Friday, May 21, 2021

New Orleans Surgical Center Manager Tells the LA State Legislature How the Covid Vaccine Destroyed Her Life




    1. but they are censoring everyone who speaks of an adverse effect. Think this one out, if this "treatment" was on the up and up as the "experiment" is done, they would want people to report to detect patterns and trouble. I saw censorship done right in front of my eyes where the people who talked about problems with the v, were silenced and censored, groups taken down on FB, people who talked about their individual cases taken down on a variety of message boards, etc etc. In fact when I was exploring the vs and had formed no opinion about them yet, this was a giant wake up call to me. Notice even the title of this article deems them liars. I've had enough medical trauma in one life to know if I signed up and got severe effects, like a blood clot or neuropathy problems, other things would be blamed and that's exactly what they have done with the majority. They have silenced and marginalized those who have had side effects, just look at this article. They don't want to improve their product or know of problems? Nope they simply want to shut up the problems.


    1. I know a couple, one got the vaxx, one was too afraid [for good reason as she has a history of blood clots and other bad medical problems--but as we know they are trying to force the clot shots down everyone's throat. They both caught Covid, tested for it too, guess who's sicker the husband who got vaxxed. As for the shaking there are endless reports of nerve and other problems with the V, all you have to do is read Covid Vaccinated on reddit. It's there. Could some jerks have muddied the waters with a few fake videos sure, but when you see hundreds of people online talking about their new numb faces and limbs something is going on. A vestibular forum is full of people who got the v complaining about vertigo, deafness and other problems. I've seen these places online. You know information can be online found beyond the propaganda mills.
