Wednesday, August 16, 2023

UCTD [lupus related] Flares From Hell

I've been in bed for several days except getting up to shower once, go into my leg machine, watch several episodes of Star Trek and eat some food I was mostly disinterested in. I also talked to my husband and helped him with a printer problem.

Any food was eaten for the sake of low blood sugar. The less I eat the more the blood sugars go up which never made sense. They have been high this week. My last A1C was 7.2. It kind of sucks but isn't drastic.

 I did attempt to "go out" one day to buy some painting boards--want to get them why I have a little money and felt like I was going to die, just from walking through the local art supply store. You get this feeling of fatigue, and trust me, I know the difference of heart failure fatigue and all of them, this is different, but you wish you could lay down on the ground and go to sleep. You trudge on thinking, "If only I could lie down there". 

Sores popped out all over a few days in different areas of my body before this, they are the "sign" of what is to come. My forehead goes over the cliff with multiple red sores all over it. My mouth hurts from mouth ulcers, my toes hurt. My ears will ring more, and I lost some hearing but at least that's quieted to it's usual hum. My joints will start "going out". My left wrist feels like I broke or "injured" it [never did] and shooting pain goes through it. Other joints including a shoulder joint aren't doing that well.

 The exhaustion has me lay flat as a pancake. You feel like death is warming over. I wrote in my journal, "I feel like I am dying" at 3am. Some may say "Go to the hospital!" No, it's better to wait it out. If the heart is beating okay and I can breathe, go to the bathroom and am not throwing up, I just wait. They say I have a 15% chance of Lupus, but the checked out rheumatologist said, last Oct, see him this Oct, "You are stable". I don't want to know what 'unstable" is. 

I ate some food from hunger pain today and finally took a shower at 1:00 pm. I feel groggy. I had to call some bill collecter at 8:00am. All my medical bills are skyrocketing. My CPAP supply company wants 150.00 bucks, and 75.00 everytime I get new 3 months supplies of CPAP supplies, this means they are making 400.00 off one mask, a few cushions, a few small filters and a tube. Does everything have to be a rip-off nowadays? So I owe them money rather quickly. I doubt stress helps much with lupus related illnesses.

The fatigue just seems to be getting worse. It really is one reason I don't have much of a life lately outside of the Covid junk. I want to sleep all the time. Being deaf, I feel like I live in a groggy haze where I barely know what is going on. The doctors because I am up out of bed when I see them, just don't seem to have much to offer. "You have several conditions that contribute to fatigue." I turned down going to this one event due to the flare. 

One of my toes keeps hurting too, and not sure what it is doing it. I had toenails even cut by a podiatrist thinking maybe my too long toenails were digging into an adjacent toe, but the pain remained. Nothing's red or rotting off, I've had husband examine them, I obviously don't see my feet that well. I bought a toe protector. 

I went out yesterday finally, time for more domestic crap! I was walking into a grocery store yesterday, I take a cart to keep me upright to get into the store to get on a scooter, I felt like I was leaving my body from fatigue. Hopefully the functional doctor in a couple weeks has more answers. 

Another weird symptom as of late is a metallic taste in my mouth, it's driving me crazy. I can still smell and have still worn N95s everywhere as of now. I blamed it on dirty air, but the AQI isn't that bad. The other day I looked up what can cause this and they said, low B12. Sometimes I worry Metformin is keeping my B12 way too low too. 

The doctors aren't doing much, medical care is diminishing, all of us chronically ill know it too, it's been boiled down to bare bones. We are on our own. Most of us don't want to go to the hospital unless we are acutely dying. Some giant kidney stone is laying in wait, and they told me weird stuff about my bladder, but I told them for that scan, I didn't drink enough water, fearful of having an "accident", so they said, that may be all it is. Next scan will be in 6 months.

