Monday, September 24, 2018

Did Dr. Phil Betray A Scapegoat? Dropping the Ball When it comes to Narcissistic Families!

“My Mother and Sister Poisoned My Daughter Against Me and Now I Refuse to Go to Her Wedding!”

 Did anyone see this Dr. Phil from last week? It was awful.

Kristen, the focus of the show, did have some problems and showed too many emotions to narcissists which is the soonest way to get burned. I could see those narcissists sitting there and laughing with their exaggerated lies. It was gang-up time. Their cold dead eyes and smirks spoke for themselves.

Dr Phil sent her off to get treatment for PTSD, but I wish there was some real education about narcissism on Dr. Phil. Some say he is one himself, so maybe that's why we never see narcissists called out for their evil behavior on his show. There seems to be no other explanation. This family had definitely ganged up on this woman as the "identified patient" and gone to town, and he had nothing to say about it like usual. Has Dr. Phil ever mentioned malignant narcissism or sociopathy?

Dr Phil always seems to ally with the narcissists or be very silent in the face of their behavior.  Here, he diagnosed Kristen with PTSD but pussyfooted around the real cause of the PTSD and that sucked. That denied millions of viewers information about these narcissistic families and what they can do to people. Narcs will never out narcs, and always defend them.

"Aunt Susie" definitely has stolen this woman's daughter and put herself in the place of where her mother should be. The daughter to me, acted like every other flying monkey and narcissist enabler I have ever seen, where they defend the family members and treat the scapegoat like a throwaway. Sadly Kristen let her emotions lead which dug her hole deeper.

Narcissists will use everything said in the heat of anger or upset and twist it and turn it against a scapegoat. The only solution here is to go no contact with the daughter as well as the rest of the family. The daughter has already chosen the narcissistic family. It's a horrific loss to lose an adult child this way, but this daughter will bring her down along with the rest.

I noticed they had no empathy for her mental health issues, and denied and mocked her PTSD diagnosis. She was sexually abused too. That's how narcissists operate, there's no mercy for ANY health problems. I have lived that. If you suffer from anxiety, or depression or other issues, THEY DON'T CARE. While you are considered defective, the irony is at the same time, in that "defectiveness", any mental health issues are denied, and a scapegoat is blamed and devalued.

She stood alone, facing down all those flying monkeys and her daughter. Many of us ACONs have been in that position. We know what's its like. No one ever took my side. I was used to being alone pretty early on.  I talked about how I went no contact with the whole family after a time of trying to reason with the others and presenting my side of things. There was two choices, be abused, and listen to excuses and put-downs the rest of my life or walk. Kristen is at that crossroads too. I hope someone tells her to walk and about no contact.

There's no talking things out or reasoning with narcissists or a narcissistic family system. Many probably go on these talk shows thinking they will find justice or someone to go to bat for them, but they just get thrown under the bus yet again. This is disappointing to watch. I had thoughts years of ago taking Queen Spider on a talk show, and fantasies about "outing" her on national TV.  We probably all have those fleeting thoughts, that Dr. Phil, Oprah, and the rest would bring us justice. It is a pipe dream. There's something negative in the human psyche too where they believe narcissists. The majority on Dr. Phil's Facebook page rooted for the family and chided Kristen. 

Dr. Phil never challenged the narcissists, he had them leave at one point, but that was it. He did not address their behavior or anything. He let the family get off scott-free while they remained in cruel dismissal of Kristen. With some groups, we have been maligned and there is no changing it. I hope Kristen is not told by false psychologists and others to "behave" for her family, whatever she does nothing will be good enough. She will always be the scapegoat.
Dr Phil never told us how she got PTSD from abusers, the sexual abuse was named in passing, she was never gave much empathy or support and he gave her no true defense. He believed everything the narcissists said, and told her that her behavior was "outrageous" and "overshadowed" the behavior of "others" without mentioning that bad behavior of the others. So she got called on the carpet and their bad behavior was never addressed.

Dr Phil did excuse the gang-up and I noticed he focused on the mother's behavior but never questioned the daughter. Yeah that poor woman got really no support. I actually think they victimized her right in front of anyone. Some of the stuff that they reported she said sounded like exaggerated bullshit to me.

At one point that horrified me, she was trying to tell Dr. Phil they manufactured some of the "crazy texts" and this was ignored. I could tell she was telling the truth.The smirks were giant then. They took pleasure in her pain, and knew they "had her".  They reveled in her humiliation.

Yeah this show fed off the suffering of a scapegoat. If that PNP centers tells her to "forgive and forget" abusive family members or tells her she has to "reconcile" and keep these people in her life, they will be wasting her time, and taking her to a worse place. For her PTSD to be healed, she needs to be away from these abusers and go no contact.

I have warned about Dr. Phil before on this blog.


