Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Decline of McDonalds?

The food stopped tasting good over 15 years ago. Most people I knew who ate at McDonalds did so because they were in a hurry or didn't want to put much thought into finding another place to eat. Chipolte's and Panera tastes better and are more exciting. Maybe Americans just got bored of hamburgers, and French fries.


  1. As we already discussed -- I still enjoy burgers and fries, but when I get them, I prefer to patronize a local outfit. I try to support local businesses whenever I can, that do a good job of satisfying their customers...and it feels a lot better than sending your money to The Clown and his minions, doesn't it? I suspect that's part of the reason.

    For further insights on Mickey D's fall from grace, read this report that I found:

    They mention a lot of interesting factors, including the millennials' shift to healthier foods, the fast casual factor, and the saturation of the market. One thing's for sure -- Ronald's investors ain't lovin' it!

    1. hey thanks for posting :p <3 Anyhow yes we enjoy local outfits more don't we. There is actual taste for the food. I had to give up McDonalds even from the sheer getting ill part. Someone needs to tell them their food quality is too low. Their only hope may be an entire food overhaul and to do away with MSG and GMO, but I never see that happening. Millennials also have less money and well when they eat out they want some bang for their buck. Not a limp hamburger and gross McNuggets that are all dry white meat. I remember when they changed the recipe to the McNuggets which I used to love when they became gross and tasteful.

  2. I agree completely, 5HPP. I used to love Mickey D's but the food tastes like cardboard. Even the fries aren't good anymore. I don't know why it continues to remain so popular--maybe because it's cheap? I love Panera bread!

    1. I remember when their food had taste. Their owners seem utterly clueless, why is everyone leaving? They forget one main thing for restaurants to succeed the food has to taste good! Yes Panera is good, I go there on occasion to get sourdough bread.

  3. Your right. I remember a time eating McDonalds really hit the spot, especially when I was really hungry and it was like wow. Now, well I can't say that anymore about it.

    1. I remember the old days too, it tasted far different. I used to love those McDLTs, remember the hamburgers with lettuce and tomato. I haven't eaten at McDonalds in 5-7 years. I tend to avoid fast food as it gives me IBS, I think from all the GMOs and preservatives.

  4. Ah yes, I do remember those. I don't tend to eat take out food much anymore since I live far from town to escape my family. Our McD's is too close to my sister's. I shouldn't be eating that stuff anyway so it's good.

    I can make really good hambergers at home, it is a lot of work though. I miss the convenience is all.
