I wanted to be "rational" and give up on conspiracy theories. I did learn many were lies, and propaganda used to steer the population. There's a lot of phony bull crap out there.
Qanon definitely was put to use to put us where we are today. What am I to think when things are happening that I warned about 20-10 years ago during my most hardcore bible prophecy and conspiracy days? I wrote on my religion blog, that the powers that be could use a worldwide plague to crack down and take control. Hmmmm, I wrote that in 2014. Even the Fema camps don't seem to be an impossibility now.
Google Mike Yeadon, who used to work for Pfizer. Why they are giving experimental vaxx to teens and children who have no risk from Covid? You don't sacrifice the young for the old. That's definitely one way society has gone twisted. Psychopaths don't care about experimenting on children and putting their long range health and fertility at risk. There are doctors and scientists who are not sold out warning about what is going on now. They have silenced all these doctors and scientists on mainstream media.

It's obvious that monied interests are now ruling the planet. It's weird how the left now bows at the feet of the uber-wealthy just like they got the right to do so via billionaire Trump. Have you notice how people always get to the same place? During Occupy days, one wasn't a "CoNsPiRaCy tHeOrIst" for questioning the powers that be.
Now unless you believe every word are out of their mouths, you have been silenced and you are labeled "crazy" just like how the Stasi did it if you dared to "question the system". It feels risky even to simply write about this stuff. Imagine if you were around people who fully supported the system where you felt it was "dangerous" to open your mouth. The only people I know who question anything are online and far away. One thing I am noticing is how many news stories contradict. Almost as if they want the population in a state of cognitive dissonance and destabilization.

How am I supposed to believe the government cares about people's health. I was disabled when young due to lack of medical care and extreme poverty. So I am to believe a bunch of people making billions of dollar and who profit from crisis, "care"? Give me a break. I can't even afford the high power hearing aids I need, that cost as much as a new car. How many people are going without insulin and other needed medicine, but we are supposed to think they give a damn? I'm sick of being gaslighted and lied to as well.
People at least used to question corporations. The pharmaceutical companies do make some medicines that work, but whose holding them accountable anymore? I read the horror stories online about everyone getting sick from the Covid vaxx, and no one cares about those folks. I've seen them get banned and censored too.
People at least used to question corporations. The pharmaceutical companies do make some medicines that work, but whose holding them accountable anymore? I read the horror stories online about everyone getting sick from the Covid vaxx, and no one cares about those folks. I've seen them get banned and censored too.

Why and how is this all still acceptable? Two years of our lives taken away for what? My social life is basically gone. I feel distanced from every group I am in because they believe all the rhetoric. I've been silenced and ignored even with the most mild of statements. The poverty and other signs of decay are growing around us.
Remember in my case, I believe the virus is "real" and the people who actually had it got glass lungs and a need for oxygen. The PCR tests labeled a bunch of regular colds and flus as being Covid. It's like being an anti-Nazi during the Nazi era, I'm scared to be "found out", they may all put the "unvaxxed" in camps one day. I already lost two friends writing what I have on this blog. They never tried to talk to me. I was just cut off. People don't see how the division in America has been used to have them march onward with no critical thinking.
Outside of my marriage I am living in complete isolation. There's no fun or joy left anymore at least where I live. I and my husband do have fun together but imagine a life with no other people in it. People are so depressed when I do go out, it comes through even in the grocery store. I wish they'd get pissed instead and start asking questions and making demands.
There are groups already banning people for refusing to sign up for the vaxx. I have taken refuge in art and movies, but this is time, I could ill afford to lose. Now they are saying there is a "Delta" variant the Covid vaxx doesn't even work on. What next the Gamma variant? The vaxxed here by the way did not return to normal life, all events have been held outdoors in the heat, they still space themselves out on chairs. It is like the war on drugs and the war on terror, designed to have no end. Once the lock downs began, I believe they never planned to end them. Some places like Florida and Texas people are living more normal. That's not where I live.
