Friday, February 8, 2019

Deconversion a Year Later: Email to Online Christian Pal

I've been a lot happier since deconversion and feel like I can enjoy life now with out life being a long list of rules and edicts, and one thing that made me happier, was being free of the idea that I always had to worry about being "perfect" and could just be me. Being freed of the narcissists freed me from toxic religion and yes the two are intertwined.

I had a Christian online acquaintance of some years,  I wrote this email too. They were into heavy conspiracy and bible prophecy like me, but remain within fundamentalist Christianity. They were shocked I deconverted but stayed civil with me. They came to me first asking questions, and I decided to have an open and honest discourse. We parted ways at the end but things were kept civil.

It was interesting to write how and why I left to them and new thoughts about God.  In his system of religion, he told me in the nicest way possible he believed I was going to hell but I understood, after all I had believed the same as him before. Writing this email exchange back and forth definitely helped to solidify some thoughts further. Some parts of this email have been edited or changed for clarification. I have included only what I wrote him.

"There's other problems with Christianity too, that I have faced, the very notion of a God needing a blood sacrifice to forgive sins is wrong. I hope this doesn't upset you. I believe now this is the tenets of an ancient barbaric culture instead of truth and reality. I believe everyone has the right to their beliefs. Someone like me definitely understands personally the attraction Christianity holds for people since I was in it myself.

I studied my way out with intense bible study, and more. Guess that's the best way I can explain. There was so much injustice in the bible that went against my conscience. Read Ezekiel 9 where babies and children are ordered to be killed by Yahweh. In Samuel 12, God has David's wives raped for punishment for his murder of Uriah.  More and more I came to the conclusion it was man-written, and the God formed inside had the positive yearnings of man like love and caring for others, he also had negative qualities as well--capriciousness and the desire to be worshiped. Why wasn't slavery outlawed in the Ten Commandments or rape? These things bothered me more and more.

Prayers never had answers, the whole religion became one of false promises. I am happy I stood up for justice, against war and against Trump on our shared Christian websites, but I was pretty alone in all these things. I got caught up into the conspiracy though, be careful of the path I took.

I can now see my cognitive dissonance all over our Christian websites. I wrote posts about how the religious right abused the poor, and told other Christians to "follow Jesus's teachings about the poor not the religious right's". I really was a closeted liberal trying to be a born again Christian.

The more I examined Christianity, conspiracy, bible prophecy and what I had been led to believe the whole thing was collapsing for me. I started questioning that something was wrong with the whole OPERATING SYSTEM. I was looking in other words for a religion that did not exist. It was not pure or standing for human freedom. The Bible became more of a confusing, contradicting mish-mash. The more I studied it, the more I questioned it. It obliterated reality, it did not describe it. The classic battle between science and religion raged in my mind.

I deconverted facing myself in a mirror, realizing I could not love a God that horrified me. It was like a villain. It was mean. While Jesus showed kindness and compassion, and I probably will have a soft spot for many of his teachings shared in the New Testament outside of the warnings of hell which hopefully were later added, Yahweh was not a very nice character. Even Jesus is turned cruel in Revelation when one is told in Revelation 14, that there will be so much violence on earth from God's wrath, that rivers of blood will flow.

In another area of life, I was writing about abuse, namely severe narcissistic abuse. I had gone no contact from my own narcissistic family including a mother who I believe to be a sociopath. I lost every family member. With growing trepidation, I realized the Christian God treated people just like my abusers. This included demanding perfection, Stockholm Syndrome threats--"Love me or burn in hell" and other attributes. I always felt like I was walking on eggshells in a religion that did nothing but remind me of constant imperfections and failings. This article summed up many issues I had with God.

Also please google Theramin Trees on YouTube, and watch his videos
especially the one regarding "worshipping narcissists" and "Creating
I am not technically an atheist but an agnostic now. I do still ponder various forms of theism. The Christian God because too limited, too much of a human creation to me with it's vindictiveness and genocides in the Old Testament. Jesus's sacrifice was an evolution out of other ancient pagan religions that demanded blood and human sacrifice. This  is far more obvious in Catholicism then Protestant and evangelical churches. As you know I am ex-Catholic as well, and we were taught to really believe we were drinking Christ's actual body and blood.

