Saturday, March 11, 2023

Why Does Everyone Hate AmberLynn Reid?


I kept seeing the name AmberLynn Reid pop up. She's a super-sized youtuber who is around my size, who does online eating [mukbang], and has videos about her daily life.  I found this Youtube Channel called Irked Content that makes fun of her eating and what she shows on her videos. AmberLynn is well known online but not in a good way. I saw a Kiwi Farms post on her, where they really rip her down. They have a special hatred for fat people on that board so not going to link there. I've seen her mentioned on multiple message boards over and over, where people really ripped on her, and were disgusted. That's one danger of being a public fat figure in anyway. 

I went to go watch her channel. She likes to talk alot but she could just be an average neurotypical and I'm being too judgmental. To do videos, talking a lot and for some periods of time would be a necessity. Her life seems kind of boring in her grey-doored apartment where she is doing her make up a lot.  I should be one to talk I'm not exactly living an exciting life since Covid.  Sadly a lot of super-obese people end up socially isolated. I have to watch more videos to see if I am misjudging this, maybe she has a lot of friends. Sometimes it seems people do youtube videos as a way to connect with others, well this was a motive for even my own blog. 

She dates girls only so I'm guessing she is a lesbian, but she could be a bisexual too. She's far healthier than I was at 31, but she's had a hysterectomy and gallbladder problems. I guess if you're on video, you have to fill the time, which if I had ever done a youtube channel, I'd probably talk about conspiracy and religion too much. She has a bad reputation I think for being a fat mukbanger--a phenomenon I never understood. Do people watch others eat so they don't eat? It made her far more severely obese. She started the channel 10 years ago and was very fat then too. Maybe she needs to think about the eating on film stuff, it's not doing her any favors. Maybe she's running off to the bank not caring most of her viewers are now "hate watchers".  I don't get it. Also one way I worry for her is her identity seems completely weight based, supersized people can fall into the trap. Maybe I'm weird so focused on artistic pursuits and questioning the system, but that's something too she needs to escape. 

I feel sorry for her, she's a far healthier younger me and so we are very different people but you can tell she is stuck on the obesity gauntlet too. She's done the dieting and now is investigating weight loss surgery. I have seen so much regains in weight loss surgery, in my case around that age I decided against it but didn't believe I would live through it. It's probably a miracle I lived this long. Age is catching up on me. Sadly Amberlynn probably is going to have a difficult life too. 

In her case like Tammy Slayton if she wants weight loss surgery, she should go for the DS weight loss surgery too. She says she has BED or "binge eating disorder" but seems to dispute that on later videos. She does eat a lot. The outraged Irked Content people are correct she eats too much. My life was always weird watching My 600lb life people and her eat far more vast quantities of food than I could ever take in. Some of us really do have metabolic problems. Her life seems to be a video diary of eating bad American food, that definitely has affected her obesity. Well I've asked for years why don't we get to have more healthy food in America? There's a lot of fast food I wish I never touched when young. 

She appears to be far more socioeconomically comfortable especially for a supersized woman than most. One website detailed her worth at 4 million, I don't know, a lot of those websites are wrong. She's not living on a disability check alone to have all that makeup, jewelry, and take-out food. I read too she used to be a super-sized model. I do get the feeling from her art work, and reading about her family history there was some early trauma, I've only seen a few of the videos so far. Her eyes have a kind of distant look to them and her art work is so "controlled" with repeating lines and patterns. This is the wannabe art therapist in me writing.  In one video she said she had OCD, her's definitely manifests different, I can see it.

They sell basically garbage for people to eat then they wonder why people are so diabetic, obese and sick. I get so sick from processed foods, I was watching one of her videos this morning to write this article, and had to be careful, I can get IBS from weird things. Once someone was talking about tiger poop on "Meet the Irvings" and they showed the poop on TV and I got the worse IBS attack ever and almost threw up. She was eating these 5 bright orange Taco-bell Tacos. I had a very bad effect from Taco Bell in my 20s, I never have eaten there since, and almost felt like puking.  That's a horrible giant meal for someone of her size to be eating. Maybe I am guilty of judgment too but something went wrong for her to even want to eat foods like that. 

