Sunday, September 24, 2023

Covid is Forever like the War on Drugs and Terror: Using Fear to Control

                                                       One thing has always bugged me, they always wanted to 
                                                                                 just scare the crap out of us instead of any resiliency,
                                                                                               solutions or hope for the future.

Covid is/was hell for germaphobes. A couple months ago I was reading Naomi Wolf's book, "The Bodies of Others" and she made a good point. Decades ago, tuberculosis was everywhere and tuberculosis could really mess people up but people didn't stop living because of it. As the march of time continued, I started doing math projects in my head. "How long can I go without having a life?" and "How many years do I have left to live anyway?" So that took a toll. How many years am I willing to give this? I hit my point of toleration. If I see any people getting really sick or hospitalized, I'll readjust my actions but I've already spent two years as the hidden away germphobe watching the rest of humanity around me living normal lives. With the news I'm fed up, leave me alone with your Covid 2.0 and other crap. I can tell the public checked out long ago. They are OVER IT.  This is how I feel when they name "new variants" now. 

They named one Covid variant, "pirola" which means an intimate male part of the anatomy. Is someone mocking people? Some of us are going to have to return to making life decisions based on what we see, hear, smell and perceive in front of our faces. The news lies. So if I suddenly have 5 friends in the hospital or someone died, yeah maybe I will re-examine things but someone's lying and I've lost so much time. Maybe my friends who believe it was all a hoax [after the initial severe illnesses] were right. They walked around normally and never ended up in the hospital in these past 3 and half years.

I have the theory some SARS was released as an bioweapon to create deaths and life long problems in people to make the pandemic believable [aka the Delta era and maybe early Omnicron], but the false PCR tests carried the water and increased the numbers for it to be dragged out this long. Some areas it seemed Covid was far worse in the early days like the releases were done in certain areas. 

I mean look at this....[I saw this article in several mainstream news websites].Has it become mild? A lot of people I asked "Well what was Covid like?" this last year seemed to describe an ordinary cold or flu.

I'm finally returning back to life somewhat. Three and half years of hermithood was hard. My mental and physical health are making it necessary. One of my house call doctors said to me, "Your mental and physical health are being affected, you need to start socializing again. They even said it was time to take the masks off and go back to living. Oh I did ask the functional doctor what to do but he was non-committal on the masks. He did tell me he doesn't wear masks, but when I asked "Is it real?" He said Yes. He has been helpful otherwise, more on that later. 

  All the isolation did harm me. My health is worse now. Some gardening and other activities did keep it from complete collapse, but I paid a price. Mentally there was a lot of losses from Covid. This year my husband qualifies for the Senior Center, I don't see me wearing masks there, and how will we eat meals there? Also if I want to find a new church [that's complicated and I don't feel like I fit anywhere] or do other groups, it's time to talk to people again.

There's some disabled people I know who didn't leave their house for years. I hope they are finally coming out. I need to ask a few. 

 I have started seeing a few friends without masks, and have allowed myself to do outdoor events now unmasked around people.  The second time I had ripped the mask off to talk to a friend outside on the apartment building portico felt weird. However the very first time I ripped off the mask, was when I and my husband took a day trip with one of our closest friends and I realized wearing a mask all day in the same car, in 80 degrees was going to ruin the trip. Physically it was beyond me.  We were going to a zine conference, one of my favorite things to do, and I wanted to have fun. My tolerance for the masks is about 3 hours at most, and 12-16 hours masked up wasn't going to happen. The zine conference required masks in there. I was okay wearing it in there. 

 I was already having problems breathing, after an hour moving around in the mask at home--friend was over in our apartment and then an hour in the car. I thought "I am going to have to eat and drink today, screw this noise", and ripped it off. It was scary. Hey I'll admit the Covidians got to me too. I'm not perfect. The day went far better. It almost felt like old times. The conversation changed, I felt closer to our friend and more relaxed.

Those damn masks really are hard to breathe in. I had to consult one doctor telling him when I walked while masked, I would see spots in my eyes and they told me I was getting too much Co2. So all the people who claim the masks don't impede your breathing are wrong. 

