Saturday, March 11, 2023

Lied to on All Sides About Covid: Flowers in the Attic Life

                                            why are these monsters allowed to destroy our lives and world?

 I'm still confused. I tried to figure out what is going on with Covid to figure out some life decisions but I just keep hitting walls everywhere. It sucks, that anyone would be in this position. 

Everyone in my area has returned to normal life. This means no masks, no social isolation, normal activities, eating out and having lives. I told my husband, "It's been three years!, we can't keep living this Flowers in the Attic life!" The isolation has harmed me. I am too sick to be living a high life running around every second, but I would like to be with friends without wearing a stupid mask, or eat a meal out actually in a restaurant or go to a lecture/conference, and sit in a group of people without worrying about the Grim Reaper getting me. I have friends that believe Covid is a hoax, and while they have empathy for my health problems, one told me she felt bad that I lived under such seige and she told me, "I think if you returned to normal life you would be okay."

The decision is mine to make but I am "frozen", getting more upset because I don't have the right information to make a decision. I don't know anyone who has had Covid in months. I don't trust those lousy PCR plastic pregnancy strips.

My husband keeps asking me to wait, and we have gotten into some heavy discussions where I have said, "We can't abandon living fearing a respiratory disorder! I didn't cower and hide in the house with MRSA everywhere either!" He has no doubts Covid is real. I'm not sure why he's so certain. Yesterday I said, "Yeah people got sick form something early on, maybe they released SARs or something, seeding it to different places that got hit hard like NYC, but it's long over with!" Around 8 months ago, I said, "If I don't know anyone who dies or gets hospitalized soon, I'm returning to normal life!" Well that time has come, and still I am frozen.

Another friend shared this doctor's articles with me. She says he is the most measured and sane, and he seemed that way to me. In this case, this doctor believes the virus is real, he believes the same as I do about the vaxxes. He even called for treatments which I have said multiple times, that's the only thing which will stop this. He asks real questions too like this...

One of the most suspicious aspects of SARS-CoV-2 is how well suited it is to eliminate those who create the greatest economic burden on Western governments—the elderly, the obese and the diabetic. Given the enormous economic incentive to address these societal costs (many Western governments are on the verge of bankruptcy from these ballooning fiscal obligations to these demographics), it is entirely possible that a research program had been developed to explore developing biological weapons for that purpose, but we will likely never know why SARS-CoV-2 was created.

Nonetheless, there is a very clear documented history of years upon years of research to weaponize the SARS virus. For example, in the early days of COVID-19, I discovered this website which archived many of the studies I and many others online were unearthing on the deliberate engineering of SARS-CoV-2. Since then much more data has emerged (for instance, Igor Chudov recently provided a summary of the key points of evidence here and briefly in his comment here).

So I flip-flop,  and my belief it could be a real bioweapon has held my hand. meanwhile all my in real life social relationships are in trouble from my decisions to isolate so far.  My online friendships built and maintained online for years have remained fine, but in real life? There's not going to be any friends or community acquaintances and associations left if this goes on much longer. I feel like a jerk even asking the friends who believe Covid is a hoax to wear masks as we meet together in the library. They do it for me, one even says she knows why I am afraid given my lung problems. I said to husband, "Can we ditch the masks, this time?" but he say he wouldn't feel comfortable.  Sometimes I feel like the powers that be have ruined my mind too with all the germ fears. We haven't seen his best friend/my friend who visited us two years ago, and then went home and called us and said "I have Covid." but we never got it and figured out he got it later after meeting with us. I would like to visit with someone in my house and talk to them for some time without masks.

One thing I do not understand, and this is something I would add to the "Covid is a hoax" list on this article, is that these two friends who don't wear masks, and go everywhere and one goes to meetings, NEVER GOT COVID. If Covid was real, wouldn't they have gotten sick by now and they are both older so they are supposed to be higher risk. So much makes no sense to me, my head is spinning.

