Monday, March 11, 2024

Conversation I had with Husband about Religion


I told my husband, "You know those people who get married 6 or 7 times, and always divorce, that's me and religion. I laughed and said, "I should have just picked one and stuck with it". He didn't disagree. I've joked before about visiting the religious shopping mall and choosing different religions. I don't want to return to the evangelical world. There's too much baggage. There were too many oily pastors that reminded me of crooked used car salesmen.  They were out for your money. It's probably not an accident the only sincere pastor I had, [in my first IFB church] left the pastorship to become a truck driver. He's still a Christian but I can understand why he is done with the whole mess. He was tired of the corruption of organized religion and wrote about that on a blog.

My discussion with two close friends of mine was interesting, I said, "I messed religion up, I've been so many of them." My special autistic interest was religion, and added some facts about Mormonism to Gnosticism. They were surprised how deep into religions I went. 

I sometimes joke too, "Church costs money", if you don't have any don't bother showing up. I always wish there was a church for poor people where one could share resources with each other. Some churches do share with their members, my long ago church with the sincere pastor, we had a food pantry we were welcome to all take food out of when we needed it. The UUs helped my husband who is still a member there. 

I still like Jesus's teachings, but I don't even know what church I would fit in now. I still post on some fifth principle UU boards on Facebook. Some of those, the people left like me, some found new church homes in liberal Christianity or other churches. They question the direction the modern left has taken and post articles about how young people are being harmed by the trans movement. 

Add the evangelical preachers in their 3 piece suits to this picture too. 

It seems impossible to find a church that hasn't gone globalist bowing before Klaus Schwab, or extreme "woke" or one that isn't Dominionist. Being against both of those things there's nowhere to go to church. Sometimes I think socially I need to just suck it up, and choose something, because I am so used to meeting people at church. I've tried to remind myself other people manage without church, you have your art club and when you move you can find other groups and hobbies to meet people.

With religious issues, I hit a wall, no longer wanting any hoops to be told to jump through. My beliefs from one of the most complicated religious histories of any human on earth, are probably a mish-mash, that would confuse most people. Most people don't know what Christian Universalism is. I can't go to a lot of churches as they fly the Israeli flag and preach war. I think blowing up tens of thousands of kids is evil.

Most organized religion is run by the elites and used for social control and pushing the status quo. Most of the churches all jumped on the Covid vaxx train. This wasn't just the UUs but plenty of Christian churches. 



  1. The first time we were offered the choice between our authentic spirituality and Christ, that decision was made for us at the point of a sword. Our ancestors laughed at the idea of groveling and 'total depravity' and said that the Levitical laws prohibited things that only a sick people would even think of, and they were slaughtered en masse--in order to bring us to Christ.

    Our authentic spirituality was literally buried and churches built atop of them, same with Tenochtitlan/Mexico City. That's what early Christianity did: It snuffed out the competition.

    I think Christianity has ended up as a sheep pen to keep pure souls as sacrifices to the Evil One, helpless and willing to go to the slaughter. I think Christianity was deliberately constructed to mirror the authentic spirituality of our peoples in order to make it look the same, and thus easier to accept, but without its original power. This was perfected with Calvinism, et. al.

    I've searched for the truth, and tried to follow Christ most of my life, but my self-sacrifice only enlarges the evil around me. I think a return to our roots is needed to unseat the Evil that proceeds by sorcery, a very real sorcery. They probably wiped out the other spiritual practices because those were the ones that would actually be effective against what they were bringing into the world. Nature is on our side, and she has a LOT of resources at her disposal. I think she, and we, together can unseat the entities that have been formed, that are running people as group souls, like animals.

    Look into egregores. I think they've used the Hermetic principles to form god-spirits by harnessing mass consciousness using myths as 'seeds'. The people give part of their spirit to the collective soul, and it returns into them until they become one with it. It's all contrived, yet it operates. The Exodus story describes the formation of such a god-spirit. The Lord's Supper is similar hocus-pocus. It's about creating God layer-upon-layer from several lesser gods created first. Solomon's Temple never existed until 1776. You're living in it now.

