Sunday, July 2, 2023

Both Parties Betraying Us for the Globalists

A friend wrote this. I asked her if I could share it. We have very similar outlooks about the Democratic party and more. Many people out there are now politically homeless. I believe the environment is messed up and support helping it, but the "climate change" stuff is about them enriching themselves at our expense, otherwise there'd be a community garden on every street corner. I believe the fires in Canada are being led by the WEF for climate-change lock-down especially as the deaths and misery from the bad air pile up--more on that later. What happens is as they screw over both sides, convergence occurs and they move the populace to where they want them. The old formula of divide and conquering keeps on rolling. The Democrats right now don't care as people are crushed by inflation and are more busy with the trans "color revolution" and committed to "identity politics" as our lives crash and burn. Republicans are more busy rolling back all the Social Safety nets and adding to the outrage. None of them care about our collapsing lives either. My own disgust for the Democratic party remains for their support of Covid tyranny and mandating poisonous clot jabs. I believe like my friend most ordinary people are well-intentioned but being misled, the psychopaths are the one running things. 

"Every democratic economically developed nation provides these safety nets for their citizens as well as having a medical overview board, and a department of education.

I am more worried about the totalitarianism of the left than giving poor folks a bit of money to stay alive.

I am worried more about the Democrats taking away our freedom of speech, the left is working with social media to censor and deem misinformation whatever doesn't fit their agenda, the culture that cancels people for using WORDS, fricking WORDS that they don't like, and the loss of our health, and health care decisions basic on the big pharma stuff.  It is totalitarianism.

I used to vote democratic, after the jabs I am a woman without a party.

I think the powers that be use neurolinguistic programming - brainwashing and control of the media to appeal to the elements that are most important to our moral development.  I think they are working together to get us all under some control, while the left is responsible for the paragraphs above, the right is responsible for taking away our freedoms of choice about our sexuality, our birth choices, the constitutional violations of separating church and state.  Ultimately, they will make their followers feel good about all these freedom restrictions, by making it somehow a Christian thing.

Democratic voters think with the emotional side of their brain.  They want social justice, without looking at how some programs, like welfare when it began - forcing poor wives to get a divorce to get the money to feed their kids.  

Republican voters think with their logical or reason side of their brain.  They believe everybody should be accountable responsible for where they are in life, and blame it on those individuals suffering, not capable of understanding the complexity of unemployment, traumatic childhoods, no strong family to tell you want to do all the time.

This is how both parties take away our stuff, our rights, and steal money surreptitiously from our taxes, with complex, dirty methods.  By using the perfect language to brainwash us.  (which BTW was perfected for use in politics with Frank Lundt, who came up with death tax, and oil exploration and he wrote the entire republican playbook, to teach republican elected officials how to program their constituents, but the democrats do it too, with less finesse.)  

Their ultimate goal is to subjugate us, limit the prosperity of the middle class, with all this climate change bullshit.  Decimate the middle class, who the ones in charge of who we elected, because they hate us the most.  And to make the poor even poorer by forcing them to birth children.  

My eyes woke up so much when I started understanding the motivations of each party, and when I knew that 50% of the citizens that don't vote the same way I do, aren't necessarily stupid, or evil.  I studied it for a long time, and put my basic findings in a public album on FB.  (I've got more to add.)

Very few people on either side are actually evil psychopaths.  Most of all of us have good intentions and reasonable reasons why they care for what they care for, and why they favor one party over the other.

It's the far left as well as the far right who are ushering all this bs in, by believing that their way is the only way, and by demeaning, and hating the other side.  That is precisely what they both want, to distract us while they destroy our constitution, or democracy, our prosperity, our dignity, our freedoms.....behind our backs by laundering the money we all (middle class anyway) pay into their coffers."

She then wrote this. I believe she is right about the changes in policies. The WEF writes right on their website, google because I do not want to link to them..."WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM", and their goals and plans for our lives, this includes the prison-like 15 minute city crap, to their plans for shutting down farms--all these things are being instituted in Europe right now and already some of it is coming to the USA. They are impoverishing us. The working class and poor people like me, we are already sinking under the waves. I'm going to blog on this later, but income that sustained I and my husband just a year ago isn't. I may have to shut down my entire life yet again with more losses, due to economic destruction. They are destroying the quality of our lives, and already did so with Covid, now with the dirty air, and more just wait as they strip even more away including our freedom of movement, and access to resources. China is already under a social credit system where one has to be face scanned to enter parks, and that is the life the WEF supports here. I have people active in my UU who support carbon credits, these are well-intentioned people but they are wealthy, they do not realize how this will destroy the lives of poor and even middle class people. Say goodbye even to short day trips, or being able to afford air conditioning or food once they charge people for carbon credits or connect those to a digital pass. The corporations are not going to impose on themselves, they are going to impose on you and me.

"I just posted this on a green fb page:

Smart cities will crash us all into densely populated urban areas, where a drive out into the country will become illegal, because of our net zero carbon foot print. We will have to take public transportation, share kitchens, rent many things we no longer will afford to own. Private property will become too expensive for the middle class, as our energy and other taxes go up, and are given to poorer, more corrupt nations under the guise of equity. Our freedoms and our constitution will be voided in the effort of multilateralism, communism as treaties with the WHO, WEF and the UN supersede our nation's laws, and our way of life will be over.

Wealthy nations like America will be hit the hardest, as our wealth is redistributed to these more corrupt, poorer nations again in the name of equity (giving more to people who need it, even if they lack merit, or make laws and regulations good for their people.) Our national borders will be nonexistent. Corporate stakeholders will own all of us and they will own everything. The uber-wealthy will be the only ones with enough energy points to take a plane on a vacation or even drive to Yosemite or see the Grand Canyon. For the rest of us, we will only see flowers, nature, and beauty via virtual reality goggles.

Just google the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization and read the minutes of their meetings using your gut, your intuition and your common sense while reading.

Our government no longer cares a bit about us."

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