One guy on twitter told me concerning vaxx deaths, and my unease that my town seems much emptier to do some of my own sleuthing, see how many new graves are being dug in local cemetaries, try and get information. I guess kind of like Harriet the Spy. I tried so hard to figure out what is really going on with Covid only to hit brick wall after brick wall. I'm damn glad I never got the vaxxes, there's a lot of people who have regrets now. Some are claiming there's going to be a big reveal, but I don't know. I worry they will try to shovel mRNA down everyone's throat still even though it's obvious the shit doesn't even work beyond the harm it does. It's scary when they want to put it in other meds. How stupid do these people think people are?

I asked my old main doctor, "Can I return to normal life now?" He said, "Covid is just a cold now" but then he kept having to see me on telehealth because he had Covid and isn't my doctor anymore. He had both vaxx and virus, so I don't know which got to him or if both did. He was sick all the time and in the hospital. I asked other doctors, but they were non-commital. No one probably wants to be sued, they really didn't have any advice. Maybe the functional guy will help me. I hope so. None of my doctors ever pressured me for clot shots, they know I have so many problems. 

My life is being destroyed by this going on. I vaccilate between waiting, and pulling the plug and stating, "This shit is done, it's time to start living again" despite the dangers. The quality of my life has sunk to a low. There's no people in my life outside of my husband, online friends and the two friends I see in masks at the library about once every month to two months. I kept my weight stable at least, ballooning out from less activity was such a danger but my mental health and physical health are declining fast. I qualify for a disability program this summer, I fear Covid will ruin too unless I manage to cast off all the fears.

With my husband, I did learn to take more of his advice, and listen to his counsel. He was right about toxic friends, he warned me about people who were very bad for me. He warned me even about that local anti-Covid masks etc group I wanted to join because I feared Covid vaxx mandates, stating they were really a right wing astroturf group, and he turned out to be right. They brought the book-banning crap in only a few months later and openly politicized for Republican candidates. They are the ones who banned me from the online group for being in the UU church fearing "spies". I even had wrote one saying "I don't agree with this Covid crap", and that wasn't good enough. With Covid though, he keeps saying "Wait!" but how long can we wait? I told him the other day we aren't going to have any in real life social or community connections left. They have massively eroded. Most poor and working class people gave up long ago and had to live regular lives just because of the duties of their jobs. We were in more of a bubble than most because he worked from home. We go round and round, I drop the matter and then we slap on masks, go shopping and go on Zoom to a few things. I can't handle worrying about him getting it either, anyway.

I missed out on so much, that it pisses me off beyond belief. I did make use of the time and did more art, making the art show possible, and wrote poems, and was part of a Zoom autism group, and gardened, but I missed out on so many things in life like my art class, stamp groups, conversations with friends, going on day trips, and just having a life. 

I'm getting older too, losing still mobile time, Lipedema is progressive and I know the fate of older Lipedemics, maybe my Flexitouch machine and wrapping can hold off some of the worse. COPD also progresses too. 

We are all on our own, we can't trust the news now. They lied about the vaxxes, they tell us the heart attacks and strokes are from "climate change". Give me a freaking break. I see some bad stuff in front of me I can't ignore. People in Zoom groups keep getting weird illnesses, there's a few where it seems their immune system got wiped away. A few people I know seem to get a flu or other illness every few weeks. Immune systems ARE being affected either via virus, vaxx or both.

I know even hear only a few are talking openly about being sick, so what about the people not telling anyone anything?  Maybe I need to be a local sleuth like my own investigative reporter, and call up morticians and funeral directors and ask if anyone is still dying of Covid or not but that's even complicated as some have said people dying of other stuff have been diagnosed with Covid. I wanted to beak out of the liberal bubble I found myself in and go find some right wing people and down to earth types locally and find out what the real deal was from them. One farmer lady said a friend of hers did die from it last year, so that confused me. She agreed with me on the vaxxes. 

I believe most people shrugged their shoulders and said "Screw it!" and went back to life. No one talked about it, but the vaxxes all failed, and with booster levels at the level they are, you know only a few die hards are still lining up for the crap. Most are staying silent, because they saw how us unvaxxed were treated and don't want backlash for not lining up anymore.

