Friday, October 30, 2020

Covid 19 as a Weapon?

I found this article to be very interesting:

UBI is going to become necessary. The small businesses that are gone in America, aren't going to provide livelihoods anymore.

As you know, I wrote an article here recently on the Social Engineering of Covid19. and why it has been allowed to happen. Make sure to read that article before you read this one. The virus is real, but it is being USED.

I don't like what is being done to our lives.  The far reaching implications of all this disturbs me.

Covid 19 as a Weapon: The Crushing of the Disposable Working Class by Design

Some articles warn not to trust Cory Morningstar, the author of the above article.  It is hard to know who to trust nowadays.  I am bothered by the social engineering I do see. Time magazine going on about the "Great Reset" as lives have been destroyed is beyond bothersome.


  1. No matter how you look at it, whether conspiracy or not, 60 percent of the economy is small businesses. I think we know what that means.
    The problem with corporatizing more and more of America is that when the giants fail, the economy goes down much faster. And they can fail if no one has money to buy their stuff, or if we run out of oil (they require gas to survive, driving their goods all over the nation to individuals).
    No one talks about running out of oil and gas much, but there is a reason why desperate measures are being taken (extreme deep water drilling in the North Sea which will too run out, the Atlantic which will too run out, and the tar sands in Canada which take more oil to extract it and refine it than they get out of it). The oil age is going away, and all the alternatives to oil require oil inputs like making windmills. Or gas to harvest corn for ethanol.
    It's like the Titanic: the ship is going down. I think in many ways this is just a small taste of what is to come.
    Human beings seem to be so much more reactive than pro-active. Even the virus shows they are. Imagine the oil age starting to wane, or gas going up to 28 dollars a gallon.
    The best course of action may be to become agrarian more than moving to Europe: learning how to grow food effectively, learning horsemanship, learning how to make cloth and candles, and cook on a woodstove.

    1. Yeah with small businesses gone we are in big trouble. I agree with you, we are in the vulnerable position that now when giants fail it all goes down. With small business decimated, their power has grown. One thing that worries me is all this talk of a reset. How long have they been planning this "fourth industrial revolution" stuff?

      We definitely need new forms of energy, they should have invested far more scientists and money in discovering a clean energy but the fossil fuel companies stood in the way. I have read enough "peak oil" blogs and websites to know how this is going to go down. I think the ship is going down too.
      I think unless they do institute some form of UBI, the system simply cannot run, so many millions are unemployed now.

      It's like the Titanic: the ship is going down. What's scary about this pandemic, is we have 8 billion humans on a very crowded planet, what's going to keep new ones from sprouting out?

      I agree about humans being reactive instead of proactive, we are paying heavy prices for things scientists and others warned about as far back as the 1970s and no action or too little was taken.
      I think the people who will survive are those who can live off the land, agrarian, learn permaculture, etc. One major problem we have though is this is not accessible to all....Unless one was raised or has money for land, they simply are not in that position. I tried to find out if there was a local permaculture group but with no land and in an apartment I can't offer them much. They have kind of sliced people off from that kind of life style. I do agree it is one now where there would be a lot more chance of survival and skills people need to retain. I wish I did not sell my Firefox books on ebay when in need of money some years ago. Those books detailed the old skills.

    2. I apologize for not responding sooner. I too am a small business owner trying desperately to stay afloat.
      I am luckier than most in that the community here is one of the first to go "buy local", both in terms of food and goods, but I can't take my eye off the ball because New York has simply been one of the more severe "shut-down states", and when it isn't shut down, stringent rules like only 5 people in our business at one time, mask-wearing at all times or risk arrest ... many people are not going to any business (and locally, food is being delivered to half of customers).
      I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you are a writer, and I believe you could make money at writing.
      Psych Central was sold and most of the writers were forced out. Lenora Thompson, a friend of mine from the circuit of ACONs, a self proclaimed golden child, wrote a blog on there about what she went through with "pleasing behaviors" that got her stuck in perpetual childhood (at least she thought so). She was invited to continue it on Psychology Today recently, but she did not want to write about her family or narcissism any more.
      I think they'd be open to you. I have thought of it myself in terms of writing from the scapegoat perspective, but I would have to leave my business entirely to write full time, and I'm just not ready.
      If you get a DBA in a different name, your family might be less likely to find you. That way you could get paid through your DBA.
      Some thoughts ...