Remember in my case, I believe the virus is "real" and the people who actually had it got glass lungs and a need for oxygen. The PCR tests labeled a bunch of regular colds and flus as being Covid. It's like being an anti-Nazi during the Nazi era, I'm scared to be "found out", they may all put the "unvaxxed" in camps one day. I already lost two friends writing what I have on this blog. They never tried to talk to me. I was just cut off. People don't see how the division in America has been used to have them march onward with no critical thinking.
Outside of my marriage I am living in complete isolation. There's no fun or joy left anymore at least where I live. I and my husband do have fun together but imagine a life with no other people in it. People are so depressed when I do go out, it comes through even in the grocery store. I wish they'd get pissed instead and start asking questions and making demands.
There are groups already banning people for refusing to sign up for the vaxx. I have taken refuge in art and movies, but this is time, I could ill afford to lose. Now they are saying there is a "Delta" variant the Covid vaxx doesn't even work on. What next the Gamma variant? The vaxxed here by the way did not return to normal life, all events have been held outdoors in the heat, they still space themselves out on chairs. It is like the war on drugs and the war on terror, designed to have no end. Once the lock downs began, I believe they never planned to end them. Some places like Florida and Texas people are living more normal. That's not where I live.

This is proven stuff now, they are trying to institute a social credit system in America tied to the vaxx, and it's not conspiracy. These V. passports will mean all freedom is lost. The government now can lock us down and call for a new booster every 6 months. Google "Digital ID", "Whitney Webb", "The Great Re-Set". People think "Oh it never could happen". Remember we were told two weeks to flatten the curve and now we are well into the second year.

I am now politically homeless. While I support some traditionally leftist political positions, the left has betrayed and disappointed beyond measure. The days of protesting against WTO and big corporations is over. Even many social movements and causes have been co-opted and exploited by big corporations and sold down the river. I am not a right winger either. Notice the trend for both sides, is the authoritarianism they both support. They hand all the power to the top. I am an anti-authoritarian, so there's no political place for me.

One thing I noticed is no medical exemptions. They didn't care about people with extreme autoimmune disorders, or a history of anaphylaxis or even those with an immediate family history of pericarditis and other autoimmune vascular disorders. Even the fact they are pushing all these incentives is suspicious as hell. None of this has been normal whatsoever. They also didn't study either, the effects of other medications. It has been scary to watch all the numbers of the vaccine injured rise to the skies, and endless reports of horrific side effects, there's two women who have their stories of blindness being shared on Twitter and no one cares. All other medicines with these side effects would be taken off the market. No one cares about the young men getting myocarditis either.

My life is spent on computers, well many zoom groups have shut down, but this seems to be the future they want for us, with no spontaneous interaction, community or living a real life. They want us living a virtual life through screens only. I am right now trying to figure out how to get a "real life" again, I am not happy living in a community where I have no close people to talk to about anything "real". I have withdrawn from circles, where I have felt silenced. It is scary out there as independent thinking is not accepted now. Living 2 years like this has hurt me. If I was not married, and did not have his love and support it would be even worse. We are lucky to have each other. I feel so utterly lonely now outside of my marriage. People don't question any of this around here.
No one seems to be thinking ahead on the long term, as to how society is being massively changed. I remember when Covid first broke out, I was asking those questions already in this article:
The Social Engineering of Covid19
It turned out far worse than I could have dreamed back then.
No one seems to be thinking ahead on the long term, as to how society is being massively changed. I remember when Covid first broke out, I was asking those questions already in this article:
The Social Engineering of Covid19
It turned out far worse than I could have dreamed back then.
I had Chronic Fatigue for years and it is almost the same symptoms as the covid long haul; and you usually got it after a virus or flu. No one cared. No one .But now with covid people use that to try to scare you into the covid shot. It just makes me laugh really, because I know they really don't care and that it is just being used as a coercion tactic.
ReplyDeleteHang in there. Look forward to your posts.
