Friday, September 3, 2021

Open Discrimination Against Those Who Have Refused

Israel got the most Covid Vs of any nation, their numbers are skyrocketing!

Antibody-dependent Enhancement?  Perhaps.  

It seems people would get a clue, that since they have to remask and everything is getting locked down again, that the Covid vs, have not prevented transmission or given immunity. 

This by the way is just revolting. I am done with the ACLU for life.

The ACLU has jumped the shark. 

By the way, all those nurses and health professionals refusing the v ...consider the fact they see the blood clots, dizziness, seizures, and other problems front and center. The web is full of their warnings, stories and outrage. All mainstream media outlets are into full censorship. Have any of you questioned the insanity of them firing half of a hospital's staff for refusing the v, when supposedly we all need health care workers more then ever? This is almost like planned collapse. 

I've had more tell me they regret getting the v. These are people who realize the endless slew of boosters with a new roulette wheel of side effects to be done every 6 months, is asking too much. Another person told me they keep getting dizzy spells. I am noticing the v.ed keep getting sick too. 

That all said, it's open season on those who have refused. In real life, I am laying low. Outside of joining a local Facebook group and searching for local allies, I'm not getting into it with anyone over this issue. I figure with the friends who got it already I will only cause them distress talking about my fears for them. Some researchers are warning of very scary stuff regarding prions. The micro-clots were bad enough.

Now lets look how I feel as a disabled person. The way this is all set up, no one gives a shit about medical exemptions or a people who have had lives full of medical trauma. No one cares that I have three immediate relatives that all had conditions related to myocarditis, including pericarditis, and Kawaski disease, and that I most likely have had my own bouts of vasculitis years ago. A history of anaphylatic shock, which helped to destroy your lungs by the way pushing you into full COPD while never smoking from the constant severe asthma attacks? They don't care. Severe autoimmune disease one which even deafened me? They don't care.

I would still be banned from restaurants, museums, gyms and the rest for life, in places like New York City and Los Angeles for not signing up for the v. Full totalitarianism has come and the disabled are considered disposable in such a system. Someone told me, they are seeing a lot of people who are disabled and in wheelchairs at no v mandate rallies. I  understand. I may be joining some here. I would like to ask where are the disability advocacy groups?  They've chosen politics over the real needs of disabled people. I need to write some letters.  

Remember those who had side effects from the first shot or second and refuse boosters, will be pushed into my group as the 'unvaxxed", their v passport won't be up to date.  They will be in my boat. Those with organ transplants will find themselves barred at the door of the restaurant or maybe grocery store too one day. People who want to try some treatments for Covid that have been banned too will be denied those treatments. This is all wrong.

Now lest you think this is just on the macro-cosm of our growing tyrannical system--the pandemic in my opinion with the gain of function funny business was brought in more for their desired social control digital IDs and more, it's happening on the micro-cosm too. How do you think it makes me feel to see people write "vaxxed friends only" on a dinner party potluck invitation related to a group I am in? It's open discrimination time.

 What is weird is the vaxx doesn't stop anyone from getting Covid or from carrying it but those of us who didn't get it are to be discriminated against?  I didn't say anything. At this point what can I say without making myself a target? There's risks even online speaking out about this growing evil. 

How do you think it makes me feel to watch friends who don't know my status write things on Facebook like "f*ck the unvaxxed, they should die, they deserve what they get, they should be banned from everywhere, they should be rounded up, etc."

What gets me is so many of them are sick, like some have bad brain fog problems but blame it on Covid or being asymptomatic with Covid, and have no realization the spike proteins from the shots are probably affecting them. Then I read about the ones who have Covid or getting tested though they are vaccinated and one had pneumonia. Another thing that disturbs me too, is they want to force these vs on people who already had Covid and are now immune from it, and they too will be lumped in and discriminated against if they don't line up.

I wasn't planning to go the dinner party anyhow. I am laying low and socially distancing out of my own high risk and to avoid being blamed as the "unclean" unvaxxed because I believe the ADE could already be kicking in and don't want blamed. If illness breaks out in a group, be it my writer's club, or any other group I am in, I don't want fingers pointing at me.  I still wear the masks, that doesn't matter to those who want to divide society and force medical coercion. 

With my history of ostracization, and discrimination, ask me how it feels to be banned from places, and to have even more of an "outsider" status imposed and to now live in such a totalitarian society, that to even protest, paints a target on my back!

You know, they acted like they cared about old people and others more likely to die from Covid, but in reality they are making our lives far worse.  Ask all those old people in nursing homes who were kept from seeing their adult children and other relatives for over a year how they felt about it. How about all the people forced to die alone? The rule makers just seem to want everyone to suffer as much as possible. Do I feel safer? Hell no. I think society is on the edge of full collapse. These lock downs have ruined society more than helped. There's now active discrimination against the disabled. All these "woke" types don't care either that basically they are forcing segregation against minority groups too because most don't want to line up for an experimental v either. 

70 percent of black people have refused, they don't trust the govt or the system why should they? The discrimination they cheer for against the unvaxxed will bring as bad as segregation as Jim Crow. One can already tell the class and race lines being drawn, middle class and above "woke" whites living their technocratic dystopian dream via screens, but what about everyone else?

You know it would be different if these vs were not so unsafe and so experimental. I do fear the spike proteins.  Covid messes people up with it's spike proteins and then they give a v, that has your body produce spike proteins. What's wrong with that picture? Don't people think anything out anymore?

Are people realizing yet they have been conned that they have been forced into a v subscription service?

They don't care and no longer think. The wealthy "woke" crowd, wants the two tier society, the technological professional crowd with their vaccine passport smart phones and everyone else. They are racist and classist. They are basically excluding most minorities, the disabled and the poor from society. They want their shiny version of Logan's Run, there will be no need of carousel, the roulette wheel with Covid vaxx boosters will lower the population. Just the fact these sick bastards don't care that myocarditis kills 50 percent in 5 years is horrific too. See anyone crying for those teens who got that? In the sane before times, the vs would have been stopped alone for that. 