    3. Lise, I hope your business makes it. With writing, if I get my energy and focus together, I am considering trying to put a book together. I may be interested in doing zines too, beyond the comic zines I sold for pin money a few years ago. Thanks for saying I am a writer, I appreciate it. I have to figure out where to go too when it comes to art. Trying to sell paintings now is impossible, am actually considering an art "give-away" among friends. That's too bad about Psych Central. You know I think we are the last two independent bloggers going at it about narcissism issues though in my case, in my case I am writing less about the family, it's been so long while they come up as side topics, they are "ghosts" in my mind. I do sometimes consider reviving the fat acceptance book I never sold or trying to put something else together, like life with Lipedema or autism. Even a project on deconversion is possible or mixture.

      There's even the idea of doing something outside those spheres. I didn't know about a DBA, thanks for the suggestion. I should check out Lenora Thompson's articles, I agree with her premise. There's always this "scared child" aspect to many scapegoat's interactions. In my case I had to shut down the fear on purpose and do what I call "harden up", and shut down emotions. I think when those emotions were put on display the predators came out to play. I am left a lone a lot more now. It sounds like your business keeps you pretty busy. Yes if I write even a book or zine, have to keep it under a moniker.

      I know one blogger who updates and rewrites articles, I thought of revising some old stuff here too [adding new things I have learned]

  2. Fellow goth here ;)
    I COMPLETELY agree. I am in a rage over this farce. I feel like it's 1984: "Masks have always been one hundred percent're a murderer if you question the narrative" blah blah blah.

    My partner is less reticent than I am, and occasionally will let a comment slip in public amidst the "we're all in it together!!" technocorporate propaganda and you should see the death glares.

    This "worldwide vaxx passport" shit is the latest nail in the coffin, after having lost work at a successful 50 plus year small family business, while partner's abusive brother in law who hasn't read a book since 9th grade (high ranking state job he got "randomly") has profited ridiculously from this shit, as have all the technobros/Big Everything.

    1. Hi anon, glad to meet a fellow goth. What weirds me out is cloth masks are supposed to be less effective than N95. I can't breath in the N95s though am working to get more used to them, been stuck with the surgeon masks. I am not an antimasker but I know when I am being lied to, and the whole farce is growing more absurd and extreme.
      I am in the weird place knowing Republicans, and fundies anti-maskers are just more pawns in the game too. They were used to spread SAR #2 to the most remote regions of the country so no place was left untouched.

      I want to puke seeing those "all together" commercials, what a crock, like capitalists see us as anything but numbers on a chart.

      I worry about the vaccinations, too why should I trust these monsters and I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. Wonder if they will use credit scores or social credit scores [China] to issue the passports soon. They have taken away our social interactions and lives. I don't have years to spare. If I am bitter about it, you probably understand.

      It's horrible you lost your job at small business. I know how the work world works, and how the biggest dopes get the best paid jobs. My 6 figure and plus family none of them ever lacked for a job or a dollar.

      One part of my going no contact was realizing how I had been betrayed even on the economic level. The realizations took years to understand the full picture giving me horror. Husband and I were in severe poverty while sister's husband made over 300,000 a year. I humbled myself once begging for help for husband to get even a basic admin or mail room job, something he would have been overqualified for. The answer was "no" of course. I am so glad I got away from all these people. I never had a family.

      Yeah certain people are profiting off it all. I did vote for Biden to get away from Trump's madness, but even with Biden I don't trust the Covid19 plans, he may help stop the spread, but I know the virus has been a boon for the social engineers in general.

  3. Yep, believe covid is a psy-ops, plain and simple. What better way to stirr up even more division, than to persecute the healthy!

    1. Remember I believe the illness is real, but the whole enterprise is a psych op, I know too many who have gotten it. I do wonder how an illness could have this level of asymptomatic traits but in others totally destroy them like in "long haul". I worry the "virus makers" at the virus lab messed with some complex autoimmune stuff so this makes me angry.