Reza Aslan who wrote the book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth believed that Jesus was an actual human being who fought against the opressions of Rome, that had divinity and legends added to him later. One thing described in that book that stands out to me, is how Aslan makes it clear, that Christianity the religion was born out of the crisis of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. With Jesus, I look at the decent teachings and imagine a man teaching those as a good moral teacher like others, we have had on this earth and realize so much could have been added by the church system later to consolidate power and money.

Scientists have discovered that there are a trillion galaxies, in the knowable universe and this is just the area where our telescopes and radio technologies can reach, so the Christian god became too limited to me. I still consider the possibility of there being a God, though he or she or it, may be beyond human understanding. One atheist vlogger, Darkmatter2525 on youtube, did a video where he had two religious people and an atheist die, and show up in front of God. He had his "God" character state to the Christian, "So you want to believe I torture people!?" and the God figure is very upset. What part of humanity even went so low as to even think of a place like hell, that didn't even exist in the Judaism of the Old Testament?

I've seen a lot of evil in this life as you know. Even then, with my life on the hard setting compared to the American lifestyle, millions have had it far worse. A concentration camp victim even once wrote, "When I see God, he will have to apologize to me". I used to worry about something, I'd pray for money for a bill or help with something else and then think of the people starving in our world or who had everyone they knew blown up under a bomb and think what makes me so special? It all felt like whistling by the graveyard, begging for the game of chance to spare us. There can be a certain classist narcissism in segments of American Christianity like when a middle class housewife brags of praying for a parking space and finding it. One wonders then about the ones praying to stay alive of terminal cancer or of those who have lost children, and it seems to all be a confusing muddle. Intervention to me, because a joke., While I had loving people come and help me in this life, many times, God seemed indifferent to many people. Thoughts and prayers devoid of action, didn't help anyone.

I understand what drives all this, people want a God that cares. Deconversion boards are full of people who tell stories like, "I just wanted God to show love or that he cared". People want rescued from the endless horrors this world offers. Humanity suffers from the giant pressure of knowing of their own personal demise coming one day and perhaps this has sparked off a madness of sorts. Add to this the grief of losing loved ones and wanting to see them one day, and this is one reason religion has kept such a strong hold.

The story that some people ate an apple or "had sex" [The Gnostic's theory about the Garden of Eden] or attained human consciousness with "knowledge of good and evil" where humans moved from animal to human consciousness in the story of Adam and Eve to describe why humans need to be punished so severely no longer cut it for me. God could forgive without blood, so yes, I asked if the Christian god was a positive force or not or if it even existed or was merely a human creation. So I am not an atheist but an agnostic who dreams of a better God, or "Source" as my fellow UUs call it. I do not think Christianity is valid anymore in describing the nature of reality. The Being that drowned million of babies in the OT in the flood or threatens with eternal torture is not kind and compassionate. I believe this is a very human creation. I have returned to the Unitarian Universalist Association.|

 Satan is the comic book nemesis to keep the whole machine running. Good and evil dictate that some is wrong with a religion especially in fundamentalist Christianity where most burn, and most human beings end up in the worse circumstances possible. So much pain and horror are then unleashed. Here I will recommend a book for you by David Quinn called Ishmael. I read the first but plan to read the whole series. I realized Christianity and other religions were built on the nation-state's desire for a strong-man-God to match the strong-men of the newly growing civilizations that came with the invention of agriculture. Reza Aslan in his book, God: A Human History makes it clear, that God and religion massively changed after the invention of agriculture.

Evil sadly is enabled in religion and reality is distorted to the point of harm. .In my case to recover from the narcissistic abuse, I had to learn to define reality and deal with what was actually true instead of what I wished to be true. This impacted all of my life.  Being handed magical thinking and distorted reality especially in fundamentalist Christianity, did me a great disservice. It taught me to live in denial, and ignore and not confront what happened to me. It was like a lullaby that lured me to sleep, giving my narcissists far more power and control over me, as my religion told me to be submissive, accommodating and forgiving of abusers. I was told to be passive, to be accepting--none of them accepted me, to forgive and forget and told never to talk about the negative which by the way had the reverse affect of worsening depression and negativity and blocked me from the good. Just like my narcissistic family told me to deny reality, sadly my fundamentalist religion did too. In my case, I had to wake up on both fronts and deal with what was true.