She does eat very badly and has an eating disorder. I get the feeling the youtube channel was at its peak some years ago when mukbang was more popular and she gained weight doing some of that. Self-destruction for money is never worth it. Sadly that's a trip too many fat people took both in the eating world and sex-worker world.  She shows signs of definite satiety disorder and the processed food, sugars and salt can't be helping. One thing I note is how there are so many haters, her channel is basically a "hate the fatties" channel with angry outraged thin people disgusted by her food intake filling the comments about how she is a "loser", and it's her fault she got turned down for weight loss surgery. Surely she realizes that most of the attention she is getting is negative. She was recently rejected for it. That seems to be a thing out there where people all gather in shout down groups to the so called "deathfats", merely existing at a certain weight makes you a ready target. 

As I have said for years, no one questions why someone even wants that much food? My endocrinologist will have access to the medical nutritionist's report.  I add up calories constantly in my diet journals, to know how much is going in to avoid gains. There's Budgies and then little food lists, I've even draw them. I ate 1970 calories 6 days ago. Yesterday, I was busy and annoyed as hell by hunger pain at least three times, I had crap to do. I have hunger pain now, it sucks, it never leaves me alone. I had an egg sandwich at 9:00 pm on multigrain bread and a banana. My blood sugar was 99 this morning.

I ate half a turkey sandwich at noon, but right now my stomach is growling like hell and its only 3 hours later. I'm planning to make some tomato and orzo soup later but still have to do nebulize my lungs and a few other things. That's my life. I'm don't want to cook but have to because everything processed leaves me dying in the bathroom. I find it a pain, and when you get old food doesn't taste the same anymore. I never got Covid, and can still smell but my memories of how food used to taste aren't the same as now. Old age cuts the appetite down but sadly the metabolism goes with it. 

Thin people don't get that. Hunger pain, and it's actual pain doesn't bother them like fat people. I watch Amber Reid eat and think what are the levels of hunger and satiety? I learned to embrace some hunger pain not to gain but its bugging the hell out of me. Yesterday I ate some eggs, cabbage/green onions, two oranges at different times, an avocado vegetarian burrito, some corn, and noodles and a turkey polish sausage. To the haters, how dare I eat anything? Her food amounts aren't good and the quality of the food is abysmal.

Amberlynn does eat bad food, no doubt of that. She's one that needs to realize processed food is crap. Maybe in her case she would normalize down to the midsizes alone if she gave up fast food and processed. They also put crap in it to make you hungrier and want more. There's too many empty carbs and french fries in her world. Eating mashed potatoes and mac and cheese at the same meal is a big no-no. Sometimes I think supersized people are the canaries in the coal mine, they more affected by all the bad low nutrition food. 

What is scary to me is there is more than one hate channel for AmberLynn Reid. I haven't finished adding them up but there were several. It's kind of scary. People call her names, a glutton etc. I don't agree with some of her choices either, but you can tell there is a lot of amniosity. Hopefully this isn't another case like Whitney Thore, where some bad behavior and ill treatment of others has brought out the hate too. 

It's weird alcoholics aren't hated as much as fat people "overeating" I find that an interesting thing. Maybe that's why there's more treatments for them. People don't like drunks either but I don't see websites where people call out alcoholics or even drug addicts like they do fat people and often the societal damage and harm to others is far higher with those who suffer from substance abuse disorders.

 Amberlynn Reid is on the weight loss failure merry-go around. Diet-binge, diet binge from what I can tell. Too much pleasure is invested in food. I hopped off the weight loss merry-go-round. I got tired, I never could stick to diets, they made me feel like shit, they always oddly skyrocketed the blood sugar. The last diet attempt where I tried to stick to 1600 a day, I couldn't do it.  I stopped dieting years ago which I'm sure has some people here in shock. She got turned down for weight loss surgery, I'm not sure what that is about, she probably failed the weight loss diet to qualify.  Maybe in her case, just trying to eat sanely, put herself on a food schedule and eat healthy food, could take her to midsized land without crazy diets. She would have to give up mukbanging. 