Maybe I admitted this years ago on this blog, but I'm a bit of a germaphobe. Most germaphobes are neat, I'm not so maybe that kept it controllable. Years of OCD played a part. Ok this is an extreme admission, but I'll do it: I had absolutely no unmasked contact with any human beings but my husband from March 2020-August 2023. Well I forgot the dentist but there was an air cleaner right next to me and a masked doctor or two checking my mouth and throat. I wore N95/KN95 by the third week.

My real life social life well what little there was of one completely died, except for three regional friends who helped me keep my sanity. They were good enough friends to understand my lung disorders and paranoia based in severe health problems.  We met while masked up.  I even missed ACQUAINTANCES. I'm one of those people who runs into people they know when they go into town. 

Maybe I took Covid too far to insanity land. It's possible. I didn't get a cold for 3 and a half years. I don't know if the masks did that, I wasn't around people very often except walking by a few in stores and the few regional friends.

 Some friends have told me the masks don't work, maybe they don't. There was a study that came out that said masks are a waste of time. At this conjecture, all the conflicting studies just make my head hurt. I also have wondered for many many months how much of a con Covid seemed to be. Some people did prove to me people really got sick in the early days, but I wonder about how much of the Covid pandemic was rolled along with the false positives for colds and flus on those plastic "pregnancy test" looking strips. My pro-vaxx church I left, some of them during Zoom services would announce they got Covid, but they just looked like they had colds. 

My mental and physical health did get affected, maybe I made poor choices, maybe I was taken in by the con. While some of us against Covid tyranny sometimes get angry at the gullible public, never get so arrogant yourself about your own mistakes, or falling for cons.   I do think there was a serious illness in the early days of Covid, some people I know got messed up, but I wonder now if they are dragging it out to force more vaxxes and make more profit. When you realize that the powers that be want it to be forever, that's a problem. I got tired of seeing people praises masks and lockdowns like they were eager for them to be forever on Twitter.

Many in positions of power never wanted this to end. They didn't want normal life to come back. Sometimes I told off these people online and said "Stop praising failure" and "Why do you want us to live locked up forever?" They creeped me out. Many seemed to see their forever masking as a badge of honor while I was tired of the physical suffering the masks gave me and the distance from others they created. Among these experts, I felt like I was reliving life among my narcissistic parents, being told "Do what you are told" and given no hope of any future freedom or life. I had thoughts in my head like "Well sometimes you just have to grab life by the reins and don't wait for permission!" 

Over these years, I have thought  this is a horrendous position to have put a severely disabled person in. I knew the shots would kill me and they sickened so many of my friends, I have no regrets that I never took one Covid shot, though I still regret that flu shot of 2018-2019 now that we know none of these people can be trusted. Sadly I saw people growing more sick. I'm an autistic that can see patterns and when several people all start having dementia problems or aren't speaking the same, I noticed. It was very hard to deal with the fact most were lining up and still not connecting the dots. I'm not sure I will ever be able to deal with the grief involved with this whole mess. At times I thought someone should sue some of these bastards, but I didn't have Covid damages, staying uninfected as far as I knew. A disabled person with damages or vaxx injuries should go sue if they can manage it financially or mentally, sue under ADA. Contact some of those freedom lawyers. 

Reading some of the things I have and realizing this was genocide against the American people, I've cried tears that are hard to explain. I can't tell now, if they still plan to keep killing us, or if they have depopulated enough and gotten enough truckloads of cash, but it's obvious as I said in that one poem that viruses are now like the war on drugs and the war on terror, it's another version of war against us. If we are on the biblical timeline of evil elites "wearing out the saints", then none of this is going to end. I have no belief in this world system, politics at all. The ones running the show are full blown psychopaths. I posted the Bjorn Hansen video yesterday thinking, "The only solution now is to try and get the best life, they can't ruin". 

And I guess this is what I have decided. It's like going "no contact" with more people except now it's evil leaders you know do not care and have done everything to destroy your life and the lives of millions. It's a captured "expert" class where too many narcissists rose to the top of privileged positions, issuing their edicts on high and we all know narcissists don't care about equality or enjoyment of life. They like to watch people suffer and are sadists and to be honest I found myself asking "How many public health officials are out and out sadists drunk on their own power?" When I saw some of the official accounts with many praising forever lock-downs and masks, I was disgusted.  No one was interested in solutions for any would be real virus. They still push that one drug that destroys kidneys in the hospital and the other drug that causes rebounds and seems to mess up immune systems. I did get the functional doctor to promise to treat me, if I catch Covid/or any would be novel virus. They also won't admit any mistakes just like malignant narcissists, so even as people get sick and die, they will never admit they are wrong just like Dr. Toby Rogers states. 