I probably should do the same thing of returning back to life so 4 and 5 years aren't trashed instead of 3. Sadly I am a coward. It's too much medical trauma especially related to the lungs. I've struggled with OCD and a touch of germphobia all my life. It had me washing my hands constantly in my teens and 20s. 

 Some people have told me I am extraordinarily rare never to have Covid, I haven't had a cold in 3 years either, one benefit of so much social isolation I guess. When some write masks don't work, I have countered acted with how did I avoid a cold for three years?

My husband hasn't had it either.  This OCD by the way means I never have been around another human being without a KN95/N95 on in three years except my husband and the dentist with a surgical air cleaner running next to me. That's extreme isn't it? I still rinse with mouthwash, and take vit C and zinc everytime I go to any stores. I was in a Dollar Tree and hardware store yesterday so went through those rituals.  Remember I didn't have a family to have Thanksgiving dinner with. The majority threw off the masks to do family events I am guess from the early days. People with kids, there's no way they can live in a germ-free bubble either. Even to unload these expectations on people was insane.

I asked this question on Twitter....

I follow both types on Twitter. I'm just a lay person. While I have the IQ to read complex scientific articles, even there, it seems like a lot of gaslight and BS.  The hubris for their failing technologies is disgusting. The scientist world is amoral. To be frank, I am in shock that humanity hasn't torn down every virology lab there is at this point. The fact that people can destroy the world through viruses and nothing is done, tells me we have no rule of law now.  I am thankful for dissenting scientists and others with consciences.

I feel manipulated all over, and very few of us even know what is going on. This is why I say we are on our own now, we have to look at evidence in front of our own eyes to even know what is going on, because the news can't be trusted.  I still don't know anyone who has died of Covid, the only hospitalized person I know from Covid in the last 18 months, is an 85 year old man.

I have a lot that can kill me besides Covid, so there's the absurdity of screeching my life to a halt forever, for this one thing, so that troubles me too. I don't want a death-focused life, that's the most screwed up thing about all this, here I was trying to live despite all these bad health problems and having some success in doing so, and then the creeps that run this planet decided to vote for dystopia, totalitarianism and plague. I'm so pissed off I can't even put it in words. We really are on our own. I just want to know what the truth is. I'm not sure what to do. I'm stuck in a weird holding pattern. I'll see the functional doctor to get his advice on this matter and do some more sleuthing even to just KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. 


  1. Hi Peeps,
    So much for hopping on over! My time and mind are not really my own these days. I had a "kid" (not my kid, but a local male much younger than myself) working with me since a little before xmas time. He approached me in my driveway, riding by on his bicycle. I said hello back, and got back to what I was doing. "Don't you remember me?" he asked, as if he was completely thrown by my lack of interest. "Yes, I remember you," I said, addressing him by name, and thinking back to how he had left me high and dry on some projects a couple years earlier.
    "I'm looking for work," he said.
    I thought on it a second, and considering the fact I do like to get the place a little spiffy for the New Year, I said he could come and help me paint.
    We have been doing pretty well on this, until around a week before Carnival. All of this sudden, he was not showing up as planned. I felt he was giving me the slip, but when I questioned him on it, pointing out that there was only so much time to finish what we had started, he assured me everything was fine, and he wasn't going anywhere.
    I knew, that a small hotel and dive operation had been calling him back to operate a small launch to carry Divers, mostly on the weekends. I told him I understood that that was his priority. I said I just needed to be included in the loup, so I could plan my own things accordingly.
    This concept has never worked for me with any of the locals thus far, no matter the supposed "rapor" we have supposedly built through working together, conversations had, assistance and consideration for personal needs or those of family members.
    So our work days had dwindled, but it seemed like I could count on him for Monday's at least, when then he didn't show up for that either.
    So, I went to the hotel to see for myself. There he was, in his boat attire, assisting a couple men out of a launch. They were probably the only two people there, as there were only two cars.
    I just looked at him to see what he had to say about leaving me high and dry again, without so much as a phonecall. He looked back at me, with a gaslighting stare, as if he had no idea what concern I could possibly have.
    I just looked back at him, like "c'mon man, let's be real here."
    He seemed to "came to" and said he would talk to the boss and see if he could give me the rest of the week.
    He called and confirmed, so I planned accordingly. I organized all the things I couldn't do on my own. I even planned what order they would be done in, to maximize finishing up.
    We were two days in, then on the third, he called in the morning and said he was going with his brother-in-law to get a plank of wood I wanted for a bench. He would be an hour late for work. I asked to speak with the supposed "wood guy" and quickly realized he didnt know shinola, when I said I needed a dried plank, not one freshly cut, and he told me to put it out in the sun for a week. Thanks, but no thanks, I said.
    I went into town to buy a couple things we needed to work, but I knew he wasn't coming. I waited two hours past when he said he would arrive, and then went to the hotel. There he was again.
    He tried to gaslight me again, when I asked him why he was putting people on the phone to lie to me, instead of just coming through with what he promised?
    "No, that was true," he said, he did help the wood guy, and that he was just about to show up at my place...
    I just looked at him, said I didn't even know what to say to him, as he knew I wasn't a fool. I walked out.
    I was holding $75 of his wages, however, so he showed up the next day. And while it was difficult, I held my tongue so we could work. At the end of the day, I asked if he was taking any money, and if so, how much?
    "All of it," he said.
    "I don't think so," I answered, "not after what you did to me yesturday ... you promised me four days, and I'm going to hold you to it."
    He was to call me on Sunday evening, and let me know what day. He said not Monday, but Tuesday.
    Chelle continuing ...