My father had Lupus too, wish someone told me when I was a teen, my parents hid so much from me. It may have explained some of how he acted. He worked until he dropped and was always angry.  If I had known it would have explained a few things.  They have no solutions for my UCTD besides a drug that can make me blind and do damage to the retinas I turned down. I'm barely functioning being this deaf, there's a point a person has to protect themselves. Lupus crap does not bring out the best in one's personality. 

I'm trying to study naturopathy stuff, in regards to Lupus and UCTD, saw where one is supposed to take vit E. The flares do seem more frequent which worry me and the symptoms of dermatomyositis seemed to be worsening. When you get old, I think doctors kind of check out, they figure you're old anyway, and they see me as having lasted far past my expiration date. I think this does affect the treatment. I needed the world of pre-Covid to survive a lot better. 


  1. Geez Peeps,
    this sounds awful! Honestly, I don't know how you cope with it. Guess you don't have any choice, right?
    What's up with that metallic taste? That sounds concerning! During Covid injections, when we were all trying to make heads or tails of the varied "reactions" or lack thereof, Dr. Campbell mentioned that getting a "metallic taste" while getting an injection would usually indicate it had gone into a vein. That is the only way "it" could travel there that quickly. That was when we all wanted them (providers) to pull back on the syrenge, just to "make sure" they were not in a vein. No, nothing doing, no such recommendation was heeded or made! Don't know what a metallic taste indicates absent an injection but I would want to know. Seems like it might indicate some sort of "toxcicity" though. Do you take a certain medication when you get these flares, and could that be responsible somehow? I'm sure you must be trying to "look into it" but that is difficult to do when one is ill. I'll google it and see what comes up. Would like to know for myself too.
    I hope your appointment goes well with the "functional" doctor! I know it has the potential of providing you with some, if not many answers. That will depend on the level of curiousity of the physician, of course. I hope he's a super sleuth!
    I just went to the ENT a couple days ago. I could go into a long story, but I won't. It's not worth my time or yours!
    Suffice to say, I went as a followup to my hearing test. My tinnitus improved 80% after taking "I". (But have since discovered, flareups will occur the day after partaking in some Margaritas!)
    I went armed with the labs Dr. Been said to get done for long covid, also wanted to talk about the spike protein found in the skull (bone) of an autopsied person, and the subsequent damage to the menenges, and therefore the activation of the neutrophils, casting their nets and causing "inflamation" in the brain. I wanted to discuss the viability of my hypothesis regarding the tooth I had pulled a week before the onset of my tinnitus, and the role that might have played. I already told you about that, so won't bore you rehashing it again.
    To cut to the chase, when I started explaining about how the spike protein was found in the bone marrow upon autopsy, and in the skull ... "The what," he said. "What's the spike protein?"
    I think I heard my jaw hit the floor! A super sleuth he is not! Can you imagine, an ENT, three years into a a Corona Virus Pandemic, not knowing what the spike protein is? Don't know if he was screwing with me or not. I answered his question, but was pretty interested to get out of there after that.
    He knew I took the "I" because he asked if I had had improvement. I felt it was germane, will not make that mistake again!
    This whole thing pisses me off, so I'll close. Hearing is equal on both sides, 40's. Says it's old age.

    1. I had the bad flare for around 10 days, sores on forehead, sores on other places, severe joint pain, one wrist went out so bad, I couldn't even barely get off my bed, foggy, I barely remember the week. Watched a lot of Star Trek, colored in a few things on illustration project. This week, I got a bad yeast candida infection, body wide. I haven't had one in a long time especially since I cut anything remotely sweet out of the diet but wonder if the flare weakened me, sugars went up even though food was less than usual. I just took a Diflucan. Its so bad digestion is messed up.

      Man looked this up. Remember UCTD is related to Lupus.
      The most common infections in people with lupus involve the respiratory system (lungs and airways), the skin, and the urinary tract. People with lupus are also at high risk for developing Candidiasis, sometimes called thrush or yeast infection, and shingles (the same viral infection as chicken pox).