    1. Someone posted about "rightly dividing the Word" and they had the theory one was to weigh truth vs lies, I thought it was an interesting theory. I think of all the books that have been left out like Enoch. And Enoch is mentioned in books of scripture. I came to ask why should I trust the Council of Nicea since Constantine put it together. There were of course books in Catholic bibles removed in Protestant ones. I don't believe Christ wanted "empire Christianity" [he warned of a false religious system "men walking as trees", and we got it] I never wrote about this here but when I was fundamentalist I left the churches for a time then, got too lonely and went back to the 2nd IFB, I was exploring some of those ideas. There are those who know they shut down more authentic spirituality and that many teachings of Jesus Christ were skewed. I have studied if hell is an add-on, Cathars and others who definitely had very different beliefs before Rome entered the show. LOL most churches probably would toss me out even to study a few of the things I have looked at, like reading Gnostic Gospels by Pagels. Of course there's errors in the Gnostic world as well, but that book was interesting talking about how books were chosen and others were left out. There are those who believe the OT is the demiurge and recognize a different God, in NT, maybe there's a mixture, back to that dividing the Word thing again. I think all the stuff done at the edge of the sword, the domination stuff was not of the true Creator God. [of course these are religious themes I am exploring, I don't have all the answers now.
      I wonder why so many of those early Christian groups were snuffed out. It's a history I haven't had time to research enough yet, the Cathers, the Abligensians, etc, why should I trust the "empires" version of the facts. I don't talk about all the weird rabbit holes I follow on here. Don't want to think readers I'm too strange, but I've read about the Saturn cult, if you know what is.

      One reason I left the evangelical world was the darkness enveloped in it. I suppose I see all the reality of where Dominionism lies, the endless abuse cases and PTSD from 'church', the war mongering, the capture by the system--elites, etc. Sadly I erred going to back to the UU of course too hoping to find freedom [of conscience] only too find the same hoops I had to jump through just from the other side of the divide. [left instead of right]

      The churches are serving the elite, there's a reason so many churches pushed the vaxx including my last one.
      I see truth in Jesus Christ and his teachings but how do I explain to people I'm done with the Christian church. That one is so complicated I haven't even tried. Some people asked me if I am going back to evangelical churches after leaving the UU. I really don't want to. I had enough shame, guilt, and being told to toe the line and that everything was my fault for a life time.

      You are correct many things were skewed. Religion is about power and control. The elites run most religions from the top. I think many people are seekers after truth in the mess, and hopefully God will honor that. One thing the churches lie about the constant self sacrifice and bowing to the evil. You know I've studied enough of the Bible, there's so much left out. Smakintosh went down that road. I don't think God ever wanted us to debase ourselves and enable the evil. I think too about the narcissism teachings in religion. Where they focus on scapegoating. [here is where I ask why is Christ's death all important and not his life to many of them] I don't mind the idea of Christ providing salvation but it's something I think about. They tell the down and out of this world that they are wicked, and skew it all.

      Yes returning to roots is an idea many are exploring. Many others are lonely on the solitary path realizing something is very wrong with these churches, and the messages they gave us.


    2. I've studied some odd stuff, I don't go into every heavy "conspiracy theory" thing here, but basically there are spells being done on the populace, that one revelations of Jesus Christ guy calls it Lesser magic. They know how to harness collective consciousness and deep aspect of mind control to lead the population in certain directions and with this level of technology it's onlty going to get worse. This is some of the stuff tied to the dangers of technology I have read about and warned about. Some believe gods can be "created" in a way, they call them..."tulpas". Of this I think it is very possible. They warn about this in other religions like Buddhism.

      That's interesting about Solomon's Temple, I see what you mean.
