Thursday, March 19, 2015

Collection #2 Geodes and Rocks

I have a second collection of rocks which is smaller, I collected some rocks and gems before I started focusing on the stamps. Here are a few from the collection.  I love Geodes and above is what is called a thunder-egg too in the second picture. The last picture is of Dolomite.


  1. I love geodes! I have a few of them too. --LO

  2. Me too. My father and I used to hunt rocks in west texas as well as arrow heads. That's one of those little things that don't come up when I dissect the minutiae of the effect my mother had on our lives.

    1. I used to look for rocks as a kid. There may be a piece of marble even I found, as a child in my collection. Glad you got to share this hobby with your father.
