Friday, October 13, 2023

More War


Well it looks like the warmongers are getting their way.  I warned about a "one world government" for years on my old religion blog. I do wonder if we are going to have WWIII soon. If we are on the biblical time line and Corona is the first "seal" well, all those with bible knowledge know how bad everything gets. The Plan for the New American Century always had Iran on the war list. It was included in General Wesley Clark's warnings about the planned wars.

All that stuff about hang gliders and unprotected people in one of the most armed up, security conscious nations in the world, never made sense to me. This occurred to others too:

 PSYOP-ISRAEL-WAR? - 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

If someone asks what side I'm on don't bother. There's blood on both sides. The Palestinian  people definitely are being oppressed: especially as one can see Netanyahu cheering blowing up of apartment buildings of civilians in Gaza and Israelis have suffered the effects of terrorism. 

I agree with those who say they stand with the innocent, ordinary people of Israel and Palestine. The war mongers are now going to mean more innocent people die. 

How are Americans who are being crushed supposed to finance another war? Sadly the evangelical world is all lining up for war yet again. One would think they would have learned their lesson during the Iraq and Afghanistan debacle, but I guess not. This disgusts me. I walked out of that second IFB church because the pastor there went on a rant about Israel and how we should go to war with Iran. His son who had been in Afghanistan got up and praised war and acted like combat was summer camp. I was so creeped out. I literally got up and walked out mid-service and never returned, and that was after a year in that church. 

 And because Biden's stumping for Israel, the liberal world is in support. You ever notice no one cares about nuclear war anymore or humanity annihilating itself? There's no anti-war movement anymore. Humanity is on a self-destructive path because of a bunch of psychopaths that run things in this world. Our leaders aka parasites, chose nothing but evil.

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