Friday, July 28, 2023

Housing Issues: Trying to Choose Where to Live Isn't Easy!

If you have any advice, I'm open to it. What have your own experiences with Senior or Disabled housing been? Are you facing a rent crisis or inflation problems in your own area or life?

Has Covid made you more broke? Has the inflation crushed your household? Well as everyone here knows I've written about being poor and low income for a long time. 

The poor and working class are sliding into invisibility. It's kind of scary. I watch these channels about how the lives of many Americans are really going. You won't see these people and places in mainstream media.

Big Super Living in Arizona

Nick Johnson [endless videos about the state of America now, both rural areas and inner cities]

 Yeah while our politicians send billions to Ukraine, this is America today, and while I don't live in Appalachia, a lot of my own state and areas I drive through look like this. People are getting poorer and poorer out there and have become more invisible too. When I watch the news and regular TV, it's like the Hunger Games as everything is marketed to the Capitol people and the rest of us don't even exist. 

A lot of people are broke and struggling. For years, I've always feared homelessness, and worse circumstances from the poverty I faced in Chicago.  We managed to elude it, but it has not been easy. My husband works hard, but he has medical problems too that affect things.

Health wise, you know disability doesn't bring in the cash. My body always gets in the way of getting things done. I had to do a lot [for me] yesterday and could not walk at the end of the day, that's how bad the fluids get. It made getting to the bathroom hell on earth. I was wrapped but my body expands like a giant balloon, one leg wrapping looked ready to explode. More fluids have come off now from machine and rest and I can walk better but you can probably see how this affects the "getting things done" quotient. Medical bills and needs are high. There's a lot of special foods, medical equipment, supplies, and things I have to spend money on that normal people don't. 

We did get a few better years, husband got contract work and there were other circumstances that improved things, we are able to make most bills. I had savings at one time, but we had to use them for a short term lay-off time husband had, but he was doing freelance still during that time. 

The wolf is back at the door after having a few years being spared the bad carb rich food of the food pantries. The food pantries are still awful. We went back to one, one lady was there and said, "We haven't seen you in years!" We replied, "Things got better for a time." Sadly it was the same old hot dogs, bag of stale croutons and rivers of spaghetti. 

Where we live now is getting very expensive. They are gentrifying this place like mad.  We may have to leave. It's bothered me how being poor means often being forced to leave. I wrote about this in the Economic Nomads in the Geography of Nowhere article.

My husband applied for some jobs online, there's two recent ones where if the dice ever rolled my way, we wouldn't have to move, and there would be some stability. Sometimes I wonder if I am idiot to have hopes like this but we have had improved circumstances on the roller coaster. Problem is we are both getting old. I don't know how so many people do achieve the stability they do. He did deserve better. He has job and intellectual skills too. 

There's a feeling of not belonging. Class stuff really does impact ones life quite badly. Now we may have to leave again, but choosing where to go or what to do is very difficult. While I have a few regional friends, sadly most friends are scattered to the four winds or online. I don't have a family as everyone here knows.

Most people live lives where they have some relatives in their life, and feel there are people who have their back. My mother had people there to help her. I was just seen as a "burden". As I got older, it was really glaring seeing how other autistic and disabled people were treated by their families even ones in advanced ages. The other day I was thinking how her family was always there for her, and the opposite was true for me. 

 That's hard when you're old and you have to start over yet again.  You fear choosing wrong. In America now there's a lot of places that are high crime or have other problems. It's scary to leave places you know the lay of the land of. My brain has become a mess of too many maps, the more place you live, the harder it is to remember where everything is. I even get some towns messed up in my memories.                         
As people here now, I regret leaving a town a few places ago, it was my old small town. Going back is too complicated as specialists are all an hour away from that place. We have a car that runs pretty well, but when you have been as poor as me, you don't move away from your medical care. An hour drive away costs money and needing to do so multiple times a month is unaffordable. In my case, there has to be a hospital that is local and a busing system/Dial a Ride. Big cities are more overwhelming to me. 

I like things about where I live now, sometimes it's hard to be the poor person in the sea of affluent people though, it's harder socially, this community did provide some help to the poor. I did enjoy some resources they had here though, from better library, businesses, medical specialists, art center and more. Living here did help me as an artist, because of classes, cultural enrichment and being around people who were successful in creative pursuits. So I see the positive angles of this. Even my UU was a source of intellectual and creative resources. Some folks there remain supportive of my art which is a positive. This town does have the perfect infrastructure in terms of medical needs and resources too. 

My husband wants to stay but the way they are raising the rent, it's insane. For some reason this town really failed when it came to housing for seniors and the disabled. One place is even off the busline. Who planned that? There's no affordable housing here. It seems the message is, "Get out of Dodge, anyone who is not rich!"

It's sad the greedy are destroying America and now our personal lives. We know a huge corporate concern bought out our apartment complex. By the way huge corporate concerns are invading the whole country, raising rent and leaving more people homeless. You won't hear about that in the mainstream news either.

I have several neighbors in my own building who have already been forced out. Some had lived here more than ten years.  I suspect many had to leave the entire town too. The same greed that destroyed our lives with Covid insanity is now destroying our economic lives and communities. 

What is weird about us, is we are always attending to "making money". The other day I tried to sell two antiques, when I find something good out in thrift/garage sale world, sometimes I have something sellable. This included a beaded purse and a 1950s table before. Now I'm trying to sell an old painting and a Victorian era advertisement and picture. The economy is not doing well, so things don't sell as quickly.  The antiques contact wrote me back and said no one was interested. Even ebay slowed down years ago but my husband still sells things on there. 

I did sell art work during my art show. It helped the last few months. I am glad that my paintings will be on the walls of many homes now.  We plan to market more online too. 

We also shop at thrift like normal people shop at the mall. I buy everything but clothes and food new. I would get clothes if they fit, and did buy a few dresses at a thrift store that had bigger clothes for a time. 

It bugs me still how most poor people are judged as all being on drugs and like they did it to themselves. I get tired of that.  I know some personal traits probably attributed to my economic ruin. INFPs like myself make the least money, that didn't surprise me. Whatever personal qualities bought Alex Keaton the cash left me bereft of it. As I have aged, I've tried to make up for all the ADHD and focus on being practical.  

The constant grind of money comes on. All the prices are crushing. Everyone's feeling the burn at the grocery store.

Our rent is paid on time but I've been researching housing and to go on housing lists. I do have a good housing record--I've never been late with rent in my life. 

We are expecting more rent increases here. Most lists are 1-2 years long for the waiting lists, so I'm trying to plan ahead.  This means choosing new cities or towns to move to.  I'm filling out some paperwork this week. We qualify for the over 55 and plus places. It has been a stressful process. The housing in our present area sucks. One place is known as the "bed bug palace", they are doing renovations, but it's awful.  It's also a "tower", see below.

The other place the apartments are super tiny even compared to other subsidized places, and they are off the bus line. There's some places in the inner city area, but many of those are in high crime areas. I hear horror stories about how the elevator breaks down constantly in one sometimes for weeks. 

Some facets I have dealt with.

1. I can't live in a place dependent on an elevator.  Our society is not stable enough to keep elevators running anymore. Trust me on this one. Elevators are an invention of more properly operating times when the power didn't go out every week from the latest "super-storm" or "brown-out". 

I weigh 512lbs as of last week. My bed for the supersized, shouldn't be on anything but a first floor.  Being trapped in an elevator as a normal thin person is different than being a huge person and trapped in one. Even my own building had the elevator shut down for three months, while they worked to refurbish it. I thankfully live on the first floor.

 If the power goes out, I am trapped downstairs if I happened to go out, or I'm trapped upstairs. I never could get out in a fire. It disturbs me they built so many disability buildings as "towers", who came up with that idea, putting a bunch of mobility impaired people in places where they can't even get out? I can do a few stairs not well, but the paralyzed and completely wheelchair bound are in worse straits. 

2. The income cut offs are way too low. I realized with horror even if husband is on full Social Security, we could be over the line at one place. How are we supposed to survive if a spouse is told you can't make more than 13,000 a year?

80% AMI buildings that allow for higher [moderate]  incomes seem rarer than Dodo birds, I found one in an extremely small town and I haven't even found one in my county yet. One place, limited the income to under 30,000 a year but expected you to pay 900 a month for rent. I'm going on lists with the lower income cut offs because husband may have to go on full Social Security but even than I worry we will be told "You're too close!" 