  2. Chelle continuing ...
    I recalled his gratuitous comment after I said okay to Tuesday, that "It would have been Monday, but he was going into the city". I wondered at the time, why he felt the need to add that?
    I got up and got an early start, got all the buckets, rags, chisel, tape measure, ladders etc. organized, and the work hour came and went.
    A tiny cruise ship had arrived in the area on Sunday, so it wasn't hard for me to imagine he was involved in taking some passengers diving.
    He showed up on Thursday morning, with a flexible hand saw, dressed and ready to go to work. "He had been calling me," he said.
    "You're not suppose to be calling, you're suppose to show up. You made the appointment."
    Yes, he agreed, but he was "in the city visiting his Dad ..."
    I then understood the reason for his gratuitous afterthought of the statement, giving me information I didn't need, laying the predicate for the next lie he knew he was going to tell me.
    I told him I couldn't go to work right then, I had other appointments to keep and things to do. I told him to check back in for a day next week, one he could organize himself for and show up.
    No way was I going to let him off the hook or on to the tailspin he had put me in.
    The tiny cruise ship is back, so don't know when I will hear from him.
    His niece was suppose to show up today to help me with the floor. She comes one day every two weeks. I imagine she might be upset with me, since I told her I would help her get to a doctor at the end of that week last time, between Wedsday and Friday. But little does she know her uncle was screwing with my time and head, so I had no idea when I could take her, and she has not had a phone number to call.
    The battery in the car seems dead, as the last time I was in it, it barely turned over. I will need to get that replaced, before I can take her to the doctor, so that will be two trips.
    I also had a appointment with an artist today, he has been waiting for me to get it together for him to come over the summer and paint a "fondo del mar" on a bench I have been working on. (more on that later) I called him yesturday, before I "hopped on over" to comment here, to confirm if he was coming. He said he was, so I went and finished painting the base color and my part of the back rest instead. He didn't show today either. He may be busy with the cruise ship too, which I understand, but a phonecall would be nice.
    You have written me an awful lot in the way of resposes here, which I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated, but I know I have fallen short on my end. At least for me, I have. But with all this never knowing what I'm doing lately, and this ringing in my ear that seems to get worse with stress, I'm feeling just a tad overwhelmed.
    Just wanted to let you know that.

