Saturday, February 18, 2023

Interesting discussion on Obesity

Found here [read the article talking about some recent happenings from war to destruction of United States infrastructure}

 Beryl of Oyl

February 17, 2023 at 10:58 am #

Really helpful advice, to someone suffering from a metabolic disorder that science hasn’t gotten around to addressing because for one thing, it interfered with the politicized dietary advice they have been pushing for decades.

People did not just up and decide to start stuffing themselves silly to the point where they were morbidly obese.

People tell me it is a simple matter of calories consumed versus calories expended.

Okay, since a calorie is a thermal unit, here’s an analogy from my own home.

A few years back, I quit getting heat from my radiators. I had electricity, I had the gas turned on, I had plenty of hot water, but the boiler wasn’t doing its job.

As it turned out, there was a faulty thermocouple.

So, “calories” in, but nothing expended.

What is the faulty “thermocouple” in these peoples’ metabolisms?

Do not forget, back in the 1980s bariatric ‘science’ was telling people that it made a difference what ‘kind’ of calorie you ate.

Yes, they were really saying that.



February 17, 2023 at 12:06 pm #

Beryl, the fact that “experts” have completely contradicted their previous advice every few years for the last thirty years or so tells me that they have no idea and are just making it up.

A few of my own observations:

– My niece, a 90 pound woman, has always eaten twice the amount of anyone else in our family. When we’d all finished at the dinner table, she’d eat everything that was left. A while back, I bumped into her at a mini mall, where she was walking along with a large ice cream cone in one hand. She eats all day, mostly high calorie food.

– I, on the other hand, kept my weight at 115 pounds for years by eating nothing but lunch – a large salad, with sliced hard boiled eggs and cut up grilled chicken. I was hungry all the time, and my stomach growled so loudly that I disturbed my co-workers. Eventually I gave up and let my weight rise to 135, but have to watch every bite to keep it there.

– Some people seem to have a (low) set point that they remain at no matter what they eat.

– Other people have a set point too, but it’s too high. You can get below that set point by starving yourself but your body makes a concerted effort to get back up to it once again – which is why I have to starve for a week to get rid of the 7 pounds I put on if I eat out once at the local diner.

I don’t think we understand metabolism at all. I suspect that all the junk we put into food plays a role, and it’s hard to avoid because it’s at every level of production.


Beryl of Oyl

February 17, 2023 at 2:26 pm #

I suspect that there is some idea what is causing the sharp increase in the number of people with faulty metabolisms, and they don’t want to go there.

I suspect that is true of the sharp increase of people with autism too.

If you go to a hospital, even with “cadillac” insurance, they will offer you treatment for the things they know how to treat, and blame you for presenting with something they don’t understand.

I suspect that there is something wrong with the food as well, and no it isn’t sugar. When they start blaming sugar and then name foods that do not contain sugar, such as soda, that tells me that they are trying to cover something up.

For the record, I am overweight, but nowhere near obese. I have watched too many people battle obesity and fail, to believe anymore that it’s as simple as cutting out snacks and smaller portions.



February 17, 2023 at 12:17 pm #

Dr. Michael Eades (Protein Power) has a free weekly letter called The Arrow. This week’s discusses the two competing theories of weight gain. Excellent.

From the article: “on a gram/Calorie basis, carbohydrates are more than twice as heavy as fat. In other words, you can get over twice as many Calories from a given weight of fat than you can from the same weight of carbs.

In other words, you can eat less (mass) while keeping the caloric intake the same. So you don’t have to starve.

Which is one of the reasons low-carb diets work so well.”


Beryl of Oyl

February 17, 2023 at 3:02 pm #

It’s probably the reason some of the refugees showing up here after World War II managed to be fat, when they really didn’t have enough food and had to scrounge for whatever they could get.



February 17, 2023 at 9:46 pm #

One thing that has surprised me in some of the current literature is that it is possible to be obese and malnourished at the same time. Today it is largely found in poor people.