Its too bad you have chronic fatigue too. I am diagnosed with CFS, it's related to my UCTD in my case and dermamyotosis. It's ironic they are using it to scare people into getting the Covid vaxx, since MULTITUDES online in the non-censored arenas are talking about extreme fatigue. if the spike proteins of Covid do that why wouldn't the spike proteins from those awful Vaxx? I don't want to double up on the CFS in my case, here's another place where I am ignored and invalidated. I can already sleep 13-14 hours on a normal day. They don't care how many people die, they have done harm to millions but the sad thing is people have let them and accepted all of it.
DeleteThanks so much Sue. :)
I like the one where "something in your soul has to be telling you this isn't right". That's how I feel. I have a really deep gut feeling that a lot of this is about power, manipulation, control, and more. The problem is a lot of people seem to have lost touch with their soul and gut. It's like some dystopian nightmare. I always hated that movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". It's like were living through that. I have even known people who were questioning the vaccines who are now bullying people into it. It's freaky.
I took a risk and posted that on my Facebook, I figured it was not so in the face to piss people off. I will report back if anyone responds on it. I also put the psychopaths one from the Simpsons up. I believe this is all about power, manipulation and control. This definitely is like a never ending dystopian nightmare. I can't "keep positive" anymore about it or give fake smiles. It's making me re-think a lot of life. Yeah a lot of people have given in who had reservations, I won't. That 30 something acquaintance who got seizures is enough of a warning. I am against the Covid vaxx on multiple levels. This does feel like an Invasion of the Body Snatchers to me as well. I don't even feel the same about a lot of people anymore.
DeleteI'm really sorry you are feeling so bad. It pisses me off that they have done this to so many people. It's downright evil.
ReplyDeleteThey have no right to have done it.
I am dealing with some depression lately. One thing impacting me is I have some of the PTSD diagnosis from the severe asthma attacks imagine the Covid nightmare in this context. I think it is evil what they have done, and this has gone on too long. I plan to get some Ivermectin before I rejoin life, but I can't live in a cage the rest of my life. I also think I need to find some new people who see through this BS.
DeleteI'm glad you have your Husband! Mine believes everything the MSM says and thinks Biden is a God! Lol! It's really hard to watch.
ReplyDeleteI am an old lefty. I'm still anti war. Against Corporate abuses. And what ones aren't abusing their power I ask. Want the rich to pay there fair share. Question big Pharma. The left has lost the plot. What the heck happened? Were they ever sincere? They are sleeping with the enemy as they say.
I am glad I have my husband too, if I was alone in this, I would already have lost it. Yes I am tired of Biden being treated as a God, that's a vote I massively regret now. Glad you are still anti-war. Where are the anti-war people? I was/am one too. Agree with all the rest. Yeah the left scares the hell out of me now. Total authoritarians. Real leftists must all have been driven underground and ostracized like what I am facing. I don't think they were ever sincere. :(
DeleteHave you ever noticed the Rich and powerful never conspire against anyone. Regular people go to jail for, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to money launder, etc. But the rich and powerful never conspire against the people. That in itself is a conspiracy theory. How convenient. And what are the odds.
Hey anyone who questions their motives or actions is considered a CoNsPiRaCy tHeOriSt! You are automatically labeled crazy unless you see the ultra rich and powerful as anything but our "betters". This used to apply only to the right but not applies to both sides equally.
DeleteThere is something spiritual about all this. It makes me want to go screaming back to Christianity! I found myself reading bible prophecy yesterday and I have to admit it is a little creepy. The problem is it never really took deeply with me because I always saw a lot of the bible as mythology or even kind of hoaky. I thought the story of Moses and the Pharaoh as totally fake and hoaky (is that a word?).I wish I had a spiritual path but as you are with politics so am I with spirituality. Without a home. Also without a home politically.
ReplyDeleteIt is a hard path be a truth teller and truth seeker.
I had some people online tell me I am still a Christian, and was "really born again" because I said some "spiritual stuff" about the vaxx, I won't get into it here, but maybe you can guess what I said. There are people in other religions and philosophies seeing the spiritual darkness too. I've talked with a few of them online.