Sometimes you can't wait for permission to leave a cage, you have to bust out or walk out on your own even with the worries making you afraid to leave it. 

I don't know anyone who has been in the hospital with Covid in two whole years. I read dissenters online one was named Harvard2BigHouse, who said Covid [not the vaxxes--he didn't support those either] was going to kill everyone off.  I'm not going to come out and say this guy's wrong. I don't know. Some people wonder about shills who just want to scare the hell out of everyone. Maybe he's for real. I did keep asking him but he ignored this question on Twitter, why weren't the elite afraid of getting it and dying themselves? Others had the theory they had an antidote while others claimed they were immune. 

I also read scary Pubmed articles that said Covid would bring Alzheimers, dementia and did stuff to the brain and vascular system. Sometimes I would read this stuff, then go to the store and think "Shouldn't everyone be dead by now?"  It was confusing. I know a lot of sick people but they were all ardent vaxxers. Many said Long Covid was really vax damage. 

Many of these people wrote and told people mild Covid was going to kill everyone and some even went as far to say it would kill millions. So I hid out. If he's right about Covid being airborne AIDS, then we are all screwed anyway. Will it matter if I hide out from people for the next 10 years, if that's true. Society will collapse anyway. 

One has to live their life. I guess that's conclusion I came to. There's a lot of other stuff that can kill me, that's wrong with me now. I was running from the Grim Reaper by my 20s. I'm doing some stuff lately like seeing a few friends without masks, [my mental health was ready for collapse from all the loneliness] and asked them if they have the slightest cold or cold like symptoms to avoid me. Which I would have wanted them to do in the before times. I did go to an outdoor festival unmasked, it was weird, I was talking to people after three years. There was some happiness because these acquaintances remembered us. I saw some other friends there too and was happy to see them. Conversation has been far different unmasked. Maybe I can recover somewhat of an offline social life. I lost so many connections, its very sad. I miss so many people.

My husband firmly believes the virus is real. Remember while we both refused vaxxes seeing friends get sick, we do have some different views. He doesn't see this as depopulation driven or things in the bible context, but as pure greed and incompetence. He's asked me to keep masks on for now in public indoor spaces. I've told him my worries that this is all a con, and we've ruined our lives for nothing. I said, "There definitely was something real making people sick in the beginning but something's majorly fishy now!"

He is scared for me, so I'm taking things slow for his sake. He does think Covid could be coming back, while I wonder about them yanking our chain. [yet again]. I showed him this article before posting it and he said, "What if it is really coming back, you don't want to look silly!" So let me add the caveat, this article is just one person giving their outlook, assess your own life and risks. They could be releasing more stuff on us. Who knows? They lie about everything.  He told me he knows some people who [recently] got messed up beyond a cold. I have to ask him more later. Are they vaxxed? The vaxx bringing illness has muddied everything too.

 I plan to share some articles with him but for now I have continued to wear masks indoors, like at the grocery store and more. In my town I am one of the last hold-outs. At least this is a reticent place so no one mocked me in the streets or anything.  It is better immune system wise to slowly wean off the masks. My immune system hasn't been exposed to people except 1-4 people and multiple people at an outdoor festival where there was a breeze and I was sitting behind a table, usually that proverbial 6 feet away from them.

 I do worry about damage to my immune system from being masked up too long. One of my doctors told me to take it slow if I needed to. Another doctor was in shock, I never have had Covid [maybe if you don't test in these latest years, you never have it, lol]. There never were cold symptoms to worry about. I know the first time I get a cold or flu, I'm probably going to lose it, but I refuse to take one of those tests I don't trust or the Q-tip brain and blood busting one. They can test my blood if I get sick enough in the hospital. This doctor even wondered if I was immune. "Maybe you are getting it asymptomatically". I didn't tell him I thought that "asymptomatic" stuff was silly manipulation. 