  3. Hi Peeps - Covid did the opposite for me. I had germ phobia and mild ocd that got better under/after covid, Partly because I thought so much bullshit was going on that I tapped into my own bullshit fear of germs. Also it helped that store clerks were masked, as my pet peeve is clerks who lick there fingers to hand you money or a bag. The masks prevented them from doing it. It grosses me out. So with that bed habit curtailed and most people being completely crazy, I stopped being crazy!
    I think you should go out more, but what do I know. I just want you to be happy. Maybe you could wear a mask but let other people go mask free. I really don't think the masks do much. They say everyone has had covid. Even if you go grocery shopping wouldn't you have been exposed by now? Maybe your immune. Anyway don't listen to me. Plus I don't read many medical journals. They are hard to follow.
    Be well - Sue

  4. Good morning Peeps,
    I thought I might take a stab at some more long covid thoughts. I guess I'll start with me. I can't believe I had the antivirals and everything I needed in the bathroom cupboard, and ended up not taking it!!!!!! I would not have imagined that my best layed plans could go this far astray. But they did.
    You might recall I wasn't quite 48 hours in to my own symptoms, which started out with the nasea, the dry cough, the sinus headache, and these were all quickly resolving, when my husband passed out on his feet, and I had to go into emergency mode. It was a logistical nightmare, and it was all I could do to deal with it, one foot in front of the other, broken toes and all. I didn't even have time to be sick. We weren't even staying in our own home, but in an air-conditioned hotel room. I attributed my sinus headaches every day to that alone, as it always gave me problems like that. We were sleeping on a narrow bed, and I only had a small slice of it. Anyway, I already wrote about all that, but my point is to say that I was stressed to the max, sleeping badly, eating badly (hardly at all) and everything else is an understatement. My immune system must have been in a very sorry state indeed, but I made it through. I had some brain fog (or was that a hang over from the Margaritas I was having every evening to cope with the stress?) don't know, but I just muttled my way through it.
    It was ten days after my initial onset of symptoms that we finally made it back home, and it wasn't even an hour into my head having hit the pillow to finally relax, that I knew we had covid. But since I was ten days in, I didn't take the medication that "shall remain nameless," because the school of thought was that it was only effective (against severe covid) in the initial five days of onset of symptoms.
    What I have found since, revisiting this long covid issue in order to post to you here, is that virus may be hiding out in the body. Or so they say. If that were true, then taking the course of antivirals would appear to have merit. In fact, an Australian Dr. and expert on immunology, just said a few days ago, in an interview with Doctor Campbell, that he gave it (Iver.) to some big wig cabinet minister that had been layed up for 6 months, and it cured him of symptomolgy after a 12 day course. He said this man was vaxed and boosted. He said he had been bed ridden, and then went right back to work.
    I was hoping this ringing in my left ear would clear up, but it's not. It is mostly always there in the background, but comes on pretty loud and bothersome too, like in waves of days, depending on stress levels it seems. Also, this morning, I was feeling around my jaw bones, clearing my ears etc. and it's flared up again. I feel it is swollen inside.
    Chelle continuing ...

  5. Chelle continuing ...
    That eustachian tube has trouble clearing. About a month-and-a-half ago, I felt my whole ear move and heard a big crunch like some bones were being released. I've been thinking (when my mind isn't being boggled by this kid) on my situation and what could be going on with me.
    I don't think I have it as a result of any long covid, but I can't rule it out. So it is on my list of possibilities. Alot of people ARE getting unilateral tinnitis after covid. I have read their comments. And Dr. Patterson said he was seeing alot of it. He also said long covid is any related symtomology occurring within 3 months, post covid. Mine (covid) began on June 9th 2022, and the ringing began around the 13th of September.
    But there are some other possibilities too. I went to see the dentist on September the 6th, for a cracked upper molar on that side. He had fixed it ten years earlier and it held, so I wanted him to repair it again. He told me no dice, it needed a root canal and crown or to be pulled. But he looked at an upper molar on the other side I was having symptoms with while flossing, and told me it needed attending to. He drilled it, but it was too far gone, so I told him to pull it. That took an hour-and-a-half, I kid you not! He had a clock right there on the wall, so I know for sure. It was causing me pain too at the base of the root, so he kept giving me more numbing medecine, to the point, I said, "My God, not more medicine .." and he told me it wasnt going anywhere systemically, but just right there. He also kept adjusting my head and neck for access the tooth. A solid hour and a half of ones mouth open that long poses possible TMJ trouble, so I'm not ruling that out either. Also, lidocaine is ototoxic. So is the azithromycin he prescribed (gave me tachycardia so only took two of 3. So is the diclofenac he prescribed 100mg. time released, which I didn't take, but took 50mg regular, two pills only in 48 hours and done. He made the boner move of sewing the socket up, which I asked him about, and he said, "so the hole won't be there." Sounded like a hive for bacteria to me, but hey he's the one in the fancy office with all the diplomas.
    Chelle continuing ...

