Monday, July 17, 2023

Why Have You Lost Faith in Me?


I don't agree with all of this cartoonist's politics, but he's got the Covid thing down! I live in a vaxx zombie area, but some people live in area's where people ask more questions. Even now I remain in shock, that the "Died Suddenly" news hasn't hit the mainstream. For the rest of my life, I will never accept or understand why people embraced it being okay to take a "vaccine" of any sort that could immediately kill you. The quality control was very low. Public health in the USA is a monster. I'll never trust it. Even now I remain in limbo, not even knowing the risks, trying to figure things out. We would have been better off if they didn't even exist.

Gates and Fauci are psychopathic monsters in my opinion. Why should any of us have faith in them. I talk to one friend about this matter, we have said the news will never get out among the "normies", they will just keep dying and getting sick and blaming it on natural things. I told her one day, making it to 70 will be the exception as those spike proteins do their thing, the lifespans will drop to the 40s and 50s. Just look at what has been normalized already. 

 The "truther" community always claims there's going to be a "Come to Jesus" moment and that the public will wake up to the horrors of what these vaxxes have done and the gain of function people and start demanding Nuremburg trials and justice. I'd love to see both Gates and Fauci on trial. However as time passes, I've lost hope of that ever happening. Stockholm Syndrome with accompanying obedience to the worse is the norm, and it seems like the dam would have burst by now. Most are too afraid even if they have suspicions to voice them. I know people like that where I can tell they know "bullshit's afoot" but they aren't going to talk about it except with the closest people in the privacy of their home.


  1. I agree this cartoon is a good one, Peeps. I wish I didn't know all of the agencies by heart. When the pandemic began, I knew two- FDA and CDC (+AMA). I called the CDC from abroad once, when my husband got fish poisening. I'm thinking back to how I felt about them back then as compared to now- Night and Day!
    It's crickets here too on anything vax related. I have gone back to reading the local paper again, and there's nothing. There was a death notice of a young man associated with a beauty pageant, and there was no mention of cause of death. By his picture (he was the picture of health) he couldn't have been more than 24.
    Dr. Campbell had Dr. Vibeka Mannike of Denmark on about a week ago, to talk about the excess deaths worldwide, as well as the variability of adverse events according to batches. This last part was on another video a few days earlier. The differences in the batches are stark! So much so, they wonder if the formulation, or the manufacture or handling changed. Certain lots that went out to begin with, are said to have as many as one in twenty adverse events. Another round in the middle, a one in one thousand, and the last ones, none. The youtubes are still up, so anyone can verify this, if interested. As for the excess deaths, she put the charts of four countries up for comparison. The line was cruising along normally on all until right after the line showing the vax intro, and then shot straight up on all four. She says she gets her stats from the state agencies themselves.
    Back when I had all those doctor's appointments lined up, I mentioned I was having a hard time keeping up with them, and I meant that literally!

    1. Yeah I've read about the batches, scary stuff, more poison for others, saline for others. I agree with a person on line that thinks poor communities got more of the posion and rich ones, more of the saline. God knows what they put in the trash too, probably the manufacturing is a joke. Remember when they made a big deal of it needing special refrigeration and then suddenly that need vanished? Excess death is way way up.

  2. Continuing ...
    I missed three chances at appointments three days in a row because the road was closed by citizens protesting. They do that here. The police stand off to the side to keep the peace, but they are allowed their protest. Sometimes they burn tires. The protests usually go on until the president sends a representative to attend to whatever the complaint. This protest was for getting their government housing painted.
    On one of these days, I met a fellow from East Germany. He was in the car ahead of me, and came back for a chat about what was going on. We ended up talking about other things too. At one point, I mentioned my vax status. He didn't comment at first, and we had skipped on to other pertinent subjects, when all of this sudden he said, "welcome to the club btw, and congratulations for not taking that sh** into your veins." But he was looking around and behind himself at the passers by when he said it. And he would continue to do this, as he and I hit on every subject from parliamentary meetings, to the WEF, to the WHO and everything in between. He knew it all, and said he took to planting a garden to ease his thoughts. He also asked, what can we do? We discussed some potential ideas, but agreed it was very difficult. He also explained, that in his house growing up in East Germany, what was said inside the house stayed inside the house. If I had to guess, I would put his age at around 50-55. I told him I had recently read an article entitled, The Good German, which he repeated and snickered at.
    I have had similar conversations with the Chinese, and they too look around behing their backs. And if you ask them (three so far) about social credit scores in China they start twitching and claim not to know anything about it. I asked one the other day. I asked if he went home to visit? He said he had been three years ago. So I said I was wondering if it was true, that the cameras are on everyone with facial recognition, and that if you helped an old lady across the street, if you got a credit, perhaps allowing you some sort of priveledge or access to something benefcial? His distress was palpable, as he shook his head and said he didn't know, because he was living here I gave him an out, when I said, well you know how it is, you see stuff on the internet and don't know if it's true or not ... to which he sighed a breath of relief, and said it was most likely untrue.
    Chelle continuing ...

