Sunday, April 26, 2020

Conspiracy Theories

When I deconverted as I have written about, I left the world of bible prophecy and most conspiracy theory behind. I still study and read some "conspiracy", I still have questions about 9-11, Bill Gates and still believe that a lot of bullshit goes down, in the interest of profit and people doing bad things. Astroturfing is real. Governments and other organizations use propaganda to sway populations. Connections do rule this world but this is more organic then planned.

The Covid19 tragedy hasn't been a good event for a recovering conspiracy theorist. What am I to think when it turns out the doomsday preppers were right? Society could be on the edge of collapse. In the privacy of my home, I talk to my husband about my fears of Mad Max becoming reality in the next few months. He seems to think everything will "return to normal". I had to shut down my fears to mentally survive, so am doing art work, and trying to enjoy life day by day. He told me once, "Even if this stuff is true, really what can you do about it?" I suppose that made sense, one has limits on health, resources and there's no way I can afford a bunker.

 With all conspiracy, research everything, a lot of conspiracy is bunk. I do still believe there is stuff going on that is not good which is hidden from the public and where propaganda/astroturfing etc rules the day. Maybe my belief that Trump is a traitor would be considered a conspiracy by some, but actual conspiracies in war and other events are real. Society got too complex, and that's a problem for much of the public. Science education in America is very poor. I have had to deal with immense holes in my own science education, even the man I had for a college general studies science class was a fundie at a public university. My uber Catholic education as a child had overlaps with those stuck in the fundie world. There's too much I do not know.

I still have friends into conspiracy like me, though obviously most of the Christian ones and I parted ways. I said to a few people about Covid19, "Wait and see, don't believe it's a hoax, listen to the scientists on this one." Sure our concerns about the destruction of more civil rights still applies, but pandemics have happened before. Obviously we are at this point now, where everyone knows someone who has had it--I do, and many know someone who has died. I don't like those who get upset if you talk about bio-weapons, because that is fact, that we have had labs studying those things and containment is an issue.

Conspiracy and Christian fundamentalism often goes hand in hand. It did for me. While there's non-religious conspiracy folks or ones in other religions, I have noticed even on secular conspiracy websites that are not Christian, there is often this underlying world view that Satan and his minions are running things at the top layers. While yes there are greedy people who do bad things, this explanation is too simple.

Even David Icke who has more New Age/Source beliefs refers to Satan or "the Satanic Elite". I suppose he means it to use the word "evil". I believe evil is real, but some of the Satan talk obviously weirds me out given my beliefs of today. Humankind is limited in the big picture often. Seeing the world as a scripted battle between good and evil especially in the religious mode affects one's view of it. It does not provide discussions or explanations that lead to SCIENTIFIC ANSWERS. 

It leads one deeper into fables.

As a UU, I am embracing complexity again, but it's difficult in this traumatic world. These answers aren't doing much for humanity anyhow. Fear itself leads to dystopia. Brene's Brown's conjecture about "lack of data" [aka questioning why do so many BAD things happen] fits here.

Here's the problem, a lot of conspiracies are harmful. I believe there is some bad stuff that is real that goes on, but a lot of conspiracy is propaganda, full blown lies, and rests in anti-science or not understanding science. Conspiracy can make people mentally ill. I've seen it happen. People in my old fundie rural town sold everything off, and "went off the grid", it made two people homeless, I used to be friends with.

I wonder if abuse and trauma can take people into conspiracy more easily. I was LIED to so much within my abusive family, I had to be hyper-vigilant detective just to get through the day.  This article claims that conspiracy brings comfort out of chaos to some. Betrayed by medical experts for too many years, I learned long ago not to "trust the experts". I do believe a lot of lies and social constructs runs society too. Learning to listen to the voice within here is important. Extreme religion leaves one open to more absurdities. America seems to be a traumatized country in general, where fear rules, so conspiracy runs this place now and people have rejected science and rationality for Trump.

Carl Sagan warned about what would happen in America with religion and conspiracy.  I do still read conspiracy stuff, but am trying to "unravel" things still. I am exploring now as an outsider, breaking down the worldview. I didn't buy everything even when in. One thing that disturbs me now, are there are conspiracy people still saying Covid19 is a hoax, or exaggerated. So there's real life effects for society and individuals from this stuff. The anti-vaxxers brought measles back as a problem.  These individuals suffered.

America as a whole is being run by extreme conspiracy believers now via Trump and his minions instead of those seeking after science and rationality, that's a problem. Oh I think it is better for someone to say, "I don't know" instead of making up explanations out of thin air. Extreme religion demands answers for everything, while the scientific minded would be more likely say, "I don't know but let's explore the evidence together."

: Trump and Q was controlled opp, but many conspiracies are true. They do still use religion to manage people, trying to find the truth in the thicket of lies is not easy but conspiracy, conspiracies to do bad things, and lie, are real.

Update 2023: The Bible Prophecy I used to write about seems to be all coming true. Yes this has changed some of my outlooks. 