    1. Wonder if you got a middle ear bone problem. I think they can do conduction tests at the ear doctor, I know you live overseas not sure if you have ability to get a specialist like that look into it. I always wondered if they fully investigated my ears or what they can see. I'm going to garden this year. Sometimes feel like I can barely move, and can barely function in life, I did get my art show put up, took every ounce of energy but it looks good. [the people I worked with did the actual hanging of the art] I do need to get someone in to clean house but will give husband this, he's stepped up. I hope I can get into PACE this summer and get more help. He can join Senior center next winter and we can have them do some of our cooking.

      You could have a long covid problem or even a infection from the tooth stuff, I know I would be worried about it. They can do a test to see if there is infection or inflammation in the body, forget name right now, they do it all the time on me and I always read as inflammed. LOL but a normal person it can pin point, if an infection exists in the body or not.
      Spike proteins in vaxx seemed to have messed up hearing BUT ALSO COVID. I've heard of those few months delay too in symptoms coming on. Hey if you do get long term damage, consider a private person's lawsuit against GOF. if I get Covid, or husband does, and there's any long term damages, I plan to file a lawsuit, I'm pissed enough now to do it, but can't prove damages. I've written legal papers before. One person told me they thought I was nuts, but I don't care. I think private citizens should be forming long lines to clean these GOF people and failed public health creeps out of every dime. Why should I live in poverty when they have ruined what life I had.
      That dentist who took an hour and half to pull a tooth seems like an incompetent, Ive had bad teeth be pulled at least 4 of them and mine always were gotten out within 5 minutes and he did have to use clamps and such. Did this guy even screw the clamp around it or use the special tool to get it out or did he dig at it with a screw driver or something? I feel for your pain. DAMN!
      I never had a socket sewed up either not even when I had massive dental surgery of 4 wisdom teeth taken out. I had to do it awake too. [8 teeth I think taken out all together or maybe 7 I gotta go count]
      He sounds like he could be a fake or bought the degree off the black market. Seriously. Maybe go see another dentist to check for infection or dental surgeon as soon as you can, it could be affecting your ear. I hope Covid didn't do it too.

    2. Ok glad you got to see other dentists and one told you no need for sutures. Wow that other guy should have X-rayed things after you ate the corn kernal. I think I may be very lucky to have my dentists, and that they are probably among the more competent of the field. Yeah maybe you should look at a lawyer. Maybe look the original guy up and see if there has been complaints. I look up usually all my doctors but I know I got tired and didn't look up a few. I have a PA now with the house call people but they seem competent so far. I get afraid of getting the "D" students of the medical school class. They could screw me up. This is one reason I read my own labs. I have SO much medical crap to do. Need to see eye doctor, and find another rheum for second opinion, and figure out how to see geneticist, etc. I have ear appointments this month, need to go look up appointments. Yeah I don't know what to do, with Covid. I am having SOME BAD effects from masks. I notice if I hustle or move fast, like walking, I was racing to get to a bathroom once, to not pee myself, and I got spots in my vision, so know they are lowering my oxygen and sometimes I think the masks are making me swell up more when I move around a lot like in shopping. They do make me short of breathe, and when heat comes back they will suck even more. Some people have recommended I do Neti pots and stuff but my sinuses can go off so easily and I had bad sinus headaches for years. Yeah how will you know if Covid caused the tooth thing or not? It would drive me crazy. I was hoping I would discover absolute evidence that Covid was a hoax or at least some SARS was released in early Delta days, and now it's really all over but they aren't letting anyone figure it out.
      Yeah get x-rayed see if you have an infection. Theyve discovered teeth infection in me that way which led to the yanking out of two teeth. I get charity dental care special for the disabled, if not for this program probably would have died of dental stuff. Even the wisdom tooth surgery was like an emergency because they were going so bad and crumbling. I do fortunately have compassionate dentists. Husband acesses care through a clinic we have here.
      I thought of talking to a FLCCC doctor and making appointment not having Covid but how to deal with life being this chronically ill and what I should do. I'm not going to have a social or community life left. Oh when I was in the small town around happy people doing happy things, I thought man maybe I should just go back to regular living and whatever happens happens, I can't take this anymore. I feel like they "won" gripping me with fear keeping me from living life, so my resentment is kind of growing.

