Friday, July 15, 2022

Work on the Zine Continues


I'm working on the "Fat Pat Fights The World" zine. It's now around 200 pages. It includes art work and writing. I switched things to fiction, I think many of you would enjoy this book. When it's done, it will be time to announce it here. I read parts to my local writing group on Zoom, they seemed to enjoy it a lot. 


  1. Thrown Away DaughterJuly 16, 2022 at 7:22 PM

    Where can I buy one?

    1. When I get it done, I will post probably on Ebay and have people email me here for the link like on former art sales, I'm planning an electronic version and printed one. Thanks :)

  2. Great work, beautifully done! Like I've said before, you make me feel like a proud parent when I see your latest artwork, idea, or writing -- you always had a ton of talent, and a lot of great ideas, but it's great to see how far this particular work has come along. --Mr. Peep