They knew I was masking but I guess Covid spread so far and wide, they were in shock, I never got it. It seems I was a rarity.  Maybe I was just lucky, or [it doesn't exist now and has really been over for some time]. Maybe my habits like eating a lot of eggs--I eat eggs everyday and try to give husband eggs on a regular basis helped. Maybe the habit of taking zinc and Vit C everytime I was exposed to people helped. I don't know. I'm on such a concoction of drugs and don't have a normal body. I had every cold known to man during the course of my life. I dread the first time I get a cold or flu and how I will emotionally react. 

It's time to make plans and live some of life. Most people I can tell have moved on. Living one's life always fearing death and illness coupled with severe disabilities is screwed up beyond the pale.  There's a point where things get stupid and it reached that point. I believe in life after death and even Jesus Christ warned those whoever loves their life will lose it. I don't feel like I am as smart as I thought I was. I never could figure out for sure what was going on. It was maddening. Here again, we have been abused by psychopaths putting us in a mind control hall of mirrors, keeping us on edge. No one knows what is going on and fears the hammer slamming them down at any second. Maybe the wisest just decided not to play their game anymore. I don't want to play it anymore.  For us disabled people who have almost died or fear being made more weak and helpless, their torture was even more extreme. 

I do fear our evil elite unleashing more viruses on us. Anytime the peasants get uppity they can have one of their owned and psychopathic "scientists" do their thing. I'm going back to that advice, "Get the best life they can't ruin". At this point they just want to take everything away from us and we have to grab on to what we can. There's also refusing to comply and just saying "No, I'm done! You are liars and have nothing to offer me." 

These elites are too arrogant to even realize what happens when people stop believing in institutions. Yes, they destroyed all of those as well. None of us with any critical thinking trust the experts anymore. Will you ever listen to the CDC, WHO, or experts on anything? We learned they aren't to be trusted. The fact alone they still push clot shots that harm people is enough to know there's no moral steering left, they are full blown evil. Adjust accordingly and take care of yourselves. Find what happiness you can in life. Don't let them take everything away from you. 



  1. Funnily enough, this makes me of a song that came out in 1980, I think it was, which seems eerily prescient, in light of the points you're raising.

    It's by the Lightning Raiders, and it's called Views: "If you go out tonight/If you have fun tonight/Don't let them tell you what to do/You know as well as they do

    "If you go out tonight/You'll be all right tonight/Don't let nobody tell you/They're only trying to sell you --Views/Attitudes/Will make you lose/Your point of views."

    You can hear it here:

    Obviously, this was long before COVID -- I presume they're talking about the growing pains of a capital city where most things still shut down at midnight -- but the point is, it's not a new debate, certainly.

    I am still taking a wait and see attitude before I get excited, one way or the other. I do agree the masks are probably best in short stints -- I couldn't see doing it for the entirety of that festival we attended, certainly.

    But I'm not ready to toss them just yet. At a minimum, you're not breathing in the worst of everybody's snot, spit, and God knows what else, so at least that's kept out. I just want to see if it really ends up being three notches down or so, from where it was before, and if so, maybe we can turn some kind of corner or other. There is no road map for the unprecedented, which is why such events are so hard to deal with.

    Not sure if your TB comparison is 100% accurate -- public health authorities responded with education campaigns, as they initially believed it was a hyigene-related disease. (Not everybody was well-off enough to hit the sanatoriums that began popping up to try and deal with the condition.) In other instances, people could be quarantined against their will, if local authorities decided that an epidemic (or pandemic) was raging out of control.

    So I don't think they just allowed everyone to go their merry own way -- though it should also be noted that there's no clear consensus on why TB rates dropped dramatically near the end of the 1800s. Better housing and sanitation are thrown out as the most common reasons, but the historical debate persists.

    I don't see any point in suing. You're going to end up like the Iranaian hostages, who won their case in federal court, but have yet to collect a dinar from the Ayatollah's estate. At best, you'll end up in a long line of claimants who will wait years -- if then -- before they ever see a dime. Far better to see if it's finally tapering off into something a tad less consequential or catastrophic.

    Not sure I agree with your idea that everybody wants this to go on forever -- we wouldn't see all these maniacal CEOs demanding everyone rush back to the office if that were the case, would we? It was also the reason why Trump flailed in his response -- don't forget, he refused to give up any of his businesses, which were mostly hotels and restaurants, and were all taking a big hit when the pandemic first struck. Had he taken it more seriously, instead of the scattershot sort of approach that he took, he might well be sitting up there now (scary as that image is).