      Tell that guy to clean his scope too!

  6. Chelle continuing ...
    Well, this guy sure set my week up nicely with those sutures. It was disgusting the foul taste and costant mouthwash etc. A real nightmare! And I was so concerned about a bacterial infection. I tried to get some local drs. to take them out, but I ended up driving 45 minutes to an intermediary dentist, who agreed there was no need for the sutures in the first place. I was so relieved to have them gone. A terrible experience!
    So, remember the popcorn kernal I bit down on during our stay at the hotel after my husband's fall, because they had a microwave? Well, that molar is an upper on the ringing side too, and sits beside the one that is fractured that I went to the other dentist to fix. It (the nerve) got ""bruised" I guess, because I had to go to my "local" dentist (1.2 hrs. away) to get some antibiotics. I asked him to xray it, but he said he had too many "scheduled patience". He wanted to send me home with an anti-inflamatory only. "No way!" I said, " I live too far!" This was 5-6 days after biting the kernal, so that told me there was infection there. Had him write me another script for same antibiotic, with no date, so if something like this happened again, I would have time to make an appointment and access to a remedy in between.
    Geez, Peeps, are you seeing a pattern here with our physicians? It seems pretty sorry to me. A real problem.
    I say this too, because of what ended up happening to me with the dermatologist who had POTS. But one subject at a time. Suffice to say, I will probably need to solicit legal council. I will tell you about that in another post.
    I am only going into detail on these medical points, because we are all trying to find our way through the maze of covid. You not knowing how bad it really is, and me having had it, and not sure if a completely new health phenomenon is related? I will continue to share and update as I find out, for you or anyone listening.
    Basically, my plan at this point is, to have my teeth x-rayed. A whole three-D one would be ideal, but locally not available, so I'll probably start with "intermediate suture dentist" to see if I have active infection or whatever in that nerve, since the popcorn kernal tooth is still "sore". Will also get tne one next to it, and see what he has to say. Depending on that, I will make my next move dental or MTJ wise.
    I also want to check in with my GM, in the same neighborhood, with whom I shared the FLCCC protocol info to begin with. That was very early pandemic, and I have not seen him since. I did ask him if they used (iver.) here to treat, and he said they did. I'm sure he has seen long covid in his practice if it exists here, as well as incidence of tinnitis. I would want to bring him on board with me taking the suggested protocol, for his opinion and any side effects which may arise.
    In his case, he is but a phonecall away.
    He will of course check my ears no doubt, with that germ-ridden scope he sticks in every one else's ear that comes in, which I will kindly ask him to please clean first, which given all covid hysteria, he might forgive me for. If not that, maybe the sheer number of years he has been our go to doctor.
    Will leave it there for today, Peeps.

    1. I know when sick people won't take things or think things out. I wonder if I would remember to take things. I had husband and I take zinc and vit C when we are out. I'm already low on Zinc and need to get some.
      With two people sick at the same time, that's scary, and you probably were overwhelmed while trying to help husband, that's thing that worries me about Covid seems to spread through the households so fast. I guess when I hear that, it's moving faster than cold or flu in that.
      Yeah I've heard the day limits on the medicine we cannot name. I know dosing worries would affect me, given my extreme weight, I always thought I was go for the already prescribed hcq [I have a bottle] which I am refusing because it can affect eye sight over the longer haul but I would risk for some days for Covid. Of course even with these medications, some say they don't work, and others say they do, but I figure if I think I'm going to die of Covid what would it hurt since doctors want me on it anyway. I would take crap loads of zinc and probably double up on Vit D pills. Even that one bald headed creep psychopath who played with his humanized mice, did a record that zinc ionophores helped with Covid.
      Yeah there seems growing evidence that Covid stays with people and in their body and has lifelong effects.
      One thing scares the crap out of me about Covid, and it's had me keep the masks on, you know the bad side effects from vaxx, well lots of people reported tinnintus from the vaxx, well in your case, Covid and others I have read about Covid, is doing the same stuff to people. I already have bad tinnintus, more damage to my ears would mean absolutely NO hearing left. I already identify as deaf now. I hope your ear gets better. Maybe explore all the options you can to clear your body of any spike proteins.