3. The best buildings, that are newer nicer, not towers of inequity all seem to be in very remote rural areas. I don't mind small towns. I consider having us move to a smaller town because I was happier in my old rural small town. There's a few small towns I consider moving to. However there again the medical issue makes itself known. How far away are the doctors? Can I get to them? One place I plan to call and ask if the Dial a Ride system will take you to a hospital in a neighboring town. One place is pretty decent, and was recommended by friends. Some of these details can get complicated. 

I'm happier in smaller places. Big cities stress me out. The traffic, noise and crime are all negatives. I visit a couple smaller towns I like being in.  Sometimes a place can be too small and remote, there's a few things I need but trying to achieve an ideal balance is difficult. My old small town does have a hospital and I thought of just calling it a day and going there, even with the far away specialist problems. Here's two problems, most friends from there are now deceased or left, there's a few people I know left and for some reason the rent there seems to be skyrocketing almost keep apace with this place. 

 Sometimes I think go to a bigger town, but then the resources for the disabled, seniors and more are overstretched. I don't want to be a nobody lost in a sea of people, where its far more impersonal and harder to get to know people. This town I live in now always felt "too big" but was small enough to get to know some people at least. 

4. There's a lot riding on things. I have to be wise and choose the best place I can to survive in as an old disabled woman. My husband is older than me and we are rapidly aging. One asset the present place has is a PACE center for the severely disabled. 

5. I have had friends in subsidized housing and they have told me problems that can come with it. One said "you have to report every little bit you make". So if I made 100 bucks selling a painting, my rent would automatically go up? Some say they do constant "housework inspections". I suck at housework because of my horrible body. The trash is taken out and stuff is bleached and scrubbed at on occasional intervals but the white glove inspectors would go nuts. Last week I did get some crap out of here to give to thrift but it feels like teaspoons out of the ocean. 

My husband says, "We are barely surviving now how are we to survive under those income cut-offs". Also there is the worry lets say you move into subsidized housing but circumstances change for the better? Remember we got a couple "better years" They were working class level but over all of the cut-offs. I have said to husband, "Maybe we can find a cheaper town, but live in private housing". Oh it's confusing. Honestly except for very remote towns, it's like all the landlords got together and decided unless you can pony up 1,000-1200 a month for rent you don't deserve to live.

I watched this video of this man warning about low income housing and what can come with it. He is younger and wants to try advance himself and I hope he succeeds but some of this warnings make sense to me.

6. I am trying to find higher 80% AMI buildings and senior housing with reduced rent. I am going to go on the lists of the places with lower cut-offs because our income by the time I come up on the list, my husband may be on Social Security only anyway with a little supplemental income. One place is pretty decent and at the top of the list.   All of this is complicated but I'm trying to make the best decisions I can.

7. I can't describe to you how it feels to be forced out of another place. I do wish my present town had better Senior and disabled Housing.  It's like going through the death of my small town again. Also being 50 something and lacking roots like this, it really bothers me. I'm the kind of personality who needed a place to belong and feel apart of. I did for a very short time in life. It's all hard to explain. 

8. If something happens to me, I want my husband able to survive which is one reason for the Senior/disabled housing.

What happens in a country where there's no place to call home anymore? It's going to fall apart. It's all in the service of the greedy here. They wonder why some places are a sea of homelessness when the rent's so high. 


  1. Well, I think your post reflects the lack of attention that housing gets in many communities, even though it's the first thing that companies typically ask about, when they're thinking about moving into a place (plus infrastructure, tax burden, and quality of workforce).

    Another major problem is the red tape, not only in terms of regulations, but the types of places that get built. Housing complexes have become like nuclear plants, requiring a lengthy, multi-step approval process, which no developer in their right mind wants to slog through. Hence, the luxury complexes popping up like mushrooms, because they don't require as much, and are just a lot easier to build.

    Still, we could pass some basic laws, such as a restriction on what companies are allowed to own -- like we used to have for numbers of radio/TV stations, for instance (before the Reaganauts did away with all that stuff). I'd also like to see a measure prohibiting rent increases from exceeding cost of living, or inflation rate, whichever is greater. In my view, that's all a business is technically entitled to recoup.

    One thought I had was that retiring earlier might make the math of these things simpler -- since I'd have a base income, however small, and we could decide what types of "over and above" things we need to do.

    Making money has always been part of the game, for sure. As I often say, I started my side career almost out of necessity, as much as a desire to break new ground -- I realized it was either that, or go without.

    But that's why I've been pushing to do more one-on-one types of events, like your recent art show -- you can't rely solely on digital to do all your heavy lifting, I've realized.
    A lot of those places, like eBay, have gotten oversaturated, which is the main problem. But I still keep a foothold there, because it's a site that everybody knows, which doesn't hurt.

    We need to get back to the synergy of what we were doing before, where you mix personal types of events or ventures (like you did with the antiques dealer, even though that didn't work out), with the online world. That seems to work best. The main issue is getting into the swing of things, and then, scaling up, so you can get to the next level (however you define it).

    With a little bit of luck, timing and continued application of shoe leather, I think we can get to a better point than where we are now, where every dollar goes somewhere else. I do think we will need a fairly consistent stream of side income, which tends to keep the wolf at bay a bit more. But I think we can pull off whatever we need to pull off -- it's not like we haven't done it before, right? --Mr. Peep

    1. Yeah there is a lack of attention and sadly the town we lived in put it dead last. I'm still in shock a town this affluent allowed such an embarrassment of a disabled building. I wish they had torn it down and built something non-tower. Well that said, I remember when they said the heat failed in the senior tower in our old town, remember that. I get the feeling the funding isn't the same for a lot of the buildings.

      Maybe the red tape is keeping too many from getting built, that's a problem them. I keep wondering though why they keep building luxury apartments all over, I got the feeling a lot of those are going to be sitting empty, even the one the ones they recently built here. This is a more affluent town but those jobs that bring the money are still only a thin silver.
      Didn't we have laws on the books against monopolies already and why isn't BlackRock and Vanguard long ago crossing those lines? They obviously aren't being enforced.
      Yeah I wonder if am earlier Social Security would be better for you, we will have to see the circumstances of the time too. Remember that video of the guy I sent you talking about doing it earlier? Having a base income could take some strain off.
      I remember when you did all the side stuff, and how early it had to begin, I agree necessity forced it. I agree ebay and stuff like that got over-saturated, and there needs to be a balance with the "real world stuff". Thanks Mr. Peep, yes we pulled it off before. :) :)

  2. This is a total side note, but I thought you should see this:

    Notice where we are? Somewhere in the middle. Before you listen to the "Putin caucus" and its ceaseless advocacy for the guy in the Kremlin who pays them -- and mark my words, we will find out that a) it's way more rubles and b) ensnared way more people, than anybody imagined -- do a little bit of homework. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz (to name two of the loudest Puitin poodles in Congress) are simply not trustworthy sources on anything. But this is the company you will end up keeping, so bear that in mind.

    But even though the issue of "how much money," there's the geopolitical issues to consider -- allowing Putin to run the table in Europe will leave everyone else having to secure a border running roughly from the Arctic to the Black Sea, on a more or less permanent basis. And I doubt that anyone is volunteering to sign up for that assignment, hence, the current situation. --Mr. Peep

    1. Those countries are pretty small and some are neighbors with a lot more invested. I don't think the USA should be donating to anyone right now except maybe some humanitarian, because, this place is falling apart and if you don't take care of yourself, like put your own oxygen on before helping anyone else, then things will collapse here, and whose going to help this place out. If anything I think most of the world is cheering on our demise especially since too many traitors in office seem to look for a Chinese "social credit" future instead of sticking to the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

      I see Ukraine like the Cuban missile crisis, it's right up next to their border and they are pissed, they don't want NATO on their doorstep. The Ukrainian coup in 2014 is said to be led by the United States and well, Ukraine should have remained a neutral country and not tried to join NATO. I sadly think NATO as America weakens is going to break apart. The American dollar is falling apart and BRICS is rising. The elite plan to reshuffle the game board, I remember reading about this even 10-15 years ago on my "alternative political" boards. I don't like Putin either, but some say he invaded Ukraine to stop the biolabs there, and if they do have biolabs, then that really sucks. Remember the Ukraine was known as the most corrupt nation on earth. I was going to show you this old article Mr. Peep.