    1. I'd pissed off if some jerks closed the road, that'd proabably would be an instance where I would hop out of the car and start fighting especially if it was somewhere I had to be. Surprised other people don't start fist fights or shoving them off the road. I consider most of these protesters fake, ever notice they never protest Black Rock headquarters or a bank, but always stop Joe and Jane Working Class from making it to work on time or to their medical appointment. If I saw some of those No Oil dumbasses I would ask, "Oh we are supposed to go freeze?" and I would tell them the people they protest for don't care about the environment. They've ruined protesting even with all the stupid corporate astrotrufs. Continuing....

    2. LOL I don't fight that easily but when people try to corrall me or imprison me, I guess it's on.

      Hopefully I don't ever encounter a group of jerks like that. In USA, it's happening where they shut down highways and things like that. Mostly big cities.

      All the people I meet who are unvaxxed keep it secret, we are all scared, like your East German. Someone admitted to me they weren't and that's after a year of encountering them for chit-chat. I said "I never trusted that damn Fauci and refused the clot shot!" however I was disappointed to find out a conservative friend, I thought didn't had. So that's happened more time then not too. LOL Eastern German probably was trained well to keep mouth shut with Stasi around. One reason I want to move is I am so outnumbered by the "woke" people who support all the fascism here, but now even among Republicans you have to tread carefully, most of them took it too. Just my own experience, even many die-hard Christians. The unvaxxed are rarer than Dodo birds where I'm at. My old town I've read only 40 percent lined up and they are the most unvaxxed town in the state. God wish I never left that place, but all my friends there just about died, and the rent there is almost as high as here.

      I'm glad you met a fellow unvaxxed. I've had one of those "stealthy" conversations before, discussing the controversial and when you see others approach, going immediately silent. Scary to live a life where you have to hide thought and belief. Some have told me you are crazy to write against the things you do online. Maybe not having children and already being half dead from medical problems from my own body gives me more "courage" LOL I tell my husband they probably are going to drag us or me off to a camp one day for refusing mRNA and protesting Covid lies, but he doesn't think that will happen. I consider it a high possibility though at this point. Think about the fact that in America, we have to "whisper" our true beliefs.

      Yeah East Germany they had to be careful or Stasi would get them. We aren't that far from it here in USA. I think those days are HERE now. Lose your job if you hate Fauci or refuse mRNA etc, etc. This is no longer a free country. I consider the USA completely hijacked from traitors inside it. The Constitution burned to a crisp. Some of our checks and balances kept the worse from happening when courts stopped Biden's vaxx mandates, but this place has gone to hell in a handbasket fast.

      Europe is even less free, at least America has some pissed off, "right wingers" "truthers" and "freedom" types though sadly I think the right wing is being betrayed too, lied to about what Covid can do maybe? Where most think it's a hoax, that is if the virus is killing by stealth too along with the vaxx.

      Yeah the Good German, I saw that article and USA is full of GOOD GERMANS. Most of them if they started rounding up the unvaxxed, they'd help the Gestapo same as those who turned Anne Frank and her family in.

      Yeah Chinese are owned and controlled to the max. Know they want to bring that social credit system crap here. They already are doing 15 minute cities BS in China. Once they do digital money here, the fix is in, everyone will be a slave. Yeah he was scared to talk. I see that all the time now. That alone says America is no longer free.