      Candidas can mess with taste too. It's body wide. Sometimes wonder if I am going to get overtaken with it at times. I get paranoid thinking oh no I ate a piece of sour dough bread, or other stuff. If I ate 3 bites of a candy bar, the thrush would have a free for all.

    2. Yeah it's pretty bad. Bad combo, it's easier to be a sick wilting CFS flower when skinny, when youre fat, youre' just a lazy bum. Skin rashes all over. One bust out on back of my knee. Forehead sores are under the hairline, harder to see at least but there. Turn red some days. I tried posting on this one fat reddit board, looks like astroturfer place to torture the fat people. "Youre making excuses while they drum on about CICO.". Hope falafel salad and rice will be safe, sometimes so frigging sick of figuring out WHAT TO eat. I get in these weird moods, "Don't eat today" The metallic taste is mostly gone though food tastes ick this week. Like my taste buds have died, I can still smell. Yeah I read about the metallic tastes from the clot shot, from the nanos and graphene. I always though man that stuff would ruin me.

      I see the functional doctor next week, made apt in morning so heat can't ruin it, hope we don't get a psycho heat dome, I think we are in the tribulation now, FIRE FROM HEAVEN is a bible verse I remember thinking of a certain event. I plan to ask him how careful do I need to be anymore, I am going to post about this but I have decided to see some friends without masks, because my mental health is getting in drastic trouble, and about other treatments, promise me the IVM or management of HCQ and other medications for Covid if I get it, because I can't live isolated like this. BTW they can shove up the new fear mongering up their ass. I'm tired of it. All of us can tell those bastards have no plan beyond filling everyone with endless useless clot shots and continuing Covid forever like the war on terror or war on drugs. There will be no social life left or society. After my abuses by the zombies, the few I told anyhow, I do feel a bit tense about things. I told husband one day they will round us up for the camps, if we are on the biblical timeline now.

    3. I hope he's a super sleuth. I really really hope he is not somehow a vaxxed one. I have to be ready for anything. I doubt it looking at some stuff online but have been disappointed before. I have to take pictures of my supplements, and write stuff I've used before. I probably need some priobiotics. Wonder how long they live in the fridge, I have a bottle somewhere, I think I'll take some tomorrow. My diet goes to crap when sick, not sugar or pigging out just quality. This town never heard of a health food store. Glad to hear your tinnintus is better, and "I" helped it, that's great to hear. LOL Ive had more hearing problems the day after hearing tests, oh hearing is so bad today, it's worse when its high pressure and hotter than hell and humid.

      I hope there's no spikes in your skull, yeah that kind of stuff freaks me out, but you know I've given 4 years to covid now and need a life back. I wish I had time and energy and money, I would file a lawsuit now based on their failures and shit vaccines. The disability organizations are no help, vaxxed to the max libtard city, they all abandoned us to the eugenicists.

      He didn't know what a spike protein was OMG!!!!!

      This doesn't surprise me by the way in one way. People don't read, they watch mainstream news and that's it. There's times I tried to explain things to people and they didn't know what any of the words meant. Sigh. This is how these Dr. Mengele's can easily screw over most of the public. He sounds kind of dumb honestly. Like he doesn't even read at all. That would scare me. He could be messed up by the vaxx, there's some medical professionals I have, where I wonder if they are still competent. Serious about this. it scares the hell out of me. He told you old age. Sheesh. Hey I got told that once! LOL I was 32. That doctor was crazy. She said "genetic hearing loss" I said all my relatives are hearing give me a break...

      I was in the time of Meniere's where I was having severe vertigo and she ignored this stuff. it was so bad, I would lose all balance and could barely stay upright. Oh god I had a couple dizzy spells in last couple days, I know it's weather related. I have to be careful even scrolling on computer or will fall over.

  2. P.S. Peeps,
    I was re-reading what you wrote, must have missed the low vitimin B12 component to the metallic taste. Seems odd to me though, that a taste would come from something "missing" than something being added.