While there are good and kind Christian people and some are in my life, I saw a lot of evil enabled in Christianity. With scapegoats,and abuse victims, I noticed without fail, that their abusers were the ones to be forgiven and redeemed even without repentance and the abused were often the ones told they were wrong for making a stand. I started questioning the idea of perfection and a started to ponder why would a perfect God expect imperfect beings to be measure up to his standards? It seemed unfair and that seemed narcissistic as well. I would ask questions like, "Where is the love and compassion as humanity is just put under a giant threat of burning in hell?" and also came to the conclusion, "I don't want cold, cruel and scary gods who demand I be perfect or perfect by proxy--Jesus, to be accepted and loved.

The Christian religion doesn't work for me anymore. Some have found love and meaning in it but for me personally it no longer worked. I found the God of the Bible cruel beyond measure. I also had the personal revelation of when I went no contact from a family that scapegoated me for decades, Why did I belong to a religion that honored scapegoating? While Jesus had good teachings, I wondered about the entire system of atonement and the good and kind son, being forced to submit to an oppressive father demanding blood and extreme obedience. Why were humans stuck in this parental paradigm of oppressive fathers that were owned submission unto death? Also the idea of Justice in Christian theology, made no sense to me either. The price shouldn't be blood for ANYTHING. That is brutal animal like desires. No enlightened being of any worth or conscience would demand
blood. We consider mob bosses who demand vendettas or blood for pay-back to be sociopaths. Why shouldn't we expect better of our God?

Some people have questioned the idea  of God and explored it deep, even asking if a god or Gods, could be some super-advanced alien intelligent life. How would we know? Star Trek even conceived of "Q" an alien being that had no limitations.  Christianity's definition of God became too limited for me.  The only conclusion I could come to is that the Christian God is a human creation since it has so many negative attributes of humans, positive ones of course appear as well. One question to ask yourself too, "Can this God even truly understand human suffering when it does not understand human limitations?" Even Jesus inside had to know he would rise again, being spared the worrisome thoughts about future non-existence or where he would end up. Some liberal theologians say God became human {Jesus} to learn empathy for human beings, but then why wasn't hell closed down and the system changed then? Yes I know this can be complex. The idea of blood atonements stopped making any sense to me and is a negative outcome of complex human history.

I believe a "Creator" God is possible, but a God that created trillions of galaxies is going to be something greater, better and more complex then a limited Christian god that demands blood sacrifices and gets upset over some people wearing two kinds of fiber at the same time or other sins as detailed in the bible. If such a God exists, the god of a trillions of galaxies and other life in the universe, it would not be petty, it would not be demanding blood atonements. Native tribes believed in a "Great Spirit", the Skihs have their version of God too. There are other religions that believe in a God outside of the blood atonement/sacrificing Abrahamic religions.

While I do believe a Creator God of some sort is possible, I do not see this God as intervening due to the nature of this planet. I do not know the reasons why or why not. In the UU, I can explore different facets and theories about the divine. Some atheists are at the point they cannot believe in a God at all. I have seen this quote before.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
― Epicurus

Another point I want to make, I realized as I went deep into Christianity, I could not be happy knowing millions in hell were burning. My husband never converted, you see. I am glad he never did now but at the time, I thought if he goes to hell, I could never happy.  Only a tyrant would separate a couple in love over beliefs.

We used to make jokes with each other, as a Christian, I would say get saved and get in the easy way, but he would joke you can come rescue me, a la that movie "When Dreams May Come." This brought questioning to me too. There was too much that didn't make sense here, and too much that was absurd.  I thought "Who was I being saved from?" and "Who was causing the original problems?"and questioned a religious system that wanted to rule me by fear.  When I was a Christian, three non-Christian close friends of mine died and according to my churches, they were now roasting forever in torture, I had witnessed to them all, so they heard the gospel, so no get out clauses there. The cognitive dissonance became unbearable. How on earth could I love a Being who was so eager to hurt the ones I loved. What was I to think?

If I died, and this stuff was true and I somehow ended up in heaven--yes I know you believe I am going to hell now for sure---and there was even one person I loved roasting in hell, I am the type of person who would push down the barricades no matter what it took to rescue them. For my husband, who I love beyond words the same would apply. If your God does exist, and it sends me to hell over all these thoughts and beliefs, well then it is better I am not with it anyhow."