Few know this, but they are fining people 35,000 dollars for refusing to wear masks on airplanes. One person on a message board relayed a story where a passenger on a plane got this huge crazy life-destroying level fine, for having their mask slip under their nose too many times. I had moments where I got sick wearing the masks, and had to run outside to take it off to breathe right and get enough air. Even there, the craziness is out of control. 

I am now utterly politically homeless because I cannot abide by what the left in America is doing. Free speech is disappearing. The censorship is out of control.  They are threatening people's jobs all over. There's a reason I write v or vaxx, instead of spelling words out, think about it. I was on a message board, where we could talk about what was happening. They had the usual army of astoturfers there too, but there was real people asking questions. It was a huge one, and down it went. The censorship is getting out of control. This tells me they are up to something very bad. I know I am posting some scary posts on twitter. What in the hell are they hiding? I woke up in the first place noticing free speech was gone. Where do they find all these suck ups and sell-outs to censor everything? They disgust me.

 I know the professional world has too many narcissists and bootlickers who rose up via nepotism and conformity in it, but damn......

 People aren't allowed to question any of this and have been online pushed into their own alternative websites because they must control the narrative at any cost. Mass pyschosis has taken over. People better wake up before it's too late.

Wanting to ban me from getting groceries, buying supplies, or even a pencil down at the Dollar Store, is evil, no matter how you try to excuse it.  I wear KN95s due to high risk and spend 40 bucks a week on masks, because I consider cloth ones ineffective but because I haven't had v, all these indoctrinated people think I and others like me should be banned from everywhere. I can easily see these types wanting people rounded into camps and even worse to be done to them.  There had to be tons of people sleeping through history class. 

Why don't they ask why the vaxxes didn't open up their own life? In the before times, vaccines actually immunized, outside of flu shots, that's how most worked. I am in my 50s, and in my entire life, no one had to risk blood clots and other extreme health risks just to get a vaccine. This is something "new" and it is not acceptable. The open discrimination against people for their medical choices is evil too. 


  1. Hi, I'm the anon that linked the documentary in your comments late last month.

    If it's okay with you, I'm going to register and regularly post. We will disagree, but it'll always be in good faith and I'll never try to troll or belittle you. I've read your blog from before Covid, so I know what you've been through and I have a good sense of what you were like before all of this. I know that you're scared, and that everything you say here is based in that rather than anything ominous. My interest is in working with you through the logic... and even if you have something to teach me, I'll be receptive to it.

    Okay, with that out of the way, I must ask - what would you would like to do about other people?

    EX: "How do you think it makes me feel to see people write "vaxxed friends only" on a dinner party potluck invitation related to a group I am in?"

    What should happen here? In the event that you're dis-invited from a group, or kicked out of a restaurant, or taken off a flight - are you looking for civil or criminal penalties?

    It's easy to complain, and we all have to start somewhere, but I like to talk about what can be done about our problems. Maybe from that we can determine what the "most free" solution is. When our freedoms don't stop where others begin, judges get involved. We can help alleviate some of their work by thinking through it ourselves and acting accordingly.

    1. I am glad you remember, I wear masks and always have. I even have posts on here full of outrage at those refusing to wear them. In fact part of my decision making for all the social distancing besides self preservation, is I think spreading germs in any large group is a bad idea.

      Anyone who is new, go read this post, and some before it.

      I have no problem with polite people coming to disagree with me. I am still trying to be friendly to those on the other side of the fence. You have to know things are weird for me as a leftist who is out of sorts but who does not support all of the right wing. My husband told me they are doing some weird political stuff in Texas, I haven't even paid attention.

      I am okay with us teaching each other. Go see my twitter. For some reason links do not work with twitter, you will see more of the articles, scientists and other's posts I am reading.

      Go to twitter and search "fivehundredpondpeep"

      As for being afraid, guilty as charged. You don't want to know what this stuff is doing to my PTSD/CPTSD. If not for the fact my husband is a different sort on somethings then me, I already would have sold everything off and hightailed it to the most remote area I could find and survived in. I've begged him, but he has a lot on his plate taking care of a disabled wife and I know the limitations, economic and otherwise. Even to live out in a rural area, takes money for land, tools, and physical resources we don't have.

      People do have the choice who to have into their house. It kind of hurts and it has me worried for the future. There should be no civil or criminal penalties for private households. All private businesses actually outside of protected categories can kick out whoever they want. I do think in terms of stores, and businesses, that kicking out the unvaxxed, does break the ADA and other disability law. I do believe we could have a two tier society open up, there WILL be restaurants and underground businesses FOR the unvaxed, maybe this has already started in other countries. With the people involved, I like them but am not going to say anything, it would just create ill will and I am not advertising any unvaxxed status in real life, though obviously I talk about it on this blog.

    2. thought of you know filing a lawsuit under ADA against whatever restaurant, business, that refused me a needed service. I don't have the money or energy, but it's something that has gone through my mind. This of course should not be done with private people. We are setting up a scary precedent here. In France and other countries they are BANNING people from all jobs, all restaurants, and even grocery stores, so how are people supposed to live. This will force society to erupt into violence. People are not thinking ahead here. That lauded Civil War 2.0 that some on the right spoke of WOULD become reality.
      Here's my solutions...

      1. Offer treatments for Covid, Ivermectin is working, see the dozens of studies on my Twitter and scientists discussing it. HCQ and Zinc for some. They need to focus on treatments not vaccines. The vaxxes aren't cutting it anyhow.

      2. For the young and healthy open up society, their risk is low. They fight off Covid, like a cold or flu, and this will build immunity over time. When I looked at our own county death rates the majority of deaths were those over 70-80. Even people in their 50s had a far lower death rate that the young. Sweden had this work. High risk people like me by choice can stay in the masks. They failed to control the virus, it is now endemic. I am not even sure of the long term solution for me personally here, but obviously I feel like they have ruined lives. Yes I still blame the right wing for letting it spread, which may surprise you, while I am united on some freedom issues and issues with the vaxx now.