      I don't see them worth risking nuclear war for. I don't like Putin either, he's another psychopath in charge and I told you, unless humanity does something about the psychopath problem we are all going to end up extinct, especially as the psychopaths have added playing with viruses to the menu.

    2. Given the poverty here, I think it's time for the USA to stop playing "world police" and take care of more problems here. Remember that book from years ago I read called "The New American Century" well it failed and it bankrupted us with the wars in the Middle East. Remember the elites profit off war and always want war with "Oceania" now they got proxy wars to profit all their war mongering friends and investors.

    3. Peeps, do a bit dig deeper -- again, it's 0.33% of your GDP, not nearly enough to rattle the walls of your fair republic. Trump's tax scam that they rammed through in 2017 cost way, way more, but you don't hear any of the Putin caucus object to that.

      I don't think it's a coincidence that the only two countries Putin has ever attacked (Georgia, Ukraine) just happened to be the ones without security guarantees, which they can get via NATO. So if that really was his goal, I'd say that ship has sailed -- thanks to his so-called army's comically high levels of ineptitude, not only have Finland and Sweden gotten in, but it looks their enemies will, too, whenever this all finally ends. Not exactly a great outcome for someone frequently billed as a street smart despot -- I'd say the ship has sailed on that idea, too.

      The n-word is great to throw around, because of its emotive power, but let's think a bit more logically here. If he was going to do it, he already would have done it, because his army's ineptitude hobbled his "special military operation" -- or whatever euphemism he wants to use -- from the get-go.

      What's the point of waiting to do it now? The reality on the ground shifted away from the Russians long ago. Dropping one, 10, 100, or even 1,000 nukes doesn't change that an ounce, from a purely strategic point of view. What would he do with all that charred rubble? There goes all the territory he occupied, too, leaving him nothing to steal or exploit. I doubt he wants to lose that.

      There's also the blowback (so to speak) that he would have to deal with personally. Tyrants generally don't like to put themselves in the hot seat, which is what would happen. He would end up like bin Laden on steroids, hunted from hidey hole to hidey hole, until eventually, one of his cohorts would finally put a bullet between his eyes, because they'd get tired of all the running they'd have to do.

      And remember, he'd have to give up all the weird luxuries that he takes for granted now, like that ridiculous prop -- that never-ending conference table we've all seen on TV -- and his gold commodes, and God knows what else he's stolen. I seriously doubt he's ever going to do that. Like bin Laden, he doesn't strike me as someone that would ever adapt to a life of permanent running.

      But I'm going to keep asking the question that you continue to duck -- what would YOU do, if you sat in that seat? Letting him go his merry way is not an answer.

      The sugar highs of appeasement and isolationism didn't pay off in the '20s and '30s, and it won't pay off today. Eventually, the high wears off, and you still have to pay the piper -- as Churchill said, "An appeaser is one who gives food to a crocodile, hoping it will him eat him last." And remember, once you get between those jaws, crocodiles don't give you do-overs. :-) --Mr. Peep

  3. Hi Peeps,
    Had made a big long comment here, then it wouldn't go through. Think I stayed on the page too long. Will have to do a "do over" when I get the chance.
    I agree 100% on the comment you made at 2:08 here about the Ukraine situation, that is my exact view on it as well. I wouldn't know where to begin with Mr. Peeps view on this, so I guess I'll just not utter a "peep" about it. Probably better for all concerned that way. One thing though, I wonder where this idea of "golden thrones" comes from, unless it was that bogus real estate channel thing I seemed to recall, about a mansion that was not even his! The pictures you see of him, are of him shirtless, fishing and doing outdoor activities. I really don't think he gives two rubles about gold toilets!
    My comment was totally geared to your potential "moving situation," so I'll try and recoup my thoughts. Bummer!

    1. Hey Chelle sorry your comments didn't go through. I wish I knew what was happening. Blogs are rare. I better do a new download of this one. Yeah I and Mr. Peep haven't agreed on the Ukraine in a while. All I got to say is if there are biolabs there, I can see why Russia was pissed. Sad to say I tend to think Putin is no savior either, remember him wearing the blue tunic covered in masonic symbols with head of China and GWBush. I would like to know if Putin has golden toilets too, I know Trump had one. LOL Read about it. Maybe they all get golden toilets as presents at the latest WEF meeting.

    2. Good one on the Free Golden Comode for every Premier WEF Member, Peeps! Seems so befitting too, given all the B.S. they must spew in those "behind closed door meetings". Also gives a "cool spot" for all those red-hot beef-turds to land! Yeah, this is so much more practical for the PWM than say a "golden parachute," something none of them would be caught dead in!
      Thanks Peeps.

    3. They probably freeze dry their poop thinking it's special. LOL Yeah put it in a golden plate. :P I always read about all these leaders having golden toilets. Think about the mentalities of these people.

    4. My comments about gold commodes were rhetorical, not literal, though a lot of those characters do seem to have them. Anyway, my main point is that he's not ready to die without his toys, and/or his rarified lifestyle. It reminds me of the BS spin they kept rolling out about bin Laden -- remember where he was, when they killed them? About 200 yards from the local cop shop, in one of Pakistan's busiest cities, far removed from the caves that they imagined him to be hiding in. Rich boys stay rich boys, even when death is lurking around their doorstep. --Mr. Peep

  4. Hi again Peeps,
    Well I just wanted to say that I am sad to hear you may have to move for financial reasons. That sucks! And to be uprooted from ones home is a traumatic experience, at least when it is not by choice. Hopefully it will not come to this, but sounds like you are looking into your options in case it does.
    I had a family member living in the States, who moved from California to Oklahoma to begin with, for the huge cost of living difference. Then on to Senior's housing, which had a two year waiting list. Had SS and a small income, and paid $450. a month in 2015. Had those inspections every three months, which were scheduled, but yes one was judged by them. Would get carpets cleaned and do the other stuff alone.
    I also know people who were previousely living in the highest rent districts in the U.S. in California, who have long since moved to Nevada and Texas, because of property taxes issues. So this affects even the very wealthy.
    But yes, anytime there is a war, things get worse for the citizens. Which sucks too, because most are paying for the war in the first place, and then paying more in the second. The old "double bind."
    Many countries seek to make things attractive for retirees seeking to live abroad. They offer discounts, that last every day, all days, and all year around. That is to say, they are law. Here these discounts are for things like medicines (20% off in general, 30% for some essential meds) 15% off on fast food and other franchises, such as clothing and shoe stores, 25% off in regular restaurants, 50% off of theatres, concerts, air travel and hotels. And would have to look for percentages off on bank loans, electricity and hospital stays. Anyway, you get the idea. (Also, certain "basic foods" are price regulated, such as chicken, meat, eggs, milk, cereals, vegetables, legumes, etc., so that helps many too.)
    The banks, public utility offices and customer service lines, have a special line for seniors, retirees, pregnant and disabled persons, who get waited on first. They have another line for everyone else.
    Many U.S. Citizens are able to skirt by on their SS income of $1200. a month. Not at all easy breezy, but possible. I would say an income of $2,000-$2,200 would be ideal, with mid level rent running $600. Not that you're asking, but I am just sharing what I can from this end. We're just passing some here, comparing notes. ($12-$1500 a month, would get you a high-rise condo in the city overlooking the ocean.) I like to watch those property shows too, where people look at their various options abroad like this.
    I remember I had suggested an idea for you some time back, when I had the impression you were living in a tourist town, or a place with historical interest. The idea was for you to use your considerable painting and photography talents, and consider making a conmemorative 12 month calendar, for locals and visitors alike. Most eveyone needs a calendar, and ladies like to have something pretty and out of the ordinary to hang on the fridge, to make notes on all year long. And it's nice to have something new and pretty to look forward to as the months change. Also, given the time of the year they are normally purchsed, they make great xmas gifts. I'll bet Lise could give some ideas about costs on this too, with their graphics business. Anyway, just a thought. Guess this would be something for more "settled" times too.
    As for us here, we built our own small home on an acre piece of property, so we only have maintenence expenses (plus our electricity, car insurance, tv, internet etc., which run us $165. a month.) I got the property very cheaply back in 1990. I was visiting a friend, and used the remainder of my vacation money to help her Dad, and he traded me this plot of land. I had it measured and registered immediately, as I knew I would want to end up here permanently one day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh caveat to above, I don't want any innocent people harmed by war not even Ukrainians, but really them becoming a member of NATO, it just creates problems and really what does NATO mean now, slavery under the WEF? Biosurvelliance state? I'm old enough when people spoke of "western freedom" but that's gone. China still is draconian and so is Putin but this place is going to the same direction. We have none to stop the Covid madness. At least some courts stopped a few of the monsters a little bit but then we haven't gotten the needed Nuremburg trials yet have we?