DeleteI think we are in a spiritual war of some sort too so I understand your sentiments completely. I'm not sure I can cope with a totally "god-less" world, I never became an atheist in my case. There's too much tracking after bible prophecy, even the Revelation 13 stuff, where people can buy or sell and this garbage covers the entire world. Can you imagine what my fellow UUs would say to me if I told them I am having serious thoughts about bible prophecy again.
They know I am an ex-evangelical as well as ex-Catholic but don't know how extreme and fundamentalist a world I lived in. I don't want to go back to the spiritual abuses and mind control of evangelical and fundamentalist Christianity so I am in a strange place now. I found some stories hoaky and even got in trouble for telling some fellow IFBers during my fundie days, the Adam and Eve story denoted when humanity gained consciousness. UUs do pay attention to teachings of Jesus, some are Christian, some aren't, but I am thinking I am still paying attention.
I am having some serious cognitive dissonance about religion and reality right now. I studied the bible many years. There's a lot going on. I wish I had stuck with one spiritual path too, maybe all the changes denotes a problem in me, not sure. I was always searching for truth and a truth seeker, maybe that was a problem.
The bible warned "the church" would be fallen away and would be deceived. I used to write weird posts 15 years ago about how most churches would follow the "beast" and "mammon" and well, what can I say now.....:/ All I know is I don't want to follow evil.
I need to find some people who see through this mess too. But how. Everyone is so isolated or they have their friends now. Although I hear a lot of friendships and families are falling apart because of this. I would not drop someone because they chose to get the vaccine. I question there judgement. I might want to stay away from them for a while just in case. If I had a close family( I don't) I would not ruin it over this mess. What is wrong with people.
ReplyDeleteSorry you are depressed. I wish I had something to say that is helpful, but this is a whole new territory. I would say this too shall pass, but I'm not sure about that anymore. I do think your very resilient and that could be a plus for you in this whole thing.
Stay strong - Sue
I wish I could find people who see through this mess. You know oddly when I post anything questioning the narrative--I have to keep it very mild publically...only my Aspie friends answer, regular neurotypicals won't even discuss it.
DeleteI did post the "soul" meme and it was an Aspie friend who is seeing through the nonsense. I am already being ostracized for beliefs, and feeling superficial around people because I can't talk about what is happening. I never knew that if the world was ready to burn down, we'd be expected to stay "positive" and put the "masks" on.
A lot of friendships are coming apart. It's probably good I am no contact with the family this would have made it happen anyway. My family was not the questioning type. I won't drop anyone who took the vaccine either, that's 95 percent of people I know in my case.
I worry about physical and other affects from it of course and I think we should have compassion for all. However on my end I am already being dropped and groups are banning the unvaxxed "officially". I do question the judgment too. I tried to warn a few and the blow back hurt. Some people are fearing the shed spike proteins, too many unvaxxed women talking about changed periods and more, and seen these reports all over, especially close contact with no masks, and living in the same places.
If I had close family too or close local friendships I would not want to destroy things over this either. I don't get why people are accepting all these side effects, and the rest. Why are they accepting even all those teens getting severe heart damage. I will never understand.
Thanks for saying I am resilient, hope you can hang in there. Yeah I am not sure this garbage is going to pass, I feel like wherever they are taking us is permanent, and it's wrong. Take care Sue.
I have been getting a tachycardia every time I go out around people now. I have not had one since I gave up coffee over a year ago. It started again, right when they started vaxxing people. Maybe it's just a coincidence but it is scaring me. Oh, and at first when the most people were being vaxxed, I was also having high blood pressure which I have never had. So maybe it's a coincedence maybe not. I heard one doctor who thought one of his patience was getting this from taking care of his mother who was just vaxxed.
ReplyDeleteI would not think poorly of you if you went back to Christianity. I wonder whether I just didn't understand how to read the bible. I didn't get the trinity, still don't .And I did meet some crummy Christians; but I know people who believe despite being really sick and all sorts of bad life experiences. I also never felt like God loved me. I know what you mean about atheism. You start to feel dead when you get so rational you aren't open to things we may not be able to see.