    3. Hi Peeps,
      If you got out of the car here and started looking for a fight, you would find one! In fact, they will break your windows and start beating up your car if you try to pass through. I tried to send word ahead through a kid selling cold water, that I (we, guy in front of me) would pay $10. ea. to go through, but kid said it was too far for him to walk back. But he also asked if I had proof of the appointment, like on my phone? Said if I did, they would let me through. I didn't, and this was on my third and final day. Also one has to keep aware of different cultures and respect them when in their home, even if one has permanent residency or naturalized citizenship, one can be easily recognized as a foreigner or "guest".
      The whole idea of blocking the road and keeping Joe and Jane citizen from getting to work IS the IDEA. It presents an IMMEDIATE PROBLEM which needs to be solved by the higher ups, and has to be signed off on by the President. I agree that the reason for this protest seemed "flimsy." Usually people protest for adequate water supply, a damaged road, a bridge, hospital or school. Or for adequate jobs within a province. I am at least glad to live in a place where the President actually shows up to these more important meetings, and negotiates with the people, to reach a fair and equitable solution. Makes you feel like he is still working for the people.
      Yeah, different situation here, they are not fakes, and no one would protest No Oil. In fact, I often wonder how they could push that climate change crap here? These people like their cars and they like to travel! They hop from beaches to mountains in a couple hours from the city. They like their beach bar-b-ques. They like their cheap propane gas, at $5. for a 20lb. tank, which lasts most families two weeks to a month. They like their beef too. No crickets or phoney meat for them. You take their meat away or try to limit it, you are going to see a serious problem on your hands. I wouldn't want to be you!
      When the fuel prices went up here because of Ukraine, the government subsidized it. I think it got up to $4.50 a gallon (is in litres here) and they took off around 20-25%. They take your licence plate number and send it online with a cellphone. I did this only once, at the very beginning of the program, because I was getting gas on the way home, and didn't have time to think about it. Next day, I didn't feel right. Ukraine is on us, I am not going to dive into the people's money here for it.

    4. Scary with fight. Yeah I probably would have to restrain myself. Things are too crazy now. I think I'm going to stay out of cities. Probably where I plan to move will be as small as I can survive. Weird they would let you through with proof of appointment, so strange. I'm surprised some of the big guys don't fight them. Yeah I wouldn't do any arguments as a "guest" or "foreign national" What a mess.

      Sounds like they get some results with protests, maybe employers won't fire based on them. Our protests here seem to be all corporate sponsored now. No such thing as real ones anymore, seen any anti-war protests I sure haven't. That's good some of the protests actually bring results. I used to protest, didn't block anyone's way, but sometimes wonder about the time I spent, everything I protested for, opposite happened just about.

      Small enough places, they don't have the fakes, so many they do have more results, glad they like to travel, hope they protest the 15 minute crap and carbon credit BS in the future and refuse the cricket eating.

      Wow with govt subsidizing fuel for Ukraine. Glad you reconsidered taking money, probably better you didn't. Ukraine is a mess and we should have stayed out of there.

  3. Continuing ...
    More towards the beginning of the pandemic, at least when we were finding out about the GOF in the lab, another chinese guy (known him since he was in school) was telling me how strict China was. One of those where he looked up at the sky for inference when he said it. I didn't know anything about the social credit score yet, so asked him what he meant? He said if you were to hit someone with your car, your life would be over. You would have no business, no money, and would go to jail for a long time, and when you got out you would be disgraced, and without opportunties. He said if you hurt someone or did something against the law that was the end for you. He said you could try and escape, but you would be found, unless you got lucky and made it over the border, but even then, chances are, they would get you. So I asked, "Does that mean that Shi Zhengli's life will be over if she is found to be responsible somehow for the pandemic?" He looked at me and kind of snickered, like he wondered what the hell I had been reading or smoking. And so we left it there. I don't think either of us had any interest in continuing our conversation from there.
    I was standing outside the pharmacy in our small town the other morning, waiting for my turn, and looked across the street to the bus stop. Five people were gathered there, and everyone except one, was looking at their cellphone. I walked across the street and addressed the group. I was in some kind of a mood that day. I told them that I was very concerned about what I was seeing. That everyone was in their own little world, and no one was talking to one another. I asked if they could remember back when these would be opportunities for conversation? I related that I had gone to the doctors recently, and noticed that even in the elevator, that people were staring into their phones. I reminded them how it use to be, that while waiting to see the doctor, we would get into conversations. They had all put their phones down by now and agreed that it was a problem. A problem with their kids too. I admitted that I was on my phone more than I should be too, and maybe we should limit ourselves to a certain number of hours or minutes at certain pre determined times. An elderly lady tried to excuse her listening to her phone, because she was listening to The WORD of God. I suggested that she could do that another time, but that this moment with her fellows could never be recovered. We went on to talk about some other important subjects of local concern, and it was nice to hear from one another.
    I bring all this up because of what you said here, about people who will only have conversations about certain subjects in the privacy of their homes. I get that. It can be scary. But it has been made to be that way by those for whom it is convenient. If we go along now, if we self-censor at this early stage in the story, before it is all said and done, then we are lost. Without free speech, we are specks of nothing, alone in our nothingness, and without any connection to one another. We are without a society this way.