      I think overseas probably is an attractive option for many people who are in good shape and have a little money. It seems like it turned out well for you and your husband. Mexico is supposed to be cheaper. One thing one has to keep in mind though sometimes a place gets popular and then the prices skyrocket. That happened to Costa Rica didn't it? I was watching one of those House Hunter show. Glad you get discounts and food is price controlled, can't even imagine that here. I bet the food is better quality as well. I am glad they do things to help the populace there. Outside of Social Security, America and the left have lost sight of all that. Right does nothing for it too. I'm glad USA citizens can skirt by on 1200 a month, that's pretty good. Maybe we need cheap social security towns here. The Villages though you gotta be rich. LOL
      Good idea on the Calendar, something to think about. I did sell some art. That is one good thing about here and something I got from it was more art opportunities, enrichment and more. Even my writing was improved quite a bit like the poetry from being around some of the cultural enrichment. With enough money this place would be great. We probably did live a higher life than many of our socioeconomic group do live around here, I used to say that to husband, we were able to take advantage of some amneities, you know. It was like a trade off, I didn't fit in because everyone was so much richer than me, but then I was enjoying some stuff in the area too. I like the art stuff a lot and it was fun going to lectures etc, even with the UU I got a lot out of it intellectually, they taught me to garden!
      I guess when the greedy really went to town using Covid to do it, it's probably ruining a lot of stuff. That's great how you got the land in helping someone and I am sure owning land made settling there far better. I hope life turns out for you there. Yeah I have to figure out what to do. Thanks for your good post Chelle and discussions. I really wish I had focused more when young, guess I'm paying for some stuff that happened long ago in getting long term housing but just surviving was so hard, never was able to pull it off. Sometimes I want to puke thinking of how much I have paid in rent all these years.

    3. I am experiencing a lot of grief lately because I feel like I wasted years of my life here, and while there was some good stuff like art class, art show and I met some cool individuals, having things end this way again has me depressed. At least when I left my old town, we had goodbye parties, and I still think that was a mistake, but husband was not in shape to work at McDonalds and we were going bankrupt and no way I could support entire household on my check. Yeah getting out of California was best for your family member. Definitely would be cheaper there. I need to see if some states are cheaper then where I am at. I kind of want to stay in this state have attachement to it, and don't want to be in a hot place either but have to figure out what to do.

      I'm planning ahead here with 1-2 year waiting lists but I have to figure out WHERE to go. Yes the inspections worry me, because I'm so bad at cleaning. I'm hoping PACE provides help. Like now I am thinking I have to clean the gross kitchen sink, but it's like I can only get little pieces done. Don't even know how I will pull a move off, the body is not physically keeping up at all. It's probably a bad sign when you are on the verge of tears for doing stuff. I had to sit down on my walker from a pain in my side, maybe stone is moving in kidney but it could be muscular and my kitchen is kind of narrow even for my walker.
      I'm glad those richer people went to more affordable places, well even a rich 6 figures person will get their clock cleaned in California and some other expensive places. Some with money probably realize there's plenty out there to separate you from it. If I came into money I would buy some decent furniture and clothes but I may live at the same level because not having to worry about money would be the biggest relief to me.

      Yeah I'm sick of paying for wars. Mr. Peep means well but I don't really give a damn about the Ukraine, they were Russian before, so why should it matter? It's not like NATO is going to make their life better because ours is no better here anymore. I don't really see this place as a Democracy anymore especially after they were threatening to force clot shots on people. I was ready to run to the damn woods like it was WWII and by the way I still fear it. All of our world leaders are awful. They all seem to be just psychopaths, the whole lot of them.

    4. Hey Peeps,
      That idea of yours for SS communities is a good one! To gear the housing, pharmacy, certain stores right on the premises, would be almost guaranteed full capture of SS funds for the investors there, and convenience for the seniors not wanting to venture out too far beyond their immediate area. I know it sounds like 15 minute cities, but with a HUGE difference, being that it would be voluntary.
      Yeah, I get the grief or depression when looking back part. I think we are at that age, where we once looked only forward on our life's road, and now we are beginning to look back. It's only natural, I think. But just remember, many of us were dealt different hands, and with few exceptions, likely did the best we could with them. Be kind to yourself Peeps, you deserve it, and no one else will. Friendships and connections are a hard thing to judge ones time spent by. Those things take at least two, and you only have control over one. The story has not ended for you there either. Not until you pull up and leave. You said it yourself, things have changed for the better at times when it was least expected. I also think you are better suited where you are to have enjoyed the higher and cultural side of things, than to dig into a holler where these things would be out for sure, and friendships and connection in no way guaranteed. Maybe these more well-to-do ladies will end up being your clients, like they already have been. Probably wouldn't get that chance in a less well-to-do area, where people might appreciate your talent, but not be able to afford it. Just my thoughts anyway.
      I regret investing in some people that were not worth my time. I've gotten more stingy with that of late. Not sure how much is left, but know it's definately winding down. I live in a small town, and could have had more connection than I do. But everyone is pleasant, always says hello, and willing to have those conversations and engagement when they come up. For me, that's enough. I get a lot from you here too. These are conversations that would be culturally out of place here. They have other concerns. Would not be thinking about the things we are.
      As we talked about previousely, like with the cellphone gazing, friendships and connection are getting harder than easier to make. You may have to find a way to be at peace with it. I get the lonliness though, I feel it too. I didn't end up with the amount of frienships I imagined I would have when younger.


    5. Yeah I know what you mean about investing in people not worth the time, I think of those 30 year friendships, where I had been around some of these friends from age 19-to my mid to late 40s, and 4 of the friendships were unsalvageable after I changed from no contact. It was pretty intense. Some of the friendships, I remember the good times but with some definitely how I ended up choosing friends who treated me like my family did. I've gotten more stingy too. There's only so much energy. Husband says to me now, you can't do much more than what you are doing now. I spent an hour making medical phone calls even today. I do like connections one can make in small towns, where it's more personal but we know Covid changed that, and a lot of towns, people move away, I liked a lot of people who left here or moved on. Even some left that UU church I was in, who I liked, moves or just not doing church anymore etc. I'm glad people are pleasant there. They are nice here too, will help you out. Usually dependable, some good traits that way. I'm treated well in this county, inner city to rural areas.

      Yeah I talk about stuff here, most places you couldn't. I wonder how many people feel the way we do. Well things changed in 60s with the economic nomad stuff in America. Do you think people in your country mostly grew up around the same place or is there mobility there? I think cellphones changed things, well in my case there's the deafness, that really affects stuff, and being slowed down weight wise and more. One friend told me about "radical acceptance", it helps at times. Change what you can but don't bang head on wall too much about stuff. Thanks for understand Chelle. Maybe at this age, you think too of all the people who used to be here, where the separation came from just circumstances in life and losing people who are deceased too.

