad she hasn't drank the extreme size acceptance Kool-Aid and is trying to eat healthy. Her attitude in this video is a good one, I agree with what a lot she has to say. I hope this young fat woman can go on and have a family and be far healthier.


  1. Regarding health, I feel the focus should be on improving health for all people, not focusing on fat people, blaming us for our physiques and saying "problem solved, if only these fat f**ks would just lose weight."
    I agree that our world is very toxic and big food is problematic. I think fat people are being used as a scapegoat to deflect from the real problem.

    1. I think we are being used as definite scapegoats. Also they can abuse fat people and not discuss the realities of why everyone is massively fattening up at record speed.

  2. Obesity and overweight have a lot to do with malnutrition. There is a great deal of research that shows plant based diets fix a lot of things. It would be great if more doctors and people in general would just understand that health does not equal skinny and malnutrition can equal fat or skinny.
    Obesity should not have to be "accepted". It is a health issue and can be made better. People should be able to be healthy and not have to make "fat" an acceptance thing.

    1. I have always written on this blog, that fat acceptance in some insidious way is serving the corporate masters because it helps deflect anyone questioning why is everyone getting fat, why are we all diabetic or insulin resistant? It's like making illness acceptable--yes I agree there are healthy smaller fat people but it makes you wonder, as they blame the victims on one side, a lot of size acceptance plays good cop, you are fat, love your fat, instead of any truths coming out. I am livid I spent so many years trying to get a rare disease diagnosed. I almost died too not knowing what was going on. My legs are covered in lipedemic tumors too, it's very severe and I have seen how severe as I have shrunk down the fluid off them.