Well that was the core of the email. I am a far better off person a year in. It helped clear my mind so much. Some of us who do deconvert, have lingering fears, that our religious indoctrinated in us, but I know this will get better as time goes on. My life in my UU fellowship has been a happy one. I want religion to be a positive force in my life, that no longer divides me from people. Fundamentalist Christianity is very harmful on a multitude of levels. We were taught it was a "sin" to question our beliefs even which keeps many people in a lot longer. I know there's more positive forms of Christianity and some will say that I did encounter the most toxic, and that is true. I was a Catholic too, and left that church as well earlier in my life. I no longer believe in the religion as a whole but I hope I can get some Christians even to think about toxic elements in their churches and religion that are bringing harm to many people. With religion, one wants beliefs that are life giving, not life harming. One should ask yourself whatever your beliefs, if they are bringing more love and kindness into your life or not.

Deconversion Articles


  1. The problem with 'professing Christians' such as yourself (and I realize you have deconverted) is that if you have NOT received the gift of Salvation, then you will not know nor understand the things of God because they can ONLY be discerned by the Holy Spirit who indwells TRUE believers. This world is full of 'professing Christians' who are not truely saved. And this is due to what I believe is from organized religion. I left the church system/organized religion because it, for the most part, has nothing to do with having a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. And many do not believe they are sinners but rather 'good people.' If one does not acknowledge that they are a sinner, then one has no need for a Savior! Organized religion has been infiltrated by 'the enemy.' Most people sitting in pews every Sunday are not saved.

    1 Corinthians 2:14, "But the natural man (that's YOU) receiveth NOT the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him (YOU); neither can he (YOU) know them, because they are spiritually discerned."

    FHPP, I am amazed at how deeply you have been deceived. Everything you write is in complete error. You have no idea what is truth. I believe you are controlled by your emotions and your opinions. And now you are being led by the mantra and attitude of "do as thou wilt." Straight from the enemy's camp...Satan and Hell! You lack spiritual wisdom and spiritual discernment because you do not have the Holy Spirit. For all of us, we will either be controlled by our flesh or we will be controlled by our spirit. It is one or the other, cannot be both! And know this...this life of yours right now is the best it will ever be for you if you remain 'lost.'

    I realize your journey has been extremely difficult, so has mine, but this life is not the end of the story. This life has much to teach us and what we are to learn can only be found in TRUTH (Christ Jesus; the Word). So my prayer is that you remain on this path of seeking after TRUTH. There are many landmines along the way that are full of lies and deception. Please get on the 'narrow road' because the 'broad road' leads to death. That is where life truly resides. You are in my prayers.

    1. How do you explain that by all accounts, I was sincerely "saved" at one point? I believed it all at one point. With this I'll be cautious because when I was "in" they had me judging those who deconverted as never have been saved. I apologized to one man years later that I gave that line to on his website.

      I actually used to be known as being "good at discernment" not that I was going looking for any special skills.

      I used to once believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ too, but as the years went by, and I realized it was my own brain talking back to me about "what God wanted" and Jesus was a pretty silent fellow, I thought to myself, "how does one truly have a RELATIONSHIP with an entity that never talks back?" There seemed to be a different jesus too, for every friend and person I knew, and these were good people too, so they meant well, but why was Jesus morphed into as many personalities as there were people?

      Oh I was so gung-ho, speaking of organized religion, I joined the "unchurched/homechurcher fundie set" for many years, but I saw no agreement or unity in that world, there was nothing special about any of us. We weren't being specially led. This was hard to see. The IFB by the way lends itself to that sort of thing. That's almost an IFB trait to leave all churches seeking after the pure Christianity it goes with KJV Onlyism.

      One odd thing I was promised while Christian is that once saved, God would keep you in His hand. OSAS was a battle of course in Christian circles.

      That's one thing too, I was told all the time emotions were WRONG in Christianity, like they didn't want me to have any. My life as a Christian felt like my life as an abused scapegoat, always told never to trust my emotions or what my mind was screaming inside. I'm in the place now where I have to give them more of a listen.


    2. If I lack the Holy Spirit, it's not my fault if there is one. I certainly thought I had him with me. I believed very strongly I was Spirit led for a long time. I know some Christians have a touch of Calvinism, where "god" chooses some but not others. I always thought this rather unfair. He didn't choose me. That sort of God doesn't sound like a very nice guy treating people like that. I figure if this religious construct was true, I am not one of the chosen ones.