I do still believe there is something more to this life than the material. I think we can't know. And I think the bible has a lot of wisdom in it as well as some weird stuff. I used to be into Buddhist meditation and thought, but even some of that annoyed me. I think I sometimes over think things and pull things apart to try to understand them and then it all unravels. I also grew up Catholic. Have you ever watched the comedian Julia Sweeney talk about her process of DE converting from Catholicism. It's a hilarious almost 2 hour monologue. It was a lot like my experience. You can find it on youtube.
Searching and open - Sue
Yes be careful going out and around people. I am worried about the shedded spike proteins too. I have been getting bad tachycardia with low blood sugar lately. It's concerned me. I hope it was just low blood sugar, one day I had not eaten from 8-3pm. I have read too much scary stuff with menstrual cycles etc. I even have to see some people being masked, hoping that is less risky. Yeah not knowing how people are being affected it is scary. The stuff with menstrual cycle is scary. I hope the problem will remedy itself too. I find myself thinking at a certain point I have to rejoin the world despite the risks, but are they going to make me sick? I've had to go to stores too in masks. See vaxxed doctor and nurses, etc. This is dystopia hell world. There's stuff I read about the vaxx that are so scary, I can only hint at here. One man believes the spike proteins are going to turn into prions and you can just guess how that is going to go. I read a paper early [the Classen link] that scared the hell out of me.
DeleteI wonder too about those things being coincidence, or not, hope you feel better. The spike proteins scare the hell out of me. They definitely are causing the bad vascular effects. Don't know why people haven't figured out that the spike proteins from the vaxx are what will harm you. I announced to my own doctor if my body is busy making spike proteins I will be dead within a week. He is leaving me alone about the vaxx now.
Thanks for saying you would not think poorly of me if I went back to Christianity. I think my beliefs are in a very strange place now. I don't think I fit any traditional place. I think there is some wisdom in the bible too, but question some in there of course still. Some seemed good and like they believed, people of light but there is a lot of darkness in Christianity. I still dislike a lot about the evangelical and fundamentalist world just don't want to walk back in that cage.
I also struggled/struggle thinking God never loved me too. There's a point where a person has too many bad things happen. I even have stray thoughts that earth is hell and some kind of prison planet. Read too much gnosticism and archon stuff in my esoteric religious studies. Some gnostics believe Jesus came to save us, and most of his words were adulterated. I used to preached on the religion blog, Jesus didn't come to create some Christian empire and that most of the Christian churches were the birds [vultures] in the false tree warned of in the parables.
With God, too many bad things happened, it allowed me to be hurt too often and did not answer my prayers.[even for others] Too much happened that made no sense.
I liked aspects of Buddhism but there were parts that bugged me too. I should check out the Julia Sweeney talk, I definitely went through the deconversion from Catholic. Some trad Catholic circles see through the Covid stuff, though Vatican is pushing the Covid vaxx hard to be expected I guess. I guess I am still in searcher mode. Spiritually trying to listen to the Spirit within. Whatever one there is, told me don't touch the vaxx and seeing through this whole "matrix" of BS. There's definitely warnings in the bible seeming to come true now.
Do you remember how liberal women used to love Christine Northrup. She was a famous Doctor; went on Oprah, was in East West Journal and lots of other Magazines. But now she's a conspiracy theorist for questioning the vaccine. How do they square all this?
ReplyDeleteHope your doing well- Sue
Hi Peeps,
ReplyDeleteI was listening to Been again this morning. He was saying that 50 of his youtubes were removed at once, most mentioning the "I" word. Don't know if you found out then, you can get it for $26 total at wallgreens or target. Also, if you cant get a script, to reach out to see what can be done.
Also, a Lex Fridmen podcast #194 with BW entitled Truth, Science and Censorship in the time of a Pandemic, was one of the best I've ever heard. It is 3:17:10 though, which can be maybe be managed with time stamps.
