"Antibiotic Use May Be Bad for Body's Good Bacteria"
(WebMD) Antibiotic overuse doesn't just lead to drug-resistant superbugs, it may also permanently wipe out the body's good bacteria.
Good bacteria in the gut help people in many ways, including helping make vitamins and boosting immunity. Some researchers think that killing them off with antibiotics may be contributing to rises in chronic health conditions such as obesity, asthma, and cancer.
Antibiotics have saved my life, so I can't totally diss them myself but this is an interesting theory. I was on tons of antibiotics for chronic bronchitis related to severe asthma in my early 20s.
Farmers, for example, discovered decades ago that animals fed small amounts of antibiotics, below the doses used to treat infections, gain more weight..
"That works so well that it accounts for more than half of antibiotic use in the United States," Blaser says. "Since it works in chicken, turkeys, cows, and sheep, I presumed it would work in mice, and it does."
Antibiotics, he thinks, may also be contributing to obesity in humans, though Blaser says no one yet understands how.
Beyond obesity, he says studies have shown that a child's risk for inflammatory bowel disease increases with the number of courses of antibiotics taken
I need to look into this, are they feeding our animals antibiotics to get them to gain weight faster?
What do they expect to happen to us since we eat those animals?
"More than 90% of U.S. pig farms, for example, feed the animals antibiotics for such non-treatment reasons as promotion of weight gain"
More on the use of antibiotics on animals for weight gain...
This has been outlawed elsewhere. Even knowing what I know about how superbugs are outdistancing the antibiotics, this disgusts me to no end!!!
As I have talked about on this blog many times, they are doing very very bad things to our food.
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