    6. Hi Peeps,
      Am looking to answer a few of your questions here. People in the immediate town nearby are mostly generations of family members. By knowing their last name, you can usually place them within a certain family. There are some transplants, but those tend to go on for long periods of time too. People do migrate to the bigger cities, when younger and looking for work or higher education. They travel home often though, and nearly without exception, return home to roost.
      I know a guy from the States who met a young lady here, and they hsd a couple kids. Two daughters, ages 9 and 14 now. He really liked it here, but lacked the financial stability his wife thought they should be providing their daughters. So he went back to the States, to put in his seven more years to retirement, or eligibility for SS income. That time has come and gone now, but he's still going strong with the accumulation of savings. He's planning to have his girls go to school, and eventually to University there.
      I had them up for pizza on his last visit here, and gave him my unsolicited opinion. I had given his girls some English lessons here, when they were younger, so I weighed in on their further education.
      I explained the current happenings as I understood them to be within the schools and universities there right now, compared to here. Also, the cost of attending a university here is a fraction of the cost. Also, the lifestyle here is much more wholesome, with lots of nature that you don't need to be a millionare to enjoy.
      I also suggested that their bi-racial beauty, and their being bilingual, would be huge assets for them here (beautiful English speaking girls would be given top priority) whereas they would likely be just another small fish in the sea of many there, as bi-racial Spanish speakers.
      And then there's the family name thing I mentioned at the beginning here. That goes for the elite 1% here too, with whom they would likely be attending a private university with, and would likely have secure jobs before they finished their studies. Those big family names have already established businesses here, such as insurance companies, airlines, supermarkets, pharmacies, law firms etc.
      Will have to see what he decides. I don't necessarily think he will take my advice, but the price was right either way!
      I gave a girl working with me once a week some advice yesturday too. She just turned sixteen the day before. She told me about a boy she was interested in last week. I asked her how many kids her mom had? Seven, she said. I asked if she attended church? They both did. So I asked if birth control was allowed, or if they were to leave such matters in God's hands? She said it was allowed. So, I told her about the pharmacy in town, where she could get some over-the- counter birth control pills for $7.00 a month. I told her how to take them, and said that we need not speak of it further, if that was her wish. I then told her about another 16 year old girl in town, who had once stood on that very step she was standing on, with whom I had shared the very same advice (true story) who had six children today, the oldest 17. She winced. Don't know what she will do either.
      I wish I had taken some very good advice I got from my grandmother, who had the very best intentions for me, but I didn't. One of these was, "Stay out of the Sun."
      I guess advice is something you give freely, and then let it go.

    7. Those girls lives will be far better staying there. This isn't the land of opportunity anymore, they are crushing us here. You know I met hispanic immigrants in 1990s who told me they regretting coming to Chicago, they didn't tell us it was like this here. Better you tell and warn this family. If they still have village and family networks intact, that's an asset. You know I wrote how my mother grew up among at least 100 relatives, and for me there's no one. Why come here? This place is collapsing. I would tell any would be immigrant that.
      Am looking to answer a few of your questions here. Yeah if they can go to big cities and make a little money and then go back home, that's a far better outcome too.

      I'm glad the guy that came here can amass savings, does he have professional skills or is he living very primitive while working fields? I'm glad he's planning University for them there and not here. The ones here will clean you out and leave you hanging. Yeah I am sure university there is far more reasonable.And the lifestyle is better and more wholesome. You know my husband, even though he met me, would have better off if his parents never came to America. They regretted it you know. They died destitute, and I can tell suffered from the lack of social connection, language barriers and more. They did attain middle class for a very short time, his father was a carpenter/and worked on building houses etc but once the boom here was over, the descent was rapid, and he aged too. Germany isn't perfect but I think my husband would have ended up higher up the socioeconomic ladder especially with his intellectual skills, and their better job market.

      Yeah they are better off staying and being bilingual there, here, they could face racism if in the wrong area or just be one of the crowd in an urban area.
      Glad you warned the other girl about birth control, she should wait with the boy. Better to wait for older age to have sex IMO then put so much risk at that age but it's better you told her how to protect herself. Of course never having children, sometimes I wish I had gotten pregnant as a teen but then my mother probably would have grabbed the kid from me, and the child would have suffered Lipedema, severe obesity and god knows what what else. I ended up poor anyway, so don't know if teen pregnancy would have made my life worse. This girl I knew in high school got pregnant at 17 and now has a big family and grandchildren, being 50 something and getting old without kids, is kind of sad. Most of my high school classmates all have huge families, I think I'm the only one who never had children that I can even think of. Even this one classmate who hit her 40s with no mate, had a child from a sperm bank and they seem to get on well. I was always too sick, so can't even say it's "regret' but my envelope to have kids was the teens with the periods gone by 19. In that kind of culture, I think waiting for at least engagement/marriage would be best, too much risk. Don't know how many follow that advice, it's better she knows not to get pregnant. I wonder if I took such a strong path having those nuns telling me to wait and be careful. I noticed my high school classmates dated very young and most had children by age 20. I wasted years taking care of other people's kids instead of my own.

  5. Hi Peeps,
    Just quickly, btw, wanted to let you know I watched this embedded video on West Virginia and Tennesse, and also that previous video you put up on a previous thread, done by a young couple, showing those empty neighborhoods, that looked like they had the very life sucked out of them! Even the grass was pale! It went beyond the physicality of no persons present, to something much deeper. It was like the houses themselves were stripped of any joy or rememberances of better times past, they were like skelotons or empty corpses. Very sad, and made an impression on me. Something really bad went on there.
    That much is obvious.

    1. Yeah, all the life sucked out. It is scary to watch and to imagine those places were once thriving and you think about the towns that have emptied out too. I watch a lot of Nick Johnson videos. I experienced this in my old small town when so many left and there were the abandoned houses and even when I lived there many people were elderly. I know what you mean about something much deeper even the grass looked stripped clean. There are environmental disasters too happening in many of these places. I plan to watch more Nick Johnson videos too. More people need to wake up as to what is happening in America. This place is having its wealth cleaned out, we are losing too many beautiful places and lovely small towns just due to the sheer economic ravaging by the elite.

  6. Hi Peeps,
    I visited Costa Rica once, but it wasn't for me. I think our view on that was definately skewed though, by the fact that we were victims of attempted robbery in San Jose, literally minutes after arriving! We had just checked in and decided to walk to a recommended open air fruit and artisan market up the street. We had barely arrived, when the thieves came up behind us, ripped my girlfriend's backpack off her back, and I found my arm straight up in the air, with my unclasped watch suddenly dangling from my fingers. We had our money on our person, her backpack was empty, and I retained my watch. It was a Ladies' Citizen, still have it. It also evaded a subsequent robbery of a home invasion. Funny!
    Back to Costa Rica, there was an Australian guy who was checking into the hotel when we got back. He had parked a station wagon outside full of the camera equipment he had just used to film a documentary of his whole trip. He left someone there who was to "watch" things. When the guy got back out there, the "watchy man" and all his camera equipment were gone!
    We had rented a car to travel around ourselves. I forget what the reason was, but we had already been given a citation fresh out of the airport. It had something to do with paperwork or a rubber stamp, something they were no doubt "shooting fish in a barrel" over. As I recall, it took longer than ones stay to get a court date, so you would either just pay -or pay!!! You would not be let out of the country until you had.
    One of our travels took us to a small, out-of-the-way Caribbean town. We stayed there a couple days, and night before we left, the gas was siphened from our gas tank! Can't recall how we remedied that.
    We drove on to the Pacific side to Quepos, which was stunningly beautiful! We stayed in a National Park there, did a jungle tour, rode the banana boat etc, then moved on to a small town "resort". Was maybe 2 stars. My girlfriend screamed at night, when she saw a hand coming in through the opened-screened window, reaching for a bag sitting on the chair. They had quietly cut the screen. Wonder how many times they had done that? Seems like they were laying for you, chair strategically placed in front of the window! At least, that's how we saw it by then, beginning to feel pretty jaded!
    We would have one more hurdle though, when we returned our rental car. They claimed scratches on it were done by us, and we had been "too green" to get a schematic on these to begin with. That was an extra hundred bucks as I recall.
    So these are not the things you hear about on House Hunters, that's for sure! I'm guessing others travelling differently than we did, might not experience this- PM of Canada comes to mind, on his recent trip. I have a friend whose son got married there too(wedding was gorgeous with the flower arrangements alone) and who goes back for visits. Pink goes there too. So, don't know. But as two young women travelling alone back in the late 80's, this was our experience.

    1. Hi Chelle, man I would never want to go back to that place either. Even the car scratch thing, that's too many people "on the make" and having them attempt to steal stuff out of window, ugh. I think backpacks are usually bad deal, there's some websites that talk about how to avoid pickpockets. Glad you didn't lose your money, can't imagine what one is supposed to do if you lose all money and passports and stuff. Do people still wear those fanny packs, where everything is belted around the waist? Yeah the Australian guy really got screwed over too, well in 80s camera equipment was far larger. Don't pick some stranger to watch your stuff. Yeah Chicago was like rip-off city. One reason I like this town is it is relatively crime-free, but I know I probably won't be able to replicate that fully if we are forced out of here. Some foreign countries are really bad with the crime and scams.