      5. Scrap the worthless mRNA, which is dangerous and doing bad things to people, and develop a traditional vaccine that works. Don't force this vaccine on people. It should have been limited to the very old and sick, [well a different vaxx that doesn't usurp the human immune system from within] It should have been throw in the waste bin for the immunological problems it has caused so many, the blood clots and more. Many believe it is being used for depopulation, people can mock those people [and me] but lets be frank, if it wasn't so dangerous and causing problem and didn't play with even changing what a human IS from the inside, people would be more willing. It need tossed in the can.

      People don't want to die, that's it full and simple and they know the vaxx brings risk of death and disability that is far too high. Go through my posts look at OpenVaers, at the horrendous death rates, the links of videos of people talking about what has happened to them. They can tell me it's safe and works, but I've seen with my own eyes it is not, just from the people I know personally.

      As you know I was one of those people who was outraged that people weren't wearing masks. I still have some irritation with the right wing on this. While I have joined them over the vaxxes, and freedom issues and question the validity of the lockdowns, I supported the mask wearing. I don't think the masks should be forced on children anymore as they are little to no risk from Covid. Wearing masks is painful and hard for me to do even for short periods of time. Kids don't need to be in them 6-7 hours a day. Some may see them as super-spreaders or something like that but lets be frank the virus is endemic, we can't live in cages forever. People who are high risk like me can keep our masks on by CHOICE. And I have. I went into a small Asian grocery store, with a mask on. I still wear a mask into my apt complex. I get the feeling some think I am nuts because the epidemic is basically over in the minds of the majority of small town/rural people but I am trying to take the most lowest risk pathway, by my own choice.

      Realize the power grab that is happening with all this. The level of censorship is atrocious. The changes to core freedoms and rights is destructive. Power has been even more consolidated.

    3. > "In France and other countries they are BANNING people from all jobs, all restaurants, and even grocery stores, so how are people supposed to live."

      From what I've read, France's health pass requirements do not apply to grocery stores. They do to, presumably larger, shopping centers and malls, or even just to some of them. But not to just any store, as I understand.

      Rules listed the French government and media:

    4. Many of their grocery stores are in those larger shopping centers and malls.

      Anyhow why is that okay to you? What if someone needs some shoes or clothes or an other item? Like bandages or cold pills from the drug store?

      They have tens of thousands protesting in the streets for a reason.

      You ever read Anne Franks diary, and by other Jews, they had all the stores closed to them too.

      And this vaxx doesn't prevent transmission at all.

      Anyhow what's to keep them from adding the smaller places by shutting off their money?

      Anyhow shutting off access to hospitals and medical places [medical care] is basically murder.

      "Since August 9, the health pass is required in cafés, bars and restaurants, whether indoors or on the terrace, in some shopping malls, as well as in hospitals, retirement homes and medical and social establishments. It will also be mandatory on board airplanes, trains and long-distance buses."

      You know making this even more insane the vaxx doesn't even work, or stop transmission or give immunity.

      Revelations 13 incoming.

    5. > Anyhow why is that okay to you?

      Look, the way I see it is this: Since humans live in societies, protection against contagious diseases is not entirely a personal issue. It's just not. Secondly, there are no medical obstacles to getting vaccinated for anybody but a small percentage of the population. To date, there are about three billion people in the world who got one or more doses of a Covid vaccine. Compared to that number, serious side effects are very rare. On this last issue you plastered me with links before, and I say these are anecdotes, causation is not clear, not all reports are verified, etc. Even if we were to assume that all reports are accurate and all effects are indeed caused by the vaccines, that would be a fraction of a percent of all the people vaccinated. Not a reason to throw it out for 99-point-something percent of people.

      Next, the oft repeated refrain "these vaccines do not protect from disease and do not give immunity" is grossly misleading. Breakthrough infections and symptoms are possible, but the chances of infection are reduced and the symptoms made milder compared to not being vaccinated. No protection is perfect, including any vaccine; not just against Covid, but in general. We are dealing with a highly contagious, widely circulating virus, thanks also to anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, covid denialists, and others of similar ilk. Vaccination strengthens the body's defenses against the virus; however, when there is that much virus around, it can happen that somebody's defenses are overrun. No reason to throw the vaccines out, and more reason for more people to get vaccinated: to reduce how much virus there is out there.

      Which leaves out the medically exempted, and groups for whom vaccines are not yet authorized, such as children under 12. These should be exempted, and I believe they generally are, despite your own constant cries that "medical exemptions are not allowed". Sorry, I find the latter implausible and I don't really believe it.

      For all the others, the message is basically, stop acting like an idiot. The mandates and the requirements are there to stop the spread of the virus, and to convince all who can to protect themselves and others. So yes, I am okay with that.

      Not to mention that this is nothing new in principle: For a very long time, schools have been requiring students to be vaccinated against a list of diseases in order to attend them. The military doing the same with its service members. Vaccinations required to travel to certain countries. What we have now is no revolutionary precedent, it is an extension of existing practices.

      > What if someone needs some shoes or clothes or an other item? Like bandages or cold pills from the drug store?

      Then maybe they can go to another store that doesn't have a vaccine requirement. Or shop online. Or get somebody else to bring them the things they need. In short, I assume they wouldn't be entirely out of options. The point is, unless you are medically barred from vaccination, it makes perfect sense for businesses to require vaccination to try to protect their staff and their other customers in times of a pandemic. If you as a customer don't like it, you do have a choice in the aforementioned. If you don't like the other options, then your best shot (pun partly intended) is to stop acting like an idiot and get the vaccine.


    6. > You ever read Anne Frank's diary, and by other Jews

      I reject that argument completely. This is not Nazism, it is not the Holocaust, nor anything close to it. It's a freaking injection to protect you from disease, all the misinformation and conspiracy theories you are spreading notwithstanding. It's a public health measure that almost anybody can fulfill. It is nothing new in principle, as mentioned above.

      > Anyhow shutting off access to hospitals and medical places [medical care] is basically murder.

      Does not apply to ERs. For non-urgent care it is the same logic as with shops and restaurants. Requiring vaccination to get non-urgent care and without contraindications is not murder.

      > Revelations 13 incoming.

      Really? And how is that going to fly with non-Christians or irreligious people?


    7. Speaking of the Nazis...

      Let's look at this paper from the WWII era

      In it is the list of the places the Jews were banned from.

