Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Stuff I've Been Working on and Doing...


                                 a snippet of a painting...

There is an art show for me scheduled for next year at this time. This means I have to make more art, but I was told I have enough too.  I painted three paintings of flowers. Maybe I will show them later. Sometimes I have to be careful with the art to avoid doxxing myself especially if I show it publically. The picture above is a "part of a painting".

Locally I joined this other art group via Zoom, and enjoy those contacts. That's some of the stuff I wish I could be doing in person.

I have been doing book illustrations for a local author, I completed two. I am working on a third. Remember when I talked about changing comics on the computer some time ago? Well this is what I do with the illustrations, I scan them and change them on the computer. I have stuck with a simple program but it worked.  These are self published books. It's been fun.

One thing I did was join a Zoom Asperger's group. I facilitated two groups in the last two weeks but usually I am just a participant. The group was younger but now there's a few older people who have joined in and those around my age. I am glad to have the Elder Aspie representation. This reminds me I signed up for some seminar online where I am supposed to talk about being autistic. It's good thing I wrote this because now I remember.  

I have been involved in a writing group on Zoom. Some members have told me they think some of my poems are publishable. I enjoy hearing their writing and talking to them about writing. I'm reading this one lady's book of poems, I really like and plan to write her about them.

I've been reading and studying Gnosticism. I am not a Gnostic, more undecided.  but I found things about the Cathers and other groups interesting.  Some may wonder why does she keep using "Demiurge" in blog posts? There's a lot of religious history to be learned. I know I have a lot of weird interest in conspiracy and some of the Gnostic stuff is applicable to that. 

My involvement with my UU has continued although not in person. I miss them. I did decide to set aside the Covid disagreements, it's not always easy but it's one area of life not everything. I plan to see a few people one on one I hope soon.

Oh, I still working on the Fat Pat book, a revamp of my Peep comics, this time it includes writing. I have been redoing the art and adding more. It's at the 180 page mark now. My husband took one look at it and says "It is looking more like a real book". Remember the Peep fiction articles? This book has both comics and writing. I decided to make it humorous. It has insights to round out the story. It is fiction but inspired by my own experiences.  I am SLOOOOWWW on projects, but remember I have CFS so do what I can. I do plan to get it done eventually. Fat Pat faces down bullies and "fights the world". 

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