  7. Hi Peeps,
    Yeah, fanny packs is what we used, under our loose fitting shirts. I do still see them here, mostly on foreigners more concerned with practicality than fashion. I would be one of those too.
    I was just re-reading what you wrote here, about looking ahead to possible/probable energy problems being factored into your decision making. Good thinking. Also I was thinking how these places will be able to continue to charge such high rent once the climate initiative kicks in, and one will not be allowed to have a gas stove, a refrigerator, an air-conditioner, a microwave or a washer and dryer? Maybe they'll put in manmade creeks out back, where one can beat their wash into submission on flat rocks, LOL!
    On a seperate note, I watched Roseanne Barr's podcast yesturday morning (am new to it) with Blair White (#008) and it was a really interesting conversation! You have probably heard of BW on her own or someone else's podcast. She is a trans woman, but very different in her feelings and approach to being Trans (which she says is a mental illness) and if and when one should get surgery (she at 29 and only top and facial, says others are a dangerous lie) She is very pretty and very intelligent, and seems to have her moral compass on straighter than most! She also seems way more feminine in her mannerisms than most women I know. Guess it's the hormones, but in her case, it suits her.
    Anyway, they talked about all kinds of things: Covid and the "response" to it, Reptiles, Aliens, The Bible, Psychopaths, Perverts, PTSD and questions like, Did we really go to the moon?"
    Roseanne claims to have the "inside scoop" on that LOL! Anyway, it was a nice change from studying climate change and covid. Just wanted to share, hope you're having a good day.

    1. Yeah fanny packs seem the safest, maybe inside vest pockets if you are wearing one of those but in heat, options would be less. Yeah I think of energy, diminished gas etc. I'm trying to find out of a heat pump really cools, some places are putting those in. I don't want to die or swell from heat. Ironic as it gets hotter they seem to want to cut air conditioning for the poors and let us die of high temperatures. I have window ones in here that came with apartment. I just run them when it gets hot. I worry about dying from lack of air conditioning, heat makes me so sick. I sometimes wonder if I should move really really north, looking at what is happening to Texas but as those areas are pretty remote, it's more complicated.
      LOL with manmade rocks, they better give us gardening space too if they plan to take away modernity. Some conspiracy Christians I used to know said they'd put us all in communes like Mao, but I doubt it unless they put enough brainwashed "change agent" types to control all the conversation. I may blog on this but I feel like that's already happening in some places. Oh I am glad they didn't have their bottom parts messed with, that's when the real suffering really comes in.

      I've never heard of BW, are they a regretter? Some want to detransition but decide to stay the "new sex" since the old body parts are gone.

      I'll check out the podcast. She had a blog eons ago. I tend to distrust celebrities but sometimes you can get snippets of interesting information from them. I know she questions "woke" stuff, am I right about that. Oh I remember the outraged people over her show reboot. I probably see her different now then I used to.

      Hope you are having a good day too.

  8. Hi Peeps,
    My God, have you heard about the illegal Covid Lab found in Central California? If not, or even if so, see "News Conference: Covid Lab found in Central California". See it quickly, before it gets taken down from youtube! They discovered this lab with dead and live mice infected with Covid, and human bodily fluids and vials of diseases such as hepatitus, nuemonia, malaria, etc. etc., and evidence some of this may have made it to the dump. There's lots more to this too, so be sure you see it before it's gone!
    I haven't heard about a heater making A/C but it wouldn't surprise me since btu's are "british thermal units". I believe that heat conversion is what takes place there, but I don't claim to know much about that. I do have some experience living off solar panels, battery banks and generators though. Glad that is behind me! Though, it is possible to do. If you ever decide to put that van idea into motion, go for a "schoolie" instead. There are blogs about this. They convert a small bus mostly, like The Partridge Family had. This looks much more doable to me than those small van conversions. We used Bus batteries for our energy storage too, since they store a lot more than regular car batteries. A car battery has about 100 AH (amp hours) and D8 Bus batteries have double that -are twice the size too! But you only ever want to deplete a battery to half, so you calculate for that too. We would use our 12 volt battery power in the day for things like radio, tv, water pump, lights (had a propane fridge that never really got COLD) and we would run the generator at night for A/C, if it was unbearably hot, or if we wanted to put a deep charge on the batteries with a charger. This was a rather short stint we did (my husband did it before me) living aboard a sailboat. I took a celestial navigation class, a 12 volt electricity class, and some sailing classes too. His girfriend before me did the navigation, so I took that part over. But I am fare-skinned, and told right before getting on the boat, to stay out of the sun! I have had one melanoma nearly twenty years ago, and squamous and basal cell too.
    If you want to learn about solar, wind and battery life, I would recommend the book, "living on 12-volts with ample power,"

    1. Hi Chelle, with that illegal Covid lab, maybe some independents, and criminals are getting in on the GOF scam, to screw people over or "hold them hostage", or use viruses on a lower level criminal plot. I think that's what is going on. I guess psychopaths like Fauci et all, didn't think about others emulating them.

      Yeah Im trying to figure out if heat pumps really cool, don't want to roast, and swell.

      I guess I could always get a mobile air conditioner. I get hot so easily.

      I'm probably too sick and immobile to do "van life" and well Social Security probably would figure if you could live that way, you could work, I wonder if any ARE disabled but in normal sized bodies. I saw some in trailers living a cheaper life. I remember the Patridge family bus. LOL. Some people have good sets ups, we aren't very handy. I spent an hour today trying to fix a screw on my walker, bashing it with a hammer and well screwing it up more. I may have to order parts. So many things are falling apart due to lack of money, never got those carpets cleaned. Glad I sold some paintings to take the edge off, but this household it feels like scooping buckets out of the ocean. We are not very handy, it's kind of scary actually like even getting a screw into something takes forever. I try that's the weird thing, I mean I had to wire paintings and stuff and I taught myself to do it but it's NOT EASY for me but home repairs and do-dads, Im lost. I try to read about this stuff and learn. If I had money I would hire this handy-man who is good at all this stuff I know, to come in here and teach me stuff. How long did you live on the boat? That's pretty cool, guess that is like a van, were you docked somewhere permanently or did you sail from port to port? Glad you could use batteries and have power, I've read a little about marine batteries and such. Maybe people use those power-packs like jackery now, instead of the old batteries. continuing..

      The Partridge Family had. This looks much more doable to me than those small van conversions. We used Bus batteries for our energy storage too, since they store a lot more than regular car batteries. A car battery has about 100 AH (amp hours) and D8 Bus batteries have double that -are twice the size too! But you only ever want to deplete a battery to half, so you calculate for that too. We would use our 12 volt battery power in the day for things like radio, tv, water pump, lights (had a propane fridge that never really got COLD) and we would run the generator at night for A/C, if it was unbearably hot, or if we wanted to put a deep charge on the batteries with a charger. This was a rather short stint we did (my husband did it before me) living aboard a sailboat. I took a celestial navigation class, a 12 volt electricity class, and some sailing classes too. His girfriend before me did the navigation, so I took that part over. But I am fare-skinned, and told right before getting on the boat, to stay out of the sun! I have had one melanoma nearly twenty years ago, and squamous and basal cell too.
      If you want to learn about solar, wind and battery life, I would recommend the book, "living on 12-volts with ample power,"

    2. am watching videos about people finding alternative ways to live to save money, wish I was in better shape would make the options better. Some of them do live kind of badly like with extension cords from relatives trailers in Arizona, while others got used trailers and fixed them up and seem to live pretty decent. My apartment is so trashed right now, kind of scared. I put up a photo from 3 years ago on my Facebook, saving some phone pictures and it was far better shape here. So much needs done like carpet cleaning and stuff I can't afford. Husband does a lot like laundry. I swept bathroom floor today and did dishwasher, even started throwing crap into a box two days ago to clean it up in here and just didn't go anywhere. It's like my brain isn't working right to do it. 90% of time don't know where to put anything. Oh there's a bag of some crap I cleaned out of the fridge too in kitchen. Maybe I can feel like I got it in "control" again soon but I'm in a flare, so shouldn't be too hard on myself. It's obvious when I get them, get sores all over, and other symptoms.