    It seems to me that everyone would make more money in a reopened economy, than a closed down one, so you might want to break that one down again. I agree that this whole thing proved hellish for germophobes of all stripes -- but in all our discussions, I've always tried to keep you safe, which is my number one thought. Had something happened to you in that time, I would have never forgiven myself for allowing it.

    So those are a few of the thoughts that come to mind as I read your latest thoughts on this monster virus that has taken such a big chunk out of our lives. --Mr. Peep

  2. Good song, well some of us have to find our good times despite nay-sayers, not decadent ones, hopefully. LOL
    You remember how every 80s movies ended with the people have a party. Makes you wonder. Yeah they were so focused on everyone "having a good time", society went to hell. Now they seem like they want all parties, and happiness shut down forever. Like you all got to have your final blowout. Of course now they will use economics to make sure one is miserable.
    In the old days being poor didn't mean being alone and without people.

    I understand you doing "wait and see" stances. Sometimes one has to figure out what is going on via observation. Yeah we couldn't wear masks that long, I get too many breathing problems. Even when our friend was here for some times before then, I'd have to go in bedroom with closed door for "breathing breaks". I thought at one point, "This is insane! " I'll never forgive those SOBS at the top for adding new worries, and stress to life. And for making it seemingly forever, why aren't they in jail yet. I can't be the only pissed off person out there.

    Yeah I know you want to wear the masks a bit longer. I thought of going cold turkey and taking whatever comes, but figure with our isolated immune systems, a slower removal may be ideal. Some friends and others have shared this study with me, where they seemed to prove masks [even N95s] don't work. I still have to review and read it carefully.

    Can you read it when you get a chance and tell me what you think. This one has been used as the "golden standard" by those who have said "Just ditch those masks already"

    Here to be fair, I will put up an article that opposed the study.

    I know there is the side, but we didn't get a cold for 3 and half years or Covid either. LOL We weren't around many people and well with Covid, those who say the pandemic is mostly manufactured would say Covid doesn't really exist. It all gets maddening I know.

    I wish we both knew more of what is going on. If we hear about anyone in hospital or having died from a virus then we can readjust. You know I'm freaked out because everyone seems SICK. But its like a slow grind, die slowly sickness in most of them. [autoimmune, vaxx injuries, etc] except the "died suddenly" people are a sizeable group.

    Remember that one doctor said I have to return back to life, confronting me about my decline. I fear dying if I don't. [aka more immobile] I know the isolation has affected me, I can't mask anymore barely in the autistic way, it's worsened my autism. So kind of in a damned if I do, damned if I don't position. I had happy moments talking to people unemcumbered the other day you know. Almost felt like a human. I have life plans the masks kind of interfere with, full involvement with senior centers--[if we end up staying here or in another town] PACE--if I go into that program, how's it going to work being muffled all day, I can't wear them that long, and finding another church or at least groups and bible studies. I think there has to be an end point to this. 4 years is a lot of time to lose. We know people who never got Covid, and live normally and seem no worse for wear. There's a point life has to be returned to despite risks. And yeah I know you had to carry the worry of keeping me safe, knowing medical risks are so high for me. I worry too not wanting you to get sick too. Always worried about a bad decision.

  3. I think they want it to be forever. The plan for America I believe is to shut down our economy and break this place up. The American dream is over. Sure the CEOs wanted people going back to work, but go on the other page where I talk to Lise about what's happening out there, so many are getting sick, they can't even keep restaurants going. I know we differ on the depopulation plans, and my belief that Covid/Covid vaxxes are a planned genocide. Think about it this way, if they really wanted people to GET BETTER, why aren't they cleaning the air if there are viruses out there or finding/focusing on treatments that work like HCQ [or any that may work] From my view of things they seem to be breaking everything down here. Like 9-11 was a controlled demolition, this is a "controlled demolition of America" [the country, people and economy] for their globalist plans. This is why the "die-off" has been kept slow so the normies don't wake up in time to stop it. Be careful of those using terms like "conspiracy theory" to stop you from questioning the Establishment and their now murderous ways.

    You never have to worry about me voting for Trump even knowing how much I hate and despise Brandon now, because I believe Trump was in on the Covid plans and his actions made sure it SPREAD [whatever bioweapon, releases etc, they put out there] He also played an integral part in Operation Warp Speed.