      Do you notice something?

      How much overlap is in the list?

      One interest I have is reading Holocaust and WW2 books...

      The Jews lost jobs too well before the camps.

      You are right this is not the same, in that this is not discrimination over ethnicity or a religion but tis is genocide.

      Do you know how sick people get when they can only use an ER for medical care? You don't get tests, they scrape you off the ground. Because I had no medical insurance that was my life and it almost did cost me at my life.

      You seriously are telling me I should have to go get a clot shot to get a kidney scan, I mean if you are defending it for France why not here?

      I have no problem with the vaccines that worked and were safe, but this is something else.

      I am a deconverted apostate, why would I upset the "irreligious people"? The bible could have some truths in it. You seriously are on the side of supporting that people can't buy or sell. Doesn't it occur to you that religions people eons ago considered that EVIL?

    8. Look these vaxxes aren't protecting people from contagious diseases. I have no problem with a polio or measles vaccine, have you ever asked why people have a problem with these vaxxes that aren't working? Have you looked at the statistics that the most vaccinated nations and places have the highest level of Covid in them, more people are getting sick. There are scientists warning of this NOW. Look one of us is going to be proven right when the dust settles, you may remember what I said later.
      If you are going to call all reports lies that I give you even from scientists with proven careers, where can we go? For goodness sakes I've posted pub med studies and more. It's more of the propaganda and techniques, just call anyone liars who disagrees with the narrative. You think I don't know how invalidation is used, and how people simply refuse to LOOK at things or examine them on purpose.
      This vaxx now outnumbers all the deaths and side effects of every other vaccine in history. I won't bombard you with links since you discount those anyway but that is now proven fact.

      The vaxxes are not working. I know 4 people who practiced masks and safety who all got the vaxx, and got sick enough for the hospital or worse. It's not a few breakthroughs. The evidence is gaining too that these vaxxes have suppressed the immune system.
      Whose getting medical exemption? Have you read about all the people being denied those, losing their jobs as there are mandates being made? There was a guy who posted on twitter saying he had severe reactions before to vaccines who got turned down. They may give it to the kids under 12, they are trying to make that happen. I think it's evil enough they experimented on teens.
      if people can still get Covid, the vaxx doesn't protect. I am in groups where all the vaxxed people are wearing masks, I am not there in person, I am on Zoom, so why isn't the vaxx protecting them? It's failing and you don't even see this now? I am surprised.

      People know people who are getting sick. I asked people here to read the articles on my twitter. I don't want people hurt by these vaxxes but at this point I believe they are as dangerous as Covid simply because they have the body produce spike proteins.

    9. Corrections religions should be "religious people".

      We probably won't see eye to eye on this issue Nenad.

      It scares me that you think someone like me should be banned from hospitals and stores. They have trained you to see people like me as the unvaxxed "unwashed" masses, so even though I wear a mask you think I should be banned? I don't know how people who think this way expect people to survive. How many years will we have to live completely isolated? It's growing insane.

      Oh from what I can tell even many people who got vaxxed are fed up, and I saw them on some of my censored boards, writing things like, "we got the vaxx but we are now scared of this government encroachment", many DID NOT want the third booster. Their trust is gone. I am surprised you still agree with the system. I am not even sure how to relate to or understand that.

      I don't know how things are going to hold up now since everyone is unemployed. We have kept our bills paid, but I noticed the other day, seeing a bunch of electrical shut offs taped onto mailboxes at my apt complex. I think things are going to get crazy.

      This needed to be over TODAY. They need to focus on treatment, get the IVM out, like Japan wanted to do, and rescale things back.

      Oh well I am just one person, as the world goes crazy. I don't regret speaking out. I guess if there is a day when justice finally comes and there's Nuremburg Trials 2.0, I can say, I spoke out.

      Why trust the people who created this virus to begin with in the first place?

    10. Okay... so I remember now that Blogspot/Blogger is Google. I just don't want to talk politics with such an all-important user account, and I already have enough gmail accounts... So I will not be registering a new one, nor will I use an existing one. Instead I'll go by "Just4Peeps" here.

      "My husband told me they are doing some weird political stuff in Texas, I haven't even paid attention."

      What I know about it is this: It is now illegal to have an abortion in Texas. By the time you typically realize you're pregnant it's already too late under the new law. Also if you break this law, it won't be the state that prosecutes but someone who knows you're breaking the law. Perhaps someone who's spying on you. Also, it won't be you that's sued but anyone who helped you. Additionally, the automatic reward for winning it in court is $10,000, with no penalties for frivolous lawsuits. It's a bounty system designed to bypass Row v Wade. A lower court put a stay on it, but that only covers Planned Parenthood. Anyone else that helps remains at risk.
      Thanks to the government, creepy Texans will profit by victimizing women. Things will get weird and predatory. It'll probably backfire somewhat too. Who will want to live or do business in that environment?

      "Even to live out in a rural area, takes money for land, tools, and physical resources we don't have."

      Maybe most importantly, you'll be far from any decent hospitals. If you get really sick or injure yourself they might have to fly you to a hospital on a chopper, and you might not make it.

      "People do have the choice who to have into their house. It kind of hurts and it has me worried for the future. There should be no civil or criminal penalties for private households. All private businesses actually outside of protected categories can kick out whoever they want. I do think in terms of stores, and businesses, that kicking out the unvaxxed, does break the ADA and other disability law."

      I agree that there are exceptions. It's fair to expect someone to put on a shirt before entering a building. It's not a big deal to ask someone wear a mask. You might complain about the dress code at a fancy club - most likely the bill will be more of a hassle than the clothes.
      But you can't change your ancestry, you can't change your sex, you can't change how you identify, and you can't decide not to be disabled. So getting blocked for those reasons is definitely something you can go to court over.

      I think people can get vaccinated though.

      However, I also think people who have a legitimate reason for not taking the shot should be exempt from scrutiny. My aunt is allergic to something in them, so she can't get it without risking her health. Her doctor can probably attest to it, but it would be simpler if they gave her and people like her an official card.