    3. Hi Peeps,
      I can see trailor life being a possibility for living more frugally too, if the trailor park catered to such. Like with electric meters and hook ups where one would pay for consumption alone, but with rules allowing for alternative energy sources. I think the combination of the two is where the sweet spot lies. Ideally, if such a trailor park had their own diesel generators and offered power from it, that could be ideal, if that were the goal. Hence the reason for talk of the banning of generators, I'm guessing! But who ARE these people really to ban such things? At least, outside certain city limits?
      In any case, whether the trailor park was on grid with the electric company, or off with generators, a look to a combination of energy sources either way, would definately bring savings.
      Also, here at least, some people have built model homes or offices using shipping containers, which they weld together. They come in 20' and 40' lengths. They buy them second hand, and it makes for instant housing! Way cheaper than buying a trailor for sure, or for the cost of constructing a home. And one can DIY the interior, to their liking. In the end, to rent a strip of land on which to place ones "trailor" must be a lot cheaper , right?
      The same type of thing applies to sailboats that are at a dock and getting shore power. You pay rent on the "slip" and pay for your water and electric consumption. But that was the first leg of the trip, the first girlfriend was on. I was on the open ocean end, island hopping, and dropping the hook for "free".
      He and the girlfriend had picked out the boat. It was a 30' Cape Dory. A beautiful "classic" Day Sailor, sleek and fast, but not the best choice for a liveaboard. But live aboard we did, for about six months.
      It was a lot of fun for the most part. I loved the immense beauty of the islands, both on top of the water and under the sea (snorkling). I liked being at anchor mostly though, when we got to put up the awning that covered the entire boat, and put up the wind scoop, that harnessed any breeze, and would send it down the open hatch and into the "companionway". It was fun to cook out too, and to take hot showers in the evenings, from black plastic bags called "solar showers" that we hung on the mast all day. We caught rain water when there was some, to fill up the tanks. Sometimes had to forage for water ashore when there was none. Even got to beat our own wash into submission on shore rocks at best, or with seawater at worst, by hanging a mesh diving bag over the side with laundry in it while underway, with a homemade "sieve" inside, consisting of a small plastic water bottle and some Joy liquid soap. It's the only one that will "suds" in saltwater. There were some big fish caught on some of these trips too, usually Dorado, which was always a big treat!
      Also, if you were in the mood to socialize, you could anchor around other boats. Would probably be invited onto another boat for an evening get together, aka to "swap sea stories" for the guys, and banana and other bread and island recipes for the gals. There's classism here too, that starts with the size and or quality of your boat, and goes to whether you are a motor boat enjoying all the luxuries (therefore presumably more successful) or a sailboat, living harder. Don't know what posesses so many tu turn everything into a pis*ing contest!
      It was of course great to live and learn an alternative lifestyle, and we have a lot of great memories too.
      But it was also great when we got an opportunity to move ashore, and took it. That Sun was Killer! And to have an efficient fridge again, instead of "pretending" the propane one was cold! I remember saying every day for probably about a year afterwards, every time I reached into the fridge for something cold, "still not over it yet," as I held it up!
      Will see if this goes through.

    4. Hi Peeps,
      Our place gets cluttered with stuff too. When I get enough, I just get a black plastic garbage bag and start throwing anything out I haven't used in a year. Oftentimes, that's when I will suddenly need it again, but that's just Murphey's Law, I guess. If I stay on it for a couple days, it usually makes a big difference. Allows me to see what's on the shelves or in the drawers again.
      I understand the wanting to feel in control too. I was just explaining this to my husband too. I can stand maybe things going out of control outside my home, but when it reaches me here, I take it to heart. Such was the case, when I was cooking dinner naked at 5:30 p.m. and some guy is looking in my window at me, where my back was turned. God only knows how long he was standing there! The reason he was showing up unexpectedly here, beyond "working hours," was because his cellphone was not working, or so he said, taking it from his pocket and showing it to me. How does his phone not working (he doesn't want to put money on it) suddenly become my problem in such a big way? I had gone and dropped my phone number off at his other job earlier in the day, asking that he call me. -Not to show up, but to call and arrange a time to cut the grass. Not interrupt me cooking my dinner and naked to boot! Then tracing it down further, I realized this was the veterinarians fault too, who did a bad spaying surgery on my dog 14 years ago, thereby obligating me to keep her inside when she goes into heat, and therefore she not allerting me that he was here. I told my husband, all I'm trying to do is get the grass cut! And now, some guy has seen me naked- in my own home! How does that compute? I'm not happy about it! One tries to get through the day with a little dignity, and now this!
      More later.

    5. Yeah the trash bag clean up. I have to do that often. This place falls apart too often. I do often think life quality would be better if I had help cleaning, wouldn't get so stressed out. I always worry about someone "seeing it"

      What's with the guy looking at you while naked? Maybe he's a Peeping Tom, he could be and found you at an inopportune moment. I am not completely dressed in here often, we have our windows totally covered up. I hate blinds by the way sometimes they seem to open up too easily and have to check them.
      It's weird he showed up. Hope you don't have to deal with him again. During summer seems like most people have to be half dressed in the house. I grew up being made to wear shoes in the house and fully dressed, I guess I don't bother with it at home. One advantage of being "child-free".

    6. I'm too big to live in a trailer, they really aren't built for 500lb people but I looked up trailers to see if I could move into a trailer park for cheaper and around here they want 1,000 bucks a month. Even trailers in the most crummy ghetto part of town are 950 a month, I was in shock. I think Blackrock's buying those up too. Some states maybe the trailer parks if you own your own trailer are a good deal.

      Some people who have their own land and money to set up electricity and sewage seem to be able to manage well, but that takes a certain amount of income too.

      Seems like those shipping containers, would get hot? Maybe they are able to set them up so they don't. There's the tiny homes but then again, one needs to be agile and thin especially to cope with those lofts.

      I'm glad you got to experience boat living, yeah that would be pretty cramped quarters and sun would be horrible, the refrigeration would be complicated too. Sure you don't take that for granted. Foraging for water had to be tough too but glad there were good memories about it too, with beautiful nature, breezes and more. Are Dorados like those giant tunas? I can't eat fish but seems sea food diet would become paramount living on a boat. That's too bad about the classism but yeah the yacht class would keep to it's own. Boating here is mostly for the upper middle class and beyond. I see these rich people from my town hanging out on their boats.

  9. Hi again Peeps,
    Was just re-reading here ... I know what you mean about not trusting celebrities, they have been deafeningly silent about Covid and measures, don't know what is up with that! Their whole lives are based on being "seen" but vanished during Covid. I was really taken aback too, when I saw a youtube of Julia Roberts gushing over Anthony Fauci making an appearance to speak with her. You might have thought he was Elvis, and she a giddy school girl. It was nuts! Especially given that she once went to Mongolia as her vacation choice, and lived on some barren landscape with some elderly Mongolian guy, teaching her how to survive out there. She appreciated the man and the experience, can she really say the same about Fauci? How nuts!
    I used to love to see Rosanne on her show with John Goodman. I don't think she was acting much there, as that seems to be her true personality. I think we might be able to trust the comedians in general a little more than actors, but I have seen a couple who have gone woke too. They are really out there.
    I saw Bill Maher interview Riley Gaines (swimmer who lost to Lia Thomas.) I like Bill Maher, but he did something that surprised me. He is a liberal, and always brings up his loathing of Trump to his guests. I think it's his "litmus test" to judge some "ultimate" compatability. But Riley is a Republican, which he was aware. And when she began to make some valid points (Fetterman and Maricopa County) he cut her off, and talked a blue streak over her, until the podcast ended, and then said, "thanks so much for being here, and gotta run." It was such an obvious manipulation. If you're going to bring politics up, then I think you should listen to the other's side. It was very rude, and very telling!
    On Blair White, she has no regrets. As I said, she has a unique view, which is what I found interesting. And it was refreshing that she doesn't play the victim card either. I tried to have a respectful conversation on this subject with an anonymous here, saying these decisions should be made by adults only, but I feel pretty much as you do about it. The person seemed to be emotional about the subject, so I presumed it might be personal somehow. As the conversation went on, and with you too, I realized, once he reverted back to his his same old play, of arguing for argument sake, that we were talking to Nenad. He tried to be anonymous for a bit, but he couldn't hold it. He never came back to me on my last question, if he would feel differently knowing my intention thus far to vote Democrat? He couldn't because I wasn't voting for "the right Democrat." So he just slithered off. I'm sure he's carrying tales too.