I like all your meme's here, the one about all you can from your computer currently though, really threw me for a loup. I just hadn't thought about it in such graphic terms. Probably because I still do everything "old school". I am not tech savvy at all, I've never had a twitter, been on facebook or any of the others. After all I have been looking at diligently over the last month, trying to make an informed decision, I'm glad I don't.
I know what you mean about your spirituality suffering from all this, or at least on a very basic level. I wasn't raised in any religious invironment, but with all the soul searching I had to do at a young age, I knew intuitively early on that I had something deep inside me (a soul) that required nourishment. I found this when at 16 I discovered The prophet, by Kahlil Gibran. It was my bible, and I read it daily.
Listening to you two ladies here... continuing
I think the Prophet is popular among UUs, I definitely have heard of that one and want to read it, and seeing the excerpt you posted I like what I see, I think I will check that book out soon from the library. I found out something scary about the I, too, doctors aren't allowed to prescribe it in my state or a neighboring state. I won't say how I found out, but when has that ever happened before, when doctors have been told NOT TO PRESCRIBE SOMETHING? That is mesed up and suspect. Even husband told me hes is getting concerned about all the contradictory news and stuff not making sense. I still am wearing mask, which I know gets me some weird looks. The world has gotten too strange. The I thing did upset me, they never did that before. :(
DeleteContinuing ...
ReplyDeleteListening to you two ladies talking about this here in the comments section, reminded me that I was feeling out of sorts by all I was learning, and so I sat down with my bigger bible of his collected works, and found this gem, which I would like to share. It's entitled Vision, from his book, A Tear and a Smile.
There in the middle of the field, by the side of a crystalline stream, I saw a bird-cage whose rods and hinges were fashioned by an experts hands. In one corner lay a dead bird, and in another were two basins- one empty of water and the other of seeds. I stood there reverently, as if the lifeless bird and the murmur of the water were worthy of deep silence and respect- something worth of examination and meditation by the heard and the concience.
As I engrossed myself in view and thought, I found that the poor creature had died of thirst beside a stream of water, and of hunger in the midst of a rich field, cradle of life; like a rich man locked inside his iron safe, perishing of hunger amid heaps of gold.
Before my eyes I saw the cage turned suddenly into a human skeleton, and the dead bird into a man's heart which was bleeding from a deep wound that looked like the lips of a sorrowing woman. A voice came from that woman saying, "I am the human heart, prisoner of substance and victim of earthly laws.
"In God's field of Beauty, at the edge of the stream of life, I was imprisoned in the cage of laws made by man.
"In the center of beautiful Creation I died neglected because I was kept from enjoying the freedom of God's bounty.
"Everything of beauty that awakens my love and desire is a disgrace, according to man's conceptions; everything of goodness that I crave is but naught, according to his judgement.
"I am the lost human heart, imprisoned in the foul dungeon of man's dictates, tied with chains of earthly authority, dead and forgotten by laughing humanity whose tongue is tied and whose eyes are empty of visible tears."
All these words I heard, and I saw them emerging with a stream of ever-thinning blood from that wounded heart.
More was said, but my misted eyes and crying prevented further sight or hearing.
Wow Chelle that resonates. I want to read the Prophect now. I was talking to someone on FB about questioning life, where they put us all in boxes. I was ranting to husband yesterday, they have put us in boxes looking in other boxes and we don't even get to have real experiences anymore, and they will pave over the entire earth. I even at at another time ranted about the matrix and how they want to put a tube in us, and we won't be really alive anymore, like brains in a box.
DeleteWe are taken away from too many beautiful things of life now, they seem to want everything that means anhything gone as they turn the world into a sterile place destroying nature and our connection to it. I think about how my own life just seems to be chained up, doing paper work, paying too huge bills, always worried about different things, and even enjoying nature seems rarer and rarer and now we don't even get to enjoy people anymore or talking to a stranger or a laugh or smile. I noticed even among the more unmasked people, very few smile anymore, seemed like drudge land. It sucked. I ask how did I get in a life, devoid of people and experiences. I want massive change and not sure how to implement it.
