I am mid-way through it, and already astounded, I had wondered where all the lightening bugs and inch worms of my youth went, and was thinking about that the other day. It may be the chemically treated lawns, that basically kills everything off including the earthworms.
Even the plastic containers we are eating, drinking, and storing our food in haven't been tested for safety and are full of chemicals, that are already deemed harmful to human beings. I had worried about the bad habit I had of microwaving left overs in this plastic bowl instead of getting out the heavier glass ones. Then there is problems with food itself and what is being added, chemicals leaching from lining on cans. He addresses the concerns about endocrine disruptors.
Here is a book review:
We all know by now — don’t we? — that many of the synthetic chemicals in our food, personal-care and cleaning products, toys and household goods are harming not just the environment but ourselves. Body-burden tests, for measuring exposure to chemicals, reveal flame retardants, plasticizers, pesticides and perfluorinated chemicals in the blood of almost every person studied. We see rising rates of some cancers, autoimmune disorders, reproductive illnesses, autism and learning disabilities. Meanwhile, our consumption of synthetic chemicals, a majority of which haven’t been tested for human health impacts, has skyrocketed. A growing number of books make the case that these phenomena are linked.
Yes! Remember fireflies too? Where did they go? I used to love to collect bugs in my youth, numerous interesting species of bugs. Now all I see are flies and ants. I feel like almost everything in this world has declined with every passing year-such as the taste of food, which you mentioned, and also the quality of music and other media, people's mental and physical health, and also their intelligence, and common decency, and willingness to think critically and not just believe everything "the experts"/media/celebrities say is true. I feel like this decline first started slowly around 1988 or 1989. The "things go to shit" steamroller increased in speed in my opinion around the turn of the millennium, then revved up exponentially with each post Y2K turn of decade. It doesn't show any sign of slowing down, let alone reversing course.
ReplyDeleteYeah I see very few fireflies wrote a post about that, when I was a kid they were all over and this was a far more urban area. I collected bugs for a 4th grade project, and got beatles, moths, all sorts of things, that would never happen now. Yeah food it's hard to find good taste, I buy artisan food when I can, but you know that costs money. Music seems to sound all the same, there's none of the excitement of day's past with new bands, even ones I listen to still were all formed in the 199os or far between that. yeah seems like everything is breaking apart. Are you noticing there's far more disasters? like pandemic and extreme crazy fires all at once. It's too much.