      I don't believe in hell anymore. I am guilty of telling people they'd go there too, so I won't be too hard on you for saying the same for me, I did to others. I feel immense guilt about it now. I even told a dying non-Christian friend I was afraid of her going to hell, though at that time she didn't hold this against me, and I said this was part of my religion I did not like [my cognitive dissonance was reading high levels at that point] I can't follow a Being that will burn billions in his hell, that is a creature worse then Hitler because at least an oven in a concentration camp is TEMPORARY and not eternal. When I got saved, I was lured in by the whole story of Christianity, and Jesus's love etc, but when I started breaking it down, I realized the many holes. God tells us to forgive others, but then burns most in hell for eternity? Do not kill, but he killed millions if not more in the first flood. The Universalist part of the Unitarian Universalist Association was founded on questioning hell, so these are things that have come to people's attention for many many years.

      As for difficulty, there's plenty of others with harder lives in this world.
      With this life, it may be all I get. Do you really want to see me roasting over a spit in hell? I don't want you to go to hell or anyone else.

      Do you think someone deserves this who went around writing on Christian things too some years ago? I led a few in the door, have a few odd feelings about that now. :( Sadly I was in your place too and the pastors and churches convinced me that all who left were "rotten" people who "threw God" away and who the Holy Spirit put down the Veruca Salt squirrel chute because he "didn't like them" or something like that. I mean I was a gung-ho Christian. What happened? I put 16 years in, thats a bit more then a college try. I have now met others like me on deconversion boards. Many of us were scared and having to recover from all the hell threats and in my case, the deliverance ministry craziness and endless damages to my self esteem via being told I was "broken", only worthy as refuse for God's firey garbage compost, and deserving of only every bad thing. As for seeking truth, I took the advice in the bible to seek after the truth, and well I took that advice and applied it to religion. Jesus knows I looked for him. I don't like deities or people who play favorites anymore. It disturbs me the very thing in Christianity now where some are deemed "worthy" and many are not. Hey I'm not upset with you, in that I told others the same things you have written me. I was really gung-ho, what can I say? I am getting a taste of my own medicine. LOL

      I do like Christians who question the power/organized religious system. I was there.

  2. FHPP, I am truly sorry you feel this way. Since you have been 'in it' for 16 years, I don't think there is anything I can add to this conversation. Be well.

  3. FHPP, you wrote the following in your post back in 2013, 'When Scapegoats Are Ostracized In The Family.'

    "When one thinks about mankind, I wonder if this is the microcosm of toxic families that shows the macrocosm of why in the world, so many sociopathic dictators rule who seek to destroy those who are good, or creative or have another voice or who stand for truth. In other words why do folks like Stalin and Hitler rule the roost, and get others do their evil bidding? If anything in this fallen world, the more evil a leader, the more control they seem to gain. This was true of my mother. Her power was complete."

    Even you acknowledged that we live in a 'fallen world.' We do. And what we are now seeing more and more is the created (man) being worshipped and NOT the Creator. What's wrong with that picture FHPP? In this post of yours you also point out that your church family and organizations were there for you but NOT your family of origin. Those (church)people cared about you and now they are your enemy so to speak.

    FHPP the reason I am communicating so much with you on this post and the other post as well (I should have responded to only one but didn't realize you had a few on this topic), is because you have an incredible platform to share truth and you do - and it's clear it is from your heart. However, somewhere along the line you got derailed.

    FHPP, this life right now does not have to be 'the best it's going to get,' there is an eternity that follows that is going to be incredible, full of joy and more sorrow, no sin, no scapegoating, no health challenges, etc. We are created with a body, a soul and a spirit. Who we really are (the essence of who we are) is our Soul and that never dies. Let that sink in. In order to activate our Spirit, we must become born-again by receiving the gift of salvation. Until that happens our Spirit remains dead. So that means that we are controlled by our flesh. Well even you said we live in a 'fallen world' so now we are slaves to sin and are in bondage to our sin nature. Everything Satan does while he continues to rule this world is to tempt us through our senses...sight, smell, touch, taste, hear. Everything he does is to keep us from Christ Jesus (LIFE) to keep us in bondage to sin and boy is it working...just look at the world we live in today. The ONLY way to break this hold on us is we must have our Spirit made alive so that our flesh no longer controls us, which means Satan no longer controls us. You bet it's a spiritual battle we are in but we can have victory. If God be for us, who can be against us?