  1. I'm glad you rethought your desire to appear on TV -- as I can tell you, from my own run-ins with those folks, the producers would never have let you get first base on that one. For all his qualities, Dr. Phil is basically a pop psychologist -- or, not to put too fine a point on it, this generation's Wayne Dyer, for those blog readers old enough to remember him -- and he, along with his producers, will likely err on what passes for what makes "good television" (whatever that means). Hence, the spectacle you witnessed, and wrote about. --Mr. Peep

    1. I'm glad I never went on any of those shows either. I wrote a few about the severe weight gain and please help me but I would have been humiliated and NOT diagnosed. Yeah I consider him a pop psychologist. I guess it was like the Roman Colluseum throw the scapegoat to the wolves.

  2. I hope I won't offend anyone, but I couldn't tell who was telling the truth. If it was "the ganged up family against the scapegoat" situation, that is horrific (and all of us ACONs know that it happens in spades, with even more than 3 people). If the woman herself was the narcissist, I know that narcissists can be sexually abused because the way they end up as narcissists is by being born to an abusive family (either watching, taking part, being victimized and deciding they won't be victimized ever again by being the perpetrator and decider of every person and situation that comes into their lives, where the "power and control" comes from and their desires to abuse).
    The whole family is dysfunctional. All that we see is blaming and "you did", "you aren't", "it's a lie" statements from all of them.
    A pop psychologist cannot figure it out on T.V. with all of the commercials, breaks and audience members gasping. It's a spectacle, and that's about it. The only people who are going to figure out anything are the people at the treatment centers. The whole "he said, she said" cannot be given the time.
    I'm of two minds about these shows. They are great advertisements for the treatment centers (for people who are going through similar travails and happen to catch the particular show -- in fact, I wanted to find out more about that treatment center in Texas and googled it). And by putting out the dirty laundry of the family it's a "critical mass" situation which can be good too. But there are also too many "calls to quick judgement" whether audience, Dr. Phil himself, or the people on stage -- that's bad. And "the evidence" that they put on screen was only family members -- that's bad too (particularly since we know that families can have the desire to scapegoat and control people, particularly families who spend their time in blaming activities). The evidence should come from all kinds of people, and be thorough, and more thoughtfully presented if anything is going to be put on the screen at all. That's the part of this that really gets to me.
    Anyway, if she is being scapegoated by her family, I hope she goes forward after treatment with a healthier life.

    1. I think she had problems too, the would be scapegoat, so you are right there was a lot of "he said, she said" stuff going on. I suppose I saw those smirks on the other side of the couch and they looked too familiar. That said, the "scapegoat" in this case, she didn't do so well for herself, and some of her behaviors were very questionable, especially how she treated the daughter.
      There is the possibility that they are narcissists on BOTH SIDES, with the scapegoat even being one, we definitely know that can be happen via abuse where some do go that way.
      I agree the whole thing is a spectacle. I hope those treatment centers he promotes are legitimate, hopefully they can make sense of it all.

      I hope too if she is being scapegoated, they can help her and help her get out.

    2. Yes, I agree, 500. I'm going to look into that treatment center more and see if there is anything to that high recommendation (in terms of having answers that other treatment facilities don't have).


      Scroll down to page 79. That sounds like mumbo-jumbo, almost like conspiracy "mind control" weird stuff I read too much as a fundie. this like an emeter with sound?



      PsychoNeuroPlasticity (PNP) is an innovative, brain-based treatment modality created by Dr. Frank Lawlis, A.B.P.P. and his partner, Dr. Barbara Peavey, co-founders of the PsychoNeuroPlasticity Center.

      The origin of PsychoNeuroPlasticity began with observations in physical rehabilitation medicine. In traumatic events, such as the sudden inability to walk or talk due to a brain stroke or injury, where the area of the brain governing those functions had been damaged, it was discovered that the brain has back up functions that allow speech and other physical abilities to be employed by other parts of the brain. In addition, through nerve cell generation, called neurogenesis, new brain patterns can be created to perform both old and new functions. This process is called neuroplasticity. Today, it is common knowledge that the brain is not fixed and unchangeable as was once thought. Based on these principles, Anthony uses PNP protocols to change his clients’ brains to be healthier and smarter, to make better choices, to escape tragedies of life or mistakes from the past, and minimize fears.

      PNP works to heal the brain while building and strengthening neurological patterns for healthy function, and preventing relapse. Highly effective for the neuro-complexes related to anxiety, stress, depression, addiction, trauma (including PTSD), attention issues, sleep issues, spiritual blockage and much more, PNP rehabilitates the patterns of the brain while managing both behaviors and emotions.

      Anthony is highly trained in PNP, integrating this trailblazing treatment modality into existing and affective approaches.

      To learn more, Contact Anthony

      You can also discover more about PsychoNeuroPlasticity through these resources:

      Retraining the Brain: A 45 Day Plan to Conquer Stress and Anxiety

      Frank Lawlis: Psychonueroplasticity Protocols for Addictions
      “PsychoNeuroPlasticity opens the door to a new future of joy and excitement as you discover who you are – and more importantly, what you can become.”
      –Frank Lawlis, Ph.D., A.B.P.P

    5. read the two negative reviews here:

      I'm dubious with this stuff, it doesn't sound scientific and seems related to old 1970s biofeedback.