      And... I don't have much to say about alternative cures. I could talk about it, but I haven't done much research. I just don't think people should be taking the veterinarian stuff. The dosages are way off and people really are getting sick that way. Also, when you read studies about it remember that in vitro means "in a petri dish". Just because something works there doesn't mean it'll work inside you. I can't completely discount it either, at least not Ivermectin.

      "In France and other countries they are BANNING people from all jobs, all restaurants, and even grocery stores, so how are people supposed to live. This will force society to erupt into violence."

      France is already violent. And I don't think we should go that far either... banning them in all jobs is kind of crazy. I only think healthcare and nursing home workers should have that requirement.

    11. "Offer treatments for Covid, Ivermectin is working, see the dozens of studies on my Twitter and scientists discussing it. HCQ and Zinc for some. They need to focus on treatments not vaccines. The vaxxes aren't cutting it anyhow."

      I think doctors have their careers to worry about. I wouldn't expect most of them to risk it like that... or to risk harming their patients. There's always the exception though. Just look up what happened in an Northwest Arkansas jail recently.

      "Scrap the worthless mRNA, which is dangerous and doing bad things to people, and develop a traditional vaccine that works. Don't force this vaccine on people. It should have been limited to the very old and sick, [well a different vaxx that doesn't usurp the human immune system from within] It should have been throw in the waste bin for the immunological problems it has caused so many, the blood clots and more. Many believe it is being used for depopulation, people can mock those people [and me] but lets be frank, if it wasn't so dangerous and causing problem and didn't play with even changing what a human IS from the inside, people would be more willing. It need tossed in the can."

      People wouldn't like it if access to the vaccines were stripped away from them. Just because they haven't taken it yet, that doesn't mean they won't take it. My parents were like that - they wanted to wait and do their research first. That's fine. They'll be getting the shot next week. Overall these vaccines appear to be more effective than anything else we have at the moment. If you're confident we can come up with something better, why not wait first?

    12. The problem is that the medical establishment is corrupted. Many are being censored now. Go look at my Twitter, there's doctors on there, who are talking about things and the picture is scary [I google some of them though haven't had time for all, to see if they are real people and doctors] and they talk about losing medical licensure for questioning the narrative. They are under pressure and worry about losing their careers. Big Pharm and medical boards have a lot of power. Is the Arkansas jail were they gave Ivermectin? Did it work? That's what I want to know. They did break laws doing that, the inmates should have been told. Did any die of Covid? That question seems unanswered in the article. I worry about the huge propaganda onslaught against Ivermectin, it has me worried. It's so focused, I don't trust this stuff. Lets say Ivermectin works well, can you imagine the evil in having a treatment for Covid that works being suppressed. The inmates still should have been told.

      I know some want the vaxxes, you know how I feel about them being dangerous and the rest. I know some won't like it. I am glad they waited. I may think they didn't wait long enough. Some people are warning about very scary side effects in the long term and worse to come with boosters. We are all in between a rock and hard place. Right now seems like most people are spinning the roulette wheel on either side.

      I still think they need to work on something more safe and effective.

    13. Understand different accounts for politics Just4Peeps.
      Yeah they have been trying to roll back Roe Vs Wade, so did they succeed in Texas? I will go read and ask husband more what he has read. I see some outraged posts on FB.

      Having people turn each other in is crazy like the Gestapo but fear they want to do that with Covid. So they want people to report on each other, that's nuts.
      So if you get some out of state RU=486, someone can send you to jail? I don't like abortion but know there are cases where it's needed, and health problems and rest and think the govt and rest should butt out, which probably makes me pro-choice, but remember what I posted about Handmaid's Tale becoming a reality. I know everyone thinks I am a Qtard and raving right winger, but my same feelings about the right wing remain. I feel screwed by both sides now.
      I can see some evil ex abusive boyfriends going to town against women they impregnated. Turning them into the state for revenge.

      Women's rights are going down the crapper.

      Yeah moving to country won't work. I am so dependent on hospitals and more. It puts me in a bad position overall. I hope I am not denied medical care in the future one day here. I lived in a remote rural town with a very small hospital where people DID have to be flown out via the chopper. Been down that road. We had a few doctors and a basic hospital but it's services were limited. It did not have a good reputation. I did almost die in there once but think they were trying their best. I think I would have been chopper material if an IV antibiotic hadn't kicked in.

      I supported the masks for most of the time. I still wear them which puts me in a strange place with my those who are allies regarding the vaxxes, I know it.

      I do think if people ban unvaxxed people that is crossing a line because some do have medical issues where the vaxx complicates things. That is fully against the ADA. No one has discriminated against me yet, but I do think of going to court if I am denied a needed service, like food, or medical care over not taking the vaxx. I live in a county that is "red" enough hopefully this won't happen. The mindset of people around here is to mind your business.

      I think I would fulfill the exemption criteria and husband too with severe vein and would be clot problems.

      From what I am seeing they seem to be stomping all over anyone who claims medical exemption. I am still in general against the vaxxes but even my pro-vaxx friends know that my issues are extreme. I mean my friends on Facebook, see the skin problems, my forehead breakouts, the dermamyotosis marks, this beyond the extreme weight.

      I am angry people are having to get horse paste instead of having pills prescribed by them by a doctor. When I found out they outlawed prescribing IVM in my state I was outraged. I wanted some in case I caught Covid. To get it from elsewhere consulting with doctors online, can cost hundreds of dollars, insurance doesn't cover it either. I am worried about dosaging, how do I figure out 500lbs? That's not a weight that is going to have any workable chart. People should have access to medication they need and Doctors should be able to make this choice for them. Read up on some taking medical establishments to court so their doctors could prescribe them ivermectin [some seriously ill with Covid]

      Yes in a petri dish is different, I listed in another post to you here links to the studies that say Ivermectin works, we shouldn't just brush it off and am glad you are still open to it being a possibility. Remember we have too many with a profit motive clouding the waters. I am angry by the way that if I catch Covid, I have been put in such a horrible position.

      They are banning people from jobs here. I don't think the health care workers should be forced either. Many are seeing the side effects of the vaxx and that is why they are saying NO WAY.