These commenters are right, there's something wrong with the metabolism of fat people. I watched more of the Japanese family videos, and the amount of food this family eats is far more than my own household. She does some light walking and the kids move around when they play but they eat desserts and fried foods on the regular but paired with a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables and they aren't fat. The food does appear to be better quality but with the amount of sugar, meat and more, their daily intake compared to their weight is mind-blowing. Her easy and happy relationship with food is to be envied. They are a wealthy family from what I can tell but I am not sure if they are wealthy to an average Japanese person or just to a poor American like me. 

This of course makes them able afford all the food they want with ease. This thin family sat around a table, all scarfing down snacks on one vacation. Japanese food looks of far higher quality. They do have some snack foods like potato chips and oddly a far wider variety of ice cream and of course noodles, but there were more vegetables to buy from pumpkins, yams to ones I didn't even recognize like perilla leaves. The housewife in the videos sits down to coffee and a rich dessert during the afternoon, maybe she just does this for the videos, but it's a lot of desserts and desserts after dinner are common too. I had strange thoughts thinking about someone able to sit down and eat a sweet without worries and guilt. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, I can take or leave it but it was strange to think the only sweets I have had this entire month was a macademia nut picked out of a cookie and an eagerly anticipated Clio Yogurt Bar [9 grams of sugar] I bought at this local specialty yuppie grocery that carries the vegan seitan patties I like made out of parsnips, coffee, and gluten. 

I wrote on a comment on another post here today, about noticing since I moved to this wealthier community and used to be around richer people prior to Covid, that I noticed for many of the thin rich people it wasn't scarcity making them thin but abundance. They had endless variety of foods in their homes, they did eat some sweets including pies and cakes, and stews. They weren't starving themselves to be thin in other words. This doesn't mean I think thin people are pigging out all day, obviously many are busy, some miss meals, but just it seems to be easier to be thin, if you live in abundance rather than scarcity. 

American food has problems, probably destruction of the biome is part of the problem for many fat Americans. Chemical food in other words doesn't help human health. Part of the comment about food scarcity was my thinking back to my time in Chicago and how I got fatter and fatter when there was not enough money for regular food.

 I fear severe diets and food insecurity bringing weight gain back. One reason I stopped running after the diets is because all they did was sink my metabolism and give me unbearable hunger.  This is one reason the traditional answers are failing, telling people to stop eating, isn't going to fix obesity. The poor food quality and chemical food is making for so called "faulty metabolisms". One commenter wrote too, that the fat acceptance movement was created for denial as to what was happening to people's health and with the sharp increases in obesity. I agree with that and used to write articles wondering why there was the messaging that ignored the real reasons why everyone was getting so much fatter. It's far more than overeating causing the problem. 

My weight remains stable for now --509 was last weigh-in, but these are all things I think about.  All these years I believe they have failed to deal with obesity in any honest way. There are some who get snippets of the truth, but I guess it's like Covid, do they really want to cure it or just profit of it without any real solutions that end the pain and suffering? I think people are catching on too, that something is really wrong out there. 


  1. Hi Peep,

    You have so many new posts up, some written the same day, and your new cartoon! I just wanted to say that I read them. Interesting takes on a lot of subjects.

    I think it is American food. I had a friend who constantly traveled to Europe and the Middle East for her job, and she said that most Europeans look much thinner. And she lost weight when she was there. And when she came back to the U.S. she gained weight. Same with an exchange student I knew from India.

    1. I agree. I'm noticing that now too: the quality of foods are going down in the grocery store (even fruits and vegetables - mostly wimpy and have lost their taste). For the most part, I try to shop locally. Our health food store here carries a lot of local food, and it is not more expensive than the grocery store, and it is better, fresher, but you don't always have a choice. Like there is only going to be one kind of lettuce in the winter. And maybe several kinds of lettuce in the summer, but not always the ones you like. The farmer's market has to be local food to gain admittance to the association. I also tend to drive all over tim-buck-too to different farms, especially in Spring, Summer and Fall, and again they can be a lot cheaper. There is a farm here that charges $16 for a bushel basket of what ever food you want out of their fields - you just have to pick your own or hire someone to do it for you. The restaurants around here use that method, so why not me?
      And of course, we grow stuff too.
      And I tend to gain ten pounds in the winter when I'm eating out of the grocery store a lot more, and lose it in the Spring when I go back to buying more local. So maybe it's a pesticide issue as factory farming requires lots of fertilizers and pesticides because they don't rotate crops (where grocery stores get their food).
      Anyway, I'm sorry you are going through food insecurity again. Hopefully the zine will help. You can count me as a customer.