Yeah that is enough to cry over, foul dungeon of man's dictates, locked in real cages for some but outside the jails, they have endless keys and locks and bars on the windows.
Continuing ...
ReplyDeleteListening to you two ladies talking about this here in the comments section, reminded me that I was feeling out of sorts by all I was learning, and so I sat down with my bigger bible of his collected works, and found this gem, which I would like to share. It's entitled Vision, from his book, A Tear and a Smile.
There in the middle of the field, by the side of a crystalline stream, I saw a bird-cage whose rods and hinges were fashioned by an experts hands. In one corner lay a dead bird, and in another were two basins- one empty of water and the other of seeds. I stood there reverently, as if the lifeless bird and the murmur of the water were worthy of deep silence and respect- something worth of examination and meditation by the heard and the concience.
As I engrossed myself in view and thought, I found that the poor creature had died of thirst beside a stream of water, and of hunger in the midst of a rich field, cradle of life; like a rich man locked inside his iron safe, perishing of hunger amid heaps of gold.
Before my eyes I saw the cage turned suddenly into a human skeleton, and the dead bird into a man's heart which was bleeding from a deep wound that looked like the lips of a sorrowing woman. A voice came from that woman saying, "I am the human heart, prisoner of substance and victim of earthly laws.
"In God's field of Beauty, at the edge of the stream of life, I was imprisoned in the cage of laws made by man.
"In the center of beautiful Creation I died neglected because I was kept from enjoying the freedom of God's bounty.
"Everything of beauty that awakens my love and desire is a disgrace, according to man's conceptions; everything of goodness that I crave is but naught, according to his judgement.
"I am the lost human heart, imprisoned in the foul dungeon of man's dictates, tied with chains of earthly authority, dead and forgotten by laughing humanity whose tongue is tied and whose eyes are empty of visible tears."
All these words I heard, and I saw them emerging with a stream of ever-thinning blood from that wounded heart.
More was said, but my misted eyes and crying prevented further sight or hearing.
There is an organization that gets refurbished hearing aids to people for a very small fee. Will
ReplyDeleteGet their contact information from this guy I know so I can pass it on to you.
Be well
Thank you, I would love to get that information. I definitely need it. :)
DeleteHi Peeps,
ReplyDeleteCheck out FLCCC. It's all there, the amounts to be taken under what circumstances, and all the additional supplements as well. Even suggests the printouts of what to take to your doctor. They also break down the mask wearing safety info. It took me a whole month of research, but I finally got to the end. All in one location. Hope this will give you a lot of encouraging info. Chelle
thanks, for the website, when I get some money next month, going to try and get some Iverme***tin, husband is a bit reluctant given my health problem but I have read studies all over the place. The suppression of that drug is truly evil. I have the website saved on who to contact, found out the amount of the consultation, not sure how it will go asking for enough for two people. I would feel more free to rejoin more of life too without the "fear". looks like they are planning no end to this and ruining life for good but going to do what I can to protect myself.
DeleteHi Peeps,
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you and Mr. Peeps. As I mentioned before, I'm not very tech savvy, don't know if there is some way I should look to find the people I have been following, such as BW and wife, and now Bn is receiving same YT warnings and may be gone as well soon. Only a couple supplements shy of a full dose here. Just get over it indeed!
Who is BW? Give me another hint. I do watch some alternative channels and BN too. I know it's weird I have to turn to the "right wing" to get any alternative news though some people shared left wing sources with me. The anarchists are one source.
I should do an article on left wing sources against this nonsense and quotes too.
I have more to read at that website.
I know I need to find more people. I did find a local holistic connection where I know they question vs.
Just even talking to someone would help about all this.
Hi Peeps,
DeleteBW, Bret Weinstein, is an evolutionary biologist. Please see him interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News of all places! It is the last place he would normally be, but given the current "crazy" situation, he felt it necessary to accept Tucker's invitation. They were able to put personal politics aside, and freely discuss the phenomonon, which is the best one can hope and aspire to currently.