  2. I am questioning whether they are really this incompetent or are they deliberately trying to collapse society? I really don't know. And is this just greed or are they trying to maim and or kill people?
    My sister said the unvaxxed are keeping her from vacationing in Europe! It would be funny if it wasn't so blatantly narcissistic. She actually said that. It also says how clueless she is. It won't matter how many get the v or how many vs she gets. She is not going to Europe because they have said that this IS the new normal. They don't want people to go back to that lifestyle. They're psychopaths who want to kill all human happiness.
    They don't care about my health. Because they could care less about how much distress they are causing people like you and me.

    1. I think they are trying to collapse society. Whether this is for their "great reset" or some "great awakening", next on the menu is probably WWIII. I used to warn about this crap to come when I was in conspiracy. Hey funny how all the conspiracy theories are coming true isn't it. I remember when all the people warning there would be vaxx passports were told they were nuts. It is greed and I think they do want to kill people. Go see my twitter and see the really bad stuff scientists and researchers [the ones who are warning] are talking about. It is nightmare fuel. I don't even go into detail here to avoid freaking my readers out. They want to institute social credit systems, digital ID, this is one of the main objections here. They do want to destroy human happiness, travel especially global travel is going to be gone except for the ultra wealthy. I even have read about possible bans on interstate travel.

      within the United States.

      This is all about control.

      We are ruled by sociopaths, their desire for wealth and power has no end to it. Biden IS evil. I regret voting for him so much.

      They don't care about our health not at all. The health is used as an excuse. None of the Covid disciples ever ask, how come we weren't given a safe vaxx that doesn't give heart failure to teens? They did this to us, with their monkeying around in labs. Read those researchers on my Twitter, about how the virus was "designed" [related to HIV BTW] This is the most diabolical thing that has ever happened to humanity, and it's world wide. Yeah your sister sounds like a programmed narcissist. So privileged whining about vacations during pandemic, while unemployment ends in America and so did the eviction moratorium.

  3. Oh, and thanks for the post peeps! You often say what I am feeling but can't articulate as well.


  5. It all comes down to this... "When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest!" (Anonymous)

    Throughout your entire life you continually DECIDE to either stop being mistaken –or stop being honest– when learning the truth. Which one of the two true answers applies to YOU in terms of the Covid-19 truth? Find out in “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at

    1. Crackpot above.

      "During the COVID-19 pandemic, vitamin C was the subject of more FDA warning letters than any other quack treatment for COVID-19."

      Katrina A. Bramstedt, "Unicorn Poo and Blessed Waters: COVID-19 Quackery and FDA Warning Letters". Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. 55 (1): 239–244.
      [title refers to names of actual products being sold at one time]

      Fraudulent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Products

    2. Vitamin C? There's far more proof for Ivermectin now

      Watch out for those muddying the waters.

    3. "Currently available data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19. Clinical trials assessing ivermectin tablets for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in people are ongoing."

      "There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. [...] most of these studies had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which make it difficult to exclude common causes of bias."

      "There’s no evidence ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against COVID-19."

    4. With Ivermectin, do your own study. I have not made my mind up, but figure if I get Covid very badly, the risk may be worth it. My husband is worried about me taking Ivermectin, I haven't caught Covid and have remained very isolated, but if it is an option that works or could work, why are they working so hard to suppress it?

      Because of my negative experiences with some holistic medical avenues, don't assume I think everything works that people tell me, but with Ivermectin, they have posted endless studies. I even posted two pubmed studies here recently.

      There are studies saying the complete opposite of the above mainstream channels. Could all those scientists be lying?
      Some countries have SWITCHED TO IVERMECTIN LIKE THE JAPANESE. Of course the powers that be are trying to subvert this.

      They have such a hard-on for Ivermectin, that tells me it has more chances of working. Otherwise why try and suppress it? The suppression of treatments or study of them worries me. Many scientists are complaining about this too, not fly by night behind the computer in their basement conspiracy theorists either. Why aren't they looking for something that works instead of sticking with their failing "vaxxes"?

      39 positive studies for Ivermectin listed HERE:

      Endless database here for studies.

      Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies. 113 studies, 73 peer reviewed, 63 with results comparing treatment and control groups. FLCCC provides treatment recommendations. Submit updates/corrections.

      Restrict: All Early Late Prophylaxis
      Sep 6
      Early, Late, PrEP, PEP Covid Analysis (Preprint) (meta analysis) meta-analysis v116 Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies
      Details • Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 69% [54‑79%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar result..
      Aug 19
      In Silico González-Paz et al., Biophysical Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.bpc.2021.106677 (Peer Reviewed) Comparative study of the interaction of ivermectin with proteins of interest associated with SARS-CoV-2: A computational and biophysical approach
      Details In SIlico analysis of the components of ivermectin (avermectin-B1a and avermectin-B1b), suggesting different and complementary inhibitory activity of each component, with an affinity of avermectin-B1b for viral structures, and of avermect..
      Aug 18
      Meta Neil et al., Research Gate, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19703.75680 (Preprint) (meta analysis) meta-analysis Bayesian hypothesis testing and hierarchical modelling of ivermectin effectiveness in treating Covid-19
      Details Updated Bayesian analysis of a subset of ivermectin trials showing that there is strong evidence to support a causal link between ivermectin and COVID-19 severity and mortality, and that the result is robust in sensitivity analysis,

      I know there is risk here with Ivermectin, everyone will have to do their own research, and study to make that decision however just the fact they are more busy suppressing Ivermectin should be a red flag for you.
      I even worry about the right wing lying too. Right now we seem to be a thicket of lies, but when I see scientists and doctors claiming this is suppressed that is a problem.


    5. WHY DID THEY OUTLAW DOCTORS PRESCRIBING IT IN MY STATE? That is wrong, if someone is dying, they should be able to try any treatment that could work. Have you ever known them to do that with any drug before? There are have been court cases where people have gone to court to use Ivermectin to save their lives.

      Oh they've done studies on HCQ and zinc too that have turned more positive.