Fat hatred is increasing, one can tell. Fat acceptance kind of screwed over fat people with it's constant denials, about how weight affects health.  Some are disgusted and outraged with superfat people claiming there's no health problems from being obese as they struggle to get up a flight of stairs. This denial always bugged the hell out of me and in the very early years of this blog, I wrote about this writing endless articles against HAES, and more.  Things are getting worse for the obese. Ten years ago I remember thinking everyone's getting so fat, this isn't going to end well and it hasn't. Obesity treatment seems like Covid vaxxes, they don't really work but they push them on you anyway. Hopefully Amberlynn can find her way out of the fat thicket, only very few do. 

As I used to write about years ago, with people growing so fat, why doesn't anyone want to get to the root of the problem? While there was rare fat people in centuries past, no one felt driven to overeat. Some would say there wasn't enough food to overeat for most but obviously the food was a different quality. Covid seems so targeted towards the overweight, I have the phrase "fattened up for the slaughter" going through my mind. The worse thing for fat people is how you lose your humanity, all these people present themselves as faultless who comment on her eating as if they are all marathon running professionals with full bank accounts who practice sexual chastity and only eat boiled broccoli for their dinners. I doubt it. 

There is far more success treating the substance abusers then BED or obesity in general. Here's the difference: They are still seen as humans. 


  1. You said: "It's weird alcoholics aren't hated as much as fat people 'overeating' I find that an interesting thing. Maybe that's why there's more treatments for them. People don't like drunks either but I don't see websites where people call out alcoholics or even drug addicts like they do fat people and often the societal damage and harm to others is far higher with those who suffer from substance abuse disorders." - so true, and such an insightful part of your article.

    Prejudice is definitely going on in terms of trying to make people submissive. Just wondering if the prejudice has something to do with submissiveness in terms of work: "Grind out as much stuff as you can for consumers (aka world consumers) so the country can remain a mighty world monetary power; make as much money as you can to contribute to the tax pool; put the economy and work first place in your life; work harder and faster to be approved; yada, yada."

    In Africa, being overweight is revered - it shows that you are wealthy (this coming from an ex who served in the Peace Corp in the heart of Africa). Supposedly you are treated better, not worse, if you are overweight - fawning takes place in those situations.

    So what do you think "gives" in terms of America's attitudes?

    Being skinny means you can afford a gym membership, that you have the leisure to make yourself fit, while so many working people are sitting in their offices every drinking coffee and putting on pounds?

    Then there are T.V. personalities like 66 year old Vanna White who still has the figure of a woman in her twenties. You know she's probably working almost full time on her figure. After all, all she has to do on her show is turn numbers, wave and clap for a half hour. Most women who go through menopause get over-weight. It's the body's way of holding on to estrogen (slowing the metabolism down - unless, of course, you are on estrogen replacement therapy which can cause cancer). So is that the U.S.A. version of showing you are wealthy, keeping a twenty-something figure?

    1. There's far more treatments for alcoholics. Remember in my case I always wanted to be under hospital supervision to prove eating habits, and why I can't lose weight. Doctors [well most of them] don't harrass me because I was put under nurse supervision and have done things like take a picture of everything I've eaten for a week. That said, the endocrinologist was AWFUL, blathered on about the genetic counselor like it wasn't her concern, didn't know what Lipedema was, tried to push a 1,000 dollar a month weight loss drug on me. I'm keep mouth shut for now, she's doing some cortisol tests since I've tested high on that before to get that done, but when I asked for a testosterone test, to see where that is, she refused! [I had the gynecologist even tell me it wasnt her job let the endocrinologist do it~!] I thought she would investigate things for me with all the kidney stones, but I will do lab tests I got like ACTH and collect pee, but it stunk, another fat prejudice one who has dumbed everything down. Some of the deafness can be a PITA as I am trying to read transcribe phone and processing what to say. I even said at one point, "You need to think outside the box here".