Hi Peeps,
ReplyDeleteFigured out the above question, so no worries. Just needed to put a little more time in. I came across a very refreshing young lady and her videos on living abroad. She has been to 60 countries, talks about her culture shock going back to the US after being abroad after 15 years. That was "How I see the US after living abroad for 15 years." Many, many others, including, "Becoming a digital nomad in your 50's" etc., where she interviewed a guy in Brazil. Her channel is, "Travelling with Kirstin". She is a very down to earth young lady, which I found interesting and soothing after all the covid gloom and doom I have been looking into and seeing. Hope you might enjoy it too. Chelle
Hey I like travel channels. I watch Mark Weins, not only for the food but to see how places LOOK, used to be into Anthony Bourdain, and watch Zimmeran Bizarre Foods. I would love to see her take on USA now, probably flipped her out, this is a totalitarian hell-hole now. 15 years ago I could have actual conversations with people in the small rural town. I still want to move but can't talk husband into it. We are in that trap of needing the medical care and other resources around more affluent people [he goes to a charity clinic, and most counties in this state don't even have one] but not connecting with them in the same way. I complained about red state in my latest article but sometimes wonder if I would be happier in a backwater "redneck" area. I am having a lot of cognitive dissonance about life and regrets lately. Just can't believe things came to this. Yeah I am reading ficton books, mystery novel now, etc to distract self. I chose a date where I am going to start living like Covid doesn't exist, there's a point where I have to reclaim my life, may as well have some fun before they drag me off to the fema camp because I won't take the motb.
DeletePeep, I'm the short forty something 80s New Romantic/goth/New Wave loving dude-since-the-mid-1990s who commented on your blog last year, but stopped because I didn't want to be a dick about how I felt about masks when you were coming from a very different position than I was. I took a break from reading anything online for a while because the whole situation was so obviously a control grab dystopic farce in my eyes that would end with a push to make us all lab rats (just like with GMOs, but even worse) and I wondered why people didn't see it. I'm back and thank you so much for this post. My elderly (tiny) family toe the party line and constantly calls me the "c word" while living in fear, the family business has been lost to the shutdown, I'm a friendless present-culture-hating aspie who feels isolated too, my partner agrees 100 percent about this b.s. and how it's become thought crime to reject the narrative, but also can't stop talking about it while I just want to escape from ALL of it. I hate both sides of the political spectrum, I hate how everything has gotten WORSE since my few happy years as a first and third grader, and how I saw it coming way back when too. I'm glad you're okay and know that we're not alone among the seemingly mind-controlled (at this point, how could they not be?)
ReplyDeleteHey I'm glad you are back, are you the island dwelling guy? I wonder where you went. Yeah, I see through this stuff now. I still wear the masks but don't like them and don't want them mandated, this has to do with my very bad lungs and husband's worries about me catching it and dying. I do believe as you see we are all being lied too. And yeah it's hell, I am friendless [except for online] Aspie too, and culture hating as well. I am walking on eggshells in real life, scared to share too much, and well I live in 95% percent NPC land where everyone lined up though I have made it a new habit to go hang out in far more rural small neighboring towns. Yeah the "thought crime" and 1984 crap is scary. A full descent into BIG BROTHER Covid1984. I want to escape too. If I was not disabled, I would be selling everything off and moving to the most remote, rural, "backward" in the middle of nowhere place I could find. LOL Like you I hate both left and right, well we really don't have a left, we have authoritarians on both sides. I find myself agree with libertarians and anarchists LOL
DeleteDid you see where I wrote I am done with DNC, the Ableists Demand Compliance article? Yeah everything got worse during my life. Hell I remember even happy moments during my abusive childhood, well before my siblings were "turned" going to the arcade and life then still had some good things going and stuff to look forward to. Now it's all dystopian land and worsening. I knew something was wrong with this world, day I was born into it. Glad to have another here, refusing the mind-control.:)