    2. Hi Lise, thanks for your response. Yeah a lot of the quality of food is going rock bottom. A lot of it doesn't taste the same either. I don't know if I am getting old and taste buds are dying or what's wrong but feel like unless I pay out big bucks or spend over an hour cooking, it's tasteless. Maybe I'll lose weight from this but the hunger pain keeps coming on the regular. I'm cooking something very late, some baked egg rolls, [rice paper] chopped cabbage, bean thread noodles, 1 orange pepper and a little ground chicken-split meat in half will put other in a soup. Hopefully this meal will have some taste to it. LOL
      Yeah we don't even have a health food store here, there's a vitamin shop I go to that has health food/alternative remedies and a few packages of noodles but they barely carry any food, no fresh produce, the place is really small. The CSA world has taken over most farms here, I do go to a veggie stand around 12 miles away, that is a farm, but that's expensive, another bill for 75 plus bucks a month. I looked into all this. I go to two veggie stands [12 plus miles away, people without cars aren't making it to these places]. There is one yuppie high level food place I go to, to buy seitan, from scratch veggie patties and a few other products. Wow with the 16 dollar a bushel place, I'd probably go for that hobbling along on my walker. I have to decide if I am going to garden this year or not, its an outlay of some money to get starter plants. I'm having too much difficulty getting plants to start in here, just have narrow window sill, one direction of light, some stuff doesn't even grow. [I think only one plant lived] I probably will, seeds are cheap but will plan things from scratch. Yeah copy the chefs, where do they get their decent food? I think people lose weight when they have better food, I worry about gains when food insecurity knocks, I think it's been stable. I lose a little in winter but I think it's because I let myself be cold on purpose sometimes to burn some off. [not too cold then I will wheeze, but where it's in the 60s in here] Thanks for being understanding about the food insecurity, we were doing okay with this contract job, even had savings but the costs skyrocketed so bad, it wiped everything out, and add on medical bills. His job is ending this week so we are a bit stressed hoping some other work will continue. He does have some transcription. I sometimes want to train self to fast/skip meals but as we know that's gain city for me.

      I'm not so sure about the labor shortage, that be more of their fake news too. More on that later. I may write on how fake so much news is now and not just the claimed "misinformation". Thanks regarding the zine appreciate it. I started a comment on your latest article so look for that later Lise.

    3. Peeps,
      Your comment never took. I have a new blog post up anyway. I think I need a break from editing blog posts anyway, so the new one will be up for awhile.

      We are getting a lot of snow here. Hope you're staying cozy and warm.


    4. I was writing one, got interrupted by something and lost the tab. Sorry about that. I did put two comments up today. Powerful article on the forgiveness thing, and loved the other one as well. Well you can see what I posted today. Hope those got through. We had warmer weather but think snow is coming. We have stayed warm and cozy, looks like spring is early here, though I think. :) Understand needing a break too.

  2. the insane amounts of sugar and salt that goes into much of the food. Oh, and the flour that nothing but powder. Maybe it's just me, but am making more of my own stuff, because much of the ready-made stuff ends up feeling like a rock, and gives me heartburn.

    1. I bought this barbecue sauce from Aldis, just had husband grab it and I probably won't even use it because the first ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. I mean did they even try? The first ingredient should be tomato sauce you know? Yeah they pour the salt and sugar into a lot of the food, I am finding it harder even at the mainstream grocery store, to find the non-GMO/health food stuff, I oddly did find this decent non-GMO three ingredient sour dough bread at Aldis, but probably not the best flour but was better than most of the bread. Yeah make more your own stuff. I probably will make stir fry tonight with some rice. A lot of the ready-made stuff is just making me flat out sick. I get stomach pain too from things. Makes you wonder what they are doing to it. :/
