Monday, September 12, 2016

Why Does He Keep Smiling Like That?

Did any of you watch Dr. Phil's interview with Jon Benet's brother Burke? I watched it. There's a second half tomorrow. Something isn't normal with that young man. He kept smiling even while Dr. Phil was discussing the death of his sister, right after the funeral and more. I was creeped out and thinking, "Stop smiling!" I am not sure if that is nerves or some other psychological condition from the pressures of what he went through.  It bothers me no one addressed this with him too if this is some kind of social awkwardness.  He definitely didn't have a regular upbringing with his mother's focus on appearances with his sister's beauty contests and what happened later. I wonder if he was trained to always keep a smile on his face by dysfunctional parents.

His constant smiling while talking about such serious murder is disturbing. He showed absolutely no upset at his sister dying or being murdered.  While he was just a young boy the lack of effect is bothersome.  He looks like he knows something or is in on "the secret". His demeanor creeped me out, I could barely watch the interview.


  1. His face creeps me out too. Somebody said he was a murder suspect years ago. I think his mother was a narc and he might be one too. The fact that somebody described him as socially awkward is a sign that he might be a sociopath narc. Burke is no longer a child. I think he is in his thirties today.

    1. He creeps me out too. I hope he is just nervous but then a lower functioning sociopathic narc could wear a Norman Bates grin too.

      If he is on the autistic spectrum and special needs or something like that, a smile like that and consistent eye contact is very odd and not the norm for those disorders. He could have been coached to smile and be overly friendly to Dr. Phil and maintain eyecontact and is over-doing it. It is hard to know.

      Whatever is wrong with him, something seriously is.

      He looks very immature for his age, and like he would be barely capable of taking care of himself.

      His affect is very bad.

      If he is special needs and has affective disorders, then Dr. Phil should not be exploiting him. He seems extremely nervous and I wonder who approved this interview especially without a lawyer.

      I can see why he was considered a suspect in some circles and it was believed the crime scene was staged to cover up things.

  2. In all of the ways I had to redeem myself after my legal problems, none got me in more trouble that smiling at the wrong time. I had an anger management class and they stood on my neck the whole way through. Asking me over and over if I thought my situation was funny. Which I didn't but for me it was a misplaced defense mechanism. I think it was residual from the way I reacted to my fathers death. Somewhere in there I think I thought if I kept smiling that no one would know what was really going on in my head. Which was total shock and horror. It wasn't on purpose. I didn't do it by design. I just remember scores of people passing through the house and that I knew I was expected to show grief in a traditional way and I just couldn't. Masking it with a smile let me believe that what happened really didn't just happen.

    1. Sorry you had problems smiling at the wrong time. I know it can be nerves, I think with this guy it was so long in duration I was unsettled but maybe I m wrong about it. I wonder if the smiling and wearing a friendly "mask" is to hide the trauma. I saw some guy refer to this as "friendly puppy syndrome". Stay smiling and nice so no one hits you, kind of thing. It is a way to hide emotions in some. I got in trouble at a grandfather's funeral, I didn't know him well and only have one memory of him yelling at me for not being able to find my socks because I did not show grief. I wasn't smiling or laughing, but I was not crying enough and I usually cry at funerals. I was 5 years old too. Trauma will do weird things.

      I hope he's not guilty and his smiles are just stress, trauma, autistic social problems, but whoever told him the interview was a good idea was lying to him. Hopefully he didn't have to do it for the money.

  3. I just know that if it was my mother there she would be a spectacle of inconsolable crying. Even if they had a video of her committing the crime. I'll take inappropriate affect over crocodile tears any day of the week.

    1. Understand. She'd be turning on the waterworks and then some.