      It's far easier to be thin with money in USA. I have slid back into some food insecurity again it sucks. The food costs are so high. I ate out probably too much but there's times where ordering a salad for 18 dollars--this body I want vegetables, is cheaper than going to buy all the individual ingredients. [at least it's big and goes for two meals] When you have money you can buy more activity, going places, doing things etc. Gym membership costs a lot of money too. Planet Fitness was more affordable, I belonged for a couple years before Covid ruined that for me, but to get trainers and exercise equipment and join sport clubs and activities all cost $$$. The life of many of us fat people is living in apartments without much money to do things. I just paid my rent and well it blows my disability check out of the water. If I was not married, life would be even far harder. Vanna White definitely has wealth for food, exercise, activity to maintain the figure but it's definitely probably punishing. I always wondered if the celeb elite had a special fat cure, but their lives are so active and food so superior, it probably helps to keep the weight down even in old age.

      I noticed those with substance abuse problems were always treated far far better then the fat, well eating addicted fat and medical cases like me, my choice in treatment is go where Tammy Slayton is, and then my entire household is shut down-aka homeless because my disability income goes with me, and BTW years ago, I figured out because I could walk [well kind of walk] Medicare wasn't going to pay. There's no endless clinics, counselors and helps like they got. There's the endless failed diets, I'll be honest I gave up dieting a long time ago adhering to the "don't be 700lbs again" food rules which means no deserts, etc, but the eating is controlled so much via illness--I haven't had a hamburger in 8 years, it's restricted compared to normal people anyhow. I notice I can't talk about what I face, the immense hunger pain, how nothing burns off, and more. They have me on all my medical records as malnutritioned, [probably absorption issue] like I'm sitting around eating nothing but fried dough or something which is one weird facet of things.


    2. A lot of food is poor quality and have noticed to get the good stuff costs a lot of money. When we get more broke, eating becomes torture. Sometimes have said to him, let's learn to fast but I get so sick and weight got worse, when I had only one meal a day. I haven't missed meals yet, but just the constant issue of trying to find or make decent food is exhausting. At least next year he qualifies for the senior center and we can eat cheap lunches there. Also people are constantly exhorting me to exercise, do this, do that. When I am active, I swell up and am literally limping. Some of the pain from that has gotten worse, they took me off Lasix and the drug I am on to remove fluids isn't as strong, supposed to take Lasix 'as needed' but that's an going issue. It's a mind screw because being this fat everyone around me [well not husband he understands] is exhorting me to exercise, be active, use it or lose it and my mobility seems to grow worse. My legs are being kept smaller especially from new machine, but my life is spent between doing stuff and removing fluid. There's times I just get tired you know? That doctor seemed to treat me with disdain. I plan to complain but want to make sure to get tests results I need first. I said at one point in the appointment, I took 30 years to get Lipedema diagnosed [she seemed dumb like she couldn't figure out what I was saying, I wrote the diagnosis name on papers I gave her and gave her letter proving the diagnosis] please don't push me aside this time, I feel like something is very wrong with all these kidney stones and exhaustion and weight is beyond the pale.

      Oh get this on fathers records noticed there was hearing loss and high uric acid, I hadn't read these in years--got them 15 years ago. He didn't go as deaf as me.

      It is about submission, like beating people down, be thin to "worthy", work until you drop at jobs you hate or destroy your health to be "worthy". It's one reason I think they leave most without enough money to live and obviously they are destroying lifestyles now in their greed so we won't even be able to afford food or decent food. Then they'll punish all those who get fatter from more restricted lives from Covid, or don't have money to pay endless crushing bills.

      Yes Africa, overweight are seen as wealthier, they probably are there, with the unadulterated food not fattening up the population.