    1. China is nuts, notice when he looked to the sky he probably feared a camera or a listening device. Yeah get in a car accident no life, and you know they cut down the score for any dissenting views. I am sure I would have the lowest social credit score in life. We know what the credit scores do to people here, imagine something 100 times worse. It probably would be better for someone to try and escape rather then live that kind of hellish non-life. LOL about Shi Zhenglie good comment. Scary how psychopaths rule everywhere now? Notice that, at least in previous World Wars there was places to escape to. Bible is right about people losing all natural affection when we have monsters in charge and so few see it.

      I miss when people got in conversations too. I'm too deaf to now and it sucks. It did add to my isolation but really people don't talk anymore. Even the snippets of conversation I can manage it's hard, and people aren't going to be open while I'm transcribing. Sometimes I can manage reading lips or something if they have a louder voice but that's rare. Life is a lot lonelier now. It sucks. I think the cell phones while I use one did screw up our lives and even in my case I refused to own one until 2020 and it was for the hearing issue.

      People don't talk anymore, and have become very insular. It's extreme at least where I live. I have sat down and cried thinking of old conversations I had in my old town, missing those days, guess I'm getting old being that way. My family of course was useless for any sharing or thought, they were dummie system believers and I bet all of them lined up and would oppress me for non-vaxxed status now. One listens to Tom MacDonald saw a post once on Youtube and got tempted to write, and yeah youre the asshole who used to make fun of me, for warning about the stuff Tom MacDonald sings about. He's a gungho MAGA type, but sure he lined up for his corporate job.

      I agree with you about the self censorship. I did talk to a few but I have to admit the price was HEAVY. I tried to warn some friends I cared about and the friendships were never the same. One reason I left the UU church, is I was considered "crazy", that's not an environment one will feel safe in, I LIKE them, but they support things I cannot follow the same path on. Even there I was cautious about who to be open with but it still went badly. You are right if we are all self censoring now, what's going to happen? That means we have already lost. Yes, they destroyed freedom of speech, and all the censorship has added to that. They wanted to destroy open and active conversation and communication and society itself. Connection has been destroyed in my own life. Outside of husband and few friends, I never knew life could be this isolated. Sticking by one's beliefs has a price, I have no regrets in that but you can see in how in every totalitarian country and system so few speak out.

  4. P.S. Peeps,
    On talking about the foreign citizenry I run into, I found out the "ten speed guy," whom I believe to be Swiss, listens to NPR and PBS for all his news. I was visiting the house next door to his "shop" and asked him what he thought about Neil Oliver, on GBN, which I touted as a news source, and his interesting series, "Love letters to The British Isles". He said, "I hated it," Neil is an arqueologist, and just about the most even tempered, down to earth person, you could ever meet. I felt like him saying he hated him (his show or viewpoint) was akin to claiming he hated rivers and trees. Safe to say, he and are clear we haven't much in commonat this point.

    1. Thats too bad about Neil Oliver. Well if someone gets their news from NPR, we probably aren't going to agree on much either. PBS I like a lot of their shows, but the news and the politics forget it. They made jokes that the NPR was official channel of the UU, that was basically the favorite station. I used to listen to it in college, always found it kind of elitist, and not from "real world" it's not for me now at all.

  5. Hi Peeps,
    Just wanted to say that "lowest social credit score in life" you think you would be earning, is one of the things I appreciate most about you!!!
    Also I watched that youtube video, "The trial of anthony Fauci," put up a few days ago. It has him on film going back to AIDS crisis, and all the way up to Covid, talking about things like the very bad ideas of ever shutting an economy down, of ever mandating a medication, how natural immunity is the absolute best thing one can have, etc. It was very interesting to hear it from him, in his own words. These were not snippets or montages, but full clips in context. It was 1:59:59.

    1. LOL I can't wait to have one of the lowest credit scores on the books. I refuse to get a Digital ID, though maybe someone could claim my driver's license is one already, I don't know. I won't be entering the metaverse and I told my friends on Facebook, I won't be using AI knowingly or as a tool. I know one cannot stay AI pure on the internet at all, but I won't use any of it. Wow I need to watch that video, yeah I read "The Real Anthony Fauci", he's been doing evil for decades. Raking in the money while doing that

      Oh they double back on themselves all the time don't they when he knew locking down for AIDS would be nonsense etc.