    FHPP, it's not an accident that I found you. You need to hear this message and to be reminded that you did have the truth at one time. God did not fail you, you allowed too many people to disappoint and hurt you. I too have experienced a lot of this too and yes, it does hurt A LOT! But that does not define who God Almighty is and I believe you know that. I sent a link at your other post and I hope you take the time to listen to this very humble man and his message. You might want to listen to some of his other messages as well. No fluff, no 'churchianity.' Take care, FHPP.

  4. See my post to you on the Self Acceptance board as well. With God, I reject EVIL, I can't go with the God of blood sacrifices, domination, threats of hell. Does that make sense? I have read and studied the Bible extensively for YEARS. Deep Bible studies too. I read the genocides of the OT, and more and realized more as time went on this was a God made in man's image. I know you think I reject God, but as I have stated on here, I believe another sort of God is possible, a SOURCE as the UUs would call it, and or how other religions like the Sikhs see God, but I can't go with the traditional God of evangelical/Conservative Christianity. I can't love an abuser, who threats with hell and demands blood sacrifices, and domination. So look at that quote again, I asked about Stalin and Hitler, but then guess what I moved things, and then started asking about Yahweh. Hitler put people in concentration camps and burned them in ovens, but then I realized Yahweh, [trad/fundamentalist/conservative Christianity] wanted to put human beings in "an oven" who did not comply and burn them for eternity, so how was I to believe this God was good and loving? Humanity I believe is at a point in it's evolution where domination and power are everything, we see glimmers of hope in the young where cooperation, and compasssion are fowarded, but I think about how religion [not just Christianity] forwards themes of domination, control and compliance for the powers that be, and how it is based on threats and violence and often like in Christianity warns of horrors to come in hell.

    I asked myself "Where is the love and compassion in this?" and it was LACKING.

    The God of fundamentalist Christianity OPERATES JUST LIKE NARCISSISTIC ABUSERS, in each and every way. Gaslighting, false promises or carrots on the stick to keep you on the tether, threats for non-compliance, group control, shame and blame for troubles. God's power is complete because he is perfect. What does that remind one of but the narcissists who grab their power claiming perfection. There's no questioning of the system, no free thought, no aspirations or progress, JUST COMPLIANCE and OBEDIENCE. Do what you are told or burn.

    Do you see how I advanced to make these connections. I wanted a loving and good God, Yahweh failed on many accounts. Some people say people become atheists from reading enough of the Bible, I read it from cover to cover and multiple books multiple times.

    The church people are NOT my enemy. I still have my old IFB friends on my Facebook. Even the old pastor is there. I have not told them off. They may not like what I post about Trump but I have not gone to battle. I wish them GOOD THINGS. I have church people as FRIENDS now, and will even go to the book club of one. I live among Christians where I am the minority. LOL


  5. With eternity, did you see the posts where I lost people [loving friends], and they were all non-Christians?

    God if one exists surely knows my personality, and if any are burning in hell, I'd push down the barricades to get them out. [yes if you are interested I did witness to all of them as a Christian but then I realized how on earth could I love a Being roasting my beloved friends, that was a monster and I knew in love for my husband, that the Christian God's answers horrified me. You see I no longer could believe. Some of us do walk out of love, from a religion that teaches obey and comply or burn.

    I really really was truly born again. I believed. I know the answer now of many Christian is to tell me I was never saved. We do discuss that on deconversion boards, that because it would cause too much cognitive dissonance for those still in the system as to why people like us even exist, especially in an OSAS format, we are told we never were born again. Hey I am GUILTY of THIS myself, so I understand but trying to get you to think about this. When you read my old posts here, when I do bring in the Christian themes, do you think that woman is faking it? I was not.

    As for sins and temptations, I am not living much different then I did as a Christian, there's some Harry Potter movies Ive seen and I've read some Stephen King, Stephen King did get into themes I find interesting of books, I missed on aging and friendship and he did grow as a writer while I was not reading his books. Anyhow what I am telling you is I am not having a free-for-all sin a thon. :)