      I do get worried since I am getting older, mobility is bad. Oh this one even pushed weight loss surgery in one sentence, I said well if I get it done, I want the big gun one, the DS, but inside I know, I have very little chance surviving it and they'd never do it on a person who needs constant supplementation and is anemic never having had WLS.

      I do think substance abuse people are treated far better. I know this drug counselor, who is a upper middle class woman who once during a lecture admitted her drug past. Her life definitely got a lot more support and help to be where she is today than any super overweight person got. My weight has gone down a teeny bit, was 526 about 6 months ago, 507 was recent weight but some of that is from so many foods cause me stones, eating is like a science project but of course in my case I can lose or gain 20-30 in week from fluids but it's been at least consistently a little lower on the baseline.

      I've been a bit worried from some mobility issues and fatigued, I was pretty busy for me, it was for something good as you know, and then it was crash and burn city. Had to take a bunch of water pills, be in bed, leg machine took fluids off, but the doctors seem to have little empathy what I go through. Substance abuse people, definitely are treated better, maybe they feel more hope since they can "recover". Supersized people even the WLS they pass out the 5% number. I know some are in shock, I made it well into my 50s at this size. Some of these doctors seem mind-boggled by just my existence.

    3. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot - and the doctors are all fighting with each other over who is in charge of what, dropping the ball on a meaningful plan. Sounds like our city hall.

      Anyway, I hope you can eventually work this out, and that your doctors can talk to each other rather than reprimanding each other with the patient. Sounds pretty bad, like a dysfunctional family, not what you need at this point.

      I don't eat sweets either. Have always preferred fruit.

      Do you ever shop at farms? Here the veggies and fruits are quite a bit less expensive than the stores. One farm here has a "fill up a bushel basket" for sixteen dollars every August for weeks. We freeze a lot of that food, and some are hardy into the winter like squashes. Just an idea ...

    4. I shop at a lot of farms, spring and summer around 40 percent of food purchased at their veggie stands, one is really good has all sorts of peppers every vegetable imaginable and now they make their own spaghetti sauce and salsa. I go to this yuppie local food place to buy some foods, it's expensive, but I get veggie patties there, seitan, even wild sourdough bread. My food budget gets a LOT easier when the veggie stands are open, the first veggies hit here around June. I'm planning to grow this year, I'm going to go for bulk, I did share some with others first year but last years was so limited. Yeah the doctors are fighting with each other. I see the main one very soon, need to figure out things. She had some heart scan done hope I don't get bad news. I've been stressed a lot lately. I just think too many of the doctors just seem unmotivated, maybe they all got burned out or don't know what to do. Wish there was more curiosity and personality with some of them. Some almost seem to be acting like zombies, they wouldn't be the types in a ER full of dying Covid patients or anything. I even wonder if I am getting some rich kids from foreign countries buying medical degrees to come over here. I had good doctors from foreign countries, the one from Ghana was the best, but I wonder about that at times, I picture them googling to figure out what to do with me. LOL I don't think they communicate much, and the doctors don't seem to read up on the records. The kidney doctor I would say does, so thats a positive for him.

  2. Hi Peeps,
    I thought I made a good commen here.. If there was sometinng offensive about it, I would like to be enlightened? I mean that. Take this opportunity to educate me and others if I got it wrong! I promise l will not go away without a genuine conversation in the subject.

    1. I'm trying to find it, are you sure it went through? I'll check the spam folder. I didn't see anything offensive.

  3. How could I possibly be sure, Peeps? I pushed publish like I always do. My comment was before Lise's. Also sent another after that, saying "where's my comment?" When I didn't hear back, I naturally thought I must have offended you somehow.
    Do you get a lot of spam? The fact you have to set aside time to get to it, suggests you must. If it's a lot to do, never mind.

    1. Chelle I don't think the comment went through, looked all over for it. I never saw it. I wonder if it was a glitch. No, you did not offend me. I do get a lot of spam on here.