      Do your own research and make your own decision for your health. Obviously the FDA has lost trust. Hey that's what happens in a society where leaders play with viruses in a lab, unleash them [accidentally and or on purpose, and then release as a solution a vaxx that causes more side effects and death then all vaccines put together formerly in history. They do not have my trust. I hate that people are having to turn to alternative sources for information but this is because the mainstream has failed. The profit motive HAS CORRUPTED THEM. They don't have my trust. I find it curious right and left just do their little blame game dance, but no one asks, why aren't the FDA and leaders trusted? They lost it from me long ago. Also focusing on ONE DRUG like this trying to claim it's just horse dewormer when it's been used on humans for other things for 40 years, one can tell when people are gaslighting quibbling and deflecting. I guess the almighty FDA and rest won't ask, "how come we don't have people's trust?" Something just seems funny about all of this.

    6. "So all these scientists are liars?"

      Not necessarily. But scientists are human beings, so are prone to error and bias as much as anybody. This is why peer review is so important, multiple studies, evaluation against any disproving evidence, and so on. There is a process before drugs are approved or authorized for a reason.


      What I see is only that the chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association "declared that ivermectin has demonstrated significant benefits in reducing infections and deaths where the regimen is prophylactically administered for another indication. [...] while clinical trials were important, it was time to greenlight doctors to prescribe ivermectin in association with giving the patient informed consent." --

      So one opinion, or maybe one association's, but doesn't make it all of Japan. It isn't "having switched to ivermectin", it is just recommending to make it one option, in certain cases.

      "Of course the powers that be are trying to subvert this."

      The news from Japan? Maybe not even aware of it in the sea of other news? Maybe not deeming it relevant enough amid everything that is currently known about ivermectin? Maybe not eager to forward potentially misleading information? Also, "the powers that be" are hardly monolithic, so who or what exactly do we mean here?

      " "

      From their FAQ page seem associated with FLCCC, so not a neutral source.

      If I may say so, you yourself seem to have made up your mind about ivermectin and are now cheering for it. This is the bias I mentioned at the top of this comment. At some level there has to be an analysis of all the data that is as neutral as possible. This often transcends individual scientists or teams.

      Also, it seems to me that as much as you are distrustful of the FDA and others you consider part of "the system", you seem to be too trusting of some other sources. Maybe examine if those you now trust are deserving of it, and whether they could be inaccurate or misleading, knowingly or otherwise.



      Not a bad article, they call for more study, that is needed.

    8. I think it's also good to check out this video by Dr. Mike Hansen - "The Biggest Disbelief About Ivermectin and COVID":

      About the first half of the video is also written down in the description.

    9. Quoting:

      "Japan has not endorsed ivermectin as Covid-19 treatment"

      "Social media posts suggest that Japan's government recommends using antiparasitic drug ivermectin to treat Covid-19, citing remarks by the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association. This is misleading; while he cautiously supported the treatment, the association does not represent the country's government, which has not endorsed ivermectin for that use."

      "The official guidelines for doctors from the Japanese Ministry of Health states that 'compared to standard treatment and placebo, ivermectin did not reduce deaths, shorten the hospitalization period and improve time of virus disappearance.'"

      "Clinical trials are ongoing around the world to find out its potential effects on Covid-19 patients [...]"

      More details on ivermectin in Japan in another article:

    10. re "crackpot above"

      Anyone who ACTUALLY reads the entire essay of the two pink elephants will readily recognize that YOU are the crackpot. Along with the myriad of other crackpots who refer to the official FRAUDULENT sources of disinformation, people who are shills and low lives who are here to defend the criminal pack of psychopaths in power...

    11. Hey anon, did you know they added IVM to the NIH list of treatments for Covid? Says it's under evaluation. I took a screen shot in case it disappears.

      Remember all the hard times they gave people who asked if IVM worked?

      Thanks for your post.

  6. Go read this guy who is on the OTHER SIDE>

    I believe in examining both sides of an issue.

    I don't like this guy but figure people can look at both sides for themselves

    1. This is interesting...

      " So, as I have said repeatedly, it’s possible that ivermectin might have activity against COVID-19 in humans, but not very likely and, even if it does, it’s even less likely that it will be as efficacious as is being claimed."

      I am presenting the other side, for people to examine things. I have no problem doing that on a drug I have only begun to examine.

      My worry is there is no focus on treatments like we need.

      This whole Covid thing is a mess.

      One thing to note is all the scientists are arguing among themselves.

    2. "One thing to note is all the scientists are arguing among themselves."

      A scientist I know said this happens all the time. :)

  7. Is Anonymous Nenad again? If not, they certainly have that same irritating quality of wanting to be "oh so contraire," and splitting hairs on every point.
    Of course peer review is important (although often biased in many ways in order to keep themselves in grant money) but we haven't had the luxury in the context of a pandemic to wait for all these ideal circumstances. That was the very reason given for the EUA for the vaccines, remember? What is good for the goose is good for the gander!
    And since we have been repeatedly lied to or misled by many of the powers that be, we are naturally looking for alternatives, given this very serious situation. You might find that "taboo" somehow, but I think it's just human nature and common sense! And before you go splitting hairs hairs again on what lies and what evidence, Fauci has admitted that he lied when he told people not to wear masks because he didn't want a run on them preventing the medical personnel having much needed access to them. THINK about the ramifications of that for a minute? WHY should any of us trust another word that comes out of his mouth? Not to even mention his $4,000,000 taxpayer grant to Wuhan Institute of Virlogy! Seriousely? And he's still the only face of authority one sees on this critical subject?
    And the FDA, after all the hoopla that was flying around about the EUA being a reason for some people's hesitany in taking the vaccine, they approved it. But they relied on info. and stats back in March! The world was waiting, and they didn't even take the time to update the information. THINK about that for a minute. Is that really OKAY for you? I think we deserved better! I think their own credibility demanded it, and I know I'm not alone on that.
    I'm going to leave it here. But you, anonymous, have a very irritating way of being blind in one eye and all-seeing in the other.