    1. Yeah I don't trust the celebrities, too silent about Covid, the only dissenter I can think of is Eric Clapton but that's only because he got messed up from the vaxx, I'm glad he's speaking out but I wish some had refused. I can't remember but maybe it was Ice T who refused, it's a famous black rapper, but I get him mixed up with someone else. Ice Cube? One of them refused, and even turned down 9 million dollar project. I respect that guy.

      I think too many celebrities "sell out" and probably have endorsements from corporations even beyond the conspiracy theories about them. Seems like the Mongolian experience would wake her up to the limits of this world and seeing outside the matrix. Maybe some celebrities do "wake up" but don't talk about it. Others could just give mixed messages. I hope that Thomas MacDonald is real deal. I hate being disappointed when you think someone has integrity and is questioning the system but then they double-back on you.

      Puke with gushing over Fauci. I wanted to throw up when I read the term Fauci Ouchi. Some really get into the celebrity worship. Narcissists love the attention and we gotta know Fauci is one.

      Maybe some comedians are more trustworthy. Maybe some midlevels don't sell out completely. I always liked the story about Chappelle refusing to sell out. Roseanne Barr, I did see some stuff about her having multiple personalities and junk like that, like MK ultra stuff, but who knows sometimes wonder if some of these stories are used to mess with our minds.

      Bill Marher is kind of a rebel liberal now isn't he? Hope I'm not mixed up. I did kind of check out from mainstream culture, and don't watch many newsshows anymore, I watch old stuff mostly. He's against the vaxxes right?

      Yeah some bring up Trump hate as a litmus test. I protested Trump and still don't like him but now just embarrassed as Trump is a Goldberg figure to cover endless sins of the monsters we got in now.

      Ugh that bugs me he cut her off, and talked a blue streak over her. We got problems when too many want to censor, and don't allow disagreements. I have to be more cautious avoiding politics. As I get older, I realize one fault I have is being too argumentative, some of it is the positive of standing for principles and refusing abuse, but I don't want a life where I have bunches of enemies, who hate me, though some of the hate seems to be coming anyway. Hmmm thinking of this saying, if you stand for nothing you won't upset anyone, wish I remember how that went.

      I am an old fashioned person who I know probably idealizes life long ago, I should remind people I was a Christian fundamentalist for 15 plus years for heaven's sake. Yeah it's rude. It seems like people are afraid to hear other viewpoints, not sure what brought that about. What if you don't fit either side?

      Glad BW has a unique view and accepts the consequences of her choices. I agree the decisions should only be made by adults. Leave the kids out of it. I know people get really really mad about the trans stuff too. Seems to be even more polarizing then gay stuff, I'm not sure why. I'm live and let live, do your thing even if they wear dresses and wigs but man leave the kids out. I remember that person got emotional too. I did tell someone, I have a lot of baggage with the trans stuff because of the abuse I had over not being allowed to dress as a girl, and have a masculinizing hormonal disorder. I'm having troubles now, since I've been off my androgen blocker some years and looking "masculine" in the face and it bugs me a lot. I lost a lot of facial beauty I had in my 40s. I was one of those fat woman, that used to be approached, this sucks too, and told "Oh you're so good looking, you should lose weight". Now I'm looking like a truck driver. I probably need some new hair or something, wish I could afford some weaves. Its weird I was on a "transsexual" drug, the one they give to Male to Female. I had that therapist who told me I was androgynous and I think if I was 25 years younger I could have been pressured to transition.


    2. I do wonder if society is being screwed up by media where media is giving extreme bodily dysmorphia which is leading to some of the trans stuff too, the expectation for looks is so high now.

      It could be Nenad, but there could be other angry "woke" liberals coming here. I really got to avoid politics with liberal friends now. Everyone seems to think I am right of Attila the Hun now, I'm not sure why. That's the weird thing, the "binary" thinking on politics. Hey if we vote for RKJ, we are considered extreme right wingers still. It's crazy out there. I have heard liberals saying he is a Republican. I hope he is real deal worry he's just a deflection, I even wonder if I still want to vote anymore . I lost readers when I came out against Covid vaxx. A lot of liberals didn't like that.

    3. Hi Peeps,
      I think that is Ice Cube, saw him interviewed on it, but was half-heartedly paying attention. Sometimes it seems to be "information overload" with all this. But on the point of the celebs selling out for deals or whatever, maybe that explains the wierdness with Jamie Fox, and his daughter, not wanting to come forward with the truth about his condition. It was Mike Tyson who spilled the beans that he had had a stroke. Dr. Peter MaCoullough also said, he wasn't being honest about things and should come forward. Had the picture of them together before he "got sick". Word is he didn't want to take it, but to finish the movie, had to, and then fell ill. Then there was that athlete that collapsed too, and was wearing a hoodie most days, and when asked point blank about it at a press conference, shyed away and wouldn't answer. What's that? I thought. Maybe your theory explains it.
      Bill Maher got vaxed early on, said he "took one for the team." Not sure what I think about that, but he is anti mandate and anti woke. I don't follow him for his politics as much as his comedy, but these days, all is becoming intertwined.
      I don't watch "news hours" either, with the exception of some occasional youtubes that come up, from people I follow. Like Neil Oliver, who does more of a philosophical commentary and dissection on what this all really means. I have to admit lately, there are a line of faces forming, I hope I will not see lumped together in some further madness later on.
      On a more comedic note, Bret Weinstein on Darkhorse podcast on YT wrote and delivered a hilarious parable a few days ago, entitled, "Ivermectron Parable".
      It takes place in the town of Marksville. A one horse town, without a bank. One day an impressive-speaking little man of 4' 2 shows up in a stage coach, and announces his plan to put in a bank. His name is Mr. Faussi. He hires local hands at $3. a day, gets a line of credit from lumber and hardware, and gets the bank up and running in a week. He announces that every depositor who leaves their savings in his bank for one month, will receive a toaster. And not just any toaster, but a very impressive toaster, an "Ivermectron"...
      He goes on from there, tells it better than I am paraphrasing here, and has names of other charchters we are able to recognize, and the conversation they have upon realizing they've been swindled!
      Standing in the empty bank, Lenny Prasad says, "it's all been a scam man, we've been had!"
      And Za Dog, whose on a leash in tow, wearing za mask, gets up on his hind legs, with za lab coat, and all the wisdom he has amassed thus far, and asks, "Does this mean we're not getting our toasters?"
      To which someone else replies, "Don't be rediculous, why would they lie about a thing like that?"

    4. Yeah I feel the information overload too. It drives me insane I still can't figure out what is going on, and it has hurt my mental health. I do know for sure the assholes have lied about so much, it's not funny. The shots are useless and harm people. I got so many friends they have messed up, I've cried over it and some are still lining up I think but not wanting to lose more friends, I don't argue with anyone anymore, or push the issue. I already said my piece. I think they tell the celebrities what to say or not say. Seems like there'd be more refusers from the start instead of extremely rare ones. Instead we got the hive mind crap and only ones who got so blatantly harmed like Tyson and Eric Clapton are ones who spoke out. Liberal land treats anyone like shit who questions the shots, even the vaxxed injured, so that is pressure too many have bowed to. They fear damage to their careers. I don't think they should be cowards but that's part of the game out there.

      It is sick isn't it how they pushed people to take crap that would make them ill, and no one cared and even now as we hear about the deaths and injuries they still push that garbage.

      LOL about that skit, I will have to go check it out. You know we have been had, they lie about everything. I even wonder at times, if I got conned hiding out this long, and often cry to husband, "I don't know what is going on, to be able to make decent decisions". Most gave up mask wearing and more around here, and just said "Screw it.". My local social life outside of 3 regional friends is basically destroyed. I do get angry at the lost memories, opportunities and worsened health from the results of all this. We know they are lying don't we, they lie about everything but when it comes to psychopaths hard to figure out what is really going on.

  10. Hi Peeps,
    Hope you are feeling better. Have tried to send a comment through twice here, so if this time it doesn't go through, will send it elsewhere here.

  11. Sorry Peeps,
    This is the third time my message wouldn't go through. Better leave it there. It was followup on the girls here, your husband and his German ancestry, and the 16 year old girl. Nothing too important. Maybe this thread is "full". In any case, no worries. We can catch up another time. Hope all is okay with you.

    1. When message doesn't go through, what does it say. Google shows me spam messages too. Oh it's not full, though the really full ones it's hard to see new messages.