  1. You said: "I wonder if abuse and trauma can take people into conspiracy more easily. I was LIED to so much within my abusive family, I had to be hyper-vigilant detective just to get through the day." - and therein lies the problem. So many of our youth are victims of child abuse and even child abduction and sexual slavery. All of it is way, way up!
    This would account for why so many people wonder if most news is "fake news." Like: "I'm so used to being gaslighted. Who is doing the gaslighting here?"
    My bet would be that so much of the populace likes Trump because he points fingers and shouts "fake news!" What child abuse survivor can't relate to that? And some of them probably think it is cool that Trump can brazenly say something like that where they never could. And then another group of child abuse survivors believe that Trump uses the "fake news!" shout-outs to cover up his own gaslighting and fake news.
    What to do with all of the lying while growing up has consequences, and dealing with narcissists posing as victims is just one consequence. Dealing with narcissists in power who paint themselves as victims of "fake news" is another.
    I see that the "public truth" these days is a slippery slope, more slippery than it has ever been since I was born, and based way too much on opinions. Investigative reporting has practically died. And who watches it anyway ("Frontline" on PBS is not exactly on the top of anyone's list and they are one of the few outlets for investigative reporting).
    What the nation is dealing with in spades is a crazy amount of gaslighting, finger-pointing, fake "victimhood" in its leaders, denials and blame-shifting, aggrandizing themselves at the expense of others, brainwashing, leaders playing around with "fake news" memes, overlooking gross immoral and criminal behavior to get an agenda met, pretending to care about "the people", and so on. Being publicly glib and insincere is a way of life now. I think it can all be traced back to child abuse and neglect, and the authoritarian family. So many child abuse victims end up with partners who are narcissists via love bombing, because it feels so familiar to them. While leaders of integrity are passed by.
    One could argue that Trump was the "golden child". His brother may have been the scapegoat and was teased, derided, humiliated and committed suicide.
    So we could also surmise that a golden child is running the country.

    1. Hi Lise, I agree fake news suspicions go with all the gaslighting. Propaganda is thick out there too. When people can no longer believe news reports, that's a major problem for any country. That's one sign of the USA's decline right there. Sadly with Trump he operates just like abusers, even him being a "strong bully" would be attractive to some! "he will put those liars in their place". One sick fact is that in the conspiracy community, many see Trump as their savior. All that Qnon garbage, they believe he's swooping in as the rescuer. Hmm for golden children, narc mommy or daddy serve that role or really pretend to play it.

      Yeah investigative reporting is dead, "Frontline" is one of the rare ones left. When I was young even local newspapers investigated things, not so much anymore. The press used to serve as an instrument to keep politicians and the rest more honest.

      Our leaders the majority now are basically narcopaths. What is sad is the ones who don't play by the rules-- majority of Republicans are the ones winning while the "keep it civil" ""lets be rational" crowd are getting squished. We have moved from the days now where they must pretend to at least be somewhat intelligent and we have Trump whose followers revel in his anti-intellectualism, cruelty, lies, sexism, xenophobia, racism and destructive impulses towards the human race. His followers must be so amoral and devoid of human emotion inside that now losing more Americans then to the Vietnam war [those numbers everyday] doesn't matter. That's one thing we noticed with the narcissists, no matter what they did, and the more cruel they were, the more people cheered for them and supported them. I believe America probably is going to break up, it may be in my life time or not. If Trump wins in 2020 consider the decline in the cards. Trump is a symptom of the narcissism that has taken over this country. They don't want reasonable intelligent people to guide things, they want the bully. Honestly I wonder how many ACONs watch the guy and get triggered back to their childhood I know I do. My narcs never faced the piper on anything and made a lifetime of crushing enemies. With one, I know she will never quit, because why she has "never lost" to anyone and her mentality is just like Trump's though on a far smaller scale.

      This society taught people to be insincere. I know "being real and authentic" tends to piss people off, take it from an Aspie, I struggle with the masks of survival, being a burden still. Yes many ACONs end up with abusers surrounding them. The horror of discovering even some of their "friends" wish them ill will such as when I had to depart from the ex-best friends. Those with worse luck, end up with abusive partners.


    2. I agree Trump is the golden child, the story of what happened to his brother basically being destroyed within in the family...I agree that his brother was a scapegoat who did not survive his soul murder. So yes Trump is a spoiled golden child and sociopath. Totally unable to admit any wrong doing, brainwashing the country.

      I am triggered watching the whole enterprise, watching a variety of cowards all around him. Sure there's all this outrage but nothings being done. No enacting of the 25th amendment. Like most narcs and sociopaths even with his multiple evils exposed [what do we not know too?] he's still at it openly destroying the country with no repercussions. I believe he's basically committed treason. There's something dark in humanity where people like this become leaders and they can even blow up a whole country and kill millions and people still follow [Hitler, Stalin etc] Even the American system has now failed to stop this man in his tracks [no checks and balances to rescue us] and his stupid brainwashed followers too, will be our destruction. By the way 90% of my family outside of the gay cousins [who still kept company with all the extreme conservatives] are all Trumpsters and adamant ones at that.