    1. OK, first hairs first:

      Fauci's initial recommendation to not wear masks was also because at the time, not as much was known about how the virus spreads between people, particularly asymptomatic infections. The largest degree of protection from surgical and cloth masks is that they protect others from yourself, not the other way around; so at the time, it wasn't thought that people without symptoms needed them. Since then, more has been learned about it, including that people can get infected from other people who have no symptoms. Consequently, masks are now recommended for everybody in areas where contagion is otherwise likely. Fauci changed his stance because of changing circumstances and knowledge.


      Emergency use authorization for the vaccines was obtained after clinical trials conducted with the proper methodology. Studies on ivermectin have been lacking in this regard. Quote from :

      "[...] most of these studies had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which make it difficult to exclude common causes of bias. These limitations include:

      "- The sample size of most of the trials was small.
      - Various doses and schedules of ivermectin were used.
      - Some of the randomized controlled trials were open-label studies in which neither the participants nor the investigators were blinded to the treatment arms.
      - Patients received various concomitant medications (e.g., doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc, corticosteroids) in addition to ivermectin or the comparator drug. This confounded the assessment of the efficacy or safety of ivermectin.
      - The severity of COVID-19 in the study participants was not always well described.
      - The study outcome measures were not always clearly defined."

      Proper clinical trials are ongoing now. EUA may be granted after them.


      Now back to splitting other hairs. >:)

    2. More on ivermectin studies, i.e. why it is not yet authorized:

    3. I'm not posting one of your comments. Hey if you want to be an agent of censorship, take it elsewhere. That alone pegs you as someone I do NOT agree with. Funny how the Covid disciple types are so in love with CENSORSHIP. The fact you must CENSOR weakens your case. I've been down the road with astroturfers. I spent enough time in the conspiracy community to know they don't leave even a little teeny tiny blog alone.

    4. I'm going to strip down the mask thing to one point, that cuts through the bullshit.

      If they wanted a virus stopped, they would have put KN95 or N95 into production instead of various gaiters, banadas and strips of clothe from the back of grandma's closet. They would have had those things passed out freely.

    5. Thank you anonymous, the above is not met for you but the person you are debating.

      They change their mind every second and gaslight us, lets call it as it is. I think the lies about the USA suddenly being too poor of a nation to come up with the goods, with masks was an utter joke. They did everything possible for this virus to spread.
      Yes many of us are having to turn to alternative sources, and no that doesn't mean I trust them implicitly, both sides could be lying, that possibility is always there, good cop and bad cop.
      Yes Fauci admitted lying.

      Oh anyone read this go read up on Fraudstis treatment of AIDS and "mistakes" were made them. Man should be in assisted living somewhere instead of as a covid vampire destroying the country.

      I think he should be in prison alone for the money for "gain of function" research in Wuhan. The connections in Wuhan makes all those damn traitors suspect.

  8. Hey anonymous,
    Are you working for the Man, man? Honestly, Peeps, I think you likely have a troll on your hands here. Every time he winds you up you spit out all the addresses of where he can verify the info. And you know I say that with the utmost respect. But what pisses me off is that he is likely getting paid for all your hard work and painstaking research. Just a thought I've had for a while now. Have you ever gone back to see if any of it has been taken down? I'll look at a few today, I know you are busy. And thanks for all you posted, am still reading it.

    1. Thanks Chelle,

      They very likely could be. On every independent thought board the trolls, astroturfers and even the bots come out to play. They have information to sequester. One reason I woke up about the Covid garbage was their huge insistence on censorship and gaslighting. One thing if the vaxxes were safe, and we were being told the truth, we could trust things. I got other vaccines not being worried like this. We didn't have creeps playing games with China, lying about masks and gaslighting the hell out of us. Just their immense propaganda campaign is enough to know someone's lying and lying big.

  9. Medical doctor explains the events around a post-vaccination death. It's not what you may think at first.


    1. Kind of a dumb reasoning, and to be honest it makes them look like even more of criminals because how come on all the take a vaxx signs, commercials etc, they don't ever say DON'T TAKE TYLENOL before you go. I only know about it because of heavier Covid relate reading. Normal people won't. Sounds like blame the victim garbage for their vaxx that supposedly can do no wrong. Just more cover-up stuff.

    2. Anonymous,
      Can you tell me the title of the other video, as many come up on youtube when I put in the address.

    3. The first link above is the exact address of the video. The title is "Woman Dies 4 days after getting COVID Vaccine | Post Vaccine Deaths". "Post Vaccine Deaths" is a series of videos there. Other videos on the channel are worth watching as well.

      Dr. Mike Hansen: "Woman Dies 4 days after getting COVID Vaccine | Post Vaccine Deaths"

  10. Hi Peeps,
    I think Tylenol itself should come with a warning on it that says "Don't take this." In fact as I stood in line at the pharmacy the other day for my "I" I saw a woman buy a big bottle of it and felt like warning her. But I felt like that should have been the pharmicist job #1 and maybe not my business #2. How many livers have to fail first? Who markets that by the way, I haven't any in the house to refer to?

    1. I've taken tylenol but keep it really rare, I do think it is harmful and worry about the people taking it all the time. With drug side effects there's too many failures in telling people what can happen. Do you remember the reports about tylenol and lack of empathy?

  11. Anonymous,
    (I am the accusing of splitting hairs anonymous.) I looked at your suggested youtube by Dr. Mike Hansen, and he is someone I have followed also trying to educate myself on this subject. I think he is a very intelligent young doctor with a great deal of insight to offer. But since the jury is/was still out, so to speak, with respect to there being no autopsy as of yet, I offer you the following video to view as well, as a very good possibility of what might have befallen this unfortunate man/doctor post vaxx. Please see: Perspectives on the Pandemic "Blood Clots and Beyond" an interview with Dr./ Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, given in Kiel, Germany, on March 29, 2021 warning of this very problem, after he and a host of other doctors, appealed by letter to the "European authorities that be" to look into this matter of this very serious and potential outcome of the vaccines.

  12. Nenad the side effects are not rare, but guess they are rare in the way that if someone complains about side effects they are silenced, I've seen the peope censored FOR MYSELF right in front of my face, so don't even claim that one.

  13. Nenad go start your own blog somewhere else for the vaxx propaganda. mRNA is trash. Old vaccines are far better, at least they work. The vaxxes have and are failing.