      I just realized I know someone else who got Long Covid, in their case I don't know if they got the shots or not. I may ask. Why not? I mean if I am risk assessing need to know information. I don't know if they got Delta or which one, this is a long distance FB friend but they had poor health before and now put up a go-fund me, I wish I had money to give them, so many I could help, for bad Long Covid symptoms, it even messed their legs up and other stuff. That's part of my health "paranoia" why I've destroyed my social life, I already knock around in here deaf, and crap, with skin going to hell, sometimes weird neurological stuff, well I have bad tics--I don't talk about it, even one neurologist wondered about Tourette's syndrome, odd joint pains, sometimes vision feels like visual field is screwed up but maybe it's eye dryness and migraines, and I think if I got to deal with Covid and all it's associated BS, I'm going to lose my mind. So I have kept masks on acting like a germphobic, and yeah most people think I am crazy but at least have tolerant people around me so no one is being abusive about it. This Long Covid lady has really bad symptoms. Like autoimmune hell, with nerve problems included.

  7. Hi Peeps,
    Congratulations on getting your art put up! Considering the lack of motivation many of us are feeling from the Covid BS, that's quite feat! Wish I could see it. I'll bet it looks great!
    I got the dental xrays done a while back with intermediate suture dentist. He said they needed to be pulled, pointed out a dark area in the gums above them. I wouldn't know about this, but common sense and my symptoms assure me it is true. Plus, if I were a betting girl, my money would be on these teeth as being the sourse of my tinnitis. Although this dentist said that in his experience this would not be the case. Will find out in a couple weeks, when I have an appointment with my regular dentist, to have them pulled.
    I saw the ENT yesturday, am freaking out a little today, after he shoved the nasal scope up my nose. It had been first come, first serve to see him, and after two hours, most ahead of me had colds. I wore an N95 because of this and the hospital setting, and felt like I had to pull it down a couple times to get more oxygen. He says he suspects a middle ear problem, did not clean my ear or give me anything. He ordered two types of hearing tests, have that appointment 4 days before the dentist, so the timing is good, I think.
    I started taking my "I" protocol coming up on two weeks ago. The very first thing it did was release a tightening I had in my gut. Maybe I had worms, LOL! But seriousely, that elderly neighbor who came down with Luekemia, had his gut perf, and now he wears a bag. Poor man.
    I'm glad I'm in the middle of taking the "I" right now, hoping it might protect me from yesturday's events. One doctor said he pops one everytime he gets on a plane.
    As for the dentist in the big city being a phony, I can assure you he is not. I try to only see doctors upon recommendation. This one was recommended by a top lawyer in the country, who hangs around with the top 1%. The dentists office is in the medical center right next to one of the three top private hospitals for the wealthy elite. That dentist had all his teeth, or crowns maybe, and I think perhaps that might be the problem. The dentist tried to talk me into root canals on the good teeth beside the one, and a bridge with crowns for $3500. I'm a more practical person than that, and chose to cut to the chase. But I'm sure most of his patients would have preferred his suggested treatment.
    The other dentist I am going to to have the other teeth pulled is very good at it. He's pulled two for me. He's good at it, because he works at the government funded hospital for half his day everyday, to earn a retirement pension. Every province has these hospitals, and they serve mostly the poor or less wealthy. When my husband fell down, he spent the night in the emergency ward, had a CT scan, a chest xray, and an abdominal xray and it came out to about $400.
    See if